Chapter 2

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All of their morning subjects made them do the exact same thing over and over again and Mu qing, even though irritated, can't retort and just introduced himself with the same short phrase he used from the very first class session.

When the bell rang, signalling that it's already lunch time, Mu qing mentally rejoiced, arranged his things and made his way to the cafeteria not even sparing a second to get out of that classroom.

When he arrived, the cafeteria was already crowded with students from different courses. Mu qing stood and looked around.

He didn't need to look for long when he heard a familiar voice calling out to him.

"Mu qing!" Xie lian called out from a line of students, waving and signalling him to come over.

Naturally, mu qing approached his direction. "You need to line up to get your lunch! Here. Stand before me." Xie lian offered.

Mu qing however, looked at him with a brow raised and just shook his head. His expression saying; 'why would I?'

Xie lian let out an; "Oh right. Wait what happened to your foreh-" Xie lian got cut off when the person behind him scoffed.

"How ungrateful. He even let you squeeze in line but you still declined arrogantly." Mu qing's ears perked at the familiar voice and was instantly enveloped with a bad mood. He turned around to face the man.

"And who are you to butt in? Can't you just mind your own stupid business and not rudely judge and join in on people's conversations? Or if you're so bored, go and bang people with doors." Mu qing spatted.

Xie lian frowned when he saw that Mu qing entered his bad mood mode and also turned around to see who this person Mu qing was conversing with. But when he saw the man, his eyes widened in shock.

"Feng xin?!"

Yes. Feng xin.

Feng xin on the other hand just smiled at him widely. "Your highness."

Xie lian's eyes just widened even more and laughed. "Feng xin it really is you! Hahahaha! Why didn't the both of you inform me beforehand?! And don't call me that, he'll get mad hahaha!"

Mu qing turned his head to look at Xie lian then look at Feng xin then back at Xie lian not understanding what exactly they were talking about. 'Your highness'? 'He'll get mad'?  With a confused face he asked;

"You know this asshole?"

Feng xin immediately frowned from the way he's addressed and was about to counter when Xie lian talked first. "Mu qing, that's not how you call someone. Its offensive. And yes. I know him. He's from my neighborhood before I migrated to our village." Xie lian says in a cheerful voice.

Feng xin looked smug and nodded continuously while Xie lian answered his question- as if bragging about having Xie lian defend him.

And Mu qing could only let out a small 'oh' and didn't pursue the topic further. Xie lian noticed the sudden silence from him but still turned to Feng xin, chatting while waiting for their turn to get lunch.

Mu qing just waited for them to get their food while looking for a table and sat when he saw a vacant table for four.

Xie lian arrived and placed his food down the table, sitting beside him while the other sat infront of Xie lian.

Mu qing was reaching for his bag and taking his lunch  out when he heard feng xin question. "Where is he?"

Xie lian also looked around, seemingly looking for someone. "He said he's just going to the bathro—" but before he could finish his sentence someone wearing a red jacket from behind suddenly embraced him.

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