From Commander To Teacher

By Winters-Reaper

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Y/N L/N has been with Jane Shepard ever since your childhood even when both your parents worked for the allia... More

bio & part 1
part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9

part 2

1.6K 42 10
By Winters-Reaper

Chakwas: Y/N you have to get some rest, she's fine just unconscious.

Y/N: But I don't want to. It was my fault if she died I would have lost it. Besides I'm sitting I'm technically resting.

Chakwas: I know but she will be perfectly fine right here now-

Y/N: She's awake!

Shepard started getting up then sat at the edge of the bed.

Chakwas: You had us worried there, Y/N more than others.

Y/N: You can't keep a secret can you?

Chakwas: I can just not for you. How are you feeling Shepherd?

Shepard: How did I end up here? How long was I out?

Chakwas: About fifteen hours commander L/N wouldn't leave your side. Something happened down there with the beacon, I think.

Y/N: It's my fault Shepherd I triggered something when I stood to close to the beacon, and you had to toss me out of the way.

Shepard: You had no way of knowing what would happen.

Y/N: Still it never should have happened.

A few seconds later I felt a pair of arms wrap around me looking up I saw Shepherd.

Y/N: Heh. The great commander Shepard hugging a soldier, shocking.

Shepherd: Shut up.

I could feel she was smiling and after a bit of time someone cleared their throat. Backing away I felt my face heat up, and when I took a peak at Shepard her face was red. Looking over to the door Captain Anderson was looking at us.

Anderson: How's our XO holding up, doctor?

Chakwas: All the readings look normal. I'd say the commander is going to be fine.

Anderson: Glad to hear it. Shepherd, I need to speak to you -- in private.

Y/N: Understood sir. I'll see you later Shepard.

Getting up from a chair I left the medical room finding another seat I closed my eyes finding myself drift off into a dream. Opening my eyes I found myself on the normandy but not in the location of where I original was, also it being so blue. Going to the cockpit I noticed Joker wasn't there but a man with a long nose was.

???: Hmm? You shouldn't be here yet. I'll have to send you back.

Before I could speak I was suddenly woken up by Shepard.

Shepherd: Come on lets get to the cockpit.

Getting up I followed Shepard but I couldn't shake off the dream I had.

Y/N: Where are we going?

Shepard: The citadel.

Y/N: Understood.

Following Shepard I noticed that the ship wasn't blue anymore, and Joker was back in his seat.

Joker: Good timing. Commanders. I was just about to bring us in to the citadel. See that taxpayer money at work.

After docking we made our way to ambassador Udina's office with me and him not having that good of a history. I just stared off into space while Udina complained to the council.

Udina: Captain Anderson. I see you brought half your crew... L/N.

Y/N: Udina how's the jaw?

He just ignored me as he looked back at Anderson.

Anderson: I brought those that touched down at Eden prime. In case you have any questions.

Udina: I have the mission reports. I assume they're accurate?

Anderson: They are. Sounds like you convinced the council to give us an audience.

Udina: They were not happy about it. Saren's their top agent. They don't like him being accused of treason.

Shepard: Saren's a threat to every human colony out there. He needs to be stopped. The council has to listen to us!

Udina: Settle down commander. You've both already done more than enough to jeopardize your candidacy for the spectres. The mission on eden prime was to prove that both of you can get the job done. Instead, Nihlus is dead and the beacon was destroyed because of this idiot activated it!

Anderson: That was saren's fault not theirs!

Udina: Then we better hope the C-Sec investigation turns up evidence to support our accusations. Otherwise the council might use this as an excuse to keep both of you out of the spectres. Come with me captain. I want to go over a few things before the hearing. Shepard, you and the others can meet us at the citadel tower. Top level. I'll make sure you have clearence to get in.

As soon as they left Shepard and Ashley left Udina's office and giving and evil smirk I trashed the place and left.

Shepherd: Where were you?

Y/N: Redecorating.

They both looked at me before shrugging their shoulders and we left to see the council. When we got here we noticed that two turians talking.

???: Saren's hiding something! Give me some more time. Stall them.

???: Stall the council? Dont be ridiculous. Your investigations are over, Garrus.

Garrus: Commanders Shepard and L/N? Harris Vakarian. I was the officer that was in charge of the C-Sec investigation into saren.

Shepard: Sounds like you really want to bring him down.

Garrus: I don't trust him. Something about him rubs me the wrong way. But he's a spectre; eveything he touches is classified. I cant find any hard evidence.

Y/N: We should probably get going. The council is waiting for us.

Garrus: Good luck commanders. Maybe you can convince them.

Walking to where Anderson was, he was waiting for us while Udina was already talking to them.

Anderson: The hearings already started. Come on.

Tevos: The geth attack is a matter of some concern. But there is nothing that indicates that Saren was involved in any way.

Sparatus: The investigation by citadel security turned up no evidence to support your charge of treason.

Udina: An eyewitness saw him kill Nihlus cold blood!

Valern: We've read the Eden prime report, ambassador. The testimony of one traumatized dockworkers is hardly compelling proof.

Saren: I resent these accusation, Nihlus was a fellow spectre. And a friend.

Anderson: That just let you catch him off guard!

Saren: Captain Anderson. You always seem to be involved when humanity makes false charges against me. And these must be your proteges, Commander Shepard and Commander L/N. The ones who let the beacon get destroyed.

Y/N: The mission to eden prime was top secret. The only way you could have known about the beacon was being there!

Saren: With Nihlus gone, the reports passed on to me. I read the Eden prime report. I was unimpressed.

Y/N: ... Wheres your office so I can trash it like Udina!

Udina: You did what!

Y/N: Absolutely nothing.

Shepard: Saren despises humanity. That's why he attacked Eden prime!

Saren: Your species needs to learn its place Shepard. You're not ready to join the council. You're both not even ready to join the spectres!

Udina: He has no right to say that! Thats not his decision!

Tevos: Both Shepherd's and L/N admission into the spectres is not the purpose of this meeting.

Saren: This meeting has no purpose. The humans are wasting your time counciler, and mine.

Y/N: We are not and we'll find evidence that proves it!

Anderson: There is still one outstanding issue. Commander Shepard's vision. It my have been trighered by the beacon.

Saren: Are we allowing dreams into evidence now? How can I defend my innocence against this kind of testimony?

Sparatus: I agree. Our judgement must be based on facts and evidence. Not wild imaginations and reckless speculations.

Valern: Do you have anything else to add commander Shepard?

Shepard: you've made your decision, I won't waste my breath.

Tevos: The council has found no evidence of a connection between Saren and the geth. Ambassador, your petition to have him disbanded from the spectres is denied.

Saren: I'm glad justice was served.

Tevos: This meeting is adjourned.

We started to leave and I talked to Shepherd.

Y/N: You ended up having visions from the beacon?

Shepard: Yes only fast and small glimpses, it was difficult to understand.

Y/N: I'm sorry.

Shepard: Its not your fault Y/N I moved you out of the way, I knew what I was doing.

Suddenly I had an idea on how I could possibly get some evidence against Saren.

Y/N: Shepard I might be able to get some evidence on Saren, but I'll have to go alone.

Shepard: Alright but nothing that will get you in trouble.

Y/N: Yes ma'am.

I went to a transport and made my way to Chora's den and when I arrived I got shot at.

Y/N: Oh give me a break!

I threw a grenade then used my lift ability on one of the assassins I shot the one in the air then blew up the grenade killing the other instantly.

Y/N: Fucking assassins.

Walking into Chora's den I spotted Harkin drinking as always and I walked up to him only to eavesdrop on two krogans.

???: Back off Wrex. Fist told us to take you down if you showed up.

Wrex: What are you waiting for? I'm standing right here. This is fist's last chance. If he's smart enough he'll take it.

???: He's not coming out Wrex. End of story.

Wrex: This story is just beginning. Outta my way human I have not quarrel with you.

Y/N: Ah Harkin their you are buddy.

Harkin: Ah Y/N h-how are you?

Y/N: Not bad listen I'm looking for a turian named Garrus have you seen him?

Harkin: He went to a m-med clinic on the other side of the wards.

Y/N: Thanks buddy now we don't need to have another one of those "talks" see you later.

Making my way out I headed straight for the clinic taking sips of alcohol I bought. When I got to the clinic I opened the door seeing the doc at gunpoint and Garrus sneaking, so I did the only thing reasonable.

Y/N: Honey I'm home!

???: What the hell?

Garrus got around and shot the thug holding doctor Michel hostage. Pulling out my pistol I shot the other two thugs.

Garrus: Perfect timing, L/N. You gave me a clear shot at that bastard.

Y/N: That was one hell of a shot.

Garrus: Sometimes you get lucky. Dr. Michel? Are you hurt?

Dr. Michel: No I'm fine. Thanks to the both of you.

Y/N: Who were those guys? Also why were they threatening you?

Dr. Michel: They worked for fist. And they wanted to shut me up, keep me from telling Grrus about the quarian.

Y/N: Would this have anything to do about the investigation on Saren.

Garrus: I think it might be. Dr. Michel can you tell us what happened.

Dr. Michel: A few days ago a quarian came by my office. She'd been shot, but she wouldn't tell me who did it. But I could tell that she was scared, probably on the run. She asked me about the shadow broker. She wanted to trade information for a safe place to hide.

Y/N: Where is she now?

Dr. Michel: I put her in contact with Fist. He's an agent for the shadow broker.

Garrus: Not anymore. Now he works for Saren, and the shadow brokers not to happy about that.

Dr. Michel: Fist betrayed the shadow broker? Thats stupid even for him. Saren must have given him quite the offer.

Garrus: That quarian must have something that Saren wants. Something worth crossing the shadow broker to get.

Y/N: She must have the evidence we need to get Saren disbanded from the spectres. We should pay Fist a visit wanna tag along?

Garrus: Count me in lets go. Actually we aren't the only ones going after Fist. The shadow broker hired a program bounty hunter named Wrex to take him out.

Y/N: Oh yeah saw him talking to the bouncer guarding Fist door. Let's go see him.

Garrus: Fist accused him of making threats. We brought Wrex in for a little chat. If we hurry we'll be able to catch him before he leaves the academy.

Y/N: Alright lets move.

We made our way to the C-Sec academy and found Wrex having a chat with a few security then he made his way over to us.

Wrex: Do I know you human?

Y/N: Name's commander L/N.

Wrex: L/N? Oh I heard about you. You follow commander Shepard like a pet.

Y/N: What wait, no, Garrus is this true?

Garrus didn't say anything instead he looked to the left.

Y/N: Son of a bitch.

Wrex: But you are still a warrior, so out of respect. I'm going to kill Fist.

Garrus: Fist knows you're coming. We'll have a better chance if we all work together.

Wrex: My people have a saying: seek the enemy of my enemy and you will find a friend.

Y/N: Well lets not keep Fist waiting any longer.

We made our way back to Chora's den only to find the place filled with Fist's guards.

Y/N: Aw he has a surprise for us. So did I.

I then lifted a few of Fist's guards in the air throwing a grenade detonating it in the middle. And we slowly moved in getting rid of the rest. When we got to the door some warehouse workers were aiming their guns at us.

Worker: Stop right there! Dont move! Don't come any closer!

Y/N: You guys really wanna fight us I mean you could very well end up like that... Puddle on the floor.

Worker: You know I think we were just on our way out.

After the workers left the door was locked, and I quickly got it unlocked and when I had eyes on Fist two sentry turrets were on and we quickly got behind cover.

Y/N: Aw I'm outta grenades.

Garrus: Grenades can't solve every problem.

Y/N: They can.

I turned and shot the turret until both were destroyed. And Fist gave up really quickly after that.

Fist: Wait! Don't kill me! I surrender!

Y/N: Smart move. Now I'm going to ask a question and you better answer. Where's the quarian?

Fist: She not here, and I dont know where she is. That's the truth.

Wrex: He's no use to you now. Let me kill him.

Fist: Wait! I dont know where the quarian is, but I know where you can find her. She said she would only deal with the shadow broker himself.

Wrex: Face to face? Thats impossible even I was hired through an agent.

Fist: Nobody meets the shadow broker. Ever. Even I dont know his true identity. But she didnt need to know that I told her I'd set a meeting up. But when she shows up it will be sarens men waiting for her there.

Y/N: Where's the meeting!

Fist: Here on the wards. The back alleys by the market. Shes suppose to meet them right now. You can amke it if you hurry.

Y/N: Wrex do what you want.

Fist: Wait I told you what you wanted!

Y/N: And that's what kept you alive for this long.

Wrex pulled the trigger killing Fist.

Garrus: Why would you do that?

Wrex: The shadow keeper paid me to kill him. I dont leave jobs half done.

Y/N: What's done is done. Come on we have to hurry the quarian is in trouble.

As we started to move we head more gunshots from where we had a shoot out, and I saw more thugs and Shepard with Ashley and Kaidan. Fighting them and we joined them kill in off the rest of the thugs.

Shepard: Y/N? What are you doing here?

Y/N: We possibly found evidence come on follow us.

Moving ahead Shepard followed behind, and we made our way to the back alley I saw the quarian talking to a turian.

???: Where's the shadow broker? Where Fist?

???: They'll be here. Where's the evidence?

???: No way. The deal's off.

The turian nodded to the other two as they approached her, and she threw a gernade then we started opening fire. Since their was more of us we killed them faster and we walked to the quarian.

???: Fist set me up! I knew I shouldn't have trusted him!

Shepard: Were you injuried in this fight?

???: I know how to look after myself. Not that I don't appreciate the help. Who are you?

Shepard: My name's Shepard. I'm looking for evidence to prove that saren's a traitor.

???: Then I have a chance to repay you for saving my life. But not here. We need to go somewhere safe.

Garrus: We can take her to the human embassy. Your ambassador will want to see this anyway.

Y/N: He wouldn't want to see me. Shepard can take her to see the ambassador while we can wait at the tower.

Shepard: You really think he would be that mad at you?

Y/N: He would most likely kill me if he could.

Shepherd: Alright see you soon.

We waited at the tower until Shepard came by.

Shepard: Your right he would kill you if he could.

Kaiden: How did you even get a chair in the ceiling?

Y/N: I won't answer that. Come on the meeting is starting again.

We started walking towards the council.

Y/N: I never got the quarian's name.

Shepard: Tali.

Giving a nod we walked to Anderson as he waited for us.

Anderson: Come on. Udina's presenting the quarians's evidence to the council.

Recording Saren: Eden prime was a major victory! The beacon has brought us on step closer on finding the conduit.

Recording ???: And one step closer to the return of the reapers.

Udina: You wanted proof. There it is.

Sparatus: This evidence is irrefutable, Ambassador. Saren will be stripped of his spectre status and all efforts will be made to bring him in and answer for his crimes.

Tevos: I recognize the other voice, the one speaking with Saren. Matriarch Benezia.

Y/N: Who's she?

Tevos: Matriarch's are powerful asari who have entered the final stage of their lives. Revered for their wisdom and experience, they serve as guides and mentors to my people. Matriarch Benezia is a powerful biotic, and she had many followers. She will make a formidable ally for Saren.

Valern: I'm more interested in the dealers. What do you know about them?

Anderson: Only what was extracted from the geth's memory core. The reapers were an ancient race of machines that wiped out the protheans. Then they vanished. 

Shepard: The geth believes the reapers are God's. And that Saren is their prophet for their return.

Anderson: We think the conduit is the key on bringing them back. Saren's seaching for it. That's why he attacked Eden prime.

Valern: Do we even know what the conduit is?

Y/N: If Saren thinks it can bring the reapers. It's bad enough.

Sparatus: Listen to what you're saying! Saren wants to bring back machines that wiped out all life in the galaxy? Impossible it has to be. Where did the reapers go? Why did they vanish? How come we've not found any trace of their existence? If they we real, we'd have found something!

Y/N: Look reapers being real is not the main concern right now, it's Saren.

Sparatus: Commander L/N is right. Saren is a rouge agent and has no right or resources of a spectre. The council has stripped him of his postition.

Udina: That is not good enough! You know he's hiding somewhere in the traverse. Send your fleet in!

Valern: A fleet cannot track down one man.

Udina: A citiadel fleet could secure the entire region. Keep the geth from attacking any more of our colonies.

Sparatus: Or it could trigger a war with the Terminus system! We wont be dragged into a galactic confrontation over a few dozen human colonies!

Y/N: Send me and Shepard then give us a crew and a ship, we will hunt Saren down.

Tevos: That isn't a bad idea.

Sparatus: No! Its too soon. Humanity is not ready for the responsibilites that comes with joining the spectres.

Shepard: Both Y/N and I faced Saren on eden prime and exposed him as a traitor. Both of us proved ourselves.

Tevos: Commander Shepard and commander L/N - Step forward. It is the desicion of the council that both of you will be granted all the powers and the privileges of the special tactics and reconnaissance branch of the citadel.

Valern: Spectres are not trained, but chosen. Individuals forged in the fire of service and battle; those whose actions elevate them above the rank and file.

Tevos: Spectres are an ideal, a symbol. The embodyment of courage, determination, and self-reliance. They are the right hand of the council, instruments of our will.

Sparatus: Spectres bear a great burden. They are protectors of galactic peace, both our first and last line of defense. The safety of the galaxy is theirs to uphold.

Tevos: You both are the first human spectres, commanders. This is a great accomplishment for both of you and your species.

Y/N: We are honored, counciler.

Valern: we're sending you into the traverse after Saren. He's a fugitive from justice, so both of you are authorized to use any means necessary to apprhend him or eliminate him.

Shepard: Any idea on where to find him?

Sparatus: We will forward any relevent information to ambassador Udina.

Tevos: This meeting of the council is adjourned.

Anderson: Congratulations commanders.

Udina: we've got a lot of work to do Shepard and... L/N. You're going to need a ship, a crew, supplies...

Anderson: you'll get access to special equipment. You should go down to the C-Sec academy to speak to the spectre requsition officer.

Udina: Anderson, come with me. I'll need help setting all this up.

Tali: I thought the ambassador would be a little more grateful. He didn't even thank you.

Y/N: Well I mean I did trash his office.

Tali: Wait that was you?

Shepherd: Okay thats enough come on lets go to the requsition officer.

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