Never Rising Sun: Male Reader...

By gridcz1

4.1K 85 39

Y/N and Fischl are both childhood friends living their lives in Immernachtreich... but one day the sun didn't... More

Bio (first and last non-chapter)
Chapter I: Kingdom of Verurteilung
Chapter II: Archer contest
Chapter IV: Mysterious book
Chapter V: Trip to east
Chapter VI: Missing strings
Chapter VII: Teyvat
Chapter VIII: First comission
Chapter IX: Electric pulse
Chapter X: Abyssal hunt
Chapter XI: Connection
Chapter XII: Starless night
Chapter XIII: Missed turn
Chapter XIV: Deadly Desert
Chapter XV: Sundark temple
Chapter XVI: True power
Chapter XVII: Special silk
Chapter XVIII: Farewell
Chapter XIX: Reminiscence
Chapter XX: Time restored
Chapter XXI (Finale): Verurteilung royalty
New book out

Chapter III: Oz the raven

223 4 5
By gridcz1

A/N: The other language here is absolutly random...

*Y/N's POV*

Fischl's been acting really strange lately... I noticed her looking at me most of the time but when I looked at her she looked away and her cheeks became red... also whenever I said something like 'my dear princessin' or similar she started stuttering too...

Hmmm... really strange but... I think I know what's going on... she likes me... if only she's not acting.... I think I will enjoy teasing her a little... after all her feelings for me helped me win that archer contest...

I was going to her room as I knocked...

You: "Fischl can I come in?"

Fischl: "....and I- oh... ummmmm please come in."

I entered her room... she was sitting on her bed and her mother was standing there.

Elke: "Ahh... Y/N right on time."

You: "Is something wrong Ms. Elke?"

Elke: "Not at all Y/N... Fischl was telling me about how she pierced through that target... I'm sure you know what I'm talking about."

You: "Yes I recall..."

Fischl: "The butler said Verurteilungs could manipulate electricity at any time... that's how I was able to pierce through it."

Elke: "Yes... but that's not all... each and every Verurteilung had a special night raven by their side... their names varied and they were fighting by their side..."

Fischl: "Night raven? I never heard about that.."

Elke: "I never felt like telling you... because we Immernachtreichers aren't that special.."

You: "What do you mean?"

Elke: "There's a thing I should say... our family is from a planet called Teyvat... and after the Darkness War we were sent to Immernachtrich to prevent darkness from coming back... eternal darkness that is..."

You: "But I'm not Veruteilung... right?"

Elke: "No you're not... but when I was giving birth to Fischl I had to travel to Teyvat to do so.. I stayed there for some time until Fischl got old enough to travel back... during that time she met you and she insisted on you coming with us. I still remember that... we asked your mother... she's a great friend of mine and she trusted me enough to allow you to travel with us."

You: "My mom?"

Elke: "The lady that you met a few times.. who said she's here to chat with me..."

You: "That was my mom?! The one in the purple cloak?"

Elke: "Yes her."

You: "Why didn't she say anything!"

Elke: "I get you are angry now Y/N but she saw how you are here and that Immernachtreich is more of your home planet than Teyvat ever was... she was afraid it would be too much for you... and she wanted you to stay here..."

Fischl: "That's not reason enough for her to hide her identity in front of him."

Elke: "She thought you'd want to come back with her..."

You: "And leave you two behind?" I looked at Fischl and smirked mentally... "That's a huge no." As expected Fischl started blushing as she looked down.

Elke: "That's nice of you... anyways we should get going."

Fischl: "Where?"

Elke: "Night ravens don't appear everywhere on Immernachtreich... there's one place where there are a lot of them.. you can say it's their main nest."

You: Won't they attack us?"

Elke: "Not if we won't do anything they'd find threatening... so you both should get ready... and remember no weapons."

Fischl: "I am ready."

You: "Me too..."

Elke: "Okay... HISTINGELORS!!!"

You: "Blasphemy!"

Fischl: "Are we dropping random words?" We started laughing but Elke smacked us.

Elke: "This is serious you two! I'm making a portal there otherwise we wouldn't find it at all."

You: "Sorry..."

Elke: "Histingelors... im baren dusije onel ke"

A purple portal was created in the middle of the room...

Fischl: "What did you even say mom?"

Elke: "Nothing you should be concerned about sweetie." We entered the portal as we appeared in a dark purple forest... there were lightning bolts everywhere.

You: "Whoa..."

Elke: "Be careful... those bolts are deadly... one touch and you are dead... luckily for you these night ravens absorb them to be stronger...

???: "If it isn't Elke..." We looked up into the tree crowns to see a huge bird... and old too sitting on a branch.

Elke: "Histingelors... it's nice to see you."

Wait a minute... Histingelors is a name?

Histingelors: "What brings you here..." And that bird can talk??? I looked at Fischl who looked as shocked as me

Elke: "I'm looking for a night raven for my daughter..." The bird flew down as he looked at Fischl...

Histingelors: "Is this her?"

Elke: "Yes... Fischl von Verurteilung."

Histingelors: "Hmmm... alright... did she-"

Elke: "Yes... accumulated electricity on her arrow when she was practicing."

Histingelors: "And the boy?"

Elke: "Her friend.."

Histingelors: "I see... hmmm... I might know of someone who would suit you Ms. Fischl..."

Fischl: "Umm... o-okay..."

Histingelors: "Follow me..."

The bird flew to the air as we followed it... we arrived to a plain where the grass was made out of electricity..

Elke: "Stop there... this is defensive measure..."

Fischl: "For what?"

Histingelors: "For newborn night ravens... yes we live for hundrets of years but there's not so many of us... mainly because we were hunted by the Abyss."

A night raven sat on Fischl's shoulder...

Elke: "Who's this?"

Histingelors: "Ozvadlo... or for short Oz..."

Oz: "Mein fraulein..."

Fischl: "What?"

Histingelors: "He took a liking to you Ms. Fischl."

Oz: "I would like to journey by your side."

Histingelors: "Hmmm..."

Elke: "And what about the one we came here for?"

Histingelors: "He's the one." I was so confused right now... everything is happening so fast.

Fischl: "I-I... umm... I agree... Oz the night raven."

Histingelors: "Very well then... now we must prepare the ritual... it will be a little painful so be prepared."

Fischl: "Okay..."

Histingelors: "Ozvaldo.. come with me."

Oz: "As you wish."

They both left.

You: "Are you sure Fischl?"

Fischl: "No... but I didn't know what to say so I said yes."

Elke: "Don't worry sweetie... night ravens are here to help us... and fight by our side if the chance ever arises..."

Histingelors: "We are ready to begin." We didn't see him at all even when I looked among the branches.

You: "W-Where is he talking from?"

Elke: "Shhh..."

Histingelors: "Fischl von Verurteilung..." a pink circle appeared in the middle of the plain... "Step into the circle." She did so... very hesistantly though... when she was standing in the middle a second circle appeared as Oz flew inside of it.

Oz: "Mein Fraulein this might hurt... I hope you're ready." A pink line connected the two circles as Histingelors started speaking in a language unknown to me...

And soon after a lound scream was heard from the circle Fischl was in... I tried to rush to her but Elke's hand stopped me...

Elke: "Do not interfere Y/N... or you'd ruin it."

You: "But Fischl-"

Elke: "She will be fine..." the scream was still continuing until the circle disappeared. And the night raven was nowhere to be seen... "Go to her now.." She let me go as I rushed to Fischl hugging her in the process...

The thing is I liked to tease her because she's so easy to tease but I also hated when she was in pain... if I lost her I'd probably go insane...

You: "Fischl!!"

She didn't say anything just looked at me...

Fischl: "Y/N... it's you... you came to save your princessin..." I smiled at that..

You: "Always..." I felt something on her back.. so I looked there and saw black wings tattoo.... I'm sure it wasn't there before..

Elke: "Is there a tattoo?"

You: "Yes... two black wings.."

Elke: "So it was a success..."

You: "How would you know."

I looked at her... she turned around now her back facing us... as she put down the t-shirt... only the upper half of her upper body seen... there were gray wings same as Fischl has..."

Elke: "Those wings mean this ritual was a success..." She dressed herself again.. "... and that you can summon Oz whenever you want... try it."

Fischl: "How?"

Elke: "Simply say his name..."

Fiachl stood up... almost stumbeling forward and falling to the ground as I caught her...

You: "Hey there... easy now okay?" Her face became red but she nodded... so with me as a support she stood up..

Fischl: "Oz reveal thyself!" the night raven appeared out of thin air.

Oz: "How can I help you mein fraulein."

Fischl: "I was just testing if the ritual was a success..."

Oz: "Understandable..." He disappeared again...

You: "It worked..."

Fischl: "Yes it did... wait a minute mom... you have that tattoo too... so do you have your own night raven too?"

Elke: "I had... as you saw the tattoo was gray which means that the night raven I was connected with perished... out of old age..."

You: "That seems pretty cool..."

Fischl: "I'm kinda cold... we should go home..."

You: "Aw you're cold even when I'm hugging you?" Her eyes widened as I smirked

Fischl: "I-I-I uhhhh... ummm... s-s-shut up!!!"

You: "Want me to carry you?"

Elke: "My my Y/N... you're really forward with my daughter..."

You: "And you don't seem to mind..."

Elke: "Well... I won't have to worry... if she will be in... ehm... your hands."

You: "Very funny... so?"

Fischl: "I-I... s-s-sure.."

I blushed this time... I took Fischl into my hands... she was really light... she even wrapped her hands around my neck.

Elke: "Like two love birds..."

You: "We're not dating though."

Fischl: "E-Exactly." I carried her to a portal Elke made as we appeared in Fischl's room... Elke left and I have put Fischl down.

You: "Ehm... I-"

Fischl: "Stop it... Y/N why do you tease me so much... do you have feelings or not?"

You: "Wow you're straightforward." Hmmm... do I?

Fischl: "Well uhh... sorry for asking."

You: "It's fine... but I won't answer."

Fischl: "Why not?"

You: "Well... because I'm not sure... we are friends... and close ones at that... but I'm not really sure... maybe there is something but it's not that strong."

Oz appeared out of nowhere.

Oz: "I don't know much about love mein fraulein but I understand it is difficult to understand..."

Fischl: "Oz..  I thought I have to summon you before you can appear."

Oz: "No mein fraulein I can appear whenever I want except of course when you will directly forbid me."

You: "So you know that word... love."

Oz: "Yes I heard about it... but know nothing."

Fischl: "That's okay... is that the reason why you appeared or is there something you wanted to say."

Oz: "Actually... there is... I sense a great power coming from somewhere in here."

You: "Great power?"

Fischl: "Lead us."

Oz: "As you wish mein fraulein." he lead us to a library as we searched through it. "I can sense it here..."

You: "Wait a minute... what about that locked book?"

Fischl: "It could be that... but the librarians have sealed it away with so many locks that even if we found all the keys it wouldn't be enough.

You: "Is that power familiar to you?"

Oz: "Not really... I can sense danger but also something strange.. it's distant though so I can't tell.."

Fischl: "How old are you even?"

Oz: "30 years... which is still basically a newborn among night ravens..."

You: "Hold on... how old was your mom's night raven.."

Oz: "I believe we can live up to 900 years."

Fischl: "Wow that's awesome... so I guess you will have more masters because I will definitely die before you do..."

Oz: "Once a night raven is in contact with a family they serve that family until they die."

You: "What about... Ms. Elke?"

Oz: "She already got through a ritual once so she couldn't do it again... that's why you has mein fraulein."

Fischl: "Oh I get it."

To be continued...

A/N: Hope you enjoyed.

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