Bound | H.S.

By kiwi-cherry

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[a harry styles fanfiction] - mafia!harry ▪︎ ▪︎ "Even most cold-hearted bastards have a heart. She has every... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 2

1.2K 31 1
By kiwi-cherry


The last couple of months had gone by too fast no matter how much I wanted time to slow, to give me more time to prepare. Only two days until my engagement party. Mother was busy ordering the servants around, making sure the house was spotless and nothing went wrong.

It wasn't even a big celebration. Only our family, Harry's family, and the families of the respective heads of New York and Chicago were invited. Umberto said it was for safety reasons. The truce was still too fresh to risk a gathering of hundreds of guests. I wished they'd cancel it altogether. For all I cared, I didn't have to meet Harry until the day of our wedding.

Fabiano jumped up and down on my bed, a pout on his face. He was only five and had entirely too much energy. "I want to play!"

"Mother doesn't want you to race through the house. Everything needs to be perfect for the guests." I said.

"But they aren't even here!" Fabiano whined.

Thank God. Harry and the rest of the New York guests would arrive tomorrow. Only one more night until I'd be meeting my future husband, a man who killed with his bare hands. I closed my eyes.

"Are you crying again?" Fabiano hopped off the bed and walked up to me, slipping his hand into mine. His dark blond hair was a mess. I tried to smooth it down but Fabiano jerked his head away.

My eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean?"

I'd tried to hide my tears from him. Mostly I cried at night when I was protected by darkness.

"Lily says you cry all the time because Harry has bought you."

I froze. I'd have to tell Liliana to stop saying such things. It would only get me in trouble.

"He didn't buy me."

Liar. Liar.

"Same difference." Gianna said from the doorway, startling me.

"Shhh. What if Father hears us?"

Gianna shrugged. "He knows that I hate how he sold you like a cow."

"Gianna." I warned, nodding toward Fabiano.

He peered up at me. "I don't want you to leave." He whispered.

"I'm not leaving for a long time, Fabi." He seemed satisfied with my answer and the worry disappeared from his face and was replaced by his up-to-no good expression.

"Catch me!" He screamed and stormed off, pushing Gianna aside as he darted past her.

Gianna tore after him. "I'll kick your ass, you little monster!"

I rushed into the corridor. Liliana poked her head out of her door and then she too ran after my brother and sister. Mother would have my head if they smashed another family heirloom. I flew down the stairs. Fabiano was still in the lead. He was fast, but Liliana had almost caught him while Gianna and I were too slow in the high heels my mother forced us to wear for practice.

Fabiano dashed into the corridor leading into the west wing of the house and the rest of us followed. I wanted to shout at him to stop. Father's office was in this part of the house. We'd be in so much trouble if he caught us playing around. Fabiano was supposed to act like a man. What five-year-old acted like a man?

We passed Father's door and relief washed over me, but then three men rounded the corner at the end of the corridor. I parted my lips to shout a warning, but it was too late. Fabiano skidded to a halt but Liliana ran into the man in the middle with full force. Most people would have lost their balance, but most people also weren't six foot five and built like a bull.

I jerked to a halt as time seemed to grind to a stop around me. Gianna gasped beside me, but my gaze was frozen on my future husband. He was looking down at the blond head of my little sister, steadying her with his strong hands. Hands he'd used to crush a man's throat.

"Liliana." I said, my voice shrill with fear.

I never called my sister by her full name unless she was in trouble or something was seriously wrong. I wished I was better at hiding my terror. Now everyone was staring at me, including Harry. His cold green eyes scanned me from head to toe, lingering on my hair.

God, he was tall. The men beside him were both over six feet but he dwarfed them. His hands were still on Lily's shoulders.

"Liliana, come here." I said firmly, holding out a hand.

I wanted her far away from Harry. She stumbled backward, then flew into my arms, burying her face against my shoulder. Harry raised one eyebrow.

"That's Harry Styles!" Gianna said helpfully, not even bothering to hide her disgust.

Fabiano made a sound like an enraged wildcat and stormed toward Harry, and started pummeling his legs and stomach with his small fists. "Leave Aria alone! You don't get her!"

My heart stopped right then. The man to Harry's side took a step forward. The outline of a gun was visible under his vest. He had to be Harry's bodyguard, though I really couldn't see why he needed one.

"No, Cesare." Harry said simply and the man stilled.

Harry caught my brother's hands in one of his, stopping the assault. I doubted he'd even felt the blows. I pushed Lily toward Gianna who wrapped a protective arm around her, then I approached Harry. I was scared out of my mind, but I needed to get Fabiano away from him. Maybe New York and Chicago were trying to lay their feud to rest, but alliances could break in a blink. It wouldn't be the first time. Harry and his men were still the enemy.

"What a warm welcome we get. That's the infamous hospitality of the Outfit." said the other man with Harry. He had the same brown hair but his eyes were darker. He was a couple of inches smaller than Harry and not as broad, but it was unmistakable that they were brothers.

"Alex." Harry said in a low voice that made me shiver.

Fabiano was still snarling and struggling like a wild animal, but Harry held him at arm-length.

"Fabiano." I said firmly, gripping his upper arm. "It's enough. That's not how we treat guests."

Fabiano froze, then gazed up at me over his shoulder. "He's not a guest. He wants to steal you away, Aria."

Alex chuckled. "This is too good. I'm glad Father convinced me to come."

"Ordered you." Harry corrected, but he didn't take his eyes off of me. I couldn't return his gaze.

My cheeks blazed with heat at his scrutiny. My father and his bodyguards made sure that Gianna, Lily and I weren't around men very often, and the ones he let near us were either family or ancient. Harry was neither family, nor old. He was only five years older than me, but he looked like a man and made me feel like a small girl in comparison.

Harry let go of Fabiano and I pulled him toward me, his back against my legs. I folded my hands over his small heaving chest. He didn't stop glaring at Harry. I wished I had his courage, but he was a boy, an heir to my father's title. He wouldn't be forced to obey anyone, except for the Boss. He could afford courage.

"I'm sorry." I said, even if the words tasted foul. "My brother didn't mean to be disrespectful."

"I did!" Fabiano shouted, making me covered his mouth with my palm as he squirmed in my hold but I didn't let him go.

"Don't apologize." Gianna said sharply, ignoring the warning look I shot her. "It's not our fault that he and his bodyguards take up so much room in the corridor. At least, Fabiano speaks the truth. Everyone else thinks they need to blow sugar up his ass because he's going to be Capo—"

"Gianna!" My voice was like a whip. She snapped her lips shut, staring at me with wide eyes. "Take Lily and Fabiano to their rooms. Now."

"But—" She glanced behind me. I was glad I couldn't see Harry's expression.


She grabbed Fabiano's hand and dragged him and Lily away. I didn't think my first encounter with my future husband could possibly have gone any worse. Bracing myself, I faced him and his men. I expected to be greeted by fury, but I found a smirk on Harry's face instead.

My cheeks were burning with embarrassment, and now that I was alone with the three men, nerves twisted my stomach. Mother would freak out if she found out I wasn't dressed up for my first meeting with Harry. I was wearing one of my favorite maxi dresses with sleeves that reached my elbows, and I was silently glad for the protection all the fabric offered me.

I folded my arms in front of my body, unsure of what to do. "I apologize for my sister and brother. They are—" I struggled for a word other than rude.

"Protective of you." Harry said simply. His voice was even, deep, emotionless. "This is my brother, Alex."

Alex's lips were pulled into a wide grin. I was glad he didn't try to take my hand. I didn't think I could have kept my composure if either of them had moved any closer.

"And this is my right hand, Cesare." Cesare gave me the briefest nod before he returned to his task of scanning the corridor.

What was he waiting for? We didn't have assassins stashed in secret trap doors.

I focused on Harry's chin and hoped it appeared as if I was actually looking at his eyes. I took a step back. "I should go to my siblings."

Harry had a knowing expression on his face, but I didn't care if he saw how uncomfortable, how scared he made me. Not waiting for him to excuse me—he wasn't my husband nor my fiancé yet—I turned and quickly walked off, proud that I hadn't given in to the urge to run.


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