I See You

By DBLukauskis

46.5K 1.6K 191

Stalked. She was being stalked. This wasn't supposed to happen to her, these things didn't happen in her town... More



486 20 0
By DBLukauskis

After a short argument with the doctor that was handling Ryan's treatment, Detective Monroe pushed the door of Ryan's room open and closed it fast; making all the noise he could to announce his presence.

Outside, a harsh rain had started to fall and what could have been a shiny and beautiful morning had turned into a grey and haunting day, almost as if Mother Nature had wanted to match the sky with the emotions in that small town.

Ryan grunted and opened his eyes, he turned to the door and saw detective Monroe looking down at his watch, the officer that had been watching over Ryan was now standing up and had pulled out a small notebook. Ryan rolled his eyes and lay his head back down over the pillow as Monroe approached the bed.

"Well, Mr. Doley" started Monroe, Ryan didn't look at him as the man created a shadow over Ryan's head "They told me you were now in conditions to talk to me"

Ryan didn't move but Monroe turned his attention to Ryan's shoulder, he had a bandage around it with red blood spots, he had been told by the doctors that the young man had ripped out the stiches from the bullet wound.

Monroe took a deep breath, he had to control his anger, he knew Ryan had done that because none of the officers had handcuffed the young man to the hand rail of the bed; he eyed the officer behind him and wondered if that had been the idiot responsible for such act.

"Would you mind telling me your side of the story?" asked Monroe.

"Is he alive?" asked Ryan, he had his eyes locked over the ceiling of the room, he swallowed and closed his eyes for a few seconds.

"Nicola Sardarov?" asked Monroe casually, the coldness in his voice made Ryan turn to look at him with narrowed eyes.


"Yes, he's alive" answered Monroe "His heart stopped from the blood loss in the ambulance, but he's alive"

"Good" whispered Ryan, he scanned Monroe from head to toes "I like him"

Monroe walked around the room, his hands behind his back, he peaked out the window, the rain was falling hard and the thunder was roaring through the skies, claiming all the damage as the water tried to clean the horrors away.

"Would you like to tell me what happened?" asked Monroe as he continued to look out the window "Because things aren't looking good for you"

"Did you talk to Severide?" asked Ryan, Monroe turned to look at Ryan and saw a hint of anger in his eyes just as he saw another thing linger deep inside him.

"Maybe regret?" thought Monroe "No" he answered, he shrugged as he walked back towards the bed "She wasn't conscious when I got here"

"Huh" whispered Ryan, he wasn't sure if he believed Monroe or if he didn't, he closed his eyes, his head had started to hurt again, maybe it was because of the missing tooth.

"I heard she was your friend" Monroe continued, he had to get something out of this guy before he left the room to see if the other two victims were in talking conditions.

"She was" said Ryan, Monroe turned to look at the officer, to check if the man was taking notes of what Ryan was saying.

"When did she stop being your friend?"

"A while back" explained Ryan "She doesn't see how much she hurts him"

"Did she know? That you two were not friends anymore?"

"I don't know" barked Ryan, he opened his eyes and looked at Monroe "She's so dumb, she might have not noticed"

"Huh" whispered Monroe, Lena Severide didn't not come across as dumb to Monroe.

"She didn't deserve him"

"And you did?" asked Monroe "You deserved to be with Thomas more than Lena did?"

"Yes!" barked Ryan, he looked at Monroe with anger and darkness in his eyes but Monroe didn't flinch, he was used to getting those kinds of looks. "She had to be taught"

"Taught what? That she had to stay away from Thomas?"

"Yes" Ryan took a deep breath "It worked for a while, you know? She stopped talking to him and concentrated on Nicola" Ryan smiled "But he couldn't get the hint"

"So Thomas was the one that looked for her" said Monroe "Seemed that the one not ready to let go was him"

"He needed to see the kind of person she was" said Ryan, his voice suddenly serious and his eyes locked over the ceiling once more, Monroe looked up at the ceiling for a moment and then back at Ryan. "And he would have left her alone, if she hadn't shown them the photos"

"So you spent all your summer following Lena around town?" asked Monroe, he pushed his hands in his pant pockets and took a deep breath "Sounds like a lot of work, don't you think?"

"Of course I didn't do this all summer" barked Ryan, he turned to look at Monroe "Jonathan Livy helped me"

"Oh" said Monroe, he sat down over the small sofa in the room "So you told this Jonathan what you wanted to do to Miss Severide?"

"No" said Ryan "But he was pissed at her, he agreed on following her a few days, take some pictures, send some texts"

"Seems like you had all this planed out to the last detail" said Monroe "Except Thomas and Nicola showing up at Lena's house, obviously"

"I told them they shouldn't be there!" screamed Ryan, he tried to move his arm but the cuffs hurt his wrist and Ryan had to lay back, he was panting and anger was shooting out his eyes.

"So why did you shoot Nicola?" asked Monroe "Why stab Thomas?"

"Nicola was already in too deep" hissed Ryan "I had to kill him"

"And Thomas?"

"I was going to let him live" explained Ryan, his eyes shined and Monroe saw the same look that had told Nicola what was going on. "Then he turned on me and I had to kill him"

"But Lena shot you, instead"

"I didn't mean to hurt them"

Monroe looked genuinely surprised, he stood up and walked towards Ryan "You didn't mean to hurt them?"

"No" said Ryan, he looked at Monroe "Not all of them"

"Just Miss Severide"

Ryan didn't answer, he looked away and took a deep breath, he heard Monroe walking towards the door, he had all he needed now.

"I want to help you, Ryan" said Monroe, his hand over the door knob "I'll be back later"

"You want to help me?" Ryan spit.

Monroe's eyes met with Ryan's and he saw darkness inside the young man's eyes.

"Yes" said the detective as he opened the door.

"KILL THAT BITCH!" screamed Ryan, he started to scream nonsenses and kick his legs around the bed, pulling his cuffed hand so hard that blood started to come out, he was screaming at the top of his lungs as tears rolled down his eyes and his chest hurt.

Monroe watched as Ryan screamed and cried and panted, a doctor pushed Monroe away and rushed in the room followed by a nurse, surely enough Ryan was about to get sedated again. Monroe took a deep breath and walked out of the room as Ryan kept on screaming for Junior and for Lena's death.

Ryan screamed as the needle pierced his arm, the officer holding him down together with the doctor as the nurse handled the injection. Rapidly his eyelids started to drop but he continued to scream and mumble and the tears continue to roll down his face; his chest aching.

But it didn't hurt from the screaming and the panting and the lack of air, he just couldn't bare the pain he felt inside his soul, he had failed; Lena was still alive and Junior was not there with him.

"No!" cried Ryan, his eyes closed but the tears still rolling down, he covered his mouth with his free hand and sobbed as the medicine took over his body and the room spin out of focus and he was swallowed into the numbness of sleep.


Jonathan Livy pulled the door of his house open after a second ring echoed through the house, his mother was in the kitchen baking and his father was out of town for business. He looked at the two officers standing in his porch, he scanned them, one of them was the one that had talked to him after the incidents at the Frozen Paradise.

"Mr. Livy" said Officer Jones, the cop that had talked to him before "Good morning"

"Good morning" answered Jonathan, he turned to look at the other officer "How can I help you?"

"I'm sure that by now you must have heard what happened at the Severide home" added the second cop, Jonathan looked at his name tag and couldn't help but think that his last name sounded like the kind of name dogs had.

"I did" said Jonathan "Horrible"

Jones noticed the lack of emotion in Jonathan's voice, and the blank expression he wore on his face like a Halloween mask.

"Well" continued Jones "Can we come in?"

"Is it necessary?" asked Jonathan, he looked over his shoulder and found his mother standing at the kitchen door.

"What's wrong dear?" she asked.

"The police is here mother" explained Jonathan as he turned to look at the cops "They want to talk about the shooting at the Severide home"

"My son hasn't left this house" gasped the middle aged woman as she hurried towards the front door "He hasn't been bothering that girl"

"We know" said Jones, "But the perpetrator told our detective that Jonathan, here, had been involved in some stalking towards Miss Severide"

"Jonathan" said his mother "Tell them you didn't do that"

Jonathan looked at his mother, he loved her and the last thing he wanted was to hurt her, but he couldn't just deny that he had taken photos of Lena, he had the camera Ryan had given him somewhere up in his room, not to mention that he had the disposable phone in his back pack.

"Come in" was all Jonathan could say.

Jonathan was a lot of things, he was aggressive, borderline sociopathic and sometimes he even scared himself, but he would be damned if he was going to let Ryan dragged him down with him, he had things against Ryan.

"So you took the photos?" asked Jones, once everyone was sitting in the living room.

"A few" explained Jonathan "Ryan took a few others, there's a hidden camera in Junior's room"

Jones narrowed his eyes, incredibly interested in what Jonathan was saying, Jonathan smiled and leaned over his knees.

"I'm cooperating, right?" said Jonathan, he eyed both cops "I didn't know he was going to go trigger happy on everyone last night"

"Ok" said Jones "Tell us about the camera in Junior's room"

"Ryan put it there about a year ago" explained Jonathan "He gets the video or photos to his email" he took a deep breath "I know he changed the battery on it like a month ago"

"How do you know this?" asked the second cop.

"He asked me to get him a battery" said Jonathan "I used to work at the Paradise and there is an electronic shop near it, I didn't know he was going to use it for that until a few weeks ago"

It had never occurred to Jonathan that the reason Ryan had a camera in Junior's room was to get photos of him and Lena having sex, in fact he had never thought about why there was a camera in Junior's room; Jonathan had just assumed that Ryan had an infatuation with Lena or that he was just into weird sex things and that was why he had installed the camera.

"How did he convince you to take the photos of Lena Severide?" questioned Jones.

"He paid me" said Jonathan "It was a few weeks after getting fired, I needed the money"

"No you didn't" gasped his mother "We could have given you money if you needed it"

Jonathan ignored his mother and rephrased his sentence "I wanted the money, he said it was a prank and since it had been her the one to get me fired, I thought why not?"

His mother was on the edge of tears, but if Jonathan was going to walk out of this he had to spill everything out.

"I have the camera somewhere up in my room" added Jonathan, Jones' eyes light up "And the phone we used for the texts"

"Would you mind handing those to us now?"

"No" smiled Jonathan "I'll go get them"

Jonathan stood up and walked up to his room, while his mother talked to the cops.

"He is helping you" she whispered "That has to count, right?"

"It will ma'am" said the second cop.

"Will make sure it does" said Jones.

"He's a good boy" she whispered.

But there in the living room, as Jonathan fetched the things, both cops and Jonathan's mother doubted her words..

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