Fallen Broken S01 & S02

By taekook__lover9597

40.2K 1.4K 164

top tae🐯⬆️ bottom kook🐰⬇️ Season 01: Love story of Kim Taehyung, a typical CEO and Jeon Jungkook, a designe... More

︎♥︎ SEASON 01 ♥︎
Episode - 1
Episode - 2
Episode - 3
Episode - 4
Episode - 5
Episode - 6
Episode - 7
Episode - 8
Episode - 9
Episode - 10
Episode - 11
Episode - 12
Episode - 13
Episode - 15
Episode - 16
Episode - 17
Episode - 18
Episode - 19
Episode - 20
Episode- 21
Episode - 22
Episode - 23
Episode - 24
Episode - 25
Episode - 26
Episode - 27
Episode - 28
Episode - 29
Episode - 30
Episode - 31
Epsiode - 32
Episode - 33
︎♥︎ SEASON 02 ♥︎
Episode - 34

Episode - 14

984 42 2
By taekook__lover9597

I love this song so much 👆🏻

Let's get into the story;

After 1 year,

It's been a year, since lisa and kook came to study in Bangtan University. Since, Taehyung had fell hard for the bunny boy. Jungkook, he feels the symptoms of love but can't identify it.

Tae wanted to confess his love to kook. But he don't know how to confess. About Jenlisa, they are dating for 5 months now. Lisa told their relationship to taekook.

Tae didn't have any objection. She didn't told her parents. About kook, he first didn't like Jennie but when Jennie explained her relationship with Taehyung to him.

kook understand the misunderstanding he created. Everything is going good and smooth.

On an usual day, Taehyung reached his office with hobi. He went to his cabin and sat on the leather chair.

Tae opened the laptop and started to see emails and all other stuffs. After sometimes, he finished the work.

It's lunch time when he finished. As he finished, his secretary aka Hoseok came inside the cabin.

Hoseok: finished?

Tae: yes,..

Tae said stretching his hands.

Hoseok: okay, then. Umm... There are some intern's files you have to see.

Tae: I'll see it later. Now I'm hungry. Can I get something to eat?

Hoseok: ofcourse.

Then hobi took their lunch boxes and both started to eat. As they were eating, Taehyung's mind wandered to a certain boy living in his Mansion for the past 1 year.

He smiled and it was noticed by our sunshine hobi. He looked at Tae confusedly.

Hoseok: what are you thinking Mr.Kim?

Tae: hyung? *Glare*

Hoseok: ok ok tae. what were you thinking?

Tae: umm... Nothing just.... Um... Hyung do you have experience in love? *Nervous*

Hoseok: love?!

Tae: yes. Do you?

Hoseok: tae you forgot?

Tae thought for sometimes and bit his tongue in realisation.

Tae: ahh. Hyung I'm sorry. I forgot that.

Hoseok: it's okay tae. But why are you asking? Are you in love?

The males were startled by the cabin door opening. A male in silver hair wearing a ink blue suit stood on the door, with his secretary on his back.

Tae: Yoongi hyung?

Hoseok: what are you doing here?

Yoongi: I was passing by and heard you guys talking about 'love?' so who is in love? *Frown*

Tae: love? What are you saying? No one is in love *fastly*

Yoongi: but I heard it? *Eyebrow raised*

Tae: maybe you haven't ate. So you are hearing things. *Nervous*

Yoongi: umm.. maybe.

Hoseok: ok then I'm full. I'm leaving to check the details on the interns.

Hobi left the cabin. Followed by Yoongi, when mina was about to leave, tae stopped her.

Tae: Miss. Mina?

Mina: Yes Mr.Kim.

Tae: um.. stay behind.

Mina looked at Yoongi, who nodded his head and she stayed while Yoongi left

Mina: you want something Sir?

Tae: ahm.... I..... Can you please bring me a coffee?

Mina looked at him confusingly.

Tae: um... Hoseok hyung has some work. So can you plz get me the coffee.

Mina looked at tae like 'he had his tummy full now and asking for a coffee? Like What the fuck in the hell happened to him?' she shook her thoughts. She nodded her head and left the cabin after bowing to Taehyung.

She left tae's cabin and went towards the cafeteria and bought a coffee and gave it to tae. As she was returning to her Yoongi's cabin. Someone hold her wrist and dragged her inside the cabin, hurrily.


Jimin pov:-

I was walking on the hallway to go to tae's cabin. When a particular scene caught my attention that made me Angry and sad. Yes, Mr.Min was dragging his secretary to his cabin.

I stomped my feet and went towards tae's cabin. I knocked on it and he said me to come in. So I go in and sat on a chair opposite to him.

End of pov.

Tae: what happened? Why are you like an angry mochi?

Tae asked working on the laptop.

Jimin: He is crossing his limits. *Angry pout*

Tae: who?

Jimin: Mr.Min.

Hearing Yoongi's name,Tae looked up from the laptop and gave his attention to his friend.

Tae: what he did now?

Jimin: He.. He held that girl's wrist.

Tae: whose?

Jimin: Mina, he dragged her inside the cabin. Can't she come herself. Why he dragged her? *Angry*

Tae: maybe you misunderstood the situation.

Tae again looked at the computer screen that is flashing light. As he was about to type another key, he heard sniffs? Yes, Jimin is sniffing.

Tae looked up and saw jimin's red  and watery eyes. He is controlling to stop his tears from falling down. Tae stood up from his chair and went towards jimin.

Tae: hey! Why are you crying?? Shh..

Jimin: he don't like me. He love her..

Tae: yahh!!! That's why I  said you to confess him pabo. Now look you are crying.

Jimin: you don't know my feelings. *Sobbing*

Tae suddenly said,

Tae: I know.

Jimin: what?

Jimin stopped his sobs.

Tae: nothing

Jimin: tell me already? Who is that?

Tae: None.

Jimin: don't lie to me. Tell me, come on. *Whinning*

Tae: it's no one. I just...

Jimin: Taehyung?

Jimin glared at him. Tae know that he can't escape without telling him.

Tae: umm... Jimin that..

Jimin: tell me I'm listening. *Smile* who is that?

Tae: Jungkook.

Jimin: Jungkook? That coconut head? *Widened eyes*

Tae: why are you giving this reaction? *One eyebrow raised*

Jimin: Why you choosed him? Love someone else.

Tae: why? What's wrong in him? *Frown*

Jimin: You don't know about him. He is a talkative one. What if he annoys you? *Nervous* Y-You'll hate him. And h-he is fragile. So--

Tae: I like that nature of him the most. The talkative one. The pure and innocent talks. At first it was annoying but later it becomes my favourite to hear his blabbering.

Tae said dreamily with a boxy smile.

Jimin: if you love him then I'm not against it. But Don't you dare leave him at the middle. *Glare*

Tae: I won't. I love him so much, that I can't live without him. *Smile*

Jimin: better. Ok I'm leaving. I have some designs to do.

Tae: ok then. And about Yoongi hyung, I think he like you.

Jimin: shut it.

Jimin said and left the cabin. Tae smiled and went back to his work.


(At Yoongi's cabin)

Yoongi dragged mina inside the cabin.

Yoongi: what he told you? *Curious*

Mina: he asked me for a coffee.

Yoongi: coffee? But he ate few mins ago?

Mina: Yes Mr.Min. But he asked me for a coffee, as Mr.Jung is not here.

Yoongi: humm.. okay, you go.

Mina: okay sir.

She left after bowing. Yoongi sat on his chair lost on thoughts.

Yoongi: *mind* I heard him saying the word 'love'. It's not my imagination. But... Yup. Maybe hoseok knows that.

He sighed before getting back to work.


(At uni)

It's evening, all are leaving to their living places. Now, Jungkook and Lisa are in 2nd year and Jennie is in 3rd year.

As lisa and Jungkook are also walking through the hallway to leave the uni, they heard someone calling their names. A girl ran towards them and stopped infront of them.

Kook: Lucy, what are you doing here? I told you already I'm not gonna accept you.

Lucy: wait wait. I'm not here to propose you. I just came to invite you guys to a party my boyfriend is organizing for our relationship, this weekend

Liskook: boyfriend?

Lucy: Yes, Jack proposed me and I  accepted him. *Shy smile*

Kook: ohh. Congrats.

Lucy: thank you. I want you guys to attend it, plz!!!

Lisa: But I have a date with my girlfriend. I can't attend the party.

Lucy: what? it's okay. But Jungkook you'll attend right? You don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend to take you to date or you to take date. You are still a single soul. So you must be free so attend it okay?

She said mockingly with a smirk.

Lisa: Lucy, mind your words.

Kook: No I have a boyfriend.

Both lisa and kook said at a same time. Kook said it out off ego. Lisa looked at him in disbelief.

Lisa: kook. What are you saying?

Kook: yes I have a boyfriend. He takes me to date and buy me many gifts and gives me lots of kisses and hugs.

He said in a flow.

Lucy: oh really. Then I'm inviting your boyfriend too. Come along with him. I'm eager to meet your boyfriend Jungkook. If you didn't then I'll tell all that you are a liar.

She smirked and left. As soon as Lucy left, lisa turned towards kook with an Angry expression.

Lisa: who told you to speak nonsense.

Kook: I-I was...

Lisa: now what are you gonna do? You only have 2 days for the party. What are you gonna do? Tell me *glare*

Kook: don't scold me. Tell me some idea  *pout*

Lisa: aish. Who told you to tell her that you have a boyfriend?

Kook: I'm sorry.

Lisa: ok ok don't worry. Let's think about something.

Kook nodded and they left the uni. Lisa with Jennie and kook booked a cab and left.


The main story is going to start 😏

Love yourself 💜

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