
By w2mm00

248K 6.4K 2.5K

Y/n g!p Ion see that many imagines for kehlani. So why not? More

Studio Sessions
Street Racing
When She Feels Sexiest
Pre-School Pt.2
Comida (Request)
Birds and the Bees
Meeting My Girlfriends Daughter
Stalker (Request)
Bad Dreams
Ur Best Friend
Truth Hurts
My Professor
Prank Wars
First Date
High as a kite
High as a kite Pt.2

Taxi Cab

4.7K 142 35
By w2mm00

I want y'all to think of this sort of like Old fashioned movies. Yk like black and white?


As I walked into the bar I looked around and see the same usual people. The piano being beautifully played by a white man who looks bo more than 40. I walked to my usual bartender and he's already making my drink I sat down and he shook his head.

"Why are you here... again?" He passed me my glass and I took a sip.

"Cause I have nothing else to do. And I don't want to be home alone with my thoughts" I took a sip from my drink and placed it down.

Like literally I feel like I should be here. What else am I gonna do? Nothing

"Well... would you like to here a story my parents used to tell me?" He asked.

"Sure why not?"

"Well there was this man... he had a wife, a family, and he felt like he was still empty inside"

Well damn-

"One day he went to a bar... he drank all he could drink, danced until his feet hurt, and sung until he lost his voice. He felt he was the happiest he's been in years. So the bartender realized he was drinking too much and called him a cab home"

I take a sip from my drink as he continues wiping down the counter and telling his story.

"The taxi driver seemed different... so the man had a weird feeling about it all. But some part of his mind was telling him it was just the alcohol. So he tells the driver where to go and tells them an address... but the address wasn't his home. It was a hotel he was staying at because he told his wife he was on a "business trip" the driver nods their head and locks the door. The man notices the locked doors and he was frightened a bit."

"Shit I would be too the fuck" I laughed and he did as well.

"So the driver drives off to a destination and the man looks up at the rear view mirror very much confused because he's not at the address he told the driver... it's his house. So the man starts rambling about how the driver has to go to the hotel and can't step into that house. The driver shook their head and unlocked the door. "Come with me" the driver says. The man was furious he almost swung on the driver. But he looked into the drivers eyes and stopped for the simple fact that his heart told him to listen."

"Damn that's deep" I said.

"So they walk to the backyard and peek to see his kids playing in the backyard. The driver tells him "they're not just some kids that's you feed and provide clothes for... they're you're legacy, your future, they're basically you. They look up to their father... but when they see that he's never around to spend time with them and for them to show him new skills that they've learned... it crushes them. Once they'll get older they'll start fading away not wanting your attention. Those would be the days where you sit home with your wife thinking about what you did wrong. Speaking of wife..." the driver walks them to where the kitchen is and watches her through the window. "She's wondering what she did wrong. Contemplating if she said something wrong, cooked the wrong dish, or kissed you a way you didn't like... when in all honesty, she did nothing wrong. Years will go on and your wife will start realizing that she wasn't the one that messed up... it was her husband that stopped putting effort into his family."


"What happened next?"

"The man cries realizing that he'll lose the people that loves him most... and he'll be alone. The man turns around and sees that the driver has completely disappeared. The man goes to the front door and opens it. He runs to his wife and grabs her hands to stand her up. He gives her the tightest hug she thought he was trying to kill her. He ran to his kids as well and they ran up to him and gave them a hug... that's when he whispered a soft "I'm sorry" into their ears"

"Okay so i don't get it... how did the driver know where the dude lived? And why take him to his house?"

"The whole purpose was the driver taking him to where he needed to be and not where he wanted to be."

"Oh... makes sense"

"Yup... and if you don't mind me asking? Why exactly have you been here this past week?"

"Well I have nowhere else to go... my girl kicked me out cause we got into an argument and I said some stupid shit"

"Did you apologize?"

"In all seriousness I don't know if I want to apologize. She didn't take my feelings into consideration either so why do I have to apologize and she doesn't?"

"At the end of the day... relationships are like rollercoasters. You're meant to go up and down. It might be scary that you'll get hurt, of course. But usually it's always fun."

"Nah ion know. Maybe I'm meant to get off of this ride before someone actually gets hurt" I take out my wallet and pull out money to pay and money for his tip. I give him a decent tip and he nods his head and puts it in his pocket.

"Thank you"

"You deserved extra for the words of wisdom" I laughed and got up and walked outside of the bar, the sound of piano fading away as the door closes. I pull out my rolled up blunt and look for my lighter in my pockets but I don't have one.

"Fuck" I sighed and someone tapped my shoulder making me jump. They emerge from the shadows and hands me a lighter.

"Thank you?" I light up my blunt and hand it back to the man in a Fedora.

He looks like a fucking weirdo

Shit you can't usually judge a book by it's cover. The weird looking books are usually the most interesting.

"Having a rough day?" The man asks.

"Yea I guess you can say that" I take a pull, respiring the smoke into my lungs. As I exhale the grey smoke I see the mans face peek through.

"How you getting home kid?" He asks taking a pull from his own danger stick called a "cigarette"

"I was gonna order an Uber. You?"

"I'm actually a taxi driver myself. Would you like me to take you to your destination or would you still like to wait for your... Uber?"

"I guess since you're here I'll go in the taxi... haven't gotten in one in a long ass time" I opened the door to the yellow taxi cab and get inside. The glass separating me from the driver, screens on the back of seats, and the pay slot, bringing back memories of when I was back living in New York and my parents would take me out to time square to see a Broadway show or some shit.

I give him the destination of my Moms house and he nodd his head. While thinking about my past, I hear a click. The doors locked and I immediately look up to see his face in the rear view mirror. His hat covering his eyes in a sneaky manner. My thoughts are racing thinking about whether or not I'm about to get kidnapped. Smoke makes its way from the bottom of the two front seats surrounding the car in its grey gas. My eyes get heavier... heavier... and heavier, until they're completely shut.


When I opened my eyes again I look out the window to see a familiar house... kehlani's.

That story can't be fucking real

Shit obviously it is since it's happening!!!

"Listen man I don't know what voodoo shit you're on... but I don't care if I need to be here or not. Can you please take me to the location I told you?"

"Y/n get out the car. Let me show you something"

We never even told him our name

I exhale a breath of surrender and nod my head.

The doors unlock and he opens my door. The air being a lot foggier being as though we're on top of a mountain.

He takes me to her garden and we look through all of our plants we've planted.

We had a lot of fun doing that.

"Relationships are like plants. You speak for them to grow. To make sure a plant is healthy you take care of it... for example. If there's just one leaf that would ruin the plant... cut it. You might be scared it would ruin the whole plant... but it won't. If anything it'll become stronger" the tip of his pointer finger and thumb rub against each other with a leaf in between its friction.

So are relationships plants or rollercoasters?

I don't know but either way it makes sense.

We look through the window to see kehlani cutting some fruits while Adeya was standing next to her watching her.

"Adeya isn't your daughter and I understand that. But you love her like she's yours and she loves you like you're one of her blood parents. Y/n if you lose kehlani you lose Adeya. When you first entered your relationship with kehlani you got a two in one deal... her daughter. That little girl looks at you with so much admiration... she loves everything you do. From the way you walk, the words you speak, to the way you eat. She fell in love with you too."

He's not even wrong. Adeya is my baby regardless of what anyone says. I love her with every bone in my body. I'd put her life before mine anytime/anywhere.

"Kehlani can be tricky. She's been in relationships she thought would last but something usually goes wrong. Now that she has a daughter she knows not to let just anyone in because... well her daughter can get attached just as much as she can. When she started dating you she was so scared to let you in because she didn't just want to lose another piece of her puzzle. But the day you met Adeya she knew you were the one. I can guarantee you she's thinking about how much she wants to apologize to you about what she's said that hurt you. But there's also a part of her that thinks that you were an asshole as well y/n. You both grew up in not so stable households and you understand each other. Even though you two can be similar, you're also both different in so many ways. But it levels you two out. Which is what makes you two so perfect for each other" the man stands up and fixed his Fedora. I turned back to see kehlani and Adeya giggling over oranges.

I smile and nod my head.

"You're right-" I turn around to see no one there. Not even the previous misty fog surrounding the house.

That's ridiculous.

I walked up to the front of the house and there wasn't no car either.

I shook my head and reached into my pocket to grab my keys. When I unlock the door to open it, I'm hit with a very strong energy. I feel safe, welcomed, and loved.

I go to the kitchen and Adeya runs up to me, making me bend down and pick her up.

"Hey Princess?" I kissed her forehead making her beautiful giggle slip out.

"Hi y/n/n"

When I turn my face I see kehlani with a face of anger and disappointment.

"Go play with Sierra I need to talk to mommy Okay? When im finished we can play"

"Okayyy" she ran off and I see Sierra at the corner and she nods her head. I turn around to meet with my upset girlfriend.

I walked up to her to grab her hand.

"Where have you been all week" she softly took her hand away from mine and turned to grab one of the peeled oranges on the counter.

"I was staying at my moms house... listen kehlani I'm so sorry for the shit I said. You didn't deserve to be talked to like that. I should've understood where you were coming from when you said you were going to meet up with Victoria. And I apologize" I grabbed her chin softly to be met with her beautiful honey brown eyes that I fell in love with.

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have said what I said either. You treat me and Adeya too well for you to have been talked to like that. And I apologize" she kissed me and we pulled back.

Damn... Now I have a story to tell my grandkids.

Excuse any errors 😩

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