Stalker (Request)

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@tearyeyednightmime helped me out with his imagine. And I didn't ignore y'all I have drafts for the ideas you guys give me too.


I'm walking down the street trying to get to the coffee shop that was down the block.

I have a really busy schedule today. Meetings, interviews for a personal assistant, work, I just have a lot on my plate today.

As I walked into the shop I bumped into someone and when I turned around she dropped her wallet.

I pick it up and I see a photo... it kinda looks like me when I was a baby.

Man I just need my coffee I'm going crazy.

"Here you go ma'am" I handed the tattooed woman her wallet back and she look flustered.

She's really pretty though.

"Thank you" she snatched the wallet out my hand and walked out the coffee shop pretty quickly.

That was really fucking weird.

But that picture really looked like me when I was a baby. I've never seen the picture before, but the vibe was just off-

"Next!" The cashier called out, snapping me out of my crazy ass thoughts and I walked up.

"Let me get the usual"

"A wet vanilla caramel cappuccino coming right up, for y/n. Along with a banana muffin." she smiled and I nodded my head and for some reason I feel eyes burning the back of my neck. As if someone is staring at me like I'm about to rob the place. I turn around to check and no one was looking my way.

"weird..." I mumbled to myself and handed the girl the money I usually pay and she gives me my change. I put it in the top jar as per usual and walk off to the side so that the person can move up.

As I'm standing and scrolling on my phone reading text messages from the night before, my mom sends me an image.

I clicked on the notification.

It was the same picture I saw from that ladies wallet.

Nah it can't be

It doesn't make any fucking sense. How would she have that picture of me? And I didn't even know about that picture?

I text my mom back.

i look cute. since when did u have this pic tho? ive never seen it around.

Mom ❤️:
I've had this picture since forever y/n. I just had no clue where this picture was. This is actually a copied photo. The original had writing on the back.

oh... okay. thanks ma i love you.

Mom ❤️:
I love you too, have a nice day at work

I put my phone away and leaned against the glass that had the muffins, cakes, and stuff on the other side of it.

What the actual fuck?

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