Bad Dreams

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I wake up to loud crying from Adeyas room and I get up to check what happened. Kehlani woke up too and sat there.

"I got her" I stretch and fix the crotch area on my pants as I get up. When I walk over to Adeyas room she's sitting on her bed crying. She looks up and pouts with tears running down her eyes.

"Come here princess" I walked over to her and pick her up in my arms. She lays her head on my shoulder and hold the back of her head with my hand.

She keeps crying into my shoulder as we walk to the room and kehlani is sitting up drinking water.

"You okay bear?" Kehlani asked as I laid down deydey in the middle.

"noo" she said with her voice cracking.

"You had a bad dream princess?" I rubbed her head and she nodded. "It's okay... we're here, everything's okay"

While rubbing her head I feel my eyes getting heavier, heavier, and heavier.

"Y/n/n" I heard deydey's little voice and made me crack my eyes open.

"Yes princess?"

"I want food"

"You want food? Baby can I make-" I turn my head and kehlani is fast asleep.

"Ight let's go make some food. But we have to be really quiet" I put my finger over my mouth and she did the same.

"Shhh" she shushed me and I smiled and nodded my head. I got up and she stood up and put her arms up for me to help her off the bed.

I started to tip towards the door and when I turned my head, she was doing the same.

I slowly opened the door and she ran out the room.

"Deydey... shhhhh"

She shushed me back and I chuckled following her to the kitchen. I picked her up to run down the stairs and we sneak our way into the living room.

I do a little spy roll into the kitchen and look around to see if there were any "bad guys" watching us. She did a little roll into the kitchen too and I waved my hand for her to come over to me.

My little spy baby.

I picked her up and sat her down on the island.

"Make sure there's no bad guys deydey, okay?"


"Want cookies?"

She nodded her head and I turned around and grabbed the cookies from the pantry.



"Okay" I turned around and grabbed a glass and her Sippy cup. I poured myself milk and poured her milk as well.

I handed her a cookie and she took a bite.

But I did what I do as per usual and dip my cookie inside my milk.

"I wanna tryyy"

"Here" I grabbed her cookie and dipped it into my milk and handed it to her.

"Real spy snacks"

"Fist bump" I put my fist out and she hit it with her little hand.

"Why are y'all up eating cookies late at night?" I heard kehlanis voice as she walked in. And Adeya and I both shoved the cookies in our mouths.

"What you talking about? What cookies... all we got is milk"

"Girl if you don't stop lying to me" she walked over to our side of the island.

"Deydey... were you two eating cookies?"

Damn why would she do that??? She knows she won't lie to her.

I look over at deydey and shake my head but she nods.

"Damn Adeya I thought we was cool" I sighed and kehlani looked at me and laughed.

"You know my baby won't lie to me"

"Yea I know, it's a good thing though" I pull out another two cookies and hand one to Adeya.

"What about me?" Kehlani asked.

"You can grab your own damn cookie" she sucked her teeth and I rolled my eyes.

"Yea I'll be grabbing my own cookie for now on"

"Wait huh? You mean- nah don't do that"

I hope she doesn't mean sex man.

"No... no more helping me with cookies"

"Okay okay here" I handed her a cookie and placed it in her mouth.

Yea I'll let her put something else in her mouth.

"We got some milk too, here" I handed her my glass I poured her and she drank some.

I leaned down to her ear and whispered.

"Your nasty ass loves drinking my milk" I laughed and so did she but hit my chest.

"Yet you still wanna eat my ass"

"No I don't..."

"Mhm what happened the other night. 'Baby im sorry... come here and I'll eat your ass. I'm sorry. Let me make you feel good' you don't remember that?" She whispered in my ear and I shook my head.

Ha ha that's why you ate assss

You mean us. Cause you're me and I'm you so shut the fuck up. You ate ass too.



"Mhm it's okay baby... I'd do it for you too" she eats her cookie and I shook my head.

"Definitely not."

"Don't knock it until you try it"

"Then I guess imma keep knocking it"

The fuck I look like getting my ass ate?

Excuse any errors 😩

Short chapter yall Ik Ik but it's something yk 😭

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