Taxi Cab

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I want y'all to think of this sort of like Old fashioned movies. Yk like black and white?


As I walked into the bar I looked around and see the same usual people. The piano being beautifully played by a white man who looks bo more than 40. I walked to my usual bartender and he's already making my drink I sat down and he shook his head.

"Why are you here... again?" He passed me my glass and I took a sip.

"Cause I have nothing else to do. And I don't want to be home alone with my thoughts" I took a sip from my drink and placed it down.

Like literally I feel like I should be here. What else am I gonna do? Nothing

"Well... would you like to here a story my parents used to tell me?" He asked.

"Sure why not?"

"Well there was this man... he had a wife, a family, and he felt like he was still empty inside"

Well damn-

"One day he went to a bar... he drank all he could drink, danced until his feet hurt, and sung until he lost his voice. He felt he was the happiest he's been in years. So the bartender realized he was drinking too much and called him a cab home"

I take a sip from my drink as he continues wiping down the counter and telling his story.

"The taxi driver seemed different... so the man had a weird feeling about it all. But some part of his mind was telling him it was just the alcohol. So he tells the driver where to go and tells them an address... but the address wasn't his home. It was a hotel he was staying at because he told his wife he was on a "business trip" the driver nods their head and locks the door. The man notices the locked doors and he was frightened a bit."

"Shit I would be too the fuck" I laughed and he did as well.

"So the driver drives off to a destination and the man looks up at the rear view mirror very much confused because he's not at the address he told the driver... it's his house. So the man starts rambling about how the driver has to go to the hotel and can't step into that house. The driver shook their head and unlocked the door. "Come with me" the driver says. The man was furious he almost swung on the driver. But he looked into the drivers eyes and stopped for the simple fact that his heart told him to listen."

"Damn that's deep" I said.

"So they walk to the backyard and peek to see his kids playing in the backyard. The driver tells him "they're not just some kids that's you feed and provide clothes for... they're you're legacy, your future, they're basically you. They look up to their father... but when they see that he's never around to spend time with them and for them to show him new skills that they've learned... it crushes them. Once they'll get older they'll start fading away not wanting your attention. Those would be the days where you sit home with your wife thinking about what you did wrong. Speaking of wife..." the driver walks them to where the kitchen is and watches her through the window. "She's wondering what she did wrong. Contemplating if she said something wrong, cooked the wrong dish, or kissed you a way you didn't like... when in all honesty, she did nothing wrong. Years will go on and your wife will start realizing that she wasn't the one that messed up... it was her husband that stopped putting effort into his family."

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