Izou:The Kin Slayer

By Muramasa02

471K 8.2K 4.8K

Izou, formerly known as Izou Sitri but after a certain incident in the world earned his moniker as "The Kin S... More

Return to civilization/ conditions
Izou's First Mission
Izou Returns/ for the greater good?
Serafall, the past never forgets/What is Mittelt really?
Ingall/ Bloody Birthday pt.1
Bloody Birthday PT.2/The Ice Demon awakens
Izou vs Serafall/ The council dead?!
Does peace truly exist or is that a fantasy?
Izou vs Riser phenex/Dark Intentions?
Future rewards?/Are you ready Kokabiel?
Battle for "peace" what is that thing?!
A decision has been made
I am the kin slayer
Izou's decision/the definition of power
Aftermath/?? Has returned!!
Time to train our ass off/The kin slayer is back
I'll show the world My power!!
Destruction of Olympus Pt.1/Izou vs Poseidon
Destruction of Olympus Pt.2
Destruction of Olympus Pt.3
Back to the underworld/Premonitions?
Here we go again!!/ Leviathan's Sanctuary!!
War In the Underworld Pt.1
War in the Underworld Pt.2
War In The Underworld Pt.3
Well ain't this bout a bitch!!
No rest for the wicked
Target elimnated/Dragon Vs Doomsday Pt.1
Dragon vs Doomsday Pt.2
Dragon vs Doomsday Pt.3
Dragon vs Doomsday Finale
I'm evil incarnate!!
First time on the beach/A lesson learned
Sage/Ryou training/An Invitation
Training/Young Devil's Gathering
Young Devil Gathering PT.2
You have all that strength and for what?
Young Devils Gathering PT.3
Young Devils Gathering PT.4/Objection!!
Primal Presence
Izou vs Fenrir
Crashing Down PT.1
Crashing Down Pt.2
Traitor Revealed
Weeded Out
Facing the past/Future challenges
Secret of Trihexia/Accept your failures
One Hour
Izou and Ritsuka
Familiar presence/Counterattack
You two are siblings?/Memories
I'll see you in three months/I should've listened
Theory/Info about the originals
1 month remaining
Attack on Beezlebub Prologue
AOB Pt.1/Off To A "Great start"
AOB PT.2/Rise up against the king
AOB Pt.3/Scouting/Desperate Measures
AOB Pt.4/Another adversary?/Two down two to go
AOB Finale/Shinto here we come!!
Shinto Tournament Prologue/An eventful meeting
Shinto Tournament PT.1/Legendary advice
Shinto Tournament PT.2/ Secret technique
Shinto Tournament PT.3/Return by-
Shinto Tournament PT.4/Let the games begin
Shinto Tournament Pt.5/Off to the races!!
Shinto Tournament Pt.6/Ain't no such thing as Platonic
Shinto Tournament Pt.7/You're supposed to be dead!
Shinto Tournament Pt.8/Curse of God
Shinto Tournament Pt.9/The soul crushing truth
Shinto Tournament Pt.10/Against our predecessor
Shinto Tournament Pt.11/Birth of the Morningstar
Shinto Tournament Pt.12/Regret and lament
Shinto Tournament PT.13/Wake Up Call

Mittelt's training/Show me your Motivation

14.6K 265 136
By Muramasa02

Izou and Mittelt can be seen training in the mountains, it's the only place where they can actually be left alone without being attacked.

Izou: (Two weeks since I started training this girl not only has she gained a new pair of wings, she has also improved quite well.)

Mittelt has been learning quite a lot since she has started living with him, she is able to make different weapons made out of holy light and her martial arts has improved. And now she is 4 winged fallen angel.

It was very impressive and since she improved so much he awarded her with anything she wanted.

She wanted a Nintendo switch and insisted they play Mario kart which he got his ass kicked but her at it.

Izou: (I could have won multiple times in those races if not for those blue shells that can fuck up anybody's day.)

But also he had been wondering why she was so damn sturdy for her age.

Izou: (I kicked her through a tree and she barely had any wounds. even though I am holding back any other fallen angel would have been knocked and she should would have been in critical condition, but all she got was a bruise on her stomach and some blood coming put of her mouth.)

Izou decided to test her durability a bit more and there was no way she was simply just a fallen angel she too strong for her age too.

While she can't beat Izou she can give him a good sweat.

Mittelt: To be honest all this time I thought living with you was going to be tough but...to be honest I'm actually learning a lot from you.

Izou responds saying

Izou: Well I can't be there to save you from someone every single time. You will have to get stronger since there are some assassins still coming for me.

Mittelt didn't understand why he was hated so much of anything he took the heat for those ungrateful bastards and they continue to give him trouble.

Mittelt: I don't get why they are still doing that despite you giving them a warning...it seems they don't learn.

Izou: Exactly...devils in general are arrogant and would do anything to get what they want and that arrogance will be their downfall for good one day.

Mittelt: What about you? You're a devil, aren't you a bit arrogant yourself?

Izou: True, I can be a bit arrogant and cocky I'm probably the only one who would admit it, but even I know I'm still weak in terms of power.

Mittelt: Why do you still live here in the underworld? you have a place that you bought a week ago. speaking of new I want to drive that car that you bought!!

Izou: You can't even see over the steering wheel and I'm the only who can drive and as for me not leaving....the satans are keeping me stuck here.

Mittelt understands that.

But wait.

Now just hold on a minute.

They were both supernatural beings which means...

Mittelt:(We can fucking fly!! So why would he buy a car I mean sure the car is cool as fuck and all but...we can fly!!)

She has to ask that question

Mittelt: You do know we can fly right?

Izou nodded his head.

Mittelt: So why?

Izou: Because I want to, and I'm a grown ass man.

Mittelt just stares at him for a while with a deadpan look on her face and then says

Mittelt: ....Understandable.

Izou: Good. Now that you understand, come at me.

Mittelt rushes at Izou throwing punches and kicks, all them dodged by Izou but she is learning to not give her opponent any time to recover.

Mittelt makes a light machine gun made out of holy light which Izou blocks them with ease, she creates a clone for double the barrage of holy light spears and bullets which Izou backflips away from making a ice spear and throws at the one in the sky.

But Mittelt wasn't done yet she rushes at Izou again clashing blades with Izou again while she was used to using spears Izou taught her how to use a blade.

Izou: (Impressive...I've been teaching her well it seems.)

Sparks flying everywhere trees being struck down and mittelt wasn't playing fair either which was a good thing because chivalry means nothing on the battlefield.

She would step on his toes.

Bite him.

Claw at him.

Any cheap trick she could use, she would use it.

Izou: (I'll get a little serious now)

Izou using more of his physical strength causing mittelt to kneel from the strength used but Izou kicks her through two boulders giving him some space.

Izou: Don't tell me that was all you had?

He would immediately go on to think

Izou: (Let's see if it was the same as last time.)

Smoke would still be prominent in the area were she launched from and a figure could be seen walking out of it, blood on the side of her face and some coming out of her mouth, Her blue eyes seemingly got darker and warrior like smirk would appear on her face

Mittelt: Hmph, I'm not done yet.

Izou: (There is no way that she should be standing from that...there must be something else going on here.)

Izou: Impressive...there is one more thing I must teach you before I go to my next mission.

Mittelt would tilt her head and say

Mittelt: And that is?

Izou: Show me your motivation.

Mittelt: Wha?-


Mittelt Would go silent and would see Izou's magic power sky rocket making the underworld shake a little bit.

Just what is he doing?!

Was this test?!

Mittelt: (W-W-W-Wha-what fuck is going on?! Is he going to kill me?!)

10 minutes before

Serafall and the other high class devils were discussing the rookie 4 of the underworld

Rias: To be honest I'm actually still shocked by the power Sairaorg has...it's incredible.

Sona would agree to that out of all of them he has the most power and could potentially challenge a satan with his hard work and dedication to his training

Sona: Yeah I will agree with you on that

Rias: Anyways how's your nephew doing? Izou right?

Sona looks away from Rias it would seem she didn't want to talk about her nephew.

Sona: If you're wondering if we're on speaking terms....then I have to say no we are not.

Seekvaira: I'm sure he would come around.

Sona: (I doubt it.)

Serafall, Sirzechs and the rest of their family after dealing with the elder devils would see them two.


Serafall and Sirzechs immediately runs up to their younger siblings

Serafall/Sirzechs: SO-TAN/RIA-TAN!!

Sona/Rias: OH NO!!

Sona tries to escape and rias tried to escape from Sirzechs but it was too late.

The sis con is strong with these two.

Luckily Grayfia was there to pull them of the heiresses.

Grayfia: Enough you two.

After a few minutes they would calm down and Zeoticus would ask them

Zeoticus: What were you three talking about over here?

Seekvaira answers

Seekvaira: We were talking about who was the strongest of the rookie four and...your son Lady Leviathan.

Serafall loses her smile, it would seem she doesn't know what to think of the relationship between them.

Serafall: Oh....why were you taking about him?

Rias: I apologize, I just wanted to know If things have gotten better since then.

Serena would say

Serena: No it hasn't. He absolutely despises us...and that probably won't change.

Vevelana: He doesn't like his own race...to be honest can't blame him.

Serafall: I try to talk to him but the last conversation we had...I don't think he even considers us family...and it's all my fault.

Sona: Sister...he will-

She was cut off immediately by her sister screaming



Not a single devil in the room said anything.

They couldn't say anything to negate anything she said.

In a way she was right.

She did technically called her own son crazy.

And now she has to deal it.

No matter how much she wants to take it back, it's too late.

The past is the past.

And you know what they say about the past-

It never dies.

Before anybody could do anything a surge of magical energy would be felt.

Sirzechs: Where is that magic power coming from?

Serafall knows where it's coming from it was her son...no it was Izou she can't call him her son anymore after what she said to him.

Serafall: It's Izou!! Come on let's go!!

In her mind she was going crazy

Serafall: (Please don't tell me It was those fucking morons in the council again!!)

They instantly go to Izou's location to see what was going on.

With Izou and Mittelt

The monster that was once known as Izou stares at her...

No, not at her.

Through her.

Mittelt could not breathe the sheer magical pressure coming off from Izou was terrifying.

Mittelt: (Shit shit shit!! I have to!!-)

Any thought move she had planned was shut down by the sheer killing intent coming off of Izou

Mittelt: (NO I'M NOT DYING HERE!!)

Izou sees Mittelt getting back up slowly but surely even if he was holding back his killing intent it was still impressive she can still move.

He call out to her in a distorted voice saying

Izou: Don't tell me that's all you got?!?!

Mittelt: (No this cant be all I got!! I will no be weak!! Not anymore!! No power of friendship bullshit Is going to get me out of this!! Its up to me and me alone!!)

Izou: Show me your motivation!!


from the depths for her souls she roars out.

Mittelt: YOU GOT IT!!!

A dark aura that would surround her form indicating she was not going to back down

Where was this power coming from she did not know and she did not care right now because she has to prove something not to Izou but to herself.

She will not be weak any longer those days are dead and gone.

She can't be weak anymore.

And most importantly...

She won't be weak anymore.

She grins right back at him pulling in more magic pressure she has left in her.

Both of them would clash in battle of wills.

Lightning striking down from their power while mittelt had nowhere near as much as power as Izou she was surely strong in her right.

Both of them staring at each other neither was going to back down.


Before they could even do anything else they see the a group of devils specifically leviathan and Lucifer.

Sirzechs yells at them getting their attention,


Izou and Mittelt powers down and Izou goes on to to tell Mittelt...

Izou: Mittelt...you have impressed me with your strong will...it seems I was right in training you.

Mittelt smiles and says...

Mittelt: It's thanks to you I have gotten this far!!

Izou: Don't sell yourself short. This is your hard work and dedication and for that you have earned my respect. Do you remember what I told you before I started training you?

Mittelt: "A lion does not care about the option of a sheep" yeah I remember.

Izou: That's right. Right now you are still a sheep to the others in the supernatural world...but if you keep training with me and I can guarantee that you will one day become a lion...what do you say?

Mittelt: Without a doubt!! I'm ready when you are.

Izou smiles which shocks all who are watching and turns to pat her on the head.

Izou: Get some rest you earned it.

Mittelt nods and teleports away and Izou looks back at them and says

Izou: That kid is gonna go far someday...I know it.

Izou teleports away leaving them all stunned especially his mother.

Serafall: (After so many years...he actually smiled...why can't he do that for me?)

Chapter 4 complete

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