Star Wars Oneshots

By pluto-bean

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Fluffy, short tales from a galaxy far, far away! Relationships that will be written about: ⌯TCW squad (TCW) ⌯... More

Author's Note
Stargazing (SP)
Beach Day (JO)
Love at first slice (SP)
Ouch (MD)
Danger Night (BD)
Crash (SP)
You're safe with me (SP)
Missing your father (BD)
Reunited (MD)
Reunited, part 2
Something cool I noticed (not an update)
Cookies (RK)
A Gentle Boba (BD)
Stress Advice (SP)
Din's Anger (BD)
Din's Anger, part 2
5 times Obi-Wan saves Jango +1 time Jango saves him (JO)
In your arms (SP)
Sleepy Poe (SP)
Porgs (RK)
Words I can't say out loud (SP)
Jangobi week 2021
Enemies to Lovers (JO)
Time Travel (JO)
Undercover (JO)
Forced to work together (JO)
Competency Kink (JO)
Obi-Wan gets a new wrist gauntlet (JO)
Happy Ending (JO)
Grocery Store Catastrophe (MD)
Upset Stomach (MD)
Aunt Peli (MD, BD)
Aunt Peli, part 2
Flashbacks (JO)
Random Shorts (MD, BD)
Truth or Lie (BD)
Poisoning (SP)
Tired (BD)
Torture (JO)
Scorching (MD)
Gone (BD)
Grogu's Armor (MD)
Everything (BD)
Enslaved (JO)
Without a Chestplate (BD)
Paint (BD, MD)
Healing (Misc)
Partners in Cow (Misc)
Mr. Dameron (SP, Misc)
Caged Bird (TCW)
Home (MD)
Show and Tell (JO)
Snorkeling (SP, Misc)
Searching for a Ship (BD)
Clubbing (BD)
Clubbing, part 2
Clubbing, part 3
Another comic
A new clone (TBB)
Shots (BD)
Pride Parade (BD)
Braids (BD)
Tattoo (JO)
Tattoo, part 2
The Girl in the Mirror (TCW)
Sick Day (TCW, JO)
Aftermath of Umbara (TCW)
The Decision for a Haircut (TBB)
Shenanigans (TBB)
When your speeder breaks down but it's not a speeder (TCW)
When your speeder breaks down but it's not a speeder, part 2 (OQ)
Yoga (SP)
Collateral Damage (Misc)
Not so cheery (Misc)
Life Day (TCW)
Insecurities (OQ)
Chewbacca the Hugger (Misc)
Rescuing a friend (Misc)
Mending? (OQ)
In the moment (TCW)
I'm glad you're here (TCW)
I have failed you (TCW)
Escape from Insanity (JO)
Brown Sugar (SP)
Boo (SP)
The River (MD)
I am not a man, I'm a god (TCW)
Halloween (MD)
Rainy Highs (TCW)
Watery Smiles (BD)
Goodbye, my love (TCW)
The Mos Pelgo Festival (MD)
Cookies in the dead of night (MD)
Waking up (TCW)
When I'm gone (Misc)
The Great Chaotic Bake-Off (JO)
Feeling papery (TCW)
Avocado Toast (SP)
Pool Partay (SP)
Life Day (JO)
Wish upon a falling star (JO)
Window Slumber Party (SP)
I'm here, cyare (JO)
Just tea, us and the couch (Misc)
Unconscious (Misc)
Fading into mist (TCW)
I'm not me (SP)
School Antics (MD)
Smaller (TCW)
Everything hurts (MD)
No questions asked (TCW)
At least we have cake (BD)
A day out (SP)
So much like your parents (KB)
Frogs are really yummy (MD)
Crying is a waste of water (MD)
the end (for now)

That Hogwarts Vibe (TCW)

48 4 9
By pluto-bean

A/N: trying a Hogwarts AU. TW: mentions of skipping meals (but not ED), dysphoria

Obi-Wan's Point of View

Obi-Wan awoke with a start, looking around the dormitory to see if anything was happening.

Anakin, Cody, and Ahsoka were lying still in their beds, though Ahsoka was snoring and drooling. Rex wasn't in bed, but Obi-Wan assumed he'd gotten up early to study. Depending on what time it was, he might just be up late.

Sixth year was treating them unfairly rough. Ahsoka had literally been skipping breakfast for a coveted hour of sleep, and Anakin was always on edge.

And now Obi-Wan was awake at -- he checked the clock and flopped back against the pillow, suppressing a groan. 2 in the morning.

It was times like these, looking up at the red and gold hangings above his bed, when he wondered about his place at Hogwarts, in the world. For one, why had the Sorting Hat put him in Gryffindor? From what Obi-Wan knew about the houses, he should be in Hufflepuff.

Ravenclaw wouldn't have been a bad choice either, he mused, based on the number of books Professor Jinn lent me.

How the group had all managed to get a room together, Obi-Wan didn't know. Professor Windu had been fair and accepting of their situation, only trying to make sure that both Ahsoka and Anakin would be fine.

Obi-Wan tried to go back to sleep, trying all his usual tricks. When they yielded no results, he mashed his face into his pillow. His stash of dreamless sleep potion wasn't large, but if he took a small swig, it should put him out until the morning.

He opened the drawer he kept it in, wincing as it squeaked and Anakin rolled over, brow wrinkling with the disturbance.

Uncorking the slim bottle, Obi-Wan sipped a little of the purple potion and shut the drawer, laying back against the pillows.

When he awoke, it was to a dark room. Obi-Wan must not have taken enough potion. The clock confirmed it -- only 5:30. Rex still wasn't in bed, but a faint glow was coming from under Ahsoka's covers. Maybe she was studying by wandlight?

Anakin was fully dressed and putting on his prosthetic arm as Obi-Wan got out of bed, knowing he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep.

He put a hand on his friend's back, and their eyes met in the morning darkness. A wrinkled brow from Anakin silently asked if Obi-Wan was okay, and the response came in the form of a quick nod. Still, Anakin enveloped him in a hug that was warm and comforting.

Anakin knew him so well.

When they pulled apart, Anakin silently motioned he was going to the common room. He left, and Obi-Wan got dressed in silence before following Anakin down the stairs.

They were the first ones down, save for Rex, who was asleep in a chair. Obi-Wan tucked a blanket around him and joined Anakin on one of the couches. Anakin's knees were drawn up to his chest, and he rested his chin on them, gaze blank.

Obi-Wan leaned against him. "Good morning."

"Hi," Anakin mumbled, eyes still fixed on a point on the common room wall, unfocused.

"How are you?"

"I'm fine," Anakin said, looking at Obi-Wan directly. "Sleep well?"

"Not really," Obi-Wan said with a grimace. "I had to take some potion."

"And yet you're still up much too early" Anakin gave a lopsided smile.

"So are you," Obi-Wan pointed out. "Speaking of which, you'll use up your eight hours if you start now. Please take your binder off."

Anakin pouted, but there was hurt behind it. "I will. Just... not right now."

Obi-Wan let it be and sat up, pulling Anakin onto his lap. They sat like that for a bit, breathing together, comfortable to simply be.

Obi-Wan had no idea how much time had passed, but he whispered, "Can you take it off now?" 

They had such history that neither needed to communicate how Obi-Wan was just trying to keep Anakin safe, how Anakin would be uncomfortable, how Obi-Wan knew that and would do anything he could to mitigate Anakin's dysphoria.

The common room was still empty save for Rex, and Anakin quietly unzipped the side of it. He took a deep breath in, and Obi-Wan was careful to avoid Anakin's chest as he wrapped his arms around Anakin's shoulders. "Thank you," he murmured. Anakin closed his eyes in reply.

More people filtered into the common room as the sun rose. Ahsoka came downstairs eventually, waking Rex up and wandering over to the couch where her friends were sitting.

She yawned and flopped down, laying her head on Obi-Wan's shoulder.

"M-m-m-morning," Ahsoka greeted through another yawn.

"Hello," Obi-Wan smiled, and Anakin grunted in greeting, nestled in Obi-Wan's arms.

"Cody'll be down soon. Then we should head down to breakfast." Her stomach growled, punctuating the statement.

Sure enough, Cody wandered into the common room a few minutes later, Rex trailing behind, who was still disgruntled about falling asleep studying.

Obi-Wan helped Anakin zip up his binder again, and then the group made their way down to the Great Hall. Taking seats at the long Gryffindor table, they helped themselves to the array of breakfast foods set out.

Ahsoka poured herself a bowl of Pixie Puffs, munching quietly and reading a book for Charms. Anakin made a few pieces of dry toast for himself, and Obi-Wan piled his plate high with scrambled eggs, vegetarian sausage, roasted potatoes, and baked beans.

Cody and Rex disappeared down a staircase and emerged a few minutes later with a tray laden down with every pastry under the sky. They dug in, and Obi-Wan managed to convince them to have some pumpkin juice and grapefruit slices.

The Great Hall was slowly emptying as people left for classes, but they all had a free period first thing. 

Instead of using it for studying, as was intended, Cody and Rex were sitting under the table, probably gossiping as they stuffed their faces with yet more food. 

Anakin was acting slightly intoxicated, asking Obi-Wan many obscure questions that he had no answers for. "Why can short people ask tall people to get things that are up high, but tall people can't ask short people to pick up things on the ground for them?"

Obi-Wan laughed, a little warily. "I don't know." A pause. "Did you get enough sleep?"

"Oh, I don't know." Anakin waved an airy hand. "Everything just blurs together." He giggled. "But I feel like I could fall asleep right now."

"We still have a while until Charms... do you want to take a nap?" Obi-Wan offered.

"Here? In the Great Hall?"

Obi-Wan held back an eye roll. "How about back in the dormitory?"

"Okay!" Anakin stood up happily, swaying a little on his feet. 

Obi-Wan rushed to support him and said to Ahsoka, "We're going upstairs. See you at Charms."

She acknowledged that she'd heard him, and the two walked clumsily up the stairs. Anakin got his foot stuck in the vanishing step, which took a moment to pull out.

Eventually, they made it to their dormitory, and Anakin fell onto the bed, laughing. Obi-Wan made sure that his wand knew to tell them when it was time to go before helping Anakin take off his binder.

Anakin wriggled under the covers, looking content. Then he stilled and looked up at Obi-Wan.

"Lay with me?" he asked, and Obi-Wan felt his features soften.

"Of course." Obi-Wan smiled tenderly, made sure his wand would alert them, and slipped into bed with Anakin, who put arms around the other man and pulled him close. 

"Love you, Obi-Wan," Anakin slurred, half asleep.

"I love you too."

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