Omori Oneshots

By Ploopy666

80.5K 1K 6.8K

Omori Oneshots for all your Omori needs. NOTE : None of the gifs or art are mine! If you are the artist or k... More

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚I n t r o˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Basil x Reader ✦ Picnic
Kel x Reader ✧ Rainy Night
Sunny x Reader ✦ Confession || Part One
Perfectheart x Reader ✧ Hiding
Sunny x Reader ✦ Confession || Part Two
Aubrey x Reader ✧ Sneaking Out
Basil x Reader ✧ Painting
Sunny x Reader ✦ Sleepover
Mari x Reader Power Outage
Sunny x Reader ✧ Childhood Friends
Kel x Reader ✦ Beach Day
Mari x Fem! Reader ✧ Classmates
Sweetheart x Reader ✦ Descension
Hero x Reader ✧ Library
Sunny x Reader ✦ Comfort
Basil x Reader ✧ Asleep
Basil x Reader ✦ Fireside
Basil x Reader ✧ Ice Skating

Hero x Reader ✦ Winter Break

3.4K 47 273
By Ploopy666

Hero : Boarding the plane now, baby!! So excited to see you <33

You hadn't seen Hero in a few months due to him getting accepted into a prestigious ivy league univeristy. While you on the other hand, decided to stay and pursue your dreams in your home town. Long distance definitely wasn't easy, but you and Hero made it work by calling and texting as often as possible, and of course being communicative.

Finally, Hero's winter break was starting and the two of you couldn't be more excited. His schoolwork had been piling up in the recent days, so calls were becoming less frequent. Obviously this wasn't the best, but luckily there was still something to look forward to.

You decided to try getting some rest before picking him up at 6 AM, but were far too eager to see him again. You ended up getting a few hours of sleep and spent the rest of the waiting time just watching a few comfort shows. You noticed the time and began getting ready. Though you wanted to seem as presentable as possible before you saw him, the sleep deprivation was beginning to kick in, so you just put on some comfortable clothing that looked nice enough.

The excitment began to set in once again as you drove to the airport. Anxious heartbeats got louder and heavier, so to drown it out, you played some of your favorite songs on your car speaker. It was definitely nervewracking to see him again, but in a good way.

You parked and picked up your phone as it vibrated from a notification.

Hero : Woo! Landed safely! I'll be there soon! Gimme around 25 minutes. :))

You smiled to yourself and somehow just on time, Hero was tapping on your car's window with a grin plastered on his face. Wow, still extemely punctual.

You quickly exited your car to give him a tight hug. As he wrapped his arms around you, your heartrate skyrocketed and you finally felt back at home. You felt happy tears well up in your eyes as you gave him another loving squeeze. After a while, it was time to pull away and you helped him put his luggage back in the car.

He entered the passgener seat as you sat down behind the wheel. He let out a content sigh and put his hand over yours, looking you in the eyes.

"I've missed you so much, (Y/N). I'm so glad I can finally see your beautiful face in person again. God, it's been so long." Hero said.

"I agree! Seeing you on video call really just isn't the same. Plus, now I don't have to die when you have bad connection. But in all seriousness, I've really missed you too."

Hero chuckled and nodded. "I know how mad you get...Mm, you wanna go now?"

You nodded as well and started up the car, beginning to drive back to your place. "When are we gonna go to your place?"

"Maybe in a few hours. I didn't get any sleep on the plane, and I just wanna stay with you for a bit..."

You blushed a little and smiled. "Haha, yeah that sounds good. I didn't get that much sleep either."

Hero connected his phone to your car to play some music. "Wow, you just missed me that much?" He teased playfully.

You groaned and rolled your eyes, turning up his song's volume. "Oh shut up."

He pretended to zip his mouth shut and threw away the 'key'. You giggled and lightly slapped him on the shoulder.

"Fine, you can talk again." You said in defeat.

Hero 'unzipped' his mouth and let out an exaggerated sigh of relief. "Why thank you, my dear noble."

Soon, you had pulled up to your place and felt that same anticipation building up inside you. You got out and carried his backpack for him while he had his suitcase. You unlocked the door and ushered him inside.

"Ahh, home sweet home." You both said at the same time.

You slowly glanced over at him with a weird look on your face. "Huh?"

He burst out into laugher because of the look your were giving him. He calmed down after a bit and explained in a softer tone of voice. "It's because I feel at home when I'm with you..."

Your face turned red and you shook your head, avoiding eye contact. "Damn it, you're so cheesy...I don't mind."

He hugged you. "Hehe, I knew it." Soon pulling away to grab your face gently, caressing it with his thumbs. "You're the best." He gave you a soft but loving kiss on the lips and you kissed back.

The kiss ended with both of you breathless, but you needed more. You pulled him back towards you to lock your lips together again. He picked you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist tightly. You and Hero pulled away once again, gasping for air and looking into each others eyes.

"I love you so much, (Y/N). Thank you for waiting, I know it wasn't easy."

"I love you too, Hero. You made it a lot easier."

He smiled and carried you to your bed carefully. He laid down next to you and you curled up onto his chest which was admitedly very comfortable. He played with your hair after turning on your TV as light background noise.

You stared up at him and he stared back before he put his hand over his mouth, looking away.

"You're too cute!" He exclaimed, taking a deep breath. "How did I get so lucky?"

"Psh, I should be the one asking you that."

He booped you on the nose, shaking his head. "Wrong, wrong, and wrong."

A few moments of comfortable silence passed before Hero went on his phone. "Gotta check the weather forcast. Kel wants to play basketball with me tomorrow and I know that he's definitely gonna kick my ass. Please be snow...pleaseeee..." He squealed like a fangirl would and shoved the phone in your face. You jumped from all the sudden movement and sounds, but squinted your tired eyes to read.

The snow icon was shown to start at 8 AM and not end until tomorrow. You grinned. "Heh, looks like you got your wish!"

"Ahh the universe loves me so much."

You laughed and curled back up onto his chest. "I think everyone loves you, including me."

He smiled. "Look who the cheesy one is now, I think all cheesy people need to get some shut eye..."

"7 AM bedtime? Good idea."


You woke from your nap to the sound of more excited noises coming from Hero. He gently shook you a few times. "(Y/N)! Wake up! LOOK OUTSIDE!"

You groaned and rubbed your eyes before slowly sitting up. You blinked a few times before processing the white haze of snow outside. Wow, this man really likes snow. You laughed and got out of bed, wrapping your arms behind him tightly. "Do you wanna build a snowman?" You whispered between giggles.

He nodded profusely. "Yes, we have to! I'm just so glad that this snow storm didn't happen yesterday, though. Perfect timing. Having my flight delayed and not being able to spend time in the snow with you is probably on the list of the of the most tortorous things ever."

"Aw, that's so sweet, but what about your family? Don't you wanna go see them?"

"Well I definitely do, but I don't think anyone could drive in this snow."

"You're right. Go send them a text just so they know you're safe."

While Hero was texting them, you said, "I guess that means it's just a day for us. Is there anything you have in mind that we should do?"

You saw him smile a little and he said, "I've been wanting to have a snowy day for so long, baby. I know you said this as a joke, but..." He took a deep breath, preparing to sing in a terrible voice cracky voice, "I wanna build a snowmannnnnn."

You felt your ears die slightly, but were down for that idea. "Pfft, well what are you waiting for? Did you pack some warm clothes or do you need to borrow mine?"

He walked over to his suitcase, examining the contents. "I think I have some, but I obviously wouldn't mind some of yours."

Shortly after, you and Hero were equipped for the snow.

You walked outside and immediately got hit with a crisp cold breeze that was oddly satisfying. The two of you began the creation of a lovely snowman, starting off with rolling up the base and then moving on to the middle. The making of the head was definitely the easiest to make, so you let Hero do that on his own while you went off looking for some snowman facial features. You picked up some decently sized rocks and rushed back into your house to look for a carrot. You found one, and though it was a little on the moldy side, it still worked. This didn't need to be a fancy snowman.

You put the finishing touches on him before standing back to marvel at you and Hero's beautiful baby.

"Hmmm, he needs a name." Hero pondered to himself.

"Hero's piss kink." You said without hesitation. NeberCheese

He gave you a disgusted look and facepalmed. "I...I was thinking Rudolph."

"I don't know if we're on the same page."

He looked away and took a deep breath to regian composure (and also to hide his urge to laugh). "It's pretty cold out here. I think Rudolph needs some clothes."

You thought for a few moments. "I have something perfect for this occasion. Wait one sec."

You ran back into your house again and picked up an old worn down hat along with an ugly scarf. You walked back outside and carefully put them on the snowman since he's a very fragile being. You took out your phone to take a picture of the perfect creation. Snap! Memory saved.

"Can you send that to me?" Hero asked.

"Of course!" You sent the photo over to him with a smile on your face.

He took out his phone and also went to the camera app. "I wanna capture something even more wonderful. Is it alright if I take a picture of us together right now?"

You wrapped your arm around him. "Of course!"

He extended his arm and took a picture. He brought his phone back towards him to review it. You peered over to look at it. You noticed that you didn't look your best, but you looked truly happy...and so did he. You gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Dang (Y/N), we look so good together."

"I gotta agree with you, but maybe we wouldn't look the best as icicles. Do you wanna go back inside?" You said while shivering a little.

Hero nodded. "Yeah, it's getting pretty cold out here."

As you were on your way inside, you felt...something hit you in the face. It was a freezing cold ball of- oh wait, just a snowball. You slowly turned your head to face Hero with bloodthirsty eyes. You scooped up a handful of snow and chucked it at his face. Payback.

He gasped over dramatically and put his hand on his chest. He fell over on his back onto the fluffy pillow of snow beneath him. He tilted his head to the side and stuck his tongue out. "Bleh."

You cautiously took a few steps towards him, narrowing your eyes to examine his state of being. Obviously he was still breathing, but you decided to go along with it.

"Oh, Hero no!! I suppose we'll have to bury you now..." You got closer and prepared to roll him over. All of a sudden, he pulled you on top of him.

"Haha, I gotcha good!" He said victoriously, with a perfect smile.

You began laughing, but soon quieted down once you realized the position you and Hero were in. You felt every atom in your body heat up as he cupped your face in his hands.

"I like this." He said as he kissed you lovingly. Despite him being cold, his lips were still comforting.

As you pulled away, he looked a little concerned. "Ah, (Y/N). You're freezing! Let's get back inside, we can continue this later."

Slightly disappointed, you slowly got off of him and the two of you actually headed back indoors.

Inside, Hero turned to you, asking, "Hmmm, so what now?"

A brilliant idea suddenly came to mind. "Didn't you used to really like to cook before?"

"Oh yeah. Ah, that was a long time ago." He sat in silence for a little bit, almost as if he was reminiscing. "Do you wanna make some pancakes? An...old friend used to make them often."

"Okay, let's do it! I think I already have all the ingredients."

The kitchen was filled with the homey aroma of warm pancakes and syrup along with all your favorites toppings. Hero poured out some milk and set up the table for you two to eat.

You sat across from him and took a deep breath to inhale all the delicious smells. "Wow, you've still got it in you."

"What do you mean?" Hero asked, accidentally speaking with his mouth full.

"Well, I just mean that you're still an amazing cook. I don't know why you stopped, but if you still enjoy it, I think it would be a really good idea to start back up again."

You noticed Hero get a little emotional and he stopped eating for a few seconds. "That means a lot to me..Alright, I'll consider it, but on one condition. You have to be my tastetester," He responded.

You happily responded with, "Gladly!" You waited for a few moments before continuing, "I'm really gonna miss you when you have to go back."

He sighed and nodded in agreement. "I will too, but we're literally a power couple. We've got this!" He said with genuine hope in his voice.

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ END ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

This chapter was honestly super hard to write...mostly because of the airport terminology. I tried to do some research, but I just gave up haha. I hope that part makes sense. Tell me if you'd like a part two! Thank you to everyone for reading, I truly love reading your comments. :)) Also, please feel free to leave some requests! Lowkey running out of ideas, oops.

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