Let's be free?..(sal x Travis...

Bởi doiknowyou1502

474 3 5

Travis Phelps is a lonely boy that has no friends only his Bible, will he survive after meeting the boy he ca... Xem Thêm

Warnings/side notes
Movies and pain
Entering the room, turning the lights on, searching. 
Larry's Discovery.
It's time.

Prolugue/disaster dog effect

92 1 4
Bởi doiknowyou1502

All of this book is after the bathroom scene, things from episode 4 are played out but not exactly the same, episode 5 did not happen.
They are all 18 as of now
September 20th: not reread yet

I sighed, staring at my blank, colorless ceiling.
I heard the slow steps from the stairs approaching, when I heard them I jumped from laying down in a relaxed position into a panicked formal sitting position, opening my Bible to my tabbed page. I breathed in and out as I calmed my heart to make it look like I was reading the whole time. I've read the Bible 3 times, I know each paragraphs sayings, studying the Bible until 4 am sometimes pays off when your father is gonna wake you up every morning at 5:30 am to start the day off. Bible studies suck.

I heard the jingle of my door opening, it was a quick and loud when my father opened it. "Travis, are you reading your Bible?" I heard my father's angry tone, "Yes sir, I am reading Psalm" I said softly looking up from my Bible. My father was dressed in a black suit with crosses covering it from top to bottom, his hair was neat and done well, his hazel eyes stared at me like he wishes death upon. As for I? I was wearing a purple sweater, a white collar shirt under and Jean shorts that go down to my knees, with my bright green shoes with my white socks. I can't forget my beloved cross that I hate so much.

My father stepped forward, walking through my clean and bare room. He walked in front of me, staring down at me, I stared up in freight. He snatched my Bible from my bruised hands, he was staring at the page and when he looked back he gave me a look of disgust. He closed the Bible with one hand and continued to stare at me as I flinched at the sound of the pages and hard cover smash together. "What was the last line you read." He said stiffly as always, "The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple;"

He raised his arm up that had my Bible in it and slapped me across my face, my head moved to the side, as the pain of the cover remains. "No breakfast for you. You were supposed to read 24 by this time. " he said as he dropped my Bible onto the hard wood ground. I felt my face, he left with a simple door slam.

I thought to myself, what time is it? I looked at my desk, it was 5:46. I sighed as I stood up and walked to my closet, inside the drawer was a small mirror with some foundation that was the correct color of my brownish tan skin. I took it with me over to my desk and I started to put it on gently. Sighing at my bruised face, thinking to myself sadly
why do I have to be bruised every morning..I'm just not trying hard enough..but what can I do? I've done everything of my control..whatever, it doesn't matter anymore..
Standing up from my desk, I push the chair in and put the foundation away, hidden.

I grabbed my bag that was hanging on a hook on the back of the door. I grabbed the Bible off the floor and put in my bag and grabbed my cellphone that was hidden under my bed.
I put that in my bag as well. I opened the door as I walked to the bathroom and put my bag down next to me and then started brushing my teeth and fixing my blonde hair.
I left the bathroom with my bag in my hand, making steady steps on each part of the stairs that didn't creak.
As looked over the railing, poking my head out..it was clear to just walk out silently, down the porch

I sighed staring down at my hands that are balled up in a fist, my elbows hit the ground while my knees against the sharp rocks
I rose my torso up so I was sitting on my knees. My wrist hurt from the impact of catching myself from falling on my face
I brushed off the rocks that stuck on the side of my hand and the side of my arms then pushed them off my lap as I stood up.
I felt a weird feeling like something dripping on my knee. I looked down and saw that my pants on my knees and down my legs were covered in dirt and must as well as my right knee's pant leg now had tiny blood stains starting to shine through the Jean cuff, silently cursing myself then praying on my sin, I continued to walk down my long driveway and walking to the school

As I walked along the sideway a Great Dane was sitting by a lamp post, a simple, lonely, barely working, lamp post. There was nobody around but a house that I know nobody lives in, the house has been on sale for over 2 years now was now.
The dog looked sad and tire of sitting in the same position, waiting for someone to save him. I came up to the dog, letting it sniff my hand, the Dane was gentle and seemed friendly. I pet the Great Dane on top of it's head then I sat down on my knees in front of it trying to look for a collar

Then I heard his voice.

"Is that your dog?" A voice, not just any voice..a shaky, fragile, sweet, well..his voice is usually calm but this time was not very calm at all. I quickly looked up and saw his blue hair tied up in two ponytails on each sides of his ears, with his white as cream mask with just a side of it a weird wore out purple. His eyes when you tried staring into them they were only dark blackening holes of nothingness, only at certain angles you may see his wonderful ocean eyes.
"N-no just a dog I found alone!" I quickly said in a very harsh tone
"Oh- I'm sorry was I interrupting you? I didn't mean too..I just need to get by" he said with honey in his tone

"Do whatever you want fag, just get by there's enough space to get by. Do you need me to help you cross a dog? What are you? Afraid it will bite you? What a weakness."
I said with pure hate, why? Why did I? He was just a nice, sweet boy trying to get by you..why do you have to be such a- a- idiot..
"Uhm..I'll just walk across the street then back over.." Sal said as he started to look for cars to cross the Deserted road

"No! Wait you can get b-"

in that moment, many things happened all at once. All I can say is that I ended up on the ground with nails digging into my tan skin while feet were kicking the rocks and my foot on the ground. Was sal actually terrified of dogs?
I came to my senses and pulled sal by his other arm that was against my shoulder and held him close to my chest
"It's alright I have you, the dog isn't gonna get you now" I said thoughtlessly
I knew I should've be touching the skin of a sinner or even be 3 feet in distance with a person like Sal but who could resist to not be more than 3 feet with him, in them moments I was shot with fear and confusion
The fear came from the confusion, why did I want to push him away? This is the closest I've been since forever?
Oh. That's right. Him.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF SAL." I heard a toned deep stoner voice. Larry.

I instantly let go of sal but when I did he didn't move, not a muscle..he had his face in my chest and sounded like he was hyperventilating
I sighed as I wanted him off of my shoulder before Larry started to beat me to death or at least near death before Sal could stop him.
"S-" Larry the brunette started


Larry jumped and stared at the dog
Sal lifted his head and looked at the dog then left out of my chest and stumbled across my legs that were laid out into Larry's arms
I stood up and brushed my pants off again and then walked back over to the dog and tried to put my hand out to him to sniff
"Is this your dog travis?! Why the hell did you even leave it out here! You knew this was the path sal goes, didn't you? I'll kill you!" Larry started shouting. I was in fear but was trying to calm the dog before Larry got to me
"No it's not my dog! Let me try calming it down before you kill me!" I yelled back. Sal grabbed Larry's hand pulling him back and stopped him from moving any closer from me

I let the Dane sniff my hand. Sal and Larry started to cross the street, I looked up from the dog from their movement. I wanted to just break down and cry, but why did I want to do that? What was the reason? Was it the fact that Larry is gonna give me some more bruises probably next time we meet paths without their group or?

I was able to calm the Dane down but if I didn't run now, I'm gonna be late for first period
As I went to stood up the Great Dane bit my hand so hard..


I looked at my hand that's as now bleeding out, I didn't feel anything but soft, throbbing pain. He just got into blood and nothing else

I started to run to get to the school
The bell just rang as I got there, running in to get to my locker which was on the other side of the building, I ran through the crowds while they started and whispered at my bloody hand
I felt like time stopped. Ashley, Larry, Sal, and Todd were standing against their lockers..
Todd was showing Ashley and Larry the a gear that I didn't understand what it did or would do, Ashley was looking through her history book while looking up for Todd's gear from time to time while Larry was asking questions that seemed to piss Todd off and making him tell answer at him to I suppose stupid questions.
Sal was playing on his gear boy, his leg against his locker and he had a black sweater on his arm while his hands on the buttons of the gear boy. My locker was of course. Across theirs.

I tried to hide my hand for the best of my abilities which didn't take long for the blue boy and his gang to follow

I heard sal's voice raise but I couldn't make out what he was saying, the hall was too noisy
But I did heard a hand against a locker, in fact..the locker next to mine.
I sighed as I put my head on my locker door, then turned around to see a angry looking Larry. My heart began to race and the butterflies in my stomach started to raise. Only this meant I was going to get hit or something else, some kind of pain

I felt Larry's head get closer to my ear
I felt uncomfortable and confused

He whispered
"Your so fucking glad I respect Sal's wishes..only when he's around. I will beat the shit out of you next time I see you when I'm alone. You hear me? Don't ever touch Sal EVER again."
My eyes widened and I looked down at my feet as Larry slammed his hand on the locker before he left to go down the hall, everyone followed but..him..


The bell rang as quick as everyone in the hall, it was cleared out within minutes. Looking down at my green shoes I see a pair of blue, dirty converses
"What do you want fa-.." I stopped myself and just started to walk away from him
He grabbed my hand that was covered in new and somewhat dried blood
"Travis, I'm taking you to the nurse and we can both just skip out of math alright? I didn't wanna go to math and your my prefect excuse."

I looked at him and pulled my hand away forcefully and held it with my other since it hurt being touched
I just stood there and looked at my hand and softly rubbing it, I thought he would just walk away but he stayed waiting for my answer, he seemed like it was okay or I'm gonna force you

I just nodded and he then started walking down the hall slowly. What have I gotten myself into? What if the school has to call my father? What if I miss most of my classes for this? Why couldn't I just say no and run off? What's wrong with me today..
I keep walking following him, the school's nurse's office is at the front of the building and which we were on the other side so it was a long walk.

Sal kept looking back to see if I was keeping up from time to time but when we got into the main hallway we both were walking next to each other

"Travis..can I ask you a question?"

I heard a small voice pitch into our shoes shuffling and other silence

"What is it.." I said weakly, not having enough strength to even put some anger into my voice

"Why didn't you just go to the nurse when you came into school?"
I had no answer for the blue shirt boy, nothing other than that i wanted to go to my locker and get to class like nothing happened
"I just wanted to get my stuff and get to math then ask me.packerton if she'll let me so I at least accounted for attendance.." I said softly, I felt Sal move closer to me- could he not hear me well or?

I started to stare at the boy as he was walking


Here I am head first into a trash can,
This is amazing.
I struggled to get out. Maybe if I was looking on where i was going..then this next position wouldn't of been so awkward
Sal rushed over behind me and started grabbed my elbows and pulling them up from inside the can

He pushed his body against mine trying to get me out
When I got out I just pushed him off over me which made him them fall down and hit his head on one of the glass cabinets of trophies
Glass shattered all over him and the ground and some on my shoes

I just stared at him as he rubbed his head


The alarm on the cabinet started to ring
Sal started to panic at the sound, it was on his body language that he was scared

I was scared as well, I just pushed Sal into a cabinet and now we are probably gonna get in trouble.
I heard the doors start to open and people running out, I SAW people running out

I grabbed sal's hand and pulled him into the closest boy's bathroom
I pushed him softly into the stall and helped him up on standing on the toilet, he held my hands trying to balance as I turned around and positioned my feet

I gripped his hand tightly but not enough to hurt his pale, pasty hands.
Two I suppose grown teachers came into the bathroom looking for people
I pushed my feet on each side of the stall's wall.

"Did you see anyone go into anywhere else? Maybe it was the girl's restroom?" The grown teacher said to I guess the other
"No im SURE that it was in here,
Every stall is clear but the out of order one"

Panic shot through me, they are gonna check this stall.
I looked over my shoulder at Sal that's struggling to balance himself while I'm struggling as well to keep my feet on the side's of the stalls

I heard the doors open and close, did they leave?
It was silent for a minute. I put my feet down and helped Sal down off the toilet.

The door was opened and closed again

I stared at Sal and Sal had the same panic in his eyes

"There's two people in there! There's I repeat two people in there." The door opened again and I heard more and more feet in the restroom
I heard them trying to open the door but failing
"Just come out, we caught you already"

I didn't know what to do but I just wanted to run. Anything to run. I didn't realize it but I was tightening my grip on sal's hand

"Ow!" I heard Sal say, I resumed focus on him then I let go of his hand as well as my other hand.
I walked over the door shockingly then went to unlock it, Sal put his hand on my other.

I unlocked it and opened the stall door and we both stepped out embarrassed of their looks and faces
Sal let go of my hand and we both moved a bit away from each other, I felt embarrassed because it looked like we were trying to do..that..even at a school..in the stall..of a bathroom..at 8 something in the morning.
The teachers looked half on if we broke the cabinets glass or were in the bathroom doing that
"You kids..now get to my office."
The principal said demandingly
Following behind me and sal was the principal and a officer.
When we got to his office he asked us to sit outside with two other kids, 4 seats were there with the two that had theirs and me and sal's next to each other's, we sat down and started to rethink our whole lives, at least I was.
I had my dried up bloodly hand with small teeth marks in it on my knee and my other covering my eyes. A cold hand touched my hand that was on my knee, I moved my hand that covered my eyes and saw Sal inspecting my hand, he then moved his hand and started to take something out of his pocket, bandages?

"Why do you have bandages on you?" I questioned and he just simply stared up at me then pointed to a wrapped area on his ankle
I shrugged and then he grabbed my hand and started wrapping it in the clean white wrap. He tugged in the end to the wrist of the bandage since we didn't have medical tape
The kid next to me tapped my shoulder
"What are you in for Christian boy? Kissing a homo?" He laughed
I didn't give one reaction, I figured it's not useful in this situation that we're in so let's try to clear this up.

Me and Sal were called into the office and were asked to sit in the chairs next to each other
"We're just waiting for your guy's parents to get her-"
"NO." I shouted out of fear
I then realized I shouted and stood up, I sat back in my chair embarrassed even more

"There's no use anyways. He's not coming..he said he's in the middle of a busy meeting right now" the principal said trying to settle me

I sighed it of relief for the moment

"But Sal your father is coming"

I looked over at Sal, he didn't even really have a reaction. I can tell his father is laid back with coming to school to see what the problem is

"While we wait for Henry, tell me boys..what were you guys doing together in a stall?" The principal stared out to us
Sal stayed silent, I stayed silent
"Not talking now huh? What about the cabinet?"

I shuffled my feet just as a reaction of trying to come up with a excuse
"So is that a yes, I tried stealing?" He stared at me
"What-? No I was just-" I started then knock at the door came
Sal's father I suppose came in after the principal asked him too. The principal then asked me and Sal could go back to our seats.
We sat down again and the kids stared up and snickered

"You know if you broke that cabinet, your in BIG trouble. Accident or not, if you were screwing around then you gonna pay for it"
The kid nudged which just made my anxiety rise
"Did you?" He said with a chuckle at the end
I just stared up at him the back down at my feet. Which was the better option? Agreeing me and Sal had intercourse or we broke the cabinet

I looked over at Sal, he was just tugging at his hand roughly. I stared as his hand gripped hard on his hair, I felt bad for staring since he stopped after seeing that I was staring.. the door opened and his dad was standing at the door waiting for us.

We both came in and sat down, I took the extra chair that was on the side. The principal stared at me then Sal
"So did you boys decide that you are gonna tell me now?"
Me and Sal shot each other a stare before both of us started to talk

I started off with us walking in the hall to get to the nurse's office while Sal started off by the bathroom
The principal stopped us and then asked me what happened

"I- uhm- um.." I stuttered, I looked at Sal
He just shook his head no? No to telling about the cabinet?
"We..were in the bathroom.." I started slowly watching for his reaction
He nodded
"And we were..uhm.."
he just looked at me then the principal and then his dad
"We were having sex in the stall." Sal said bland out

The room went silent.

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