From Commander To Teacher

By Winters-Reaper

8.8K 270 36

Y/N L/N has been with Jane Shepard ever since your childhood even when both your parents worked for the allia... More

part 2
part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9

bio & part 1

3.4K 46 8
By Winters-Reaper

Name: Y/N L/N

Pre-service History: spacer

Psychological Profile: Sole Survivor

Military Specialization: Vanguard

Looks: How you want

Joker: Thrusters... Check. Navigation... Check. Internal emissions sink engaged. All systems online. Drift... Just under 1500 K.

Nihlus: 1500 is good. Your captain will be pleased.

Joker: I hate that guy.

Y/N: Do you hate it when people give you compliments?

Joker: You remember to zip up your jumpsuit on the way out of the bathroom? That's good. I just jumped us halfway across the galaxy and hit a target the size of a pinhead. That's incredible. Besides, spectres are trouble. I don't like having him aboard. Call me paranoid.

Kaiden: You're paranoid. The council helped fund this project. They have a right to send some one to keep an eye on their investment.

Joker: Yeah, but thats an official story. Only an idiot believes in a official story.

Y/N: I'm with Joker on this one, spectres are trouble.

Shepard: You guys always expect the worst.

Y/N: Well someone has to.

Joker: Yeah, also we don't go anywhere unless its a good reason, so what are we doing here?

Anderson: Joker! status report.

Joker: Just cleared the mass relay, captain. Stealth system engaged. Everything looks solid.

Anderson: Good. Find a comm buoy and link us into the network. I want mission reports relayed back to the alliance brass before we reach eden prime.

Joker: Aye, aye captain. Better brace yourself, sir. I think Nihlus is headed your way.

Anderson: He's already here, lieutenant. Tell commander Shepard to meet me in the comm room for a debriefing.

Y/N: Got it sir. Hey Shepard your needed at the comm room.

Shepard: So I've heard.

Anderson: Commander L/N you should be debriefed as well.

Y/N: Shi- I mean yes sir.

Shepard: Come on Y/N lets get going.

Y/N: Yes ma'am.

Getting up we made our way the the comes room while Shepard talk to a few of the crew members, like our navigator Pressly, and our doctor Chakwas. Once we got to the comm room Anderson wasn't here but Nihlus was.

Nihlus: Ah commander Shepard and commander L/N I was hoping that Shepard would be the only here early, but this is fine. I'm interested in the planet we're going to Eden Prime. I've heard its quite beautiful.

Y/N: Some say its paradise.

Nihlus: Yes... A paradise. Serene. Tranquil. Safe. Eden prime has become something of a symbol for your people, hasn't it? Proof that humanity can not only establish colonies across the galaxy, but also protect them. But how safe are they really?

Shepard: What are you implying?

Nihlus: Your people are still newcomers. The Galaxy can be a very dangerous place.

Y/N: Yeah well Shepard is a dangerous woman.

I immediately felt an elbow go into my ribs. Then captain Anderson walked in.

Anderson: Y/N why are you on the floor?

Y/N: Its cold.

Anderson: Get up. We should tell you both whats really going on.

Nihlus: This mission is far more than a simple shakedown run.

Y/N: I knew it... So did almost everyone else. What are we doing then?

Anderson: We're making a covert pick-up on Eden prime. That's why we needed the stealth systems operational.

Shepard: There's got to be a reason for not telling us about it, sir.

Anderson: This comes down from the top, commander's. Information strictly on a need-to-know basis. A reseacher team on Eden prime unearthed some kind of beacon during an excavation. It was prothean.

Y/N: What else can you tell us.

Anderson: This is big, the last time humanity discovered like this our technology jump forward 200 years. But Eden prime doesn't have the facilities to handle something like this. We need to bring the beacon back to the citadel for proper study.

Nihlus: Obviously, this goes beyond human interests, commander's. This discovery couod affect every species in council space.

Shepard: Are we expecting trouble?

Nihlus: I'm always expecting trouble.

Anderson: There's more, Shepherd, L/N. Nihlus isnt just here for the beacon. He's here to evaluate you two.

Y/N: I already know I'm the sexiest man in the galaxy, and Shepherd the sexiest wom-

I was then elbowed in the guts by Shepherd with a bit of a blush on her face.

Shepard: What's this about, captain?

Anderson: The alliance has been pushing for this for a long time. Humanity wants a larger role in shaping interstellar policy. We want more say with the citadel council. The spectress represent the council's power and authority. If they accept a human into their ranks, it shows how far the alliance has come.

Nihlus: With commander L/N not many could have survived what you went through Akuze. You show a remarkable will to live, a particularly useful talent. And Shepherd held off an enemy assault during the blitz single-handed. She showed not only courage but also incredible skill. That's why I put both your names forward as a candidate for the specteres.

Y/N: I assume that this is good for the alliance?

Anderson: Earth needs this, commander's. We're counting on both of you.

Nihlus: I need to see both of your skills for myself, commander's. Eden prime will be the first of several missions together.

Anderson: Shepard will be in charge of the ground team. Secure the beacon and get it onto the ship ASAP. Nihlus will accompany you to observe the mission.

Y/N: Well I'm ready to go what about you Shepard?

Shepherd: give us the word, captain.

Anderson: We should be getting close to Eden--

Joker: Captain! We got a problem.

Anderson: What's wrong Joker?

Joker: Transmission from Eden prime, sir. You better see this.

Anderson: Bring it up on screen.

A video showed up on screen of a battle going on at eden prime.

???: Get down!

The person that was recording was pushed to the ground by a woman as she continued shooting at something

Officer: We are under attack! Taking heavy casualties! I repeat: heavy casuties! We can't... eed evac! They came out of nowhere. We need--

Then everyone stopped shooting looking towards something, then the man recording looked towards a strange object crashing into Eden prime. After more shooting the transmission cuts off.

Joker: Everything cuts off after that. No comm traffic at all. Just goes dead. There's nothing.

Anderson: Reverse and hold at 38.5.

The transmission was then left on the part where the strange object was landing on Eden prime.

Joker: seventeen minutes out, captain. No other alliance ships in the area.

Anderson: Take us in, fast and quiet. This mission just got a lot more complicated.

Nihlus: A small strike team can move quickly without drawing attention. It's our best chance to secure the beacon.

Anderson: both of you grab your gear and meet us in the cargo hold. Tell Jenkins to suit up you'll be going down there.

We both left getting ready.

Joker: Somebody was doing some serious digging here, captain.

Anderson: Your team's the muscle in this operation, commander. Go in heavy and head stright for the dig site.

Y/N: What about survivors?

Anderson: Helping survivors are a secondary priority. Getting the beacon is top priority.

Joker: Approching drop point one.

Jenkins: Nihlus? you're coming with us?

Nihlus: I move faster on my own.

Nihlus proceeded to leave the normandy and scout around the area.

Anderson: Nihlus will scout ahead. He'll feed you status reports throughout the mission; otherwise I want complete radio silence.

Shepard: Ready and able, sir!

Anderson: The mission's yours now Shepherd. Good luck.

Joker: We're approching drop point two.

Once we landed Shepard, Jenkins, and I left the normandy seeing that their was ash falling down but we continuing down the path.

Nihlus: This place got hit hard, commander. Hostiles everywhere. Keep your guard up.

Jenkins: Don't vanguards usually use pistol and shotguns not assault rifles?

Y/N: Yeah but I got the tranning for it.

After making our way through the woods we found ourselves in a open area with rocks that can be used as cover. Shepard motioned to Jenkins to move ahead, but as he went ahead two drones came out of nowhere and gunned him down. Aiming down my Lancer shooting one of the drones while Shepard destroyed the other one. Once that was over I ran to Jenkins body, only to find him dead. Kneeling down I closed his eyes.

Y/N: It ripped through his shield. He should get a burial.

Shepard: I know, and we'll see that he gets a proper service once the mission is complete. But I need you to stay focused, can you do that for me Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah I'll be fine let's keep moving.

We continued down the path only to be attacked by more recon drones, but Shepherd and I destroyed them easily.

Nihlus: I've got some burned out buildings gere, Shepard. A lot of bodies. I'm going to check it out. I'll try to catch up with you at the dig site.

After walking for a bit we destroyed more drones we heard some gunfire, and noticed that the same woman from the transmission was here but she was under attack by geth so we helped her. After destroying the geth we made our way to the woman.

Ashley: Thanks for the help, commander. I didn't think I was going to make it. Gunnery Chief Ashley williams of the 212. You the one in charge here, ma'am?

Y/N: That would be me.

Shepard: Shut up Y/N. Are you wounded, Williams?

Ashley: A few scapes and burns. Nothing serious. The others weren't so lucky. Oh man... We were patrolling the perimeter when the attack hit. We tried getting off a distress call, but they cut off our communications. Ive been fighting for my life ever since.

Shepard: Where's the rest of your squad?

Ashley: We tried to double back to the beacon. But we walked into an ambush. I don't think any of the others... I think I'm the only one left.

Y/N: This isnt your fault, you couldn't have done anything to save them.

Ashley: Yes, sir. We held our position for as long as we could. Until the geth overwhelmed us.

Y/N: That's strange the geth haven't been outside the veil in 200 years, so why start now.

Ashley: They must have come for the beacon. The dig site is close. Just over that rise. It might still be there.

Shepard: We could use your help, Williams.

Ashley: Aye aye ma'am. It's time for some payback.

Y/N: I don't like this, geth coming for a beacon.

Shepard: Come on L/N when we find the beacon maybe we get some answers.

Y/N: Lead the way.

Shepard: Move out!

We moved to the direction that Ashley came from until we reached the structure with few geth roaming around the place. Using the rocks as cover we shot the geth until it was clear then we moved into the ruins only to find a missing beacon.

Ashley: This is the dig site. The beacon was right her. It must have been moved.

Y/N: It could have been moved by the geth, or it could have been moved by people before the attack as we were arriving to collect it.

Ashley: Maybe we'll know more after we check out the research camp.

Shepard: You think anyone got out of here alive?

Ashley: If they were lucky. Maybe they are hiding up in the camp. Its just at the top of this ridge. Up the ramps.

Nihlus: Change of plans Shepard. There's a small spaceport up ahead. I want to check it out. I'll wait for you there.

Y/N: Oh yeah Nihlus is here... I forgot.

Shepard: Really Y/N.

Y/N: Lets go.

We proceeded up the ridge reaching the camp seeing people impaled through the chest, but they were changed.

Ashley: Looks like they hit the camp hard.

Y/N: Keep your guard up, something feels off.

Suddenly one of the spikes that held up a body started moving until it reached the ground, and then the body started moving.

Ashley: What did the geth do to them?

Whatever were those things were they were coming towards us I used my ability to throw the things back then aimed down with my Lancer pulling the trigger killing the things. We walked towards the two buildings one was locked the other was unlocked.

Y/N: Look for anything useful in the building to the left I'll unlock the one to the right.

Shepard: Alright keep an eye out.

Giving a nod I walk towards the locked door after a few minutes I finally unlocked the door, and Shepard and Ashley shows up, and when I walked through the door I noticed that I wasn't alone.

???: Humans! Thank the maker!

Y/N: Yeah last time I check.

???: Hurry! Close the door! Before they come back!

Shepard: Don't worry. We'll protect you.

???: Thank you. I think we'll be okay. It looks like everyones gone.

Ashley: You're Dr. Warren, the one in charge of the excavation. Do you know what happened to the beacon?

Warren: It was moved to the spaceport this morning. Manuel and I stayed behind to help pack up the camp. When the attack came the marines held them off long enough for us to hide. They gave their lives for us.

Manuel: No one is saved. The age of humanity is ended. Soon, only ruin and corpses will remain.

Y/N: Wow... Okay then. We should probably make our way to the beacon.

Shepard: Yeah come on lets get going.

We continued down the path only to hear a gunshot ahead of us.

Y/N: What is that?

Ashley: its a ship. Look at the size of it.

Y/N: More geth! Find some cover!

Down the hill more geth approched as well as husks, Ashley and I handled with the husks while Shepard dealt with the geth. After the geth and husks were dealt with we moved towards the still standing building and I went to start decrypting.

???: Everybody stay calm out there. We're coming out. We're not armed.

Farmer: Is it safe? Are they gone?

Y/N: We took care of them.

???: Those things were crawling around the shed. They would have found us for sure. We owe you our lives.

Farmer: I-- I still can't believe it. When we saw that ship I thought it was all over.

???: That ship showed up right before the attack. I knew it was trouble the second I saw it. We made a break for it to the shed.

Looking over to the left I thought I noticed something familiar so I went up ahead while Shepard and Ashley were still talking to the survivors. Looking at the body on the ground I noticed it was Nihlus and he was already dead, I heard movement to my right so I aimed my pistol towards the sound.

Y/N: You better come out or I will shoot.

???: Wait! Don't shoot. I'm one of you a human.

Y/N: Wanna tell me why your behind those creates.

???: I.. I'm sorry. I was hiding from those creatures. My name's Powell. I saw what happened to that turian. The other one shot him.

Y/N: What other one?

Just then Shepherd and Ashley showed up noticing that nihlus was dead.

Shepard: What happened here?

Y/N: I'm about to find out.

Powell: The other one got here first. He was waiting here when your friend showed up. He called him Saren. I think they knew each other. Your friend seemed to relax. He let his guard down... And Saren killed him. Shot him right in the back. I'm just lucky that he didnt see me behind the creates.

Shepard: We were told that the program beacon was brought to the space port. What happened to it?

Powell: Its over at the other platform. Probably where that Saren guy was headed. He hopped on the cargo train right after he killed your friend. I knew that beacon was trouble. Everything's gone to he'll since we first found it. First that damed mother ship shows up then the attack. They killed everyone. Everyone!  If I wasn't behind the creates I would be dead too.

Y/N: I'll go clear up ahead see if he has anything else.

Shepard: Alright just be careful.

Y/N: Hey talking to the sole survivor.
Death can't take me.

Moving up ahead I took care of some more geth until I was at the cargo train, so I got into cover as more geth was towards the front of the train. Throwing a grenade and I blew it up as it reached a geth behind cover. Using another ability I flung the geth backwards and easily finished them off. I waited a bit until Shepard and Ashley showed up.

Y/N: Anything useful?

Shepard: Yeah. You okay?

Y/N: Always.

She smiled as she handed me some more grenades then we proceeded forward.

Getting off the train I noticed something was planted.

Y/N: Shepard geth planted bombs. You defuse them we'll cover.

She nodded as she defused the first bomb and we moved to the second one, but the geth were in our way so we easily killed them and Shepard defused the second bomb. The third bomb was in sight but the geth were in the way, but we still got to the bomb and defused it. The fourth was a bit harder to find but we found it and defused it next we secure the beacon. We cleared the few geth the protected the beacon and waited for the normandy to pick us up as well as the beacon.

Y/N: Wow working prothean technology... I wanna touch it.

Ashley: Don't do it. But it wasn't doing anything like this when they dug it up.

Ashley left towards Shepard while I stared at the beacon and felt like it was drawing me closer. As I took a step closer a force started pulling me towards the beacon, and I couldn't get away until I felt someone wrap their arms around me tossing me away as well as taking my place. When I looked to see who it was my heart dropped to realize it was Shepard as I tried to help her Ashley held me back.

Y/N: Jane!

Ashley: No! Dont touch her! Its to dangerous!

After a few second the beacon blew up and I quickly went over to Shepard. After checking her pulse she was fine just unconscious Ashley reported to the normandy about what happened.

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