By hellhound2356

4.2K 16 7

this is my first original OC story that's not based on other characters...ok maybe a little More

we got our asses kicked
the wolf and the rabbit
months later
an explanation
ELDD(Eldrid) BIO'S
Vytal Festival
Aries date
Ares date part 2
Fall of Beacon
Managire and Revenge
Welcome to Atlas
The Lab
1k Special
attack on house Belladonna
a visitor
Christmas special
attack on Haven part 1
attack on Haven part 2
attack on Haven part 3
The Lab part 2
train to Argus
Working through some shit
Schnee mansion
attack on Atlas
Dryden vs Lyca
Red Wolf Hunts
Fall of Atlas
assassination of Watts Part 1
Assassination of Watts Part 2
New World


43 0 0
By hellhound2356


I slowly began to open my eyes to the sound of distant gun fire and the roar of Grimm. I was in a large tent on a mattress on the floor. There was a table next to an open entrance to thw tent. I looked beside me and saw a rug with empty cups of coffee. Someone stayed and watched over long have I been out? I got up slowly and painfully. My entire chest and back was bandaged up tight but I still saw blood through them. I barely made it to the exit when I saw I was in a camp of some kind outside Vale. I heard a gasp and sokthing falling, when I turned I saw...Velvet? She had her hands to her mouth, she was carrying a tray with soup on it that was now on the floor.


She rushed over and hugged me. I felt pain shoot through my body but I dealt with it.

Lycus:how long was I out?

Velvet:two months...

Lycus:two what-ow!

I held my chest.

Velvet:take it easy you lost a lot of blood

Lycus:where is Frost...Raymond and Ares?

She led me back into the tent and laid me down.

Velvet:Ares took Frost onto an Atlas ship, with the communications down we can't reach them and Raymond went with Ruby, Nora, Ren and Jaun to Heaven

Lycus:why didn't the rest of RWBY go with her?

Velvet:Yang...was injured during the fight, Wiess was taken back to Atlas and Blake ran...Sun was going to go after her, he's leaving later today

Lycus:I know where she's going


Lycus:yep...home, Managirie

Velvet:how do you know

I sat up.

Lycus:cause the Belladonnas run that place...I'm going with Sun I have unfinished business there

I stood.

Velvet:your in no condition to-

I ripped the bandages off and activated my Semblance.

Lycus:two months of sleep...I'm itchin to crack some skulls especially his...


Lycus:my Father

I grabbed a black shirt and my gun and walked out. I saw Sun and his team next to a make shift gate. I started walking toward them when Velvet grabbed me, I turned and saw her in tears.

Velvet:please...don't leave me again

Her ears fell flat.

Velvet:when is saw you...lying there in a pool of your own blood do you know how scared I was? I was terrified I would lose the only person that I-...

I hugged her.

Lycus:I'm sorry I put you through all that, but this si somthing I can't walk away from, my Father the one that did this to me...these scars. I'll make him pay for what he did to us

She looked up.

Velvet:just promise me I'll see you again

Lycus:you will...when Vale is secure I'll meet you in Vacuo


We kissed and I walked off.


I turned.

Velvet:I love you

I was shocked for a moment but then smiled.

Lycus:I don't know how you can...? I love you too

I turned to the Gates.

Lycus:Sun wait up

I caught up to him.


Lycus:come on if we wanna catch the Cat we better get a move on!

I'm coming you son of a bitch...and I'll fight through Hell to kill you.

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