Werewolf Hunting

By Star_shadow05

3.1K 112 6

Fourteen year old Lilly and her best friend Allie consider themselves the biggest supernatural fans there are... More

Werewolf Hunting
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Two

184 7 0
By Star_shadow05

I made my way to the cafeteria, trying to forget what just happened. The knot on my head was still throbbing, but I wouldn't let that ruin my good mood. It wasn't technically lunch time yet, but the lunch room doubled as a place to relax. It was more of a lunch room/hangout area. There was a gaming system on the other side of the room, along with a cheap TV. for the students that lived in the dorms. Allie chose to live in the dorms and never left the campus because she didn't feel the need to.

I walked in the room and saw her playing the old Nintendo and concentrating way too much on the game. I plopped myself down on the couch next her and waved my hand in front her face, trying to break her from her trance. No dice.

Allie and I were polar opposites but we stuck together, through thick and thin. No one liked Allie because they thought of her as a loud and obnoxious freak of nature, but that never bothered us. She had shoulder length dyed cherry red hair and emerald eyes, so she was pretty, but no one really liked her personality. The loud, random, downright weird nut I called my best friends.

“Earth to Cherry, put down Mario for more than five seconds!” I boomed in her ear. She flinched but kept playing.

“Hold on, I'm trying to get to Rainbow Road. No one else has and I want to be the first!” she shouted back before stepping it up.

Yeah, because donated video games are so worth beating, I thought.

“Oh yeah! I got it, I'm awesome, gimme five!” she shouted. She dropped the controller and threw her hands up, dancing in her seat, chanting her song.

I glared at her, wondering how she could be so self loving sometimes. She usually beat one level per day and always celebrated.

“So, what's Lil?” she asked.

“Never call me that and check out what I have,” I said, pulling out my camera. I showed her the pictures and started scrolling through, and her face lit up.

“Oh, my god, are these real? No photo shop?”

“No photo shop.”

“We have to report this, and prove to the world that they are real, that supernaturals do exist. We'll be famous for this, we'll go down in history!” she went on.

“What's wrong with you? If we report them then people will start hunting them, causing an extirpation of the race, and the skeptics will ridicule us for trying to prove it's real. No one will win, maybe a short news segment but that's it.” I explained. We had been here before and every time she wanted to get rich and famous and I wanted to preserve all evidence.

Her face fell but them picked back up suddenly.

“Yeah, I didn't think of that – I forgot. Hey, can I spend the night tomorrow?” she asked.

“Get all your schoolwork done.” I threaten.

“You don't do yours.” she pointed out.

“I do do mine, I just don't get good grades.” I said, looking down.

“Most people don't write down the, 'square root of pi needs chocolate,' and hope for the best.” she said.

“Ok, ok, sheesh. Tomorrow it is.”

“So, we got an hour to kill. I want to see the tree the werewolf clawed.”

“I told you, I'm not sure if it's a werewolf. I'm not sure what it is.”

We looked at each other, and then bolted out the door, determined to beat each other there. At full speed, it only took us ten minutes to get to the park. Now it was full of giggly kids and people skate boarding and playing basket ball. I groaned. When it was this full, most tree's were off limits unless you marked it as yours.

I showed her the way to the tree and ignored the stares from the people above, and gave them the middle finger. When we got there, she instantly looked at the claw marks and began to run her fingers over them in awe. She kept doing this for a few minutes before looking at me with her mouth agape.

“Where did it come from? What direction I mean.” she asked in a hurry.

“Over there,” I said, pointing. “by the – hey!”

She grabbed my wrist and pulled me over there as fast as she could go. She scanned the area as if it was her specialty, and then stamped her foot in disappointment. We were by the hill that led to the highest point in town, and the sidewalk was what her foot was on.

“There's nothing. No sign, no marks, nothing!” she yelled in frustration.”I know! Maybe there's a secret passage under the hill and it leads to an underground hide out, like those cult movies.”

We both knew there wasn't a passage, but I followed her just to humor her and her stubbornness. She began to pat all around the base of the hill, and then slowly go up. I joined her, but there was nothing. Just dirt and more dirt.

“Hey, you two lookin' for something?” came a voice.

We spun around and saw two boys, both around our age. One was blond and had his hair gelled back, and his deep brown eyes made him look like a rich kid. The other had shoulder length black hair and eyes that looked orange, but he looked like an average run off the mill townie.

They didn't go to school in town, so who were they?

“What's it to you?” I asked.

“We can't help a few lovely ladies?” Blond asked.

“No, now get lost.” I snapped.

I saw Orange smirk before turning around and grabbing Allie's wrist. “Let's go, it's not here.”

“But they're so - “

“Shut it!” I yelled as I drug her away.

Leave it to a few idiots to give us a hard time when we were looking

“ 'Ey, ya come back any time, ya hear?”

“Fuck off!” I screamed. “We need to get back to class.”

“Hey, those guys were hot!” Allie whispered. “And the blond one, mmm.”

I rolled my eyes and resisted the urge to hit her. Every time she saw a good looking guy she decided to try to date him. Her argument was it was fair game, mine was she was a whore in training. Who dates fifteen guys?

Once we arrived back on campus, class was about to begin. We darted across the school and made it in time for Algebra, the stupidest subject in the world. Second to math in general. It was copy this, work on this, it was so stupid and repetitive. Allie and I were supposed to be with the rest of our class in the second part, but we sucked at it so bad we were two of the six students in here.

I copied the notes from the bored like the obedient, not creepy person I was, and ended up understanding it for once. Huh, so that's why they tell you to pay attention. The homework was done in class and this repeated one more time before it was time for break .

I never noticed how much I appreciated the sound of the bell.            

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