saint salvatore โ–ธ TVDยน

By Butterfly1645

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.act one
||The Story Of The Salvatore Family
|| Klaus, Skylar and Kassandra
||The Last Day
|| The Sun Also Rises
|| As I Lay Dying
act two.
|| The Birthday
||The Tribird and Hybrid
|| The End Of The Affair
|| Disturbing Behavoir
||The Reconking
|| Home Coming
|| The New Deal
|| Our Town
|| The Ties That Bind
|| Bringing Out The Dead
|| Dangerous Lisisons
|| Murder of One
|| Heart of Darkness
|| Do Not Go Gentle
|| Before Sunset
|| The Departed
act three.
|| Growing Pains
|| The Rager
|| The Five
|| The Killer
|| My Brother's Keeper
|| 1950's Past, "my dearest kassi, all my love iฬถvฬถaฬถnฬถ ivy" โ™ก
|| O Come, All Ye Faithful
|| Catch Me If You Can
|| A View To A Kill
|| Quick Intermission, please read!!!

|| All My Children

953 27 8
By Butterfly1645


Elena woke up and called Stefan. Stefan was in the Salvatore Boarding House writing in his diary when his phone buzzed. He looked at his phone and saw it was from Elena, and canceled the call. Elena left a message.

"Stefan, hey,'s me. I really have to talk to you. Please call me back."

Elena then tried to call Skylar. If there was any Salvatore she could count on it would be her.


Skylar was in Kassandra's bedroom. They were making out. Skylar was on her lap as she kissed Kassandra as Kassandra chuckled kissing her back running her fingers through Skylar's blonde locks. Skylar's phone was in her purse, Elena's contact was on there.


Elena sighed before sending Skylar a voicemail. "Skylar, it's Elena. I can't reach Stefan I was hoping you could come over and we could talk. Please call me back."

She hanged up before finally calling Damon. The one sibling he wanted to avoid.

Elena then called Damon. Damon was still in bed and rolled over to answer his phone.

"What ?" as Elena said "Hey, I- I called you ten times last night. We need to talk."

"Sorry, I've been busy."

"If you're mad at me, Damon, you need to get over it."

"Oh, I'm over it." as he hung up and laid back in bed staring at Rebekah who was sleeping next to him.


Rebekah and Damon were walking towards the entrance. Damon was topless.

"So, let's not make a big deal out of this." as Damon said "My thoughts exactly."

"Besides, I expect you'll come calling soon enough."

"Let's not hold our breath."

Damon opened the door. Elena was standing outside. She was shocked. Rebekah smiled and walked outside. A few moments later Damon and Elena were inside, and Damon was buttoning up a shirt.

"Did you stop taking your vervain?"

"You think Rebekah had to compel me?"

"What's wrong with you? She tried to kill me less than forty eight hours ago."

Elena said "So is that how it's going to be now? I hurt your feelings and this is how you lash out at me?" as Damon poured himself a drink.

"Well, maybe, for once, something I did had nothing to do with you." as he held up a glass and drank it.

"You should know that Esther is planning on killing her entire family. She's linked them all together with a spell. Whatever happens to one, happens to all of them."

"Well, that's great! Klaus and Kassandra will finally be dead. We win. Why do you look like someone just shot a panda bear?"

"Uh, because to kill Klaus she has to kill all of them, including Elijah. And he doesn't deserve this!" as Damon said " I'm supposed to care about Elijah?"

"Shouldn't you at least care about Rebekah."

"Two seconds ago, you were pissed that she attacked you. It's a win-win." as Elena went to left, but Damon blocked her.

"Don't do anything to screw this up, Elena." as Elena said "Why are you doing this?" as Stefan walked in.

"He's right, you know. Klaus and Kassandra have to die. They all do." as Damon said "See? It's democracy in action."

Elena left knocking into Damon on her way out and spilling his drink.


Elijah was walking around the study and found the burnt sage his mother used last night. Downstairs, Rebekah entered the living room, where Kol and Klaus where. Klaus was on a couch sketching.

"Well, well, well, there's our girl!" as he stood there blocking her way.

"Get out of my way, Kol." Rebekah told him.

"Out all night. What a scandal! I trust you did better than that commoner? Matt, was it?"

"If you don't shut your mouth, the next thing to come out of it will be your teeth." as Klaus grinned.

"Don't start, Nik!" Rebekah told him as Klaus said  "I didn't say anything."

Kassandra walk downstairs, her hair was fluffy and messy. She wore her brown bra and light jeans and heels.

She had a bottle of wine in her hand.

"I was wondering where you went Becky." Kassandra said as Kol told her, "You look like you had a good time as well sister." as Kol added, "Seems like the girls had a good time."

"I wasn't alone." Kassandra said sipping wine as Skylar walked inside the Living Room. She was wearing her blue bralette and her dark jeans, her hair messy. The others looked shocked to see her.

Kassandra smirked at their reaction as she handed Skylar the bottle before she sipped it as well, she waved to the other siblings with a light smile. "I can't' believe. You finally won her over." Rebekah said.

"Hi Rebekah." Skylar said leaning on the wall.  "Well hello to you as well Skylar."

Klaus gave Skylar a look. Kassandra gave him one to. "Well, I can't believe we haven't met yet. Should I call you sister in law ?" Kol asked Skylar.

Skylar chuckled, "Oh no. We are not there yet." as Kol said "Kol Mikaelson." as Skylar said "I know who you are. My brother snapped your neck last night."

"Awe your Damon's little sister. The infamous Skylar Salvatore, also known as Saint."

Kol kissed Skylar's hand.

Kassandra said getting protective "Bug off Kol." taking Skylar's hand in her arm protectively. "You didn't tell me you had more siblings." Skylar told her as Kassandra whispered.  "They aren't' important."

Skylar chuckled before kissing her. "I should get going. I'll see you at 3 ?"

"I'll be there, I'll walk you out" as Skylar nodded walking back upstairs to go get changed.

"You actual got her." Rebekah said as Kassandra said "Oh no, we only made out. I'm leaving our special night for a special purpose." as she sipped wine again.

"I'm bored. Our sisters are a strumpets, but at least there having fun. I need entertainment."

"What are you waiting for? Go on, have at it." as Kol said " It's not fun to go alone. Join me, Nik! It's the least you can do after sticking a dagger in my heart."

"Okay. Why not? I didn't have nearly enough to drink last night, what with you trying to murder Rebekah's date."

"Yes, please go, this house has enough men rolling around it in."

"Just like you, Bekah." as Rebekah threw a shoe at Kol. Kassandra chuckled.

"Good riddance, both of you!" as Elijah entered the room holding the brunt sage.

"Rebekah. Kassandra."

"Not you too, Elijah." Rebekah.

"I'm worried about mother. Have you not noticed her strange behavior?" as Kassandra said "Not just you." as she put her shirt on.

"She's been dead for a thousand years. What's strange for her?" as Kassandra playful rolled her eyes.

"Burnt sage." as he showed Kassandra the sage as she took it. "She was doing a privacy spell."

"She wanted nobody to hear." Kassandra said examining. "You know she fancies such things. Why don't you ask Finn? He's been doting on her." Rebekah said.

"I don't trust Finn. He hates what we are, he always has." as Kassandra said "He's a bore." putting her gold chain on.

"That's not true. And as for mother, she returned for one reason, to make our family whole. She loves us. What trouble are you looking to find?" Rebekah told them.


Skylar came inside. She looked to see her brother's weren't here. She huffed before she heard "Where are you going ?" as she saw Damon.

Damon looked at her. Skylar looked back. "Damon." she told him as Damon added "Skylar." as she asked "What do you want ?"

"Nothing, but a victory drink." as Skylar said with sarcasm "I've already had a drinks, but thanks." as she went upstairs.

Stefan came. "Join me for a little victory drink?" he asked Stefan instead after being rejected by Skylar.

"Should wait until Klaus and Kassandra are dead." Stefan asked.

"Why are you so extra broody? Did you see the way we stood up to Elena? I like you on my team. Must have driven her nuts."

"You still think she's gonna screw this up, don't you?"

"I think somebody needs to talk to her. She's not gonna listen to anything I say."

"Is it because of your little sleepover?" Stefan said as Damon said "It's not my fault she decided to get jealous."

"Well, given who you chose to sleep with, I would say it's one hundred percent your fault."

"Nah. She's better off without me. Sure as hell better off without you." as Damon said "Fine. Neither one of us gets her. Just make sure she doesn't screw up Esther's plan."

Damon left a glass of blood for Stefan. Stefan looked at it for a minute, then turned away without touching it.


There was a knock at the door. Elena walked down stairs and answered it. Elijah was outside.

"Elena." as Elena said "Elijah."  as Elijah said "I don't mean to intrude. I was hoping you might accompany me. I want to show you something."


Elijah parked his car as him and Elena got up and walked around.

"Forgot how much I missed this land." as Elena said "I can't even imagine what it must have been like a thousand years ago."

"You know, your school was built over an Indian village. Where I saw my first werewolf. The town square was where the natives would gather to worship. Matter of fact, near that, there was a field where wild horses use to graze."

"That's incredible."


"Do you know this place too?"

"I do. Below us is a cavern I use to play in as a boy. Connects to a system of tunnels that stretch across the entire area. Perhaps it's nature's way of providing us with shelter against the savagery of the full moon. My mother said there must be a balance."

"Elijah, I should probably go home." as Elijah said "I admire you, Elena. You remind me of qualities I valued long before my mother turned us. It's not in your nature to be deceitful and yet when I asked about your meeting with my mother the other night, you lied to my face."

"That's not true. I told you that all your mother wanted was a new start."

"I can hear your heartbeat. It jumps when you're being dishonest with me. You lied to me at the ball; you are lying to me now. Tell me the truth."

"I never wanted this to happen." as Elijah said "What, Elena?" as Elena said "We were told that whatever was going to be in that coffin was going to kill Klaus. When we found out that it was your mother....We didn't know what to think."

"Since her return she says she only wants this family whole again." as Elijah said "When she asked to see me, I...I thought that maybe she could help. That she would find a way to kill Klaus and Kassandra. It's not just Klaus and Kassandra that she wants to kill."

"She wants to kill us all, doesn't she? She wants to undo the evil she created."

"I'm so sorry, Elijah. I wish there was something I could do to help."

"You know, one thing I've learned on my time on this careful what you wish for." as he broke a hole into the earth and grabbed Elena  and jumped down the hole with her.

Later Elena was alone in the cavern, trying to get a signal on her cell phone.


Alaric and Meredith are sitting at the bar. "Sorry about that."

"Does he still think I'm a serial killer?"

"He's a little judgmental." as Meredith said "Speaking of. Your x-rays were inconclusive. Your knife wound was already semi-healed. It's impossible to tell anything about whoever stabbed you. Short, tall. Left-handed, right-handed. No clue."

"Well, what about my head? Why can't I remember anything about the attack?"

"Your CT scans were clear. Maybe you were compelled to forget."

" think the killer's a...a vampire?"

"There are no other suspects. It's the obvious conclusion." as Kol, Klaus and Kassandra walked up to a bar.

"Oh come on now. Let's not go blaming the new family in town just because you lot have got yourselves a killer at large. Don't mind us. My brother, sister and I are just here to let off some steam, right Kol?" as Kol said "Right." as he eyed Meredith.

Meredith looked uncomfortable. Alaric noticed how they seem to know each other.


Elena was walking around in the underground tunnels, trying to find a way out. She thought she saw a way when Rebekah appears, blocking her escape.

"Going somewhere?" Rebekah asked her before Elena asked "What are you doing here?" as Rebekah said "Not much. Unless you try to run. In which case, I get to kill you."


Stefan entered the house, while he did he saw Skylar who was getting ready in the mirror.

She was wearing a puff floral blue dress with white slippers, her hair curly as she had a blue flower in it.

"Where are you going ?" Stefan asked her as Skylar said "I have a date." as she fixed her lip gloss.

"Sure this is a good time to be going out ?" as Skylar said "When has it ever been a good time here lately ?" as Stefan said "Point proven. Who's the lucky girl ?"

Skylar huffed. She looked to Stefan. "Kassandra."

She was nervous to tell him. "Oh." he said as Skylar asked "You're not mad ?"

"It's your life. I don't trust Kassandra, but your old enough to make your own decisions. Not like your still my five year old sister."

Skylar smiled. "Thank you Stefan." as Stefan shrugged. Skylar gave him a tiny hug.

He then said "I can't find her anywhere." as Skylar asked "Elena ?" pulling away as she added, "She called me, but I miss the call. Tried to call her back, but she didn't answer."

Stefan grimaced before he walk into the living room, Skylar with him.

They both saw Elijah standing by the fireplace talking to Damon.

"What are you doing here ?" Skylar asked Elijah. "Hello, Stefan. Skylar."

"He has Elena." Damon told him. "And your just calm about that ?" Skylar asked him.

"Actually, she's with Rebekah. As you can imagine, my sister is just dying to tear her throat out. So...if you want to save Elena's life, I need you to help me stop my mother."

"Stop your mother ?" Skylar asked arms folded.

"I'm a little embarrassed to admit, but when it comes to killing thousand year old resurrected witches, I'm a little rusty." Damon told him, as Skylar rolled her eyes.

"Yes, unfortunately, even when killed my mother doesn't seem to want to stay dead. Not with the spirits of nature at her side." as Stefan asked "So, what are we supposed to do?"

"The witches that released my mother, she's drawing her power from their bloodline, that line needs to be broken."

"Broken ?" as Skylar said "Sorry, we don't understand."

"Yeah, he means." as made a cutting motion with his forefinger over his neck.

"You want us to kill them." as Skylar eyes went wide.

"You know I'd do it myself, but I have absolutely no idea where they are. Besides, seeing me, they'd immediately know my intent. They won't expect to be harm by the likes of you. In any case, you have until six minutes after nine to find them."

"Oh, how super specific of you."

"By 9:07, the moon will be full, my mother will have the power she needs to kill me and my family. If you do not stop her before then, Rebekah will kill Elena. So we all have our timeline? I suggest you get started."

Elijah started walking towards the exit.

"Kill me and my family ?" Skylar muttered to herself. Her brothers turned to her.

"Damon. Stefan. You both have two seconds to tell me, what's going on."


Rebekah was recording Elena on her cell phone. Rebekah told her "Alright, love, now look into the camera."

"What are you doing?" as Rebekah said "Shooting a picture to inspire your boyfriends. Why don't you tell them how delightful it is being stuck in a hole with your biggest fan?"

"I guess you think I had this coming, huh? After what I did to you?"

"You know, I don't know what I want more, to find out we're saved or to find out it's alright to kill you."

"This isn't my fault. I wanted to get rid of Klaus and Kassandra. At one point, so did you. I didn't know that your mom was planning on killing all of you." Elena told her.

"Do you think I want to spend what could be the last few hours of my life having idle chit-chat with a girl who literally stabbed me in the back? Of course not. But for some reason, everybody seems to want to bend over backwards to save your life, which is incredibly annoying, but makes you the perfect hostage. So, why don't you sit down and shut up before I ruin everything by ripping your head off." as Elena sat down.


Stefan was looking in the freezer where the blood bags are. He pulled one out and looks at it and opens it. Damon entered while Skylar produced to shout at both of them.

"So nobody thought it was a good idea to tell me, Esther is planning on killing her either family ?!" as Damon said "We didn't want to ruin the surprise for you."

Skylar slapped him.

"I can't believe you." Skylar said as Damon told her, "There are plenty of fish in the water, why concern yourself with the She Devil ?" as Skylar said "She isn't evil !"

Damon rolled his eyes, before telling Stefan. "Clock's ticking. You gonna help me brainstorm a plan or are you too busy fixing yourself a snack?"

"We need to call Bonnie. There's got to be a way for her to stop Esther from channeling all that power."

"A. What if she's with Esther? B. What if she can't cut her off? C. I don't know how any of this stuff works and D. neither do you!" as Stefan said "You got a better plan?"

"Worst case scenario, simple mechanics. Can't draw power from a dead battery."

"Kill them." as Stefan said "If it comes to that."

Stefan was still holding the blood bag. Damon took it, suck out some blood, and handed it back to Stefan.

"There's got to be another way." as Damon said "Well, what if I told you I had a less diabolical plan." he held up a sliver dagger.

Skylar turned to see it. "You want to dagger Elijah!"

"They're all linked. One goes down, they all go down. The witches live, Elena's safe, problem solved."

"We don't know if that'll effect Klaus." "Ironically, Klaus isn't our current problem."

"Dagger is lethal to any vampire who uses it." "Well, I just so happen to know someone crazy enough to give it a shot." as Skylar said "No !"

"Kassandra is apart of that link, she'll be daggered to !" as Damon said "Remind me how that's a bad thing again ?" as Skylar said "We are not daggering them, nor killing."

"I don't care about the others ! I just care about Kassandra's life."

"Well that was your first mistake caring for a Original." as Skylar looked to him.

"I'm not letting either of you daggering them." as Damon said "Thought you say that. Sorry baby sis." as Skylar looked at him, within a couple of seconds, Damon snapped her neck as she held Skylar head and carefully laid her against the wall.

"Damon !" Stefan said as Damon said "It had to be done. Trust me it hurt to do that. I'm not letting Kassandra screw up her life. She doesn't deserve it. Not like how Katherine did. She'll thank me later."

Stefan sighed and looked at him. They both left before Damon locked the door.


Alaric was on the phone with Damon near the pool table where Meredith was playing pool. Klaus, Kol, Kassandra were still drinking at the bar.

"Yeah, no, they're still here. Yeah, they've drank their way through half the Grill's liquor supply." as Damon said "Good. It'll be easier if they're wasted."

"So, what's the plan?"

"Divide and conquer. First, we'll need a little blonde distraction."

Kassandra was on the phone with Skylar, though it had went to voicemail for the second time. "You're late Angel Face, which isn't like you. I hope my siblings didn't scare you away. Kol can be a bit much. Just please call me back, I'm getting worried about you." as she hung up.

She saw Klaus had slid her a drink. "Drink up sister ?" as Kassandra huffed as Kol told her, "I'll take it for you."

Kassandra grabbed the glass and gulped it down in a go. "Happy ?" she asked them.

Caroline entered the Grill. Alaric hung up. Caroline and him exchanged looks.

"I remember her from last night. She looks like a tasty little thing." Kol said pointing at Caroline before Klaus said "Say another word and I'll tear out your liver. Caroline!"

She didn't look happy to see him. "Seem like she doesn't want to see him."

"Oh, it's you." as Klaus said "Join us for a drink?" as Caroline said "Mmm, I'd rather die of thirst. But thanks."

"Isn't she stunning?" as Caroline left.

"She certainly looks good walking away from you." as Kassandra said adding to what Kol said "She might run."

"I'll take that as a challenge." as he put his drink down on the counter as he walked after Caroline.

"Get her Klaus !" Kassandra said chuckling, cheering her little brother on.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Outside, Caroline had just crossed the road, and Klaus ran after Caroline, almost getting hit by a car.

"Caroline!" as she stopped and turn to him. "Are you serious? Take a hint." Caroline said.

She turned and walked away from him. He followed.

"Don't be angry, love. We had a little spat. I'm over it already." as Caroline said " Ah, well, I'm not."

"Ah, well, I'm not." as she stopped and turned around.

"You and your expensive jewelry and your romantic drawings can leave me alone." Caroline said.

"Oh, come on, take a chance, Caroline. Talk to me." Klaus said.

Klaus sat down on a bench that's next to him. "Come on, get to know me. I dare you." as Caroline said "Fine." as she sat down next to him.

"So, what do you wanna talk about?" as Klaus told her "I want to talk about you. Your hopes, your dreams, everything you want in life." as Caroline told him "Just to be clear, I'm too smart to be seduced by you."

"Well, that's why I like you." Klaus told her.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────


Outside the old house. Finn was lighting torches around a pentagram on the ground made of salt.

"The pentagram represents our connection to magic. The salt is a symbol of the Earth." as Bonnie asked "The torches?"

"Six torches. One for each of my children."

"What's the spell you're doing?" as Esther said "As the witch who cast the spell that made them vampires, I can also reverse it. When they become human again, they can be killed. As they are linked as one, my brave Finn will be the sacrifice. With his death, will come theirs."

Abby asked Finn "And you're just willing to die?" as Finn told her "My mother has released me from an eternity of shame. It's not a sacrifice, it's a gift."

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────


Inside the Grill, Kol was watching Meredith play pool. He walked up to her. Kassandra had went outside to try and reach Skylar again.

"A woman of your caliber ought to choose more suitable company. What's your name, love?" Kol said as Meredith said "None of your business." before Kol said "Let's try that again. I'll start. I'm Kol."

"Why don't you get lost, Kol?" Meredith asked him.

"And why would I do that? I like pretty little things with sharp tongues."

Kol walked towards Meredith and touched her face. She slapped his hand. Alaric walked up from behind.

"I'm pretty sure she told you to get lost." as Kol said "I'm pretty sure I don't care."

Kol turned around and faced Alaric. Alaric stabbed him with the silver dagger.

"Next time, take a hint." Alaric said.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────


Rebekah suddenly cried out, died and fell to the ground. Elena ran past her and makes her escape

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Finn died and fell to the ground as Esther said "Something's wrong."

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────


Skylar still past out in the freezer's wrist glow flickered and started to grow a rash onto her arm.

Skylar got a vision before seeing Kassandra cry in in pain and holding her heart and her starting to decrease.

Skylar's eyes snapped open and they flashed gold as her mark's shined before she said "Kass." before she sprung to her feet as she saw the door was locked. Her eyes flashed gold before she throw the door off it's handle.

She took in deep breathes before she hissed with angry "Damon. Stefan." as she marched towards the front door before vamp speeding away.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────


Outside, Klaus got up and puts his hand on his heart. He then looked at Caroline.

"What is it?" Caroline asked as Klaus said "What did you do?" as Caroline said "Nothing." as Klaus grabbed her forcefully before he asked more loudly "What did you do?!"

"I didn't do anything. Stop it!" Caroline told him, out of the blue Kassandra came up from behind Caroline snapping her neck as Caroline fell to the ground.

Klaus looked at her shocked. "Heart ache ?" she asked him before the twins said "Kol !"

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

At the back of the Grill, Alaric dragged Kol into an alleyway. Stefan and Damon were waiting for him.

"Here, grab him!"

"Tell your sexy doctor "Good work"!" Damon said.

Klaus rushed over, undaggered Kol.

Kassandra used her magic in order to knock Alaric against the wall.

Stefan went to attack Kassandra before something speed in front of him. Kassandra and Stefan were both shocked to see Skylar protecting Kassandra she held Stefan's fist in her hand.

"Angel ?" Kassandra said though Stefan said "Skylar ?" as Skylar hissed before she used her knee in order to kick Stefan in the crotch throwing himself off of balance as she threw him to Klaus before Klaus knocked him out too.

Rebekah revived in the woods. "Skylar want are you doing ?!" Damon hissed to her before Skylar just looked at him, her eyes gold. Damon vamp speed to her before he crushed her into the wall.

"Get control of yourself." Damon said to her before Skylar gave a tiny yell and ripped Damon's arm off of her, she was stronger than usual as she twisted his arm back breaking it before kicking him in the back knocking him into a couple of trash cans as he fell with a thud as she vamp speed to him and snapped his neck.

Skylar panted out of breathe. Kassandra looked at her, shocked she had went against her own brothers to protect her.

She had to admit, she was very turn on by Skylar fighting. Her blonde hair was blowing in the air and she did it all while fighting in pumps, her fist and knuckles bruised and covered in blood.

Skylar turned to look at her, she rubbed her eyes causing them to fade from their gold as she saw her fist covered in the blood of her siblings.

Kassandra felt her heart grow tighter.

She turned to look at them. She was in shock at herself. "D ? Stef ?" as she rushed towards them.

"What did I just do ?" she said to herself.

"You protected Kassandra." Klaus told her as Skylar asked "What ?" as Klaus said "Another thing my sister forget to fill you in on being soulmates is that you both are not just connected in mind but the will to protect and fight for one another, no matter who stands in your way."

Skylar meet eyes with Kassandra. Kassandra was about to say something before Damon groaned on the ground awaken from his neck snap.

"D !" Skylar said before helping him to his feet.

"Damon are you ok ?" Skylar asked him as he said "Funny you ask, last thing I remember is you going all Rocky on me."

"Sorry." she said to him as she added "Call it payback for snapping my neck earlier."

"He snapped your neck ?" Kassandra asked getting defensive as Skylar said "Chill Kass."

"I should have killed you months ago." Klaus said to Damon. "Do it. It's not going to stop Esther from killing you or Kassandra ?"

"What did he just say ?" Kassandra said. "What did you say about our mother?" Klaus asked.

"You didn't know I was friends with your mummy? Yeah, we have a lot in common. She hates you as much as I do."

Klaus was about to attack Damon before Elijah appeared at the top of the stairs.

"Leave him! We still need them, Niklaus and Kassandra." as Niklaus asked "What did mother do? What did she do, Elijah?"

"Who cares, I knew she was up to something the minute she took a breathe of air. I'm gonna kill her."

Elijah walked down the stairs towards Damon and Skylar, holding a phone to them.

"You tell me where the witches are or I'll have my sister kill Elena right now." Damon said as Damon looked up at the clock. "You told me we had until after nine."

"I'm sure Rebekah will be more than happy to start her work early." as Skylar said "Of course she would."

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────


Rebekah got up from the floor and saw Elena was missing. Elena was running throughout the tunnels, trying to escape.

"You can't hide, Elena!" Rebekah said to her as Elena tripped and fell.

"Not sure why I'm feeling under the weather. Must be your boys and girl trying to find a loophole. Won't matter, I could chase you down on my worst day."

Elena got up and got to the entrance of the cave with the Native American drawings. Rebekah grabbed her from behind.

"Boo !" Rebekah said.

Elena headbutts her and jumped into the cave. "You little b*tch !" Rebekah sneered.

Rebekah tried to enter but couldn't.

"What is this?" Rebekah asked as Elena said "Sorry. No vampires allowed."

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────


Damon, Stefan and Skylar pull up into the woods near the Old Witch House in Damon's car. "So how do we know they're going to be at the Old Witch House?" Damon asked as Stefan said "We don't. But if they're not, then we have about ten minutes until Rebekah tears Elena apart."

"You know, if we sit this out, Esther completes her spell, Klaus dies, you get your revenge. It's what you wanted the whole time. The only collateral damage is...." as Skylar said "Elena."

"You know what she'd choose." Damon said as Stefan said "She'd let herself be killed to save her friend." as Damon said "Yep." as Skylar said "It's a Elena thing to do."

"Hm. If we do this, it'll wreck her." Stefan said as Damon said "ell, she'll hate us. Thing is, she only has to hate one of us. Only one of us has to do the actual deed."

"Hm. So, who's it gonna be, brother ? sister ?" Stefan asked as Damon pulled out a coin.

"Skylar, were not including you in this." as Skylar with a bloody lip said "W-What why ?!"

"Because we know, I know how much the witch means to you. It better if one of us does it, so you won't lose what you have with her." Damon told her as Skylar said "B-But-" as Damon and Stefan said "No buts."

Skylar huffed bouncing off her seat, folding her arms and pulling out her babyish pout.

"Well, heads I do it, tails you do it." Damon said as Stefan said "Awful lot of effort for someone who pretends not to care about her any more."

"Pot, kettle, brother."

Damon flipped the coin, catched it and put it on top of his other hand. He removed his hand to show Stefan the result.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────


Elena turn on a flashlight and searched for an exit. Rebekah appeared before her.

"Elena! Let's pick it up where we left off." as Rebekah was  holding a canister filled with gasoline. She threw some on Elena.

"What are you doing?" as Rebekah poured more gasoline on her and around the rest of the cave.

"Thought I'd shake things up a bit."

"Are you insane?" Elena asked her as Rebekah told her "I prefer spontaneous. It's probably why Damon likes me so much."

Rebekah threw the canister at Elena. Elena ducked in time and the canister hit the back wall instead. Rebekah pulled out a match.

"Here's what's gonna happen." as she lit a match and threw it into the cave starting a fire.

"You're gonna come outside" as she light another match and threw it into the cave, starting another fire.

The fire went out itself.

"The next match is landing on you. So, Elena, how does it feel to know that these may be your last moments?" as Rebekah began to record Elena with a phone.

"I don't know, you tell me. You're the one whose mother's trying to kill you." as Rebekah told her "You should be very careful what you say to me."

"You're still wearing her necklace." as Rebekah asked "Do you want it? Is that your last request?" as she ripped the necklace off and threw it into the cave.

"Here. It's all yours." as Elena told her "She's not doing this because she hates you, Rebekah. She told me that she...she just doesn't have another choice."

"Spare me your pity, Elena. We're not girlfriends. Want me to prove it? Just say the word."

She light another match.

"You're not gonna do it." as Rebekah asked "And why is that?"

"Because there's still a chance that you might be alive tomorrow. And if that's the case and you kill me now, you'll have used up all of your revenge. Wasted it and isn't that what you want? Revenge? Because I- I pretended to like you and then I stuck a dagger in your back. I mean, that's why you slept with Damon, isn't it? That's why you're tormenting me, because I hurt your feelings." Elena told her.

The match burned out as Rebekah dropped it.

"The tough act doesn't suit you." as Elena said "I never said I was tough. But we both know that I'm right."

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────


Finn was standing in the center of the pentagram. "They're coming, Mother!"

"No, it's too soon, the moon is not high enough. Go! Quickly!"

Bonnie and Abby retreat into the house. Kol, Elijah, Klaus, and Kassandra walked up. Kassandra had put on a fancy fur black leather jacket. Her mark light up which let her know that Skylar was close by.

"My sons, my daughter, come forward." Esther said to them.

"Stay beside me, mother." as Esther walked onto the pentagram.

"It's okay. They can't enter." Esther said.

Kol approached the pentagram and the torched around it flare up bright. He was  driven back.

"That's lovely. We're stuck out here, while the favorite son plays sacrificial lamb. How pathetic you are, Finn." Kol said as Finn told him "Be quiet, Kol. Your brother knows virtue you cannot even imagine."

"Whatever you think of us, killing your own children will be an atrocity." as Kassandra said "Pretty much makes you world worst mother on planet earth."

"My only regret is that I did not let you die a thousand years ago."

Klaus said "Enough. All this talk is boring me. End this now, Mother, or I'll send you back to Hell." as Kassandra said "Screaming for mercy." with a wicked smirk.

"For a thousand years, I've been forced to watch you. Felt the pain of every victim, suffered while you shed blood. Even you, Elijah, with your claim to nobility, you're no better. All of you. You're a curse on this Earth. Stretched out over generations. If you've come to plead for your life, I'm sorry, you've wasted your time." Esther said.

Abby and Bonnie were walking through the house.

"This place has some serious vibe in it." Abby said as Bonnie said "The witch spirits will protect us from the Originals, but we should get into the basement."

Bonnie walked down into the basement, but Abby didn't follow. In the basement, Bonnie noticed and shouted back.

"Abby !"

Stefan appeared in front of Bonnie.

"Stefan? What's going on?" Bonnie asked as Stefan said "They took Elena. They're going to kill her unless we stop Esther."

"Stefan, I- I can't stop her. She's channeling us!"

"Bonnie, if you can't stop her. I have to find another way." as they looked at one another before Bonnie looked afraid.

"No...Stefan, no."

Bonnie tried to escape but Stefan rushed over and blocked her way.

"What are you gonna do? Even if you kill us, Esther is channeling every witch in our ancestry, living and dead." Bonnie said.

"Esther's drawing from the witches. The only way to cut her off is if one of you is no longer a witch." Stefan said

Upstairs, Damon grabbed Abby, bites his wrist and feed her his blood.

"This will only hurt a second." as Damon killed Abby.

Outside, Esther and Kassandra could both sense something.

"No! Sisters! Do not abandon me!" Esther said as Kassandra smirked muttering "Clever Salvatore brother's."

"Mother !" Finn said.

The pentagram torches flared up. Finn grabbed Esther. The other cower from the flames. After a moment the torches die out. Elijah, Klaus,  Kassandra and Kol stand around in shock. Finn and Esther were gone.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────


Elena was sitting on the floor.

"You can come out now. Seems your boys took care of the problem." as Elena asked "How did they do that?"

Rebekah said "Damon turned your witch friend's mother into a vampire."

"What ?"

"Quite clever, actually. They needed to sever the witch line and, well, you can't be a witch and a vampire. In any case, you're free to go. Oh and, uh, by the way, you were right. I do prefer taking my time watching you suffer. Much more satisfying."

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────


Abby was lying on top of the bed. Bonnie was sitting on the bed, holding her hand and crying. Caroline was at the front door, talking to Elena and Skylar.

"She doesn't want to see you guys." as Elena said "Please, just let me talk to her." as Skylar said "I just want to say how sorry I am."

"Abby's in transition. It's going to be really hard over the next few days and if Bonnie needs some time to deal then I think you both should give it to her."

"She's always been there for me, Caroline. Please. Let me just be there for her too."

"I'm sorry, Elena. I know that you want to help, but put yourself in her shoes. Everything that happened tonight was to save you and that's okay because she loves you. So much. But somehow she's always the one who gets hurt." Caroline said.

Elena nodded understandingly. Tears were in her eyes.

"You know, you're right. I just...just tell her that I love her, okay?" as Skylar said "Tell her I love her too okay."

"Of course I will." as Elena and Skylar walked away. Bonnie was standing in the hallway crying.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────


Damon was in the bathroom washing his hands. Skylar was on the counter she was icing her foot with a cold can of soda.  She had changed into a dark blue nightgown set. Damon then dried his hands back off.

Stefan came inside the room.

"Is she safe?" Damon asked as Stefan said "Elijah kept his word. Rebekah let her go."

"Good. All's right in the world again." he said picking up some whiskey as Skylar accidentally touched the bruise on her head before she swore.

"Language sis." Damon said as Skylar said "Sorry." as Stefan asked her "Why aren't you healing faster ?"

"No human blood." as Damon said "We have bartender downstairs, you know if you want some and if you're talking to me again."

"I'm not. I'm still angry at you." she said with a baby voice at the end. "Why were you protecting Kassandra back there ?" Damon asked.

Skylar clicked her tongue she knew the whole fight she had with the two was going to come out sooner or later.

"All I remember was Kassandra being in trouble and it was like a instinct in my blood to protect her and stop you guys from killing her. And from that it was dark and I woke up when I saw what I had done to you guys."

"Seems like you to are connected deeper than you both thought."

"I know, it's weird and complicated but really so are me and Kassandra." as Skylar said to Damon grasping his hand, "You saw how defensive she got when I talked about how you snapped my neck, she really cares about me Damon."

"Yeah and I guess that's what scares the living crap out of me." as Skylar said "I'm not so little anymore Damon. I can protect myself. Make my own moves. My own decisions. Who I choose to kiss is my choice. Mine. I have no idea if all this with Kass's is serious or not, but can't I unless enjoy it for however long this is going to last ?" 

"God you already have a nickname for her." as Skylar lips went into a tiny smile as Damon's did as well.

"That knee to the crotch hurt by the way." Stefan told Skylar as Skylar said "Sorry." with a sympathy look.

Skylar then yawned before taking the soda off her foot and resting her head on her leg. She started to fall asleep.

"Get some sleep." Stefan told her as Skylar nodded to him. Damon and Stefan both kissed her cheek at the same time as Stefan gave her a warm glass of milk before Skylar went off to her room to go to sleep.

Once Stefan could hear that Skylar was asleep he turned to Damon. "I lost that coin toss, Damon. It should have been me who turned Abby. Why did you do it?"

"Cause I'm not blind. I see what's been going on around here. You're hanging by a thread, Stefan. Barely over your last ripper binge and all you want is to be the old Stefan again."

"Hmm. That part of me is gone for good." as Damon said "Oh yeah? How long has it been since you've had a drop of human blood?"

"How'd you know?" as Damon said "Spend 146 years with someone, you kind of start to pick up on their tells. Answer the question. How long has it been since your last drink?"

Damon raised the glass to his mouth and drank. "Since the night I threatened to drive Elena off the Wickery Bridge."

"See? You have enough to feel guilty about! Why add to the list? By the way, you're welcome."

"You know, you're not fooling anyone either. You still love her, Damon." as Damon said "I do. And I thought I could win her from you fair and square. She didn't want me. It's for the best. I'm better at being the bad guy anyway." as Damon left the room.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────


Elena walked into her room and picked up a letter on her bed from Elijah. She opened it and read it.

"Elena, today I did things I abhor to protect the one thing I value most. My family. If anyone can understand that, it's you. Your compassion is a gift, Elena. Carry it with you. As I will carry my regret. Always and forever. Elijah."

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────


Rebekah walked into the room. Elijah was staring out the window.

"Where the bloody hell is everyone?" as Elijah said "It's over Rebekah."

"Where's mother?" as Elijah told her "We have no mother. Only Esther, and Esther was right."

"What do you mean?" Rebekah asked.

"My talk of virtue. When it suits my needs, I kill, maim, and torment. Even today, I terrorized an innocent."

"Elena is hardly innocent." Rebekah said as Elijah said "And I used your hatred of her to get what I wanted. Wielded you like I would a sword. My sister."

"You did it to protect us, Elijah, and rightly so! We deserve to live! We are better than they are."

"Are we? Mother made us vampires. She didn't make us monsters, we did that to ourselves." as Elijah left.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Klaus was in the parlor at the fireplace, burning sketches he drew of Caroline. Rebekah entered.

"I thought you'd have gone by now. Elijah's leaving. Kol's fled. Esther and Finn are gone too." Klaus said as Rebekah asked "And Kassandra ?"

"Where Kassandra goes at midnight is as clear's as day."

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────


Kassandra was standing by the window of Skylar's room as the saw the vampire sleeping peacefully. Kassandra watched her sleep, it bought her peace.

Anything Skylar did brought her peace.

She went towards Skylar before stroking her cheek with her finger. She smiled seeing Skylar's little nose scrunch in her sleep as she let out a tiny chuckle.

She sighed about to turn around before she heard "Come to bed." as she looked to see Skylar looking at her wide awake.

"Thought you were asleep." as Skylar said "Warm milk fades off quickly." as Kassandra said "Get some rest Angel, you'll need it."

*I never would have left you alone*

"Please." Skylar begged to her now sitting on the side of her bed. "The least you could do if you're gonna watch me sleep is give me a goodnight hug or fist bump-" as Kassandra chuckled turning to look at her.

*Here on your own glued to your phone*

"Or something else." putting her hair behind her ear. Kassandra rose a brow at her as her eyes flickered gold reading one of the thought's that passed through Skylar's head.

*Never would have left you alone For someone else to take you home*

Kassandra asked taking her coat off "How far off is Damon's bedroom from your's ?"

*I could be a better boyfriend than him I could do the shit that he never did*

"He won't hear a thing." Skylar said a bit flirty going to Kassandra before grabbing Kassandra's waist wanting Kassandra to face her.

*Up all night, I won't quit I'm gonna steal you from him*

She held Kassandra's cheeks in hand as Kassandra smirked to her as Skylar did as well.

*I could be such a gentleman Plus you know my clothes would fit*

They then kissed one another, their head titling

*I could be a better boyfriend than him I could do the shit that he never did
Up all night, I won't quit*

They stumbled before falling onto Skylar's bed as Kassandra kissed her passionately.

*Thinking I'm gonna steal you from him I could be such a gentleman*

Skylar did the same, her hands going to Kassandra's neck as they made out for the rest of the night in secrecy.

*Plus all my clothes would fit*

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────


"I'm not shocked." Rebekah said talking about Kassandra. "Though it would help it if you stop being jealous of Skylar."

"I'm not jealous." Klaus said as Rebekah said "You are. You scared of losing Kassie."

"I'm not." Klaus said more stern obviously wanted to get off the conversation of him and his older twin.

Rebekah sighed getting the message.

"I hated you when I learned you killed our mother. But I realize now that after a thousand years together as a family, you're the only one who never left me."

"Well, aren't we a pair."

"There's something I need you to see."

Rebekah pulled out her phone and held it up to show Klaus the video of Elena she took.

"Come to brag about your skills as a torturer?" Klaus asked.

He took the phone and looked at the screen.

"Look at the images on the wall behind Elena. The Natives told the story of our family history, look at the images on the far wall."

"What is it ?" Klaus asked as Rebekah said "A Native worshipping at the Great White Oak tree."

"And? We burned that tree to the ground."

"Look at the markings that precede it. That's the native calendar."

"This can't be right." Klaus said as Rebekah said "A White Oak tree, three hundred years after we fled back to the Old World. There must have been a sapling, a new tree to replace the old. That tree could kill us. It's not over, Nik."

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────


Alaric woke up on the sofa, walked over to the bedroom and saw Meredith asleep in her bed. He headed into the kitchen, got some medication, and took it.

He noticed his own hospital inpatient medical folder and briefly opened it before returning it.

He picked up another folder with Bill Forbes's name on it and he rifled through it.

There were crime scene photos of the knife used to kill him.

He found the knife wrapped in a cloth. He hear the trigger of a gun being pulled. Meredith was aiming the gun at him.

"You weren't supposed to see that."

She then shoot him.

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