The Princess and the Guard (B...

بواسطة abigailjgrace

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Demetria has been around for almost a century. Founded on the south pole and using a protective dome to prote... المزيد

Twenty Five


27 3 4
بواسطة abigailjgrace

Noah, sitting beneath his ship with an array of tools around him, ran a tired hand through his hair. He stifled a yawn and glanced at the digital clock mounted above the door. He almost got up to turn the TV on, thinking some mental stimulation might help him wake up a little more, but he changed his mind. The last thing he needed was to be distracted by what was going on throughout the country.

The past couple days had been the longest forty-eight hours he could remember. He had been walking around on eggshells since Juliette's outburst, waiting with bated breath for Odette to retaliate, to strike back against Juliette in a way that would leave her half-dead.

Two whole days passed, and nothing happened. Odette hadn't ordered her back to the infirmary, and to the best of his knowledge she hadn't beaten her again.

Noah heaved a sigh, standing up and arching his back in a stretch. He stooped for one of Mason's books sprawled out on the ground, cross-referencing the photo with the part of the engine he was working on.

From what he understood of this specific ship, it was mostly solar powered, but there was a separate fuel line to use as a backup. Most fuel ships had been outlawed in Demetria because of pollution concerns, but this was such an old model that still had the option for fuel.

Noah thought that he would slowly purchase as much fuel as they could store, just to have in case of an emergency. The radiant light from the dome was strong enough to charge the solar panels, but if they needed to stop somewhere and it was raining, he didn't want to be stranded.

Noah rubbed his temple, a headache beginning to bloom behind his eyes. His ears perked up as soft footsteps echoed through the vast hanger, and he glanced at his wristlet again. It was just now midnight.

"I thought you went to bed?" he asked, craning around the side of the ship, his eyebrows twitching as Juliette walked down. She was wearing his sweatshirt again. The sleeves had stretched out, probably because she constantly bunched them in her fists, and the color was starting to fade.

"I did, but I couldn't sleep," she said, walking passed him and climbing up on the pile of crates off to the side. She picked up one of the tools he had shoved in a box and twirled it around her finger. "Besides, I... I miss you," she added. "Everything's been so... weird lately, I feel like it's been a while since we've just sat and talked."

Noah's shoulder twitched. "You shouldn't say things like that," he said, shooting her a half-hearted glare.

"Why not?"

Noah hesitated. "Someone might hear you," he said, emphasizing the someone so she'd know he meant Odette.

Juliette scowled and Noah looked away, annoyed that even scowling she managed to rattle the inside of his sternum.

"We should... cool it a little. At least in public," he added, fumbling with a rusted bolt. "I shouldn't be talking to you so casually ever, on or off duty, and I'd bet my right arm your sister will be paying extra close attention to you. And me." He glanced up at her, his heart twisting at seeing the pain written on her face. "Right now, that's the last thing we need."

"That's fair. Sorry."

He sighed, trying to stamp out the frustration in his tone and afraid she would think he was upset at her. "No, I'm sorry. I've been on edge the past few days and am probably overreacting; you're fine."

Juliette pressed her lips together in a smile. She straightened, jerking her chin to the ship. "I think I'm going to try and start working on this blasted computer."

Noah nodded once. "Sounds good."

Juliette climbed into the cockpit, and Noah could hear her moving around. "How's the engine looking?" she asked.

"So far so good. I'm actually getting into it. It's starting to get fun," he added with a laugh.

Juliette was silent for a while, giving Noah the chance to tackle getting the fuel line replaced. He had a small canister of it that he emptied into the tank, testing the line to make sure the fuel ran through without leaking. Good.

Noah wiped his hands off on the grease-soiled rag, shoving out from beneath the ship. "How fares it up there?" he asked, walking around to the open door and folding his arms over the threshold.

Juliette was sitting on the ground beneath the control panel, a stylus sucked behind her ear. "Not great. I think the operating systems aren't compatible because the computer works fine when I plug it into my tablet, but the ship isn't responding. I might need to rewire the ship."

Noah pressed his lips together. "I don't know what that means, but is there anything I can do to help?"

Juliette shook her head. "No, I don't think so." She shook her hair away from her face, pushing herself up. "I tucked some spare parts down here last time, I might be able to do it really quickly."

Noah stepped back so she could jump to the ground, watching as she crossed to the opposite side of the garage and started digging through a box.

"It's freezing down here," she muttered, coming back with a handful of different colored wires.

"I know. Speaking of, I need to remember to check the ship's heating and cooling units. My sweatshirt's on the sofa inside if you want it."

"Oh thanks."

"I'll need that one back though," he called after she disappeared inside the ship.

Juliette laughed. "Fair enough."

For a while, they both worked in silence. Noah kept thinking of things to tell her, or ask her, but every time he popped his head into the cockpit and saw her brows furrowed in concentration, he changed his mind.

Juliette abruptly let out a cry.

Noah leapt up, darting to the cockpit. "Are you okay?"

"Yes! Sorry, I got it! It's turning on!" Juliette was grinning, craning her neck to look up at the inner workings of the ship's computer.

Noah relaxed into a smile. "Really?"

"Yes. Which means we'll be able to plot a course, we should have internet access, and it will give me the ability to conceal the ship from radars, should we need to."

Noah sagged against the doorframe. "You're amazing."

Juliette looked at him, still grinning. The grin turned sheepish, and she quickly looked away. "Oh seas, my heart's racing." She pressed a hand to her chest, still smiling.

"Where's a TV in the living area, did you—"

"I saw that. It's old, which figures, but I thought I could plug in one of my tablets and we could use it basically as a monitor. I don't think we'll need it, but just in case I want to outfit it with the ability to."

Noah nodded.

Juliette sighed, happy. "Will you teach me to fly?" she asked, craning her neck to look at the rest of the ship.

"Why; you don't trust my flying capabilities?"

Juliette almost smiled. "Of course I do. I just thought we should take turns, that way you aren't stuck in here the whole time.

Noah jerked his shoulders. "Sure, I'll teach you."

Juliette grinned.

Noah looked back at the parts in his hands, fumbling with them and trying to keep his hands busy and his thoughts distracted. He blinked, several times, in an effort to clear the burning that had settled in his eyes. "Maybe we should call it for the night? It's getting late."

In his peripherals, he saw Juliette drop her gaze. "Yeah, you're probably right," she said with a sigh. She jumped back to the ground, bunching the sleeves of her hoodie in her hands. She tried to smile, but it faltered.

"Hey," Noah reached for her wrist. He swiveled around on the crate. "We can keep going if you want, it was just a suggestion."

"I know, but you're right. We both need sleep."

Noah studied her face. "What's going on?"

Juliette drew a shaky inhale. "I don't know. I haven't been sleeping well recently. Whatever Dr. Violet is doing hasn't changed, but each time I go see her I feel like... like I'm losing a part of myself." Her voice broke on the last word, her eyes sparkling with tears. "I know I'm being dramatic, but—"

"You're not being dramatic," Noah said softly, standing up.

"Every time I go, she gives me the same four injections. But the past month, she's been switching it up, just a little, and giving me these strange 'homework assignments' that mess with my head and... it's like I can feel my mind... my brain, changing. The way I think about things, the way I react."

A rock settled in Noah's stomach. "What—what do you mean?"

"I don't know, I can't explain it." She swiped at her cheek, dashing a tear that leaked onto her face. "I just..." She licked her lips, looking right at him. "It's like my body is reacting to things before my mind has the chance to process what it is I'm reacting to."

Noah nodded again, slowly.

Juliette let out a shaky exhale. "I was thinking we could leave the night of the winter ball. It's a month away, and that should give us plenty of time to finish the ship and get everything ready to go. Plus, with all the guests coming and going it will be an added distraction for Odette and her security detail."

Noah licked his lips, then pressed them together. "That should work. A month is cutting it a little close, but I think we can pull it off."

Juliette relaxed into a smile.

Noah pulled her into a quick hug, his hand cradling the back of her head. He felt her arms around his waist.

"Thank you," she murmured against him.

Noah let her go. "Let's say we take a quick peak inside, and I'll give you a short tour of the cockpit?"

Juliette dabbed at the corner of her eyes, then relaxed into a smile. "Sounds good. You said this was Philip's?"

"Technically it was both of ours. It was our dad's, and then Phil didn't want it, so he said I could just have it."

"I'm sorry Philip had to leave."

Noah shrugged. "I think honestly it will be good for both of us."

Juliette paused. Put a hand on Noah's arm. "Are you okay leaving him? I know you two aren't especially close, but if you need more time to think about it, we can hold off."

"Thanks. But no, let's keep planning. Phil being in Fatir will protect him from Odette, and once we're free and clear, I'll reach out to him."

Juliette smiled. "Okay. But if you change your mind, it's okay."

Noah squeezed her hand in a quick pulse.

As they continued through the short corridor, Noah felt her slide her hand into his. Instead of pulling away, like he should have done, he laced his fingers through hers as they walked into the narrow cockpit.

After giving her a basic tour of the control panel and dashboard, as well as the overhead dials, Noah had her repeat everything he said and even gave her a quiz after he had gone over everything a few times. She picked up surprisingly fast, and even made a few educated guesses about the unnamed levers.

"Alright, time for a fake test flight." Noah dropped into the co-pilot's seat, patting the pilot's chair beside him. "What's the first thing you do before take-off?"

Juliette sank down beside him. Ticking off her fingers, she said, "Make sure the entry hatch is sealed, check the fuel levels, and raise the jet blast deflector."

Noah nodded once. "Perfect." He started to say something else when his wristlet pinged, telling him it was midnight. Glancing back at Juliette, he saw a flicker of nervousness cross her face. He knew the look. The look of dread at needing to go to her room, being by herself, trying to sleep.

"Do you want to come to the gym tomorrow morning?" he asked, wishing there was more he could do for her right now.

Juliette nodded. Glancing back up at him, time seemed to freeze, just for a moment. The air around them tingled with tension and unspoken words.

Noah didn't drop her gaze like he normally would have. He didn't mask his face into one of stone or stand up and say it was time to go. In that single glorious, precious moment it was just Noah and Juliette.

Not a princess and a guard.

Noah's heart leapt against his ribs. His hand moved on its own accord, grazing her jaw, trailing down her neck. He saw her swallow, her eyes trained on his.

"Try and sleep, if you can," he murmured. "I'm always just a nex't away."

"Thanks," Juliette smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. He could see the loneliness in her face where there had once been excitement. The spark that used to light her whole personality had dimmed, and he would have given anything to get it back.

Noah stood up and she followed. After locking the hatch and shoving the boxes of tools and spare parts beneath the belly of the ship, Noah grabbed his zip-up hoodie and slung it over his shoulder. She didn't even bother saying he didn't need to walk her back to her room.

"Goodnight, butterfly."

"Goodnight Noah."

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