The Housekeeper [h.s.]

By doyouwantsomecoffee

18.7K 967 31

Lucy is the housekeeper of One Direction. Her job isn't as pleasant as it may sound. She gets bullied around... More

Green eyes
Rainy days and Hot feelings
Locked out
Teasing and freezing
Tears and Love
December Dancing
White Christmas or Blue?
Living nightmare
Christmas Time
25th of December
In Sickness And Health
Hidden secrets
Unexpected faces
Where do broken hearts go
Tragic Poetry
Vegas Trouble
Route 45
Lies and drama
"I Love You"
In a Heartbeat
Conflicted Heartbreaks
Cheering Presents
When it rains It pours
Suspicious people
Doorbell ringing
Rumours and threats
All the love
Are you afraid of me?
Loving fans
Seeing through lies
Still Harry
A weak target
Endless hike
The court trial
Keeping secrets
Excluding Lucy
Mr. Bolton
Zaran Marock
Flower field
Old friends
Bad dreams
Clear escape
The end


192 16 0
By doyouwantsomecoffee

Everything went so fast. My heart beated faster than the speed of the car, which was almost dangerous, but I didn't care. All I wanted was to get to Harry, and see those beautiful, green eyes actually looking at me, and not only me looking at him.

Zayn, Louis and Niall were in the backseet while Liam and I sat in the passenger seats, with Liam driving. Liam had called Sophia, Zayn called Perrie and Louis called Eleanour so they were all on their way to the hospital. Hopefully they weren't driving as fast as we did. We didn't want another incident like this happening again any time soon. Or any time at all, for that matter.

The trip to the hospital reminded me of when Niall and I drove there to see him after the accident. Except that that time, I was filled with sadness and concern. This time I was filled with hope and eager to finally see him again, and the fact that he was going to be okay lifted me up even higher.

We parked the car into the parking lot and rand into the reseption.

"Harry Styles" Zayn said in a surprisingly calm tone, although it wasn't that surprising. Zayn seemed to be kind of a calm type.

The young lady told us where he was, and as we should've figured, he was in the same room as the last time we saw him. I think we were all so eager and filled with all these emotions that we didn't really think clearly.

The elevator up felt like a thousand years, and a tensed silence filled the room. Our minds were raging with all these thoughts inside of us, yet our mouths didn't open, as we waited for the 'pling' and for the doors to open.

Finally they did, and we almost crashed out of the elevator. Niall chuckled and shook his head, before we all ran together and approached the room he was in.

A doctor was standing outside of the room, motioning for us to calm down, telling us to not run in the hallways because there were sick people and children here.

"Harry's awake now, so you can all see him. But don't be too harsh on him, like squeezing him or kissing him harshly. He's still very fragile, so be careful with him" he said, and looked towards me at the kissing part.

We all nodded, almost pushing the doctor away whilst he instructed us on how to behave. Like we were listening. The love of my life who had been in a coma for a few days was in the other room, alive and awake.

Finally he opened the door, and my heart beated fast as I lay my eyes on him. He smiled weakly, looking worn and a bit sore. We tried keeping the volume down, but it was hard. We told him how much we had missed him the time he was gone, and some of the things we did. He nodded with these small comments here and there, trying his best to smile and be happy, although I could see he was in pain.

"Ahem" the doctor coughed, slowly stepping into the room.

The boys tilted their heads to look up at him and listen to what he had to sat, but my eyes were set on Harry. Seeing him alive and awake amazed me so much, and I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He gazed into my eyes and motioned for me to come closer.

I took his hand as he gave it to me, and carefully embraced him.

"I've missed you so much" I whispered into his ear, lightly tugging his curls that I had been longing for so long.

"I've missed you too, love" he whispered back with a graspy, tired voice.

I pulled away. "Are you in pain?"

He smirked. "Shut up and kiss me, will ya?"

I smiled and leaned towards him. His lips felt soft against mine as they pressed together. I could feel a cold, chocolaty flavour on his lips and tongue. I slowly pulled away.

"Have you been eating ice cream?" I asked.

He chuckled and shook his head. "Yeah, I have. Do you dare to guess the flavour?"

I sighed and frowned sarcastically. "You know what, I didn't quite catch the flavour. I think I need another taste" I said and leaned forward again with a grin on my face.

He nodded and smiled at me, kissing me tenderly once again, and I was definitely sure it was chocolate flavour, but I wasn't pulling away.

The doctor coughed behind us, making me groan against Harry's lips. He laughed at me as I pulled away.

"Harry needs to rest, dear. You can come back later and see him when he's woken up if you want" the doctor said and smiled at me and Harry.

I nodded, slowly stepping out of the door and keeping an eye on Harry the whole time to see if he was showing some kind of signals of pain. I knew he was hurting, he just didn't want to show it in front of us.

Harry's POV:

I was hurting. Everywhere. My feet hurt. My stomach hurt. My arms hurt. My face hurt. Everywhere it hurt.

"How are we doing today, Harry? Do you have any pain anywhere in your body?" Doctor Gary asked, closing the door and stood in front of me with a notebook in his hands.



He smiled. "Great. Then I suppose this doesn't hurt?"

He went over to me and squeezed my leg. I whined and hissed in pain, trying to hold it together by biting my teeth. He raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, so it does hurt, does it?" He asked sarcastically, and scribbled down in his notebook. "I'm a doctor, Harry, not your mother. You can't lie to me. I'm fully aware of your situation and I don't think you'll be able to go home for at least a week."

My eyes widened. "Are you joking? No, I have to get home as soon as possible, it's important! My life may rely on it!"

My throat felt awful when I yelled, so I decided I wouldn't do that again.

He peeked up from his notebook and moved his glasses from his eyes to the tip of his nose. "And how is that?"

I looked away, not knowing what to answer. Obviously I couldn't tell him the truth.

"Thought so. Forget it, Styles. You're gonna have to stay here" he said and started to walk out of the room.

I groaned annoyed, and sighed, realizing I just had to go with what the doctor said.

"Oh, by the way" he said and looked at me. I glanced at him.

"The police investigated your car."



Guess who's back, back again!

Harry's back, tell a friend!

Hey guys! How did you like this chapter? A bit long maybe but I figured I should end it with Harry's POV, just to change it up a bit.


Please comment, vote and share with your friends because I would really appreciate it!

Also, thank you for 600 reads, soon to be 700 hopefully! I know it doesn't seem a lot to many, but to me it's pretty exciting! Please vote because I don't have that many votes and comments so it would be REALLY fun to get some comments into the chapters. Seriously, I would flip out. I really just wanna get some feedback from my readers and stuff.

Love you loads! Also while you're here, if you want to you could check out my other books; Apocalypse and Exposed!

Ps; not updating that much on Exposed atm, mostly focusing on this story and Apocalypse.

Au revoir!🍀

-Caroline x.

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