𝑻𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝑶𝒖𝒓 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 -T...

By Black_Bunny07

28.6K 1.1K 1K

Fast paced footsteps are barely heard at the rink of midnight. One brown hand was at the hilt of the scabbard... More

Chapter 1: A Friend or Foe
Chapter 2: Training
Chapter 3: Mission
Chapter 4: Emotions
Chapter 5: Dream
Chapter 6: Another Loss
Chapter 7: A Message
Chapter 8: A Visit
Chapter 9: Amari
Chapter 10: Play?
Chapter 11: Poisoned
Chapter 12: Special
Chapter 13: Memories
Chapter 14: Hard Days
Chapter 15: Awake
Chapter 16: Entertainment District
Chapter 17: Jealousy
Chapter 18: Oiran
Chapter 19: Remember
Chapter 20: Sorry...Everyone
Chapter 21: Not Yet
Chapter 22: Alive?
Chapter 23: Eyes Open
Chapter 24: Memory Loss
Chapter 25: Oh Dear
Chapter 26: Questions
Chapter 27: Uh, hi?
Chapter 28: Triggered Memory
Chapter 29: Who is Amari?
Chapter 30: I Want to Remember You
Chapter 31: Back On The Job
Chapter 32: Back on Mission
Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 33


4K 88 108
By Black_Bunny07

Third Person Pov

"We don't meet people by accident. Everyone is meant to cross our path."


"I was four years old when I woke up that day."

She was all alone with no one and nothing. There was blood all over the place.

The small and frail little girl weakly brought her hand to her head, feeling warm liquid quickly turn cold. Her hand fell down in front off her, allowing her to see blood. Lots of blood. And it was coming from her head.

The girl couldn't remember what happened, where she was, or what was going on. She couldn't remember having a family and could barely understand what family was. She couldn't understand how she could remember the warm rays of the sun touch her gentle brown skin, when all she saw around her was ice. She was confused.

There was a limit to the little girl's memory, a small limit to what she could remember. It was only her name and age, it took her sometime to remember just that, but it would have to be enough to get by. Her name was Y/n, and she was a four year old African girl who was no longer in Africa.

"I knew, I was all alone."

Very slowly, the young girl weakly stood up and began her journey of finding somewhere, someone and anything. There had to be a place nearby or people nearby that could help her or give her some shelter. Preferably all the above.

After what felt like ages which was only a few hours, the brown girl stumbled upon a small village. There were a few problems. No one looked like her or had her skin, she could hardly tell anyone apart. And they spoke a weird language she wasn't use to, she couldn't understand a word they spoke. And the most troublesome of all, no one bothered to help her.

They all ignore her because of her race. Her skin was brown, her hair was kinky/curly, and she was a child. In her day in age, barely anyone would even think of her as a human being.

It was like this for the next twos years, the little brown girl had to learn to live and adapt on her own in a very unfamiliar part of the world.

She moved around a lot, always being chased out of villages when she would find herself sleeping in an abandoned house. She would steal food and water because she was never offered and never had any money. She struggled a lot but she was learning their language since she had been living there for so long. And her sense grew very sharp, better than the average person. Along with her survival intelligence, speed and strength since she was constantly in the wild and on the run.

She never talked to anyone. What was the point? No one would speak to her, they'd only give her dirty looks.

This was her life for the first two years of her living in Japan. All up until one day, she had went out into the nearby village for food. She ran out of the town to find shelter to stay in for the next couple of days.

But unlike other times, the abandoned house she had found to stay in wasn't so abandoned. There was a creature there, she had never felt so terrified in the tears she remembered living in Japan as she ran for what little of life she had.

That was when she met the man that saved her by defeating the creature he referred to as a demon. The man stared at the young girl who was was shaking as she was forced into a corner with teary eyes.

"I met a man one day. He saved me. And unusually, he was kind."

The man appeared to have sage green eyes with long black hair up in a ponytail and a dark blue sword he slicked in the scabbard sheath. "Oh? A child? You aren't from here, are you? What could small girl be doing so far from home and alone?"

The little girl, Y/n, froze in spot as her body shook in fear. She was terrified of what he was going to do to her, she was almost completely sure that he was going to hurt her. Everyone she met wanted to hurt her.

But the man'a soft and gentle voice threw her off for a moment. It was as if he viewed her as fragile glass that would shatter if he spoke any other way. No one had ever spoken to her before, she found it very weird. He made her feel almost...human.

"Can you understand what I am saying?" The man asked and you slowly, but cautiously nodded your head, to which he sighed. "You must have been in Japan for some time then. Tell me, do you have any place to go? Any family to go to?"

The girl swallowed thickly before shaking her head for a second time. "It's just me." You whispered in a very broken Japanese, you were still learning. It wasn't the best but it was understandable and that's all you cared for.

From your answer, the man's eyes soften for a brief moment. He stared at your snap and frail form with ripped clothing and dead eyes. He felt empathy for you. "How old are you?"

"Six..." The young Y/n whispered her answer, her heart still pounding in her chest. She was not use to such kindness, it frighten her. The thought of what he might do or say clouded her head. She learned that kindness always came with a price.

"But there was no price for his kindness."

The man slowly approached the young girl, making sure to be cautious with his movements as to not frighten the still terrified girl. "How would you like to live with me? A young girl should not be living in such conditions, especially on her own."

"Um..." Y/n we're scared to trust him, trusting never got her anything but pain. And she despised pain, despite being so use to it. She were scared his kindness was would not last long.

The fear of what could possibly happen if she allowed herself to trust him, clouded her mind. She feared of his judgment to her race, she had learned that people here hated her kind of people. She had seen the worse and felt the worse, so she could only assume the worse. And she didn't want to risk anything.

"My name is Akio Haru. I will never hurt you. I only want to help you." The man noticed her hesitation and fear, he could understand where she was coming from. He felt sad that the girl had already experienced so much hate at such a young age. "Trust me, I promise to never harm you in anyway."

It was still for a moment as the girl thought about it, she used her senses to see whether to trust him. She could feel someone about him, he was being genuine and honest. So slowly, with whatever feeling she was picking up from him, she nodded. Allowing herself to trust just this once.

The man smiled and held out his hand, and with small hesitation, the girl accepted it. And that's where her story changed to a new chapter with a new life.

It took a very long time, but the two finally arrived at the man's home. On the way, Y/n noticed there were a few other giant estates like his and noted to question later. She also noticed a few people wearing diffeeent styled haori's, a bit similar to the man.

Once the two arrived to the man's home, he cleaned Y/n up and got her in clean and fresh clothing that he had gotten for her along the way. Then he went on to make her a proper meal while he let her roam his house to get comfortable in her new home.

Waking around, the small girl noticed the baby rooms in the large house. And she saw msny paintings and pictures of people she assumed must've been his friends and family. There was also books many books that she had grabbed to read for herself.

But what caught her eye was the sword that he hug up on the hilt of the wall in the living room. She had noticed he set it there when they walked in and couldn't help but think about why he had it. She assumed he had to be some time of hunter diet o him killing the creature that almost killed her.

The man, Akio, finally came back with two bowels and a blanket. He ushered her to the small table that was in front of the fire as he set the food down before seating himself. He said a prayer before the two began to eat, quiet at first.

"Y/n. That's my name." The brown girl was the first to speak after remembering that she had never officially told him her name. "I don't have a last name. I can't remember what it was."

"How did you get all the way to Japan?" Akio questioned, he had been very curious to it since he met her. He was sure she weren't born in Japan, not because her skin, but mainly because she often reverts to a different language, which told him Japanese wasn't her first. "You couldn't have gotten hers on your own. That would be too far of a journey, especially for such a young child."

"I don't know." She tried to think of an answer and decided to tell him what she remembered. "I woke up...two years ago. I was bleeding from my head. I remember the sun but it was suddenly cold. I don't remember anything else."

"She was probably forced here. Her parents could have made her an escape. But there must've been a struggle." Akio whispered very quietly to himself, furrowing his brows at the thought before looking at the small girl. "How would you like to take my last name? Haru."

There was a small pause in her movements at the suggestion of her being his official daughter before she answered. "I would like that." And with her answer, there was a ghost of a smile that appeared on her lips.

Y/n had noticed that people smile because of happiness and the sensation of joy. Like from being with the person they love, or fmIly and friends, or reviving a gift, or eating delicious food that they ate. People experienced happiness from all sorts of things.

But the problem is, she have never been able to experience said feeling for her self because she had never experienced any of those things. She was never given a reason to smile, the last time she remembered smiling was two years ago, when she finally found food to eat, that she had to steal.

"Why do you have a sword?" The brown girl questioned, switching the topic to what she was most curious about. "Was it for that creature you killed? Are you a hunter?"

"Something like that. I'm a Demon Slayer, I save people by killing demons." Akio answered, but when he noticed your fascination on the topic, he went on to explain. "Demon slayers protects those who cannot protect  themselves from demons. There are ten levels based on how strong you are. I'm a Hashira."

"What's a Hashira?" She questioned, her curiosity few the more he explained to her about his job.

"A Hashira is the highest rank. They're also the most respected and are granted they're own estate. Which is where we are." He answered, which had her curiously look around the room. "I'm the Galaxy Hashira."

All of this surprised Y/n, she would have never believed that such things could ever existed. She had heard old stories and folktales about demons and whatnot, but she would have never expected it to ever be remotely close to true.

"Can I be Denon Slayer?" Y/n suddenly asked, she felt a need to bring more purpose to her life, and she wanted to do what he was doing. "I'm already a hunter. I want to hunt demons, too."

It was very uncommon to hear those words come out of a child's mouth, but Akio wasn't surprised that she wanted to become a Demon Slayer. The job was sort of like hunting, and you have proven on the way to his estate and with your years of survival, that you are more than capable of hunting.

Of course, he did not want to put you in harms way, but he could tell from the look in your eyes that you were not taking no for an answer. So he decided that he would train you to be the flurry best, you would love on to be the best, even better than him.

"I'll train you."

And after that day, he lived up to his words, and trained Y/n, taking her as his Tsugoko. It was very hard at first, she felt like you were always on the verge of death, but she lived and only got better.

Although, according to Akio, Y/n was doing better than the average person. Her instincts, speed and strength was much more immense than the average male and female, which fairly surprised him.

And by the next three years, Y/n was already a better Demon Slayer than the average. She had became better at her training, her speeds increased heavily as well as her smarts. And Akio was finally able to figure out what was so special about her, besides her survival skills.

It was a skill no normal person should have, but you managed to develop from her many years of surviving in the wild on her own. And the skill was called, Synesthesia.

Synesthesia is an anomalous blending of the senses in which the stimulation of one modality simultaneously produces sensation in a different modality. In short, Y/n can feel aura of all living beings, with the addition of demons. Examples of this would mean being able to hear colors, feel sounds and taste shapes.

Y/n had also gotten closer to Akio. She talked more and she'd grown more of a personality. She began to get sarcastic, funny, and kind. More importantly, she began to get happier.

Akio had truly made her happy. She saw him as her father, although she never said the word out loud, let alone called him such. But the feeling wasn't one sided, she also made Akio happier, he saw her as a blessing in disguise of a beautiful daughter.

Although, he yearned for her to finally call him her father, he would never step out of boundaries and push for it. Akio knew that she saw him as such and did not need to hear her say the word to know it.

"Star, how is your training coming along?" Akio had given you a nickname. Y/n never understood why he called her such but it didn't bother her.

"I believe I have finally mastered each form smoothly." Y/n answered, keeping her gaze on a single tree. She kept her focus as she moved with speed, effortlessly cutting down a tree to show her skill.

"I can see that you're getting to be very strong. Yet, your height isn't doing to well." Akio says, his hand above her head, wavering it around.

Y/n pushed his hand away from her head. "Not everyone is tall as you. My height is just fine." Her height is 4'8. Average for a nine year old.
(Don't Drop Your Height In The Comments, WE DO NOT CARE!)

"Don't worry, you are only nine, you're still growing." Akio smiled as he watched the young girl stare at him expectantly. "I would like to inform you that Fonal Selcetion is arriving once more. And this year, I believe you are ready to enter."

Y/n perked up. Akio gave her a brief summary of what that place was when she first began her training. Basically, it determined whatever or not she'd live to be a demon slayer. She couldn't lie and say she didn't feel a small amount of far. But she brushed it off and focused on the positive like Akio always told her.

"Really?" The brown girl stared at her father with an excited expression. You had been waiting to go, but Akio always withdrew because he wanted to make sure you had the best training.

"I believe it is time for you to finally start your journey as a Demon Slayer. I have trained you to my best ability." Akio smiled proudly, gentley placing his hand on top of your head. "Remember your training, you are prepared. Don't panic or show fear, believe in yourself and your skills. Keep your hair tied up, stay alert and ready for any and everything. And finally, come back alive."

Y/n stared at Akio, nodding to his words as she took in and noted every piece of advice he gave her. "I understand. And I promise to come back home."

"I ended up up going to Final Selection the next day at sunrise. The next week, I came back tired, but I wasn't hurt. And I was alive. And there he was, awaiting for my arrival."

"I'm home! I'm alive and home!" Y/n yelled as she ran fast, her legs aching but she ignored the pain and confine on. She saw her father and ran even faster, her heart pounding in her chest as she ran into his arms. "I kept my promise."

"I'm so proud of you, little star." Akio said as he hugged her.

"I love you, father." Y/n found herself whispering as she hugged the man tightly. She had missed him so much during Final Selction, and she was finally ready to call him what she views him as. Her father.

Akio felt tears weld up in his eyes, he had waited so long just to hear that one word, and it was so reliving. "I love you too, my beautiful daughter."

A week later, Y/n was finally given her sword that displayed the reflective color purple and her night scenery haori. And as a gift, Akio gave her special moon earrings that she would always wear no matter where she went. With that, she was able to start her job as a demon slayer.

𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗘𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀, 𝗛𝗮𝗼𝗿𝗶, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗦𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱

Y/n continues her journey as a demon slayer for the next five years and worked her way up the rings quick. She was close to being a Hashira, only being a rank away from the title. She was respected for her hard work, strength, intelligence, and agility.

Eventually she began going on missions for the next five years.

"One mission, I witnessed the most traumatizing thing ever to happen to Akio, my father."

It struck her core and left a scar on her heart. She cared on his word, to always see the positive and seek for happiness. So she continued on with life, moved forward. She still smiled and kept her fun personality. Though she became more independent, moving up in the ranks of being a demon slayer. She also developed trust issues. But she did still associate with people, making them laugh with her goofy personality.

Ubuyashiki, the master of all Demon Slayer, let the girl stay at her father's old estate. He felt sympathy for the girl who had lost the one she had loved more than anything, the one who saved her and gave her a purpose.

It was rightfully her home and he believed that she would one day earn the title of a Hashira and take the estate for her own. Y/n was already a Kinoto rank, which was the rank after a Hashira. She was close.

Now to current day, here the sixteen year old girl, Y/n sat in her father's Galaxy Estate. She sat in the garden with butterflies, bees dragons flies flying around the flowers that bloomed. Or around the calm of the pond.

There was birds chirping around, bees buzzing around, and dragonflies flying around in perfect harmony. Some butterflies flying around her afro as the gentle wind lightly blew the flowers and wisteria trees.

The wind was subtle, blowing every now and then to touch the grace of her skin. And the sky was perfectly sunny with only a few clouds that dared to roam the sky.

The said girl held up a finger, a beautiful winged butterfly landing on it. She smiled to herself as she sat in perfect peace in the nature of her father's garden.

It was so peaceful, it almost blinded her from the harshness of reality.

The laud squeak of a crow takes the brown girl's attention from the butterflies and steals the gaze of her eyes. The crow flies down and lands on her arm to deliver a message.

"Mission! Mission! You've been requested to help out a misssion!"

The beauty and grace of a gentle smile appeared on the brown girl's lips. If one wasn't careful, they would mistake her smile to be real when it certainly was not.

"Where shall I go, Star?" That was the name she gave her crow when she first got it. It was inspired by someone special, someone she wished to see again.

"Head to Southeast to Tsuzumi Mansion. Tsuzumi." Her crow, star, says as it flies down to her. "A mansion full of demons. Full of demons."

It was quiet for a moment before Y/n finally stood to her feet, her hand firmly resting on the scabbard sheath that held her sword. "Lead the way." She kindly ordered her crow, who reluctantly obeyed her and took flight.

With one last glance of the beautiful garden and peaceful pond, she turned to follow her bird in a quick motion. The wind blowing here haori at her fast pace, her movements only barely visible.

"𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑚𝑦 𝑎𝑑𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑛."

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