Wrong for Me

By blkvenus

444K 17.5K 9.7K

While working as a waitress at a high-end restaurant to get herself through graduate school, the last thing t... More

01|you don't know my name
02|wallets and coffee
03|prettiest brown eyes
04|swans and sloths
05|brown sugar
06|first impressions
07|feed me
10|don't call me that
11|your rules
12|trust me
13|love language
15|new friend
18|moving on
19|can of whipped cream
20|hate to see you cry
21|rabid raccoon
23|surprise, surprise
24|just one thing
25|the phone call
26|cakes and croissants
29|six years
31|newfound happiness
32|new home
33|honeymoon phase
34|stripped away
35|one night
36|is this the end
37|opinions and opportunities
39|graduations and flights
sequel update
The Wrong Time

22|eiffel tower

8.7K 344 212
By blkvenus


SEATED BESIDE DANTE IN the conference room, I could practically feel his tension radiating off of him. He had appeared to be fine during our phone call on Monday night, but ever since then something about him has been off. I knew I wasn't the cause because he had actually been more affectionate with me, but it was explicitly clear that something was bothering him.

"You nervous, Naomi?" Khalil inquired from the other side of the table, his knee bouncing as he fixed the collar of his shirt for the millionth time. There was really only so much fixing he could do.


I was more than confident in myself and my abilities, which eased my nerves about Mr. McNamara critiquing the work I've already done here and how I'm feeling about the position. From my understanding, this was just about him making sure the internship was flowing well—and it was—so the meeting could only be positive.

Turning to look at Dante, I followed his line of vision to see that he was simply staring down at an empty spot on the table before us. This had been going on since Tuesday—him just zoning out and not focusing—which worried me endlessly. I would make a point to ask him about it when the time was right.

Just then, the door to the room whipped open and in walked a gargantuan man followed by other men of similar stature and intense looks on their faces. I assumed Mr. McNamara was the largest one who had walked into the room ahead of the others, his eyes narrowed as they danced around the room, stopping on me.

Dante and Khalil definitely weren't lying when they said this man was intimidating because the way his piercing blue eyes stared into mine before traveling down to my chest as he approached the table sent chills down my spine. Dante let out a deep breath beside me, his body still tensed as he placed his hand on my thigh under the table. A smile threatened to break out on my face at just the fact that Dante seemed to be almost jealous.

The man's blue eyes eerily reminded me so much of my ex that I had to advert my gaze and look out the large windows surrounding us and out at the city skyline. My heart was racing at just the thought of him and I had a feeling that being in the room with this man would only intensify that.

"Khalil...Dante," he spoke in a booming voice, leaning across the table to shake both of their hands before his gaze fell to me yet again. "And I assume this is the intern?"

"Yes," I replied, a forced smile on my face as I reached my hand out to him. "Naomi Cole."

His large hand gripped mine into a firm handshake, his gaze locked on mine as if he were searching my soul. He probably was. "Nice to meet you, Naomi. James McNamara."

Luckily, Dante and Khalil took lead of the meeting, telling the man all around how the business had been flourishing over these past two months. At this point, I had sat through over a dozen meetings where the monthly revenue of the company was thrown around and I was still stunned by how much money was really being made.

"Naomi, how are you feeling about the internship?"

"I love it," I admitted without hesitation, feeling Dante's hand squeeze my thigh for a second. "I feel like it is truly giving me the chance to explore what I may want to do with my degree in the future while also allowing me to expand on learning the ins and outs of the finance world."

I let out a deep breath that I hadn't realized I was holding when Mr. McNamara nodded, looking pleased my my response. As prepared as I was for any other questions he had, I really just wanted to get out of the room so he could stop looking at me with those icy blue orbs.

"And would you consider future employment for this company if it was offered to you?"

I bit down on my bottom lip, giving myself to ponder about the answer because I had truly never thought about that option. "Honestly sir, I am still quite unsure about what I want to do in my life and hope to explore it a little more before I make a decision. But I have had a very positive experience here so far and if I had more time here I probably wouldn't consider accepting a position. I just don't think two months is enough time yet."

My gaze traveled over to Dante beside me. My answer probably wasn't what he wanted me to say while I was supposed to he impressing this guy, but I almost felt like the man could see right through me and would catch onto me if I lied. Luckily, Dante had a neutral expression on his face and was nodding along to whatever Mr. McNamara was saying about my answer, his hand still resting on my thigh.

"Thank you for that, Naomi. There is one more thing I would like to talk about before ending this meeting", he spoke ominously, his eyes dancing between the three of us. "My company is holding a charity event in Paris next week and I would like to extend the invitation to you—including you Naomi. Dante and Khalil, it will be a wonderful opportunity to network for the company...and for you Naomi, a wonderful way to network for yourself and find more opportunities in this field and others. What do you say?"

A trip to Paris was something I would never think about turning down. I mean, aside from the fact that I would be in one of the beautiful cities in the world, I would be given the chance to broaden my horizons. And being there with Dante would be even more magnificent.

"I think it would be...best if we also brought along our Marketing Director. Just because of how in depth her background with selling the business is," Khalil suggested, bringing a smirk to my face because the marketing director was Lauren. He was a smart man.

"Of course. Please, take your time deciding and get back to me when you make your choice so I can add you to the list. It was nice meeting with you again and nice meeting you, Naomi."

We all stood from our chairs and he shook each of our hands, his eyes lingering on me for a while longer as he kept my hand in his grip for a while. When he finally pulled his hand away, I didn't hesitate to reach out for Dante's hand under the table. Seemingly taking notice of my distress, Dante squeezed my hand as he said a few more words to Mr. McNamara although he looked down to me a few more times.

"Well, that went well," Khalil spoke once he had finally left the room, leaning back in his chair cooly. "And I guess we're going to Paris!"

"We never agreed to that, Khalil," Dante muttered from beside me, sending a narrowed look to his friend.

"Why would we not go to Paris? We need international connections and doing so at an event filled with a bunch of international rich people would be perfect. We're going to Paris, Dante."

A moment of silence ensued as both Khalil and I stared at Dante as he crossed his hands over his chest while thinking it over. If he turned down going to Paris, I don't know if I would ever forgive the guy so I could only hope he made the right choice.

"Fine, we're going to Paris."

I jumped out of my chair and cheered, running over to Khalil and high-fiving him while Dante shook his head in disbelief at the two of us.

Khalil rushed out of the room to go tell Lauren so I made my way back to my seat beside Dante. Luckily for us, no one from the office could see into the conference room so he didn't hesitate to pull me into his lap.

Even though I was undeniably excited about the trip we would be taking, Dante's recent change in disposition was a more pressing issue and I figured now was the perfect time to bring it up.

"I know you might not like to talk about how you feel, but please know that I'll never judge you for it. I just...you've been a little different these past few days and I just want to make sure you're okay."

My head was rested on his chest and I could hear his heart begin to pound faster, letting me know that something really had been bothering him. Lifting my head, I looked at his face to see that he was staring at the door—stalling.

"Like you told me, you don't have to tell me right now...or ever. Just know that I'm here for you," I told him sincerely, running a finger soothingly down the side of his face.

Finally, he turned to face me and I could see that he had a softer expression on his face. His eyes still held that same gloom as before and I just hoped he got his feelings of his chest soon—even if it wasn't to me. I knew that gloom could eat away at someone—from personal experience—and I just hoped he wouldn't let that happen to him.

"You ever been to Paris before?" He inquired, changing the subject completely and pulling me even closer into his chest.

"No, but it's almost like I can already see it in my mind. The cafés on each street, all the other touristy people there who stand out like a sore thumb amongst the cool Parisians. The Eiffel Tower in the distance wherever we go," I sighed dreamily, closing my eyes as I said it while I rested my head back on his shoulder.

Just then, the click of the door sounded and I bounced off of his lap just in time, acting as if I had never been there when Danielle poked her head into the door. That was too much of a close call.

"Am I interrupting something?" She asked sweetly, even though she still stepped into the room as if she hadn't just asked that question.

"No, we were reviewing the meeting we just had," Dante replied calmly while I was beside him unable to even utter a word.

"Oh okay, I was just wondering if you would want to catch lunch with me, Naomi!"

When I opened my mouth to respond and accept, Dante interjected with, "She's already taken her lunch. Maybe another day, Danielle."

It was hard to ignore the scowl that invaded her face—directed at me for some reason—before she left the room shortly thereafter.

"You were going to accept her invitation, Naomi."

"You don't know that!" I demanded, only for him to cock his head to the side and look at me as if I had been caught red handed. "Okay, I was. But, what if all of you just judged Danielle and actually didn't get to know her well."

"We didn't need to in order to know she's batshit crazy. Stay away from her Naomi. Please," he retorted, standing from his chair and to his full height, towering over me as usual.


"Perfect, now get back to work so I can call Mr. McNamara and let him know to add us to that list."

I let out a squeal and pressed a kiss to his lips before doing as he said and walking back to get some work done. I couldn't erase the smile on my face for the rest of the day.

MY EYES SEARCHED THE crowded restaurant for that familiar freckled face that I had been waiting to see for almost a year at this point. Finally, my gaze settled on the side of his face and I rushed over to the table where my brother was seated, not hesitating to pull him into my embrace.

"Jesus, you scared me, Omi," Marcus sputtered although he returned the hug without any hesitation. "I was beginning to wonder if you were gonna stand up your dear old brother."

Honestly, I felt terrible for being late because he was alone in a entirely new city and I had left him waiting. But it would have been absolutely cruel to Dante for me to not make out with him in his office for fifteen minutes, so my tardiness could be excused.

"Never! I'm just so glad you're here, Marcus. I'll finally have someone to boss around."

He scoffed, shaking his head at me and flashing that smile of his that was so identical to that of our father's that it was almost terrifying. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that I looked like my father, but Marcus was the carbon copy of the man. They were both tall and slim with stern faces although they were absolutely sweethearts. Unlike our father, Marcus had short locs and freckles, but other than that he appeared to be a younger version of the man.

"Is it worrisome that I'm not scared about starting grad school?" He questioned once we had placed our orders and were sipping our drinks.

"Not at all! You're the last person I would expect to he worried."

It was common knowledge in our families that Marcus and I were incredibly intelligent. Marcus however, was the genius out of the two of us. Not only had he been the valedictorian of his high school, but of college as well. He had even been featured in the national news multiple times for his breakthrough research as just a college student.

"Will you at least be at orientation so I won't be alone there?"

I sucked in a breath and gritted my teeth. "I'll...be in Paris when orientation happens."

"With your new boyfriend, huh?"

My eyes widened in horror as he simply chuckled and took a bite of his food that the waiter had just brought over. "Dad ran his mouth, didn't he?"

"All the time."

"Well if you must know...he is not my boyfriend. And it's actually a work trip." I wasn't lying, but I was leaving out the fact that Dante would very well be on that trip.

"I already know he works with you, Omi," he retorted, my face going red at the fact that I was caught yet again. "And I bet he's going to be there."

"Change the subject!" I exclaimed, making us both chuckle.

The rest of the dinner went well with us just chatting about any new developments in our lives and reminiscing about our childhood. I was stuffed by the time dinner was over and after hugging him and splitting off in our separate directions I didn't even want to walk back to the subway.

And just to my luck, my phone vibrated letting me know that I had just gotten a text, from Dante nonetheless.

Come over

That was enough motivation for me to walk my ass over to that subway and make my way downtown towards his place.

WHAT I HADN'T EXPECTED when I showed up to Dante's house was his breath reeking of alcohol and slurred words from him. Just days ago the guy had chastised me for getting drunk, yet here he was on the verge of blacking out—which could only let me know that whatever was on his mind must have been eating away at him.

"Dante, you need to sit down," I instructed him softly, grabbing onto his waist and moving him over to the couch. It wasn't easy to move a man who towered over me at 6'4, but I managed to get him to flop down onto the couch. "Stay right here, I'll get you some water."

I made my way over to his kitchen, only to stop in my tracks at the sight of broken glass covering his floor and a smashed lamp. Glancing over at him, I could only wonder what was troubling him enough to seemingly wreck his own home like this. Dante had this whole put-together and mature exterior, but it seemed that something within him was unsettled.

Stepping over the shards, I poured him a glass and brought it back over to the couch where he reluctantly sat up and drank it.

"Dante, I know I told you that it's okay not to talk about it...but I just want to know that you're okay. You've deflected all of my questions and that's fine, but I hate seeing the gloomy look you've had in your eyes these past few days and...and the broken glass."

My hand was rubbing his back the entire time I spoke, my eyes locked on the floor below me. But when I lifted my gaze and looked up into those glassy orbs of his, my heart broke for him. And watching tears begin to run down his face only made that feeling intensify, even as I pulled him into my chest and let him cry.

"I shouldn't be crying right now," he slurred, lifting his head from my chest and frantically wiping away at his tears as only more fell. "I shouldn't be crying in front of you."

"Why not? You let me cry on your shoulder when I needed to and you never thought of me any different. I feel the same about you...and it let's me know that you're at least feeling something," I said calmly, resorting to rubbing his back yet again.

We fell into comfortable silence as he stared off into space just as he had been doing these past few days. It felt like the Dante I was beginning to know had been replaced with a newer, sadder version of him. And I just really wanted my Dante back.

"Have you ever felt empty before?" He inquired, his head resting in his hands as his leg bounced slightly.

"I have," I admitted softly, to both him and myself. After everything with my ex, I never gave myself the chance to acknowledge that he left me feeling like a shell of myself. I don't even know if I had even returned back to my full self yet.

"Why? What happened?" He asked, his hand now resting on my thigh as he stared at me with those red-rimmed eyes.

"That's a conversation for another time...when you're sober, Dante."

He nodded in understanding, lifting the glass of water to his lips yet again. "I shouldn't have drank. I...I only feel worse and I didn't think that was possible."

All I could so was look at him. How was I supposed to respond when I was constantly feeling the same way as him?

"You should get some rest," I finally concluded on saying, standing from me seat and holding back the tears that were threatening to spill from my eyes as well while my memories were beginning to flood back.

"Only if you stay with me. Please stay with me, Naomi."

I responded by taking his hand into mine and leading him up the stairs—carefully since the guy had lost all sense of balance—and into his room. He flopped onto the bed while I searched through his drawers for a pair of sweatpants he could wear. I held back a gasp as I opened one of the drawers only find handcuffs and a few other toys in there, only to shut it closed and pretend I never saw anything. I would bring that up later.

When we were dressed, we climbed into his bed together and he took me by surprise when he pulled me on top of him, securing his arm around my waist. As much as I wanted to believe that this was him showing more affection, I knew he
was inebriated and not thinking clearly.

But even with that thought on my mind, I couldn't take my eyes off of the man below me as I stared at him in adoration until he fell asleep. A smile crossed my face at fact that he fell asleep after telling me how gorgeous I was and how much he liked me and all I had to do was believe him because I knew that his drunken words were his sober thoughts.

a/n: i know the last two chapters have been kind of heavy, but I PROMISE that they will get happier because they will be in PARIS!!!!

how do you think the trip will go? what do you think of naomi's brother?

do you think naomi and dante will soon share what has been troubling them and how do you think they'll both handle it

thank you for reading and follow my instagram (@ blkvenuss) where i will post sneak peeks, chapter updates, polls about my characters, and more!

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