101 Ed Street (On Hiatus)

Por HuskOlfCinus

13.8K 141 35

Ed Edd n Eddy have been running away from the angry kids when the scam gone horribly wrong. Double D is nephe... Más

Welcome to London Ed-Boys!
Meeting the Dalmatian Family
Authors NOTE + Contest
Getting Along Part 1
Getting Along Part 2
Rent a Dalmatian n' ED
Kids on the run!
Winter Funder-ED
Sight Ed-Seeing!
Snow Ed-Day
Perfect Match-ED
Camden Night Rumm-Edging
Hiatus Mode

An Dalmatian is Born

1.7K 9 2
Por HuskOlfCinus

Authors note: The story takes place after some days as Eds, Dolly and Dylan were free from being grounded. Or if you want you can imagine that Delilah and Doug forgot about the punishment. Happens to my mom a bit.

Ed was reading some comics. It was mostly a monster comic to say at least. He won't mind playing with the puppies if they want to, but for now, he just wanted to take some rest for a bit. He hasn't been reading since the day he and his friends got inside Double D's aunt house!

"What are ya reading, Ed?" A familiar voice asked.

Ed looked at the black Dalmatian with a smile saying:

"Hello, Dante! Just reading this new monster comic I bought."

He showed a comic book. On the cover, it was 8 eyed tentacle monster with five eyes. Two tentacles had humans captured by them while some tentacles had captured cars. The title on top of the cover reads: "The Terror of Grungeron".

"What's it about, if I may ask?" Dante asked not hiding a little curiosity. He wasn't interested in some pictures, but this title and cover picked an interest for a goth dalmatian.

"It's about a failed experiment made by Rick Villendoock," Ed said as he gave a comic to Dante and then started posing. "It was supposed to be created creature to have revenge on the director who stole the idea and then his experiment backfired turning into the crunchy monster called 'Grungeron' and makes terror in the city."

Dante was quite surprised. He found Ed is more likely funny and goofy, but also low intelligent like Diesel. Not to mention they both had a monobrow. Then the similarities ended here for Dante. He didn't read any comics that Ed bought so he had no clue about it.

"Say, may I read it?" Dante asked quite wanting to read it.

"Sure!" Ed said smiling. "We can read it together if you want."

"Eh why not," Dante said with a shrug. "small company isn't so bad."

And with that said they were reading a monster comic together while pups were playing.

"So Dawkins, might tell me how does Kibble Pump and work?"

Double D was kinda curious about those inventions. However, he didn't get any chance when Eddy dragged him and Ed yet another scam, alongside Dolly and Dylan.

"Well, you see before we use Kibble Pump we use bowl flinger just in case for some extra jumping and stuff. Siblings are energetic... Most of them are."

"Haha, That's true." Double D chuckled sheepishly. "Pups are very energetic after all."

"Yeah..." Dawkins said nodding then returned to the subject. "Anyway. Kibble Pump is used for giving the kibble by shooting correctly on the bowl as you may already have guessed."

"Yes, I do." Double D admitted. "I've also noticed here that you attached the hose through the accordion in other to give some air pressure for kibble flew through the hose."

"A plus for you, Edward. When I press the button of an accordion it. Despite the sound, it will bring some air pressure as you already know. Putting the kibble inside an accordion then clicking a button will not only make sounds but also shoots the kibble from the hose."

Double D nodded. Of course, it did make sense why it was hoose on the Kibble Pump. Although normally everyone just filled the bowl from the bag, knowing that there are 99 pups (Dylan and Dolly included) it's not quite a surprise to know why it was invented.

"May I at least test it out." Double D asked kinda wanting to try it.

"I dunno about it, Edward," Dawkins said unsure. "Last time we let someone was ."

"I've heard from Dylan that he knew about him. Who was he anyway?"

"Guess he didn't say about him, didn't he?"

Double D shook his head as 'no' for a response. Dawkins sighed saying:

"Well, you see he was the first human inside the house we had before you three came to London..."

Dawkins explained detail by detail about him and what he was doing in their house. Double D was surprised, but also upset at Doug that allowed his son to keep him even though it was the idea of Dizzy and Dee Dee. Although he can't blame these two little pups for this they are both young, he needed to talk to them.

"To be honest I cannot blame Dylan..." Double D said rubbing his forehead. "It is hard to do chores while being on his own when other siblings are playing, though I need to speak with Dizzy and Dee Dee about letting some stranger human into their house."

"I hope they'll understand," Dawkins said with a sigh. "Mostly we just won't let any humans

although you three are the exception."

"I think all of us know that. Including pups."

"That's true."

They both talked for a while until Double D decided to help Dylan with his chores and of course, they will both talk about the 'Mr. Fuzzy'.

Eddy was watching a video about how to make some tricks on Skateboard.

He was bored lately, so he decided to watch something on the internet to try to catch his eye on something he could do. Of course the skateboard tutorial he saw caught his eye so he thought: 'Maybe I'll learn some cool tricks on a skateboard.'

He was watching the basic stuff, of course, he did watch Kevin do tricks on a skateboard, but he didn't bother to teach from him since he was always bullying Eds.


bEddy jumped a little startled by Dolly who was landing with a skateboard.

"What'cha watchin' shorty?" She asked in small teasing making Eddy grumbled annoyed by the nickname.

"I am just watching some videos of skateboard, Doll-face," Eddy said with a smirk as Dolly hearing the new nickname frowned.

"You will not stop calling me that are you?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

"Fine, fine. You got the point... May I see it?"

Eddy shrugged saying:

"Eh, I guess."

Dolly took a seat as Eddy let her watch people doing skateboard tricks on a video.

"Dang," Dolly said in surprise. "Never thought humans can do such cool tricks on a skateboard."

"Guess someone doesn't pay attention to humans riding a skateboard eh?" Eddy said with a smug smile, making Dolly sheepishly smiling with a shrug.

"Well... I might have not thought about looking at them and wasn't paying attention to them."

"Makes sense, then."

"Yep. Anyway, why do you watch it? I thought you could think of some scam today."

"Eh, I just thought trying to do some new stuff for some time."

"Sounds fair enough," Dolly said with a shrug. "Though do you have money still?"

Eddy put a finger on his chin thinking if they still have money... Until he realized that they both spent the money as he looked down sighing. Knowing that reaction Dolly shrugged saying:

"Well, I would suggest on some scam that would work... Without destroying any property of course..."

"Uugh, don't remind me.." Eddy said with a groan. "We've been cleaning up all day. I don't really want to do the cleaning duty again unless if I think of a scam, then we wouldn't talk about it with your parents."

"Yeah, they would definitely kill us if they'll find out."

Eddy nodded knowing well the consequences.

"You know. How about just something new like I dunno sewing or making a movie-" Dolly said suggesting before getting the idea from the last one. "Hey, that's it!"

Eddy looked at Dolly surprised by that outburst.

"A movie! Let's make a movie or a video documentary!"

"Great idea!" Eddy exclaimed excitedly with this idea. "Let's go to sockhead and star dog!"

Dolly nodded and both sprinted to look for Double D and Dylan to inform about the video making idea.

"Dylan, do you think it was a good idea to bring some human your family don't know into your house?"

Double D was having a talk with Dylan about letting some human such as 'Mr. Fuzzy' into their own house, not having known about him. Ed was sitting on

"Well... You see..." Dylan tried to explain it, however, Double D stopped him as he raised his hand to signalise him to not speak more.

"I understand that you were tired of doing chores on your own, but you need to understand that bringing some human that you don't know is a very risky move of getting robbed. Be grateful that 'Mr. Fuzzy' wasn't a thief you and your family would have been a lot of trouble."

Dylan looked down in shame hearing that. Sure 'Mr Fuzzy' wasn't so suspicious, but Double D had an actual point. If someone they don't know went inside the house they could be robbing other houses.

"But it wasn't my fault."

"I do get that it was Dizzy and Dee Dee, but you're the one who wanted the human in the first-"

"HEY SOCKHEAD/DYLAN!" Double D and Dylan jumped holding each other. Double D was holding Dylan in bride style if you get the idea of what I mean.

"Good heavens!" Double D exclaimed definitely got jumpscares, but then starts to frown at them. "What is it now, you two? Can't you see I am talking with Dylan?"

"We have just got some great idea!" Dolly said explaining.

"What?" Dylan said with a deadpan face. "Another scam that involves destroying the houses?"

"Close but not quite, Star-Dog!" Eddy said waving his hand as Double D puts Dylan down. "We just thought about making a movie!"

"A movie?"

"Yeah, Dyl!" Dolly said giving him one arm hug. "A movie about us, Dalmatian family. Better yet why not making a documentary video about Camden Town in our lives!"

"Or even better! Maybe we can try to sell the video to some visitors!" Eddy chimed in.

"...No Eddy. I do know you need money, but it is for family AAAAND Friends only," Dolly said with a deadpan face looking at Eddy.

"Alright, whatever..." Eddy grumbled looking down with a frown.

"...It seems it's a better idea than the last one, but you are forgetting-" Double D was cut off by Eddy.

"Anyway! Double D! You'll be a Camera Man like last time."

"But Eddy we don't have-"

"Dolly could show us around the Camden Town and talk all some stuff about it. Even introduce to some of the family members and some friends in the Camden Town." Eddy said as Ed checked on some pockets in his new jacket. "Ed can be... Ed and we will be doing great job making it! Just make a good shot with a camera and BOOM!"

"That's the thing Eddy, We need-" Double D was cut by Ed as he showed the Camera.

"Camera!" Ed exclaimed smiling giving to Double D. "Static Free."

"There you have it!" Dolly exclaimed excitedly.

"Hey, that's mine line!" Eddy said as he pointed himself with a thumb.

"Well, we do have a camera..." Double D said before Eddy started:

"Alright! Let's find someplace for the video!"

"Let's head to the park, there is a lot of space!" Dolly said with a trigger word, causing pups to chant 'Park' repeatedly as they took Eddy and Dolly to the park. Of course leaving Dylan, Double D and Ed behind.

"I'll go after them, while you'll work on the camera Double D." Dylan said as he followed while Double D followed trying to working on the camera.

"Ed do you have at least a manual instruction to use this somewhere?" Double D asked as he was testing the camera.

"Somewhere," Ed said as he followed them soon after.

Later in the Park...

Both Dalmatian Family and Eds were at the park, while Double D was adjusting the camera... Actually, Double D with Dawkins help was helping Dylan how to adjust it while he was going to hold the camera for introducing the humans a.k.a Eds for Dolly's sake.

"Tell me, Double D." Dylan said as he was holding a camera according to how Double D was holding. "Why do I have to hold this camera and record it."

"Well according to Dolly, someone needs to record us." Double D replied. "Besides it is ok to even show us in the video, don't you think so?"

"I guess it is..."

"Alright!" Dolly said. "This spot is good for recording. Is camera ready Dylan?"

"Just a lil' bit... There! Now I'm ready." Dylan said as he gaves thumbs up.

"Everyone ready?" Dolly asked everyone they all replied that they are ready.

"Ok. Action!" As Dylan said that he started recording.

"Hello everyone! This is your favourite dalmatian, Dolly! Today I will show you around the place called Camden Town with my siblings! We normally lived alone without any human and it wasn't so bad... And you know what-?"

Before she could continue Dylan took some place to find a good position to record it.

"...Now?" Dolly asked.

"ACTION!" Dylan said again. Dolly then spoke:

"And you know what? Our family have not one, but three humans! Introduce yourselves guys."

Camera then turns towards the Eds. First was Eddy:

"Hello peeps! My names Eddy and I am the best and coolest man in the world! One day I'll be the richest guy in this world and I'll-"

Before he could say anything the camera turned to Double D, making Eddy frown and grumble folding his arms.

"Uh... My name is Double D," Double D said to the camera, a bit uneasy. "I... Like making new inventions and also getting... Everything under control..."

"My turn! My Turn!"

Ed said as he took the camera from Dylan looking at it.

"Hello! My name is Ed I love buttertoast and chickens. I also like a monster and horror movies like "Evil Tim" and-"

"Ed give star dog a camera!" Eddy said annoyed.

"Ah come on!" Ed whined with a frown.

"Just give it back, monobrow!" Dolly said as she and Eddy struggles to get the camera alongside Dylan, before static came.

"-And that's how Triple D came to be famous." Dallas said as she, Destiny and Deja Vu smiled smuggly. Of course after the camera came back from static.

"Gee you girls..." Eddy said rubbing his nose. "Could this be any longer?"

"Be grateful that it was an abridged version." Dylan commented as Dolly was almost bored out of it.

"Oh! Did we told you that last time-"

"NO!" Everyone yelled at Deja Vu, who let out 'aaw...' with a sad face looking down.

"Are there any pups we could at least interview or talk about?" Eddy said with bored tone.

Dolly hummed for a bit trying to think of someone she could at least show to the camera.

"Wooohoooo!" They heard a voice from the side and they could notice another dalmatian pup, Delgado running with a wheelchair on him. None of the Ed's knew about how he lost his legs. They didn't question however as they didn't want to ask about his past. He then stopped in front of our heroes. The camera of course was on him.

"Hello, everyone! I am Delgado! The fastest pup in Camden Town!" Delgado said cheerfully at the camera. "I will just get another lap unless I will find something out like recording. Keep recording me!"

After what he said he ran on the wheel as the camera pans out looking at Delgado.

"Hey, Delgado!" Dolly called out. "Wait!"

Static came from the camera as now Double D was holding a camera. Knowing well Dylan won't much do as dogs are always walking in fours. Eds, Dolly and Dylan were panting as they ran after him, until another camera static came.

The camera shows Dolly more likely going to show some tricks on the skateboard in the skate park. Double was still holding a camera for the recording of course.

"Hello, guys!" She said looking at the camera with a helmet on and holding a skateboard. "It's Dolly again! And now I am going to show you how I can be good at skateboarding."

Dolly then turned to the crowd of her siblings yelling:

"You guys ready to see my awesome tricks?!"

Her siblings cheered as the camera turned to the crowd of Dolly's younger siblings. Who can blame them? They wanted fun of course!

"Allright then!" Dolly said as camera turned to her. "Let's do it!"

She then rided on the skateboard and to down to the skatepark as she yelled her catchphrase in cheerful tone:


She was doing a lot of amazing tricks on a skateboard on skatepark. Eds were amazed by it. According to their siblings Dylan, they knew that Dolly was good at skateboarding, even Dizzy and Dee Dee. Those two did told them about how she was amazing doing all sorts of tricks on the skateboard. Let's not forget that camera catches it all, despite her faster riding with a skateboard.

She was doing (again) various tricks on a skateboard such as some flips, spins, Ollie etc. (A.N. I know lazy, but I'm not really much of into skateboard. Atleast in some degree.)

After this she landed after the last trick and said:


Every pup cheered and they did actually enjoyed these tricks. Though Eddy was morelikely surprised.

"Gee..." Eddy said. "I could tell that she was good at skateboard, but never thought THAT good."

"I sure agree with you, Eddy..." Double D said stunned while camera was recording her.

The camera then shows Dolly walking around in the alley of the Camden Town. It was really spooky. Dylan was walking around frigthened while Ed for some reason was holding a rattle using as some sort of protection.

"This Alley isn't scary for me." Dolly said with a confident smirk at the camera. "This might be frightening for some peeps though."

"Dolly, please!" Dylan said with whisper-shout. "Couldn't we just record somewhere else."

"My mom always gave me rattle when I am scared." Ed said showing a rattle to Dolly.

"Ed, you lummox throw that away!" Eddy said as he took and threw backwards the rattle not realizing that there were also borzoi and bulldog behind them. "Anyhow... Can you tell more about this place, Floppy?"

The male gorzoi got hit by the rattle and looked angrily and his friend bulldog also glared at them.

"AY!" Male gorzoi said with a Russian accent. The last camera static came and the camera shows Ed run from the male gorzoi and bulldog while Double D was holding a camera. Of course all of them run from them.

"RUN FOR IT!" Yelled Eds and Older Dalmatian Siblings from the alley dogs. Then after for some time the static came again.

The camera - after the static came down - shows Dolly sighing. They were in the park... again.

"Ok..." Dolly said finally. Not very happy about the encounter in the alley. "Maybe 'this' wasn't the best idea. How about introducing to my friends then?"

"Sounds good to me." Double D said as he was holding a camera. Then they heard someone calling for them. Someone familiar.

"Hey guys!"

Double D turned the camera and notice here waving at them coming to them.

"Whatcha doing here?" asked with a smile. "You guys recording something?

"Well... It is mostly for a family to watch and-"

Dolly got an idea as she cutted off saying to the camera:

"This guy here is Marco, but mostly he's known as . He can understand animals even without that ear-plug thingie."

"Well..." Marco scratches his head off sheepishly. "You could say that... At first I wasn't into being a 'doctor' in the first place, but since I was good at understanding animals and other animals were hurting I decided to help them instead."

"Weren't you suppose to be the next generation of that Dr. Do Little familia or somethin'?" Eddy said rudely with dead-pan expression.

"Technically yeah, but I was A young adult back then."

"Ooh Ooh!" Ed said jumping happily. "My favourite animal is chicken, because they are looking cute and fluffy"

Everyone looked at Ed and while Camera was on him.

"Where did you even came from?" Dolly asked him.

"Blame my parents, Dolly!"

Marco chuckled sheepishly blushing a bit. "Well technically that's how every newborn is coming to the world... Hehe..."

"Hey Dolly!"

The voice of Roxie brought her attention and Dolly sees her.

"Roxy, hey!" Dolly said as the camera followed. "How are ya, bff?"

"Doing great, Dolly!" Roxie replied wagging her little tail. "Whatcha doing here anyway?"

"Oh we were just doing some movie about our lives in Camden Town. Double D is current cameraman now."

"Ooooh! Cool!"

Roxie then came in front of the camera scaring Double D a bit and making him uneasy.

"Hello! My name is Roxie and I'm Dolly's Best friend." She said as she hugs Dolly with one arm. "We are the bestest of the friends!"

"Yep! What she says!" Dolly said without any problems as she smiles to the camera.

They've talked a bit and then showed some tricks to the camera. Of course it was mainly Dolly and Roxie since they both were together and stuff.

Now the camera shows Dizzy and Dee Dee plays with Ed. Ed was a horse while these two pups were riding him. Dizzy and Dee Dee giggled as Ed was pretending horse using horse sounds and riding like one.

"Giddy up, Ed!" Dizzy said.

"Yee-haaaw!" Dee Dee cheered.

"Neeeigh!" Ed said making a horse noise. "I am a horsie!"

Eddy looked deadpan at this. Although Dolly didn't minded as it wasn't recorded first hand.

"Geez..." Eddy said with a yawn. "This writer couldn't even think of and decided to repeat itself again. He could at least think of something new."

"Ditto." Double D said agreeing, although he didn't mind it.

Dylan came to them saying:

"Allright guys. Let's go and make something for 'dinner'."

Eddy and Dolly looked at deadpan saying:

"Trigger word?"

Of course for the 'cue' one pup said the word 'dinner'. Then the other and the other, before the whole tsunami of pups went to the house. Taking both Eds and Elder Dalmatian siblings to their house. Camera shows of course through the tsunami they indeed ran to the house.

After the last static came...

"Allrighty then!" Dolly said to the camera. As she had the hose attached to her. "What you gonna see, it will be coolest thing you will remembered! Ready bro?"

Camera shows Dylan using a Bowl flinger giving thumbs up saying:

"If you're ready so am I!"

"Allright, let's do it!" She said as Double D not stopping recording her move aside so that he wouldn't got hit by the kibble. And with that the fun had started firstly Dylan uses Bowl Flinger as he shoots the bowl in the air and Dolly shoots the kibble at the bowl. Of course inside the bowl not the outside (Good thing she can shoot pretty well). Of course Dawkins was the one who activated it so nothing important (I guess). Now everyone has a food to eat.

Double D whistled. "Now that is something."

"Guess it was more than the latest thing I've made with Ed." Eddy commented.

"Oooh... Don't remind me." Dylan said with a shudder. "This was a heck of a ride I would rather forget than remembering it all over again."

"I think it was funny" Dizzy said.

"Yeah. Ed was funny." Dee Dee said giggling.

Dolly hummed a bit thinking of something and then got an idea as she went somewhere and after few minutes she came of course after the static came down.

"Oh Ed~" Dolly said with sing song voice coming to him. "I've got something for you~"

Dolly then shows a bowl with a kibble and then puts it down.

"Food! Yum Yum!" Ed said as he started to eat a kibble like a normal dog would do.

"Good boy, Ed~!" Dolly said with a chuckle.

"Oh dog, Dolly why?" Dylan asked weirded out by Ed's antics.

"Ah chill, bro. I did notice him eating the mattress and he was fine with it. Nothing gone wrong."

"Still though." Double D said. "That's disturbing nonetheless."

"Ditto." Dawkins commented.

The last static came and then came Dolly looking at the camera. It was a midnight.

"Hey guys." Dolly whispered to the camera. "It is your favourite Dalmatian, Dolly! Now if you're wondering why am I whispering... Well..."

Dolly then showed the siblings sleeping with the camera.

"My siblings are asleep and I don't want to wake them up. In fact..."

Dolly then shows through camera sleeping Eds on the couch.

"They both were tired too." Dolly said with a quiet chuckle. "Well I'm sad to say, but I have to end the video. There were a lot of idea's, but couldn't think of which one so yeah. But maybe one day I can make another video sometime. Until then."

With that said the camera shuts off after recording. Dolly now went back to sleep after funny yet a bit risky video making with her siblings and Eds.

A.N: Hey guys! Fenris here! I hope you like this chapter. I know that some ideas were not really great and boring, because I haven't thought of how it should work so I basically shoot some random things on it. So yeah Sorry about that ^^; I had a lot of comic projects and a commission to work, but also have to learn stuff for the final exam retry, because I've failed one. If I fail too bad and I will have to repeat it on the year. I also need learn about driving theory so that is kinda hard to write a fanfic.

Anyway again hope you like it. Feel free to give a idea about the chapter if you want. It could be based on Ed Edd n Eddy episode or even that you can imagine on how one of the episodes of 101 Dalmatian Street will be with Eds in Camden Town! Feel free to give your thoughts.

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