Obey Me: UnExpected

By CandleQueenEleven88

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I DO NOT OWN OBEY ME! I am a just a fan, that's it. During selection time and they are looking for a excha... More

Selection Day(flashback)
Decisions, decisions
The Leap
Tokyo! Tokyo! Tokyo!
Hotel Corvo...
Tokyo! Tokyo! Part 1
Tokyo! Tokyo! Part 2
Tokyo! Tokyo! Part 3
Tokyo! Oh. No!
Toky...What did you just say?
Welcome to Devildom
Welcome to Devildom Part 2
Inside the castle
And so it happened...
Storms approaching
RAD Part 1
RAD Part 2
Welcome Home
First Day Back
Back To Normal
Together Again
Rebuilding the Shattered Hearts
Final notes
The One who Ran Away Part 1
The One who Ran Away Part 2
One sided love

The Waiting...

5 0 0
By CandleQueenEleven88

After Patrick left and Diavolo went back to Devildom, Brianna tried to make the best of it. "Okay, well I guess it's just me and you two then. We'll go out and eat by ourselves." Brianna grabbed her purse and her lab top and headed out the door.  After some careful decisions, she went to Panera to eat.  Once Brianna got there, she was able to find a seat, eat some human world food, and look online for baby items.  While standing in line she look around and saw a family with four children sitting down eating as a family, the kids were too cute.  Then she saw a woman who was pregnant as well but very, very pregnant.  Some fathers were holding their children as the mothers ate, a couple women breastfeeding their babies in the corner.  Which brought joy but also sadness to Brianna eyes her eyes got moist.  "Next!  Whose next?"  The cashier asks.  "Hello, can I get the hot open face hot turkey sandwich on wheat please.  And make that a meal with the macaroni and cheese, and broccoli.  And I'll have a water to drink.  Then can I get a macaroni and cheese to go, it's so good.  And a chocolate chip cookie too please."  The cashier rings her order up.  "Will that be everything ma'am?"  Brianna nods and pays for her food.  "All set, we will have it ready, please wait over here for it."  She took her computer and walked over to a empty table and placed her belongings down.  Brianna went to get her drink, but she was thinking about all the baby things she would need to buy,  and not seeing where she was going she ran into someone.  "Uff" Brianna immediately apologizes. "I'm so sorry!"  The guy turned around and it was a person she kinda knew, a baseball player who played on the same team as Tony.  "Evan?"  This Evan person, turned and noticed her.  "Hey Brianna!  So good to see you again, how have you been?"  They have a side hug, and had a small conversation.  "I'm going better.  How about you?  I heard you got selected! Congratulations!"  He smiled.  "Yeah, I got traded too, to the Astros.  But it feels great 3 years in the minors was trouble.  Is Tony getting selected too?"  Brianna looked at him shocked and shrugged her shoulders.  "Im surprised you didn't see, but we aren't together anymore.  He was cheating on me with that trainer Tiffany."  He was shocked and started laughing.  "That idiot.  She slept with everyone, and I mean everyone.  Well one mans loss is another mans gain."  He eyes Brianna up and down, but Brianna tries to move the conversation along.  "Hey it was nice seeing you, I have to get my food.  Congratulations again!"  Evan took Brianna hand a kissed it.  "Good to see you too.  Take care of yourself."  Brianna took back her hand and walked away.  She waved to him bye, and got her food.  (Oh my gosh, that's hilarious. Diavolo would not be happy about that.)

   Once she sat back at her table, she was able to get online and look up baby things.  Her phone ringed but it wasn't her human world phone, it was her Devildom phone.

"Hello sweetie!"
"So whose the guy?"

  Brianna cocked her eyebrow, and looked around the store and outside too, trying to see if he was here already.

"Relax I'm not there."
"How do you know about that?  And he's just a old teammate with Tony.  That's all."
"I trust you, but I don't trust him.  Do I need to come back?"
"You know I would love for you too, I want you here now, I want to be with you now.  But right now your not and either you can't tell me or won't tell me.  But I miss you."
"I miss you too, but I have so much to do.  I will talk to you later.  Send me some pictures, I do love pictures.  I'll definitely send you some of me."
Brianna giggled.  "I can't wait!"
"I will see you in a few days, think of me.  Bye!"

   As Brianna's phone call ended, someone approached her.  "Hey Brianna you mind if I sit with you?"  Brianna looked up and it was Evan.  "Uh, sure."  And he sat across from her.  They started eating but on the inside Brianna was nervous.  "So what you been up to?  I know we don't really talk much."  Brianna drank her water.  "Well, I'm still a teacher, but I'm on a extended vacation.  I'm thinking about filing for divorce from Tony, and I'm currently pregnant. You?"  His eyes widened.  "Holy shit.  You're pregnant, well congratulations to you too!  Do you know what your having?"  Brianna nodded.  "Yeah, twins!"  Evan's jaw dropped.  "Wow, I can't believe it.  Is Tony excited?"  Brianna shook her head. "No, he doesn't care about them and plus Tiffany's pregnant too."  Brianna said as she bit her cookie.  Evan was floored.  "So he has two woman pregnant at the same time, and he left you, to be with her?  He made the wrong move."  Brianna shook her head, pretending not to hear that last part.  "It's fine honestly, it's like a relief, because...". Evan interrupted her.  "Can I take you out to dinner?"  Brianna's eyes widened.  "What?"  Evan continued.  "I kinda had a crush on you since he joined the team.  I use to watch you sit in the stands cheering him on, then you started cheering the team on too.  You know he use to hate that, by the way. He would complain that you saw us all as equals.  But your cheering gave me courage, and now I would like for you to cheer for me now.  Would you like to go on a date with me?"  Brianna was speechless, that she excused herself.  "Excuse me."  And went to the bathroom.  While in the bathroom, she knew she had to say no, but also someone else thought she was cute. 

LD: Did they guy just ask you out?

B: I know right, what should I say? I'm kidding, I'm kidding!

LD: 😈

   After Brianna collected herself in the bathroom, she made her way back to the table.  "There you are, I thought I was going to have to come get you, have you agreed to meet me for dinner."  Brianna took a deep breathe.  "No, actually I have a boyfriend."  Evan was shocked.  "Really, even with a husband, and children on the way?"  Brianna nodded.  "Yep, and he is an amazing man.  You can continue to eat here if you like, but it was great seeing you and Congratulations again!"  Evan rolled his eyes and stood up.  "Yeah you too."  Evan took his leave and Brianna went back to looking up baby things.  She started sending pictures to Diavolo about things they could get for the babies.  He sent thumbs up or thumbs down emojis back and she made a quick list.  Once Brianna was done eating and threw her things away, she just headed back home.  But first she wanted to stop by the baby stores to look around.  So she made her way to Children's Place, and once inside she was amazed at all the baby clothes from birth all the way up to 10 years of age.  She took a picture of the baby girl section and sent it to Diavolo.  He texted back.

LD:  Wow!  Looks like we need a lot of clothes for them.  When I come back we are going shopping.

   She picked up two onesies and the sales associate came to greet her.  "Hello, have you shopped here before?"  Brianna shook her head.  "Okay, well we have clothes from newborn to 10 years of age.  This is our boy section over here and our girl section too, we even have gender neutral clothes too.  We also have a rewards program where you get cash back, that turns into a dollar amount off of the next purchases.  We can sign you up for that.  Do you have a due date?"  Brianna signed up for it, because she's having twins and will need a ton of clothes for the years to come.  Once she got her free card, she was offered a credit card, but turned it down.  "Maybe next time, but not now.  I would like to purchase these two though."  And she handed the sales associate two girl onesies.  As she headed back home, she felt much better about being pregnant now, although her situation has changed, she was ready to be a parent and raise two girls with...Diavolo.

   Once Brianna got home she tried to call Leslie again and like before it kept going to voice mail.  Brianna started worrying, it was strange not knowing where her friend went.  So she tried to look up her IMDb, and see what's going on with her latest projects and what she found shocked her. The movie she was working on in Tokyo, was cancelled.  "That's strange, she was so excited about that movie.  It was probably due to her grandmother dying.  Get well Leslie."  And she exited from that site to see she had emails she hasn't check on.  Once she logged in and saw she has 359 unread emails, she just wanted to select all and delete, but she didn't because as most were scam emails, some emails were job related too.  As Brianna started scrolling and deleting and read a emails or two until she got to one from Leslie marked three days ago.

I guess you are having a great time?  That man must be putting it down girl, because you haven't answered you phone in a while.  I miss my friend.  I miss my best friend. 

Come back to me! 

I need you! 

Don't leave me for him! 

Only I can make you truly happy, I knew you always liked him. 

But think of me, while you're doing him Seneca!


   "Seneca?  Why is she calling me that?  That's strange.  That means...". There was a knock at the door.  "Who is it?" Brianna asked walking towards the door, but no one answered.  So Brianna walked away from the door and went back to her computer.  She took a picture of it and sent it to Diavolo, and let him know someone knocked on the door and didn't answer.  Diavolo took a while to respond, but he make his way back to the human world.  "Brianna?"  She went running into her bedroom, into his arms. "Your coming with me." and back to Devildom they went.  The person who was at the door, knocked again.  "Brianna?!"  They yelled as they knocked again.  "Brianna!"  Until the used something to pick the lock and walked into her apartment. This intruder took a big sniff.  "Demon magic, he was here, and so was she."  The person followed the scent into the bedroom, and sensed his presence was well known in that room.  "He was here, and they left together.  His portal is still open.  Want us to follow, Haven."

Brianna and Diavolo made it back to Devildom, just in time. "Diavolo, we received your message and we will send someone to the human world...Hello, Brianna?" Michael and Raphael look at each other. "Why did she come back?" Diavolo showed him the text Brianna sent.  Michael read the entire email, and text message.  "And someone knocked on your door?" Brianna stepped forward. "Yes, and they didn't say anything either."  Michael asked another question.  "Did you get a look at the person, like through a window or something?" He asked trying to get more information. "Her apartment don't have anything like that set up. It's a keyhole, but anyone could cover it or move out the way." Said Diavolo as they all paced back and forth. "If you were there, they would have sensed you too, Diavolo. Which means this Haven person is working with witches and maybe a few demons, and most likely will be coming here. Take her to the castle, and keep her there. This isn't good. It looks like we will have another war to deal with."  Brianna had a question. "Excuse me Michael, is my friend Leslie, who you suspect is this Haven person?"  Brianna asked, while she's being rushed to the castle.  "Diavolo."  He stops and sighs.  "Yes, this has something to do with you being linked to Seneca.  Haven and Seneca were angels, and when Lucifer and his brothers fell.  They did too, but not here to Devildom but to the human world."  Brianna was confused.  "Okay, that could be plausible but what does the 'I hope you think of me when your doing him' comment?  What's that about?"  He looked at her and stepped closer.  "Because she was in love with me.  Same as D'narah, you have links to all those who were in love with me.  I don't know why, but you have a spirit of an angel inside you.  And as nice and wholesome as you are, I can see that spirit in you too."  Brianna had more questions to answer but time was of the essence.  "Please get her to the castle, we don't know if they followed you here or they taking their time, but we need to keep you and your children safe.  Take her please."  Diavolo nodded and wrapped his arms on Brianna and headed to the castle.

While waiting at the castle she became worried. "I..." Brianna froze, just thinking of what to say next. "Come on let's go to bed." And Diavolo takes her to the bedroom. As she walked into the room, she just sat at the desk. "Brianna, everything will be fine. We will find Leslie and find out why she is doing this? Please, come to me. I want to hold you." She gets up from the desk, and walk over to Diavolo. "I know this is super stressful for you and the babies, so I want you to forget all about everything. I don't want you talking about it. If I hear you speak of this, I will kiss you." Brianna laughs. "I miss that sound." "I miss you too, Diavolo." And she start kissing his neck. "Now, I really need to go to my office right now. I can take a few minutes." He tried to lay Brianna back down on the bed. "A few minutes?" She said as she jumped up. "I want all night!" His ears perked up when she said that. "I hope I don't hurt you again. Because you might be in bed for a while." Brianna giggled. "That's funny, my friend Leslie said something like that once. Kinda when I first met you." Brianna looked at Diavolo, and started to move away from him. "Brianna? Brianna? Where are you going?"

   Brianna needed some air.  She went out on the balcony to get away from him.  "Why would he say that.  I might be in bed for a while.  That's what she said.  What's going on?"  Brianna was pacing back and forth.  "Brianna?  What's going on?"  She jumped when she heard someone called her name.  "No, stay back.  You aren't who you say you are.  Stay back!"  Brianna started backing away from Diavolo.  "Please, come here to me.  It's me Diavolo, I promise you it's me."  She started getting hysterical.  She was confused on everything.  She continued to walk backwards, until her back reached the railing.  "Bri!  Stop!"  Diavolo tried to get her to calm down.  "Come to me. Please?"  Brianna was still scared.  "No, I can't.  I can't!"  And jumped up on the railing, and jumped.  Diavolo flew after her and caught her just in time.  "Why are you doing this?" 

   Diavolo head back inside the castle, where he asks Barbatos to place her unconscious.  He called for Simeon to have council with Michael.  Diavolo didn't know what to do.  "I don't understand, what just happened.  I don't get it.  One moment she was fine and then the next she jumped.  I don't know what to do."  Simeon arrived back with Michael.  "Diavolo what's wrong?"  Diavolo stopped pacing.  "It's Brianna, I think this is getting to her.  We were talking, and then she jumped off the railing.  Right now, Barbatos put her to sleep.  I don't know what to do?"  Michael was trying to understand all that Diavolo was saying.  "So, Brianna was talking to you fine.  Then she just jumped over the railing?  Did I miss something?"  Diavolo nodded.  "She also said something about she said I sounded like Leslie.  I don't know what's happening?" Nobody has answers the only on who did was unconscious. "We need to talk to her, and find out what's going on with Brianna." Diavolo nodded his head and agreed. "We have to wake her." They enter the room Brianna was in but sitting in the bed, holding Brianna in their arms, was a person they haven't seen before. "Hello, I will be taking her." And disappeared with Brianna.

With the aid of a few witches and demons Brianna was taken from the Demon Lord's Castle, right under his nose. Diavolo was furious, he couldn't believe another person he loved taken from him. Diavolo planned on sending his army to the human world to bring Brianna back, he was also tempted into asking Barbatos, but he didn't. For one, it could cause a war between the humans and demons again, and two, him would be undoing all his work he has been working on for years. "I want her back!" Diavolo demanded. "I think it's best if she was gone." Said Michael, walking towards him. Diavolo looked at Michael. "What did you just say? She pregnant, and I want them. They are...". He was interrupted. "Her husbands children, and she's a human and you two can't be together." Diavolo was heartbroken when Michael said that. "...I knew that. I...just wanted more time, to be with her again. I grew attached to her, and she to me. I'm not ready to say goodbye to someone else." Michael walks to Diavolo and places his hand on his shoulder. "Take your time."

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