The Art - cash au -

By crystellethemage

44.1K 2.1K 1.2K

Life is just the art of living on Cameron Dallas was 16 years old with a bright future in swimming ahead of h... More

The Art of Living On
Chasing the Wind
The Silence is Deafening
Breathing You In
Hold On Tight
The Spirit Room
Enter From The East
His Scent Lingers On Me Now
A New Day Has Come
Give, Asking Nothing In Return
Live For The One
I Found A Boy
Broken Heart and Blistered Feet
Black Holes and Revelations
Tame Days But Revolution Nights
I'm Lost Without You
The Art of Starting Over Again

Life Is In Slow Motion

2.2K 106 55
By crystellethemage

Nash POV

I'm extremely busy the next few weeks, we fly to New York and I go on the Today Show, The View and I have interviews for newspapers. I constantly check my phone to see if Cameron has contacted me, I feel like such an idiot for not memorizing his number. I'm worried that he'll think I don't want him anymore when it's the furthest thing from the truth.

I called the the offices of Sports Illustrated and they refused to give me any information on Cameron. He has no social media accounts and his number is unlisted. I hope that he breaks down and contacts me soon.

I'm flying out to California in a few weeks to be interviewed for more shows. I want to see him so badly. I need him. I was so close to realizing my dream until my father fucked it up, now I feel like I'm back to square one. I'm at a convenience store grabbing some snacks when I see a picture of myself on the cover. When did I interview with the times? I don't remember ever doing it. I pick it up and flip through the pages until I reach mother article, Cameron wrote it. I can't believe he got me into The Times magazine, millions of people read it.

I pay for my snacks and the magazine and head back out to the car where my father is waiting. I read what Cameron wrote about me. The way he writes about me shows he truly cares and admires me. I can't believe my idol wrote all those amazing things about me. Reading the article makes me want him so much more. I've been giving Chad the silent treatment since he deleted Cameron's number from my phone, I'm still angry about it and I'm not ready to forgive him just yet.

The weeks pass by quickly and I finally am in California. I'm determined to find Cameron while I'm here, I can't lose him when I just got him.

Fucking Chad. I can't wait until I'm free and I can't move wherever I want, just a few more months. I don't tell Chad about my plans I know he'd find a way to ruin them. I just hope that Cameron is agreeable to being my manager. I'm not sure how he'll react to be honest.

I hope that Cameron is watching this interview. I want to say something that will catch his attention and make him contact me. When the news anchor asks me about the article , I give a nice answer. I want to slap myself in the face because I missed my chance. I'm upset at myself, at Chad and even at Cameron. Even though I didn't call he could have sent me a text to check up on me. It's frustrating to me to be so close to him and not have any idea where he lives.

When I'm in my hotel room alone I think about Cameron,I'm don't have any pictures of us and I wish I had. I miss him so much. My phone buzzes and my heart drops when I see the number with the California area code. It has to be Cameron.

11:56pm Hey Nash it's Cameron. I saw that you are in town, still waiting on that call 😘

I grin as I save the number, fucking finally, I'm so happy. Using reverse phone look up I find out his address. I'm antsy for the morning to come and as soon as the sun starts to rise I catch an uber to the address. I spot a dunkin donuts and I jog across the street and get us some coffee and donuts. My stomach growls at the site of the donuts but I head back to the apartment building Cameron lives at. I'm standing in front of the door and I take a few deep breaths before knocking on the door.

"I got your message and I couldn't wait to come see you," I tell him and he lets me inside. I'm immediately attacked by a big dog and I laugh as I set the food down and start scratching his ears.

"I'm sorry I never called, Chad factory restored my phone while I was sleeping, he used that stupid find my iPhone feature." I explain and Cameron sits next to me

"God I'm such fucking idiot. I let my insecurities get the best of me," he mutters and I abruptly climb on to his lap. He looks at me for a few minutes and I lean in and take his lips into mine. We can talk after I'm done kissing him, right now I want to kiss him until our lips swollen from overuse.

"I thought you weren't interested in me, I was so scared that our time together didn't mean anything to you when it meant the world to me." I tell him softly and he sighs and strokes my cheek gently.

"It meant everything to me, I just thought that maybe it was a fling for you. I'm so glad I finally had the balls to text you." He replies and I smile widely. I press a bunch of soft kisses all over his face, he makes me so happy.

I move my lips over his and he rests his hand underneath my shirt where he draws small circles on my back.

It's unreal how much I missed this man.

I start to grind on his erection, I want him so bad. I don't want to wait.

"We have to stop, baby." He mumbles into our kiss and I grind harder trying to make him change his mind. I'm so ready to lose my virginity to him. I literally cannot wait. I might die of blue balls.

He lies down on the couch and I lie on top of him, it feels so comfortable to be like this. He laces our hands together and brings it up to his lips and kisses it gently.

He's so sweet, I'm going to melt. If this is what it's like to be in a relationship then I'm loving it.

I bite my lip as I think about telling him of our first actual meeting. I have the picture and the postcard in my wallet, I carry it everywhere with me.

"Cam?" I ask softly.

"Hmm, baby?" He answer and I have butterflies in my stomach when he calls me baby. I'm his baby.

"The first time we met wasn't at the Olympics," I start before I lose my nerve. He looks confused. "It was actually four years ago at the World championship. I doubt you'll remember me but you changed my life that."

He tilts his head as he probably thinks back to that night. It's ironic that my best night is his worst.

"I was such a big fan of you. I begged my mom to take me so that I could see you swim live. I was hoping to meet you too and my dream came true when you came out of the stadium alone. I pleaded with my mom to stay after so that I could wait for you and I'm so glad that she did. We took a picture and you were so nice, you signed a postcard and gave it to me."

"I've kept both of them with me all these years and whenever I feel insecure about my swimming I just read what you wrote and it gives me the strength to push on. To be honest I've been waiting to meet you again for so long. I wanted you to be my first everything and I sometimes can't believe that my dream actually came true." I finish telling him and I pull my wallet out and take out my 2 most prized possessions. They're more important to me than a million gold medals.

Cameron looks at the picture and his eyes widen in recognition. I blush at the pimply faced kid with braces in the picture with him, he probably forgot about me immediately. But I never forgot him, how could I?

"I remember that," he says almost in awe, he stares at the picture with his brow furrowed.

"I.. I feel guilty for making you stop. You could have avoided the accident if you had blown me off," I confess softly. The timing was lost on me. When I heard about the accident and how he would never be able to compete again I was crushed. It made me more determined to do this for him.

"No, baby. Don't think like that. I wouldn't change anything because every step I took led me right to you, to here." He tells me quietly and I can see the honesty in his eyes. I don't want to be a wimp and cry but I can't really stop myself.

"Oh don't cry baby. We're here together and that's all that matters." He kisses my tears away and I melt in his arms. I start to feel tired and I lay my head down on the crook of his neck and inhale his musky scent that I love.

"Sleep, Nash. I know you're tired. I'll still be here when you wake up," he tells me sweetly and I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

I abruptly wake up to my phone ringing. I groan and I pick up my phone and peer at it. My fucking father. I'm lying with my head on Cameron's lap and he's resting his head against the couch as he sleeps.

Ugh Chad always needs to break my life.

"Yes?" I say gruff and I wipe the sleepy fog from my eyes.

"Where the hell are you, Nash? You can't just dissappear without a word. I thought you were sleeping this whole time." He yells at me. Chad is an expert at harshing my mellow.

"Well technically I was sleeping just not in my room. I'm somewhere a lot more comfortable." I tell him and I hold back laughter at the unintelligible sound that leaves his mouth. He's so pissed.

"You're with that journalist, aren't you?" He asks me and I chuckle.

"Maybe... I'll meet you at the airport tomorrow mmmk?" I tell him and I'm about to hang up the phone but Chad stops me.

"Don't you dare hang up the phone Hamilton. You're still under my watch no matter what you think," he growls and I roll my eyes. "You are going to leave that man's house and you are going to come right back to the hotel. If not you will be facing the consequences."

"It doesn't fucking matter, Chad. Your so-called consequences don't scare me, I'm turning 18 in a few months and everything that you're saying will be irrelevant." I tell him hostilely and there's silence on the other end of the call. I know he's confused and has no idea what I'm talking about.

"What? You think that piece of shit writer actually wants you? You're naive, Nash. You're a kid, he's using you for one thing and one thing only, your status. He doesn't really support you, he wants what you can get him. He wants your connections, he wants to use you as his ladder upwards." Chad tells me with a slight mocking tone. A pang of insecurity hits my heart.

"Like I said, I'll see you tomorrow at the airport." I say firmly and I hang up the call. I let out a sigh of frustration, Chad always knows how to piss me off and ruin my good mood.

"I'm sorry, Nash." Cameron says quietly and I look up at him, I didn't mean to wake him up but I guess I got kind of loud towards the end. I sit up abruptly and straddle his lap, he rests his hands on my lower back and his thumbs rub soothing circles

"Tell me you want me, tell me you need me. Tell me you won't leave me and that you'll support me," I ask him suddenly, my father's words make me feel so insecure about my relationship with Cameron. He slides his hands underneath my shirt and soothes me immediately. God, I love him so much but I know it's too soon and I don't want to scare him away with the intensity of my feelings.

"I want you, baby. I need you more than I've ever needed anything. Ever. Like you're up there with swimming," he replies softly and I cup his face tenderly and search his eyes. He's being completely open with me and I know he's being honest. "I won't ever leave you and I'll always support you. I promise."

I swallow back tears and brush my lips gently against Cameron's. When I pull away he opens his mouth to speak but hesitates, I tilt my head in a silent question.

"I love you, Nash." He tells me quietly and my eyes widen, my heart races and happiness spreads from the deepest part of my soul.

"You... you love me?" I ask vulnerably, he feels the same way that I feel for him and I can't believe it. I can't believe the man of my dreams, the person I pined for, for years while he didn't even remember my existence has just confessed his love for me. It feels surreal. I had hoped and wished that one day I would hear those words from his mouth directed to me, but the reality is so much sweeter.

"I fell hard and fast for you, baby. I've never felt this way about anyone before." He tells me and I can't stop myself from pressing a deep, passionate kiss on his lips. I move my lips rapidly of his and our lips making smacking noises, our heavy breathing fills the air as our kiss grows more intense.

When we part we're both breathing fast and he bites his lip as he looks at me.

"I love you too," I whisper as I realize that I haven't returned his sentiment. His face floods with relief and makes me smile.

He's so fucking perfect.

"You're so precious to me, baby." He murmurs and I could literally die right now and my life would be complete. He's amazing. I tilt my head as I consider what I'm about to ask him. Chad is a control freak who will never let me be myself as long as he is my manager. Cameron knows the business first hand, he's perfect for the job and I want him to agree to be my manager so much. I can't deny I'd be extremely upset if he told me no.

"Talk to me, Nash." He says and I bite my lip.

"I... can you manage me?" I ask shyly, I'm feeling insecure because I literally have no idea what he's going to answer. "I mean, I know you're this hot shot writer now. But my dad is being difficult and so... I want you to manage me. I mean, if you want to?"

"God, baby. I would love to. But you can work things out with your dad, right?" He asks and continues to rub my back gently.

I shake my head. My problems with Chad are far deeper than just a little fight. "No. He never approved of my sexual orientation and honestly I never... did anything with anyone because I wanted you to be all of my firsts. So it was never a problem, you know? Out of sight, out of mind kind of thing."

I know what I just confessed and his eyes widen again, He gives me a hard, long kiss. I smirk because I guess he liked what he heard.

"So, will you?" I ask softly and he smiles at me while stroking my cheek gently.

"Of course I will, I'd be honored to." He replies and I give him a relieved smile.

"I can't believe this is real, you know? You're literally the man of my dreams and here you are, I'm sitting on your lap. We're kissing. We're going to be together and it's going to be amazing." I tell him fervently and our lips meet again, this time the kiss is slow and sweet.

When he pulls away, he looks happy and I know I look the same. "What do you want to do today, baby? We can go out and do something..."

"I'd rather cuddle," I tell him and I give him a pouty look. He rubs the pad of his thumb over my bottom lip and I take it into my mouth as I look at him, his breath hitches as I suck on his fingers.

"You're making it very difficult to be good, Nash." He tells me roughly and I smile innocently.

"Maybe that's what I want." I reply cheekily and he takes his thumb out of my mouth and presses his lips against mine.

We spend the entire day cuddling and making out. He cooks me dinner and it feels like a first date. I don't want to go out yet because that means I won't be able to touch him. I want as much of him as I can get because I know Chad will make sure that I'm not in the same state as Cameron. We decide that I'll move out here and swim for Dolphin Aquatics when I turn 18 and Chad no longer has control over me. I'm happy that he's still close to his old trainer Mahoghany, I've heard she's amazing and I can't wait until the start of this new chapter of my life. It's going to be amazing. I doubt I'll be able to see him again until I move here after turning 18, that thought sobers me a bit but I know it's just a few more months.

When we get into bed together I'm completely relaxed,I haven't had a restful sleep in days. I've been so busy going for interview to interview and traveling all over the place. Meeting with sponsors and spelling photo shoots and commercials. It's exhausting.

I rest my head on Cameron's chest and I can hear his heart beating. It lulls me to sleep as he runs gentle circles on my lower spine.

When I wake up the next morning we only have time to get ready and head out to the airport. Fucking early ass flights are killing me. When we arrive at the airport I don't want to get out of the car. We stare at each other sadly. He leans over the center console and captures my lips in a sweet, gentle kiss"I'll see you soon, okay?" He tells me softly, I nod sadly and press another kiss on his lips before I get out and walk up to Chad who's staring at Cameron angrily.

The last I see of the love of my life is him driving away and my heart feels so heavy.

How am I supposed to get through months without being in his arms?

A/n- trying to change it up some so it doesn't become too repetitive. Do you guys likey?

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