Bottom Todoroki Oneshots

By KuudereSimp

192K 2.3K 1.1K

This is a oneshot book of Shoto Todoroki since there are many rare ships with bottom Todorki that are underra... More

Damn Icyhot Bastard (BakuTodo)
Perfection (DekuTodo)
Thoughts of You (ShinTodo)
Summer Memory (BakuKiriTodo)
Resistance and Limits (IidaTodo)
Drown Out (KamiTodo)
Stupid Barbarian (InaTodo)
Appreciation (SeroTodo)
Office Hours (HawksTodo)
Bookworms (MezoTodo)
Surprise (ShinKamiTodo)
Someone Special (ShigaTodo)
•Author's Announcements•
Encounters (MonoTodo)
Letting Go (BakuTodo)
Twice The Fun (DekuIidaTodo)
Different (InaTodo)
Spoiled (KamiTodo)
•Thank You•
Flower Language (KiriTodo)
Calling You (BakuDekuTodo)
Pure Stars (ShigaTodo)
Marriage Life (HawkTodo)
Weather Words (MezoTodo)
Conversing (SeroTodo)
Comforting People (MonoShinTodo)
"Friends" (InaTodo)
Another's Memories (FumiTodo)
•New Schedule•
A Promise (DekuTodo)
Acting Normal (IidaTodo)
Reunited (KiriTodo)
Resting (BakuTodo)
Same Situation (KamiTodo)
•Delays Again... Sorry•
•I'm Back?•
Strings (ShinTodo)
Failure (MezoTodo)

Route (ShigaHawkTodo)

3.1K 34 15
By KuudereSimp

Warnings: Some Fluff, Lots of Angst, Some Manga Spoilers, Mentions of Death.

I'm finally back people 🎉 I wasn't dead don't worry. Some lovely people just convinced me I should take it easy and get better so I'm completely recovered. So thank you all for being patient hope this oneshot makes up for my absence it's really long and could honestly be it's own story of something, maybe I should've broken it into parts 😅.

Anyways this is a Dead Dabi/Touya Todoroki AU where he died in the "accident" and was childhood friends with Hawks and Shigaraki.

You don't necessarily have to read this as ship thing it's mostly for angst and fluff purposes. But if your still not comfortable with it or like this sort of thing the just please don't read it.

Also Dabi in this oneshot is fandom Dabi because he cares about Shoto where as we all know by now how he actually feels in the anime and manga👩‍🦯.

(Credits to the original artist of the picture above)

Heavy rain fell as thunder rang throughout the forest bouncing off of every tree letting the smell of soaked oak wood and mud flood the scene as two adolescent boys were on the ground, one on top of the other clinging onto his shirt tightly.

Bruised and cuts freshly painted each of their faces with a bright color that matched the color on their sore fists.

One looked at the other with defeated crimson eyes growing more lifeless with each passing second as the golden eyes above him were filled with anger as if god were judging him.

But there was no such god in this world.

"What do you think your doing Tenko!? Get ahold of yourself already!" The blonde's hands clenched tighter on his shirt stretching out the worn out material soaked by the world's tears.

"Just accept... that... that Touya is..." The crimson eyes just stared off listlessly as if both hearing and blocking out the other's voice.

He knew the bird couldn't finish the sentence but he was wasn't hiding away from reality like himself.

That was the problem between the two of them that the blonde had Touya's strong, courageous side that he always admired. But now it seemed sickening as if poison was injected into his veins.

He couldn't understand the two of them
especially the white haired boy that had endured so much just to be tossed away and replaced.

The bird finally let go of him and left saying a few words he couldn't make out. He laid in the dirt feeling the rain pierce his skin like tiny bullets that didn't go deep enough to end his now empty soul.

Along the way spending hours in the same place the corn flour blue haired boy rose up from the dirt walking aimlessly as mud slipped of his clothing staining it.

He thought about the white haired boy again and walked to his house to find his old comfort place.

As he reached the house the same heavy atmosphere from the heavy ominous rain felt condensed into one household like it always did.

This house felt like a contradiction making him feel safe but threatening the friend that once lived here. Maybe it made him feel safe because of that person...

He climbed to the second flour sliding through the tatami door closing it slowly. Then he pressed his head against it before turning to look at the same messy room that hadn't change.

Glancing over the room he found old treasures from the memories of his two friends and himself. And for a second his crimson eyes glistened with slight passion like boiling blood before dying out once again.

As he continued to walk around the room the once comforting feeling it had was no longer there. So maybe it really was the white haired boy that comforted him? Who was he kidding of course it was him.

It was always him...

In this room there was no more joy left just an empty tomb that once belong to a promising young hero, a boy he once called friend. A ghost filled his heart and the happy memories began to pain him.

His thoughts finally broke out when all of a sudden the blankets on the bed shifted startling him a bit. Standing there cautiously he finally decided to walk closer to the bed.

As he peered over he moved the blanket slowly to reveal a head of dual colored hair. He recognized the hair distinctively as he observed the family from afar.

Shigaraki started to think about the moments where Touya's father neglected him for this boy. And as much as he was frustrated he never once blamed this kid, he even defended him.

But wasn't this kid to blame for what happened to his friend?


Of course not? What was he thinking blaming a little kid? Even if he wanted someone to blame he new that if the white haired boy was still alive that he wouldn't see it that way.

The kid groaned turning over to him where he could see his face. The low sound of breathing and the docile nature of the boy reminded him of the other for a bit as a pair of heterochromia eyes opened slowly.

For a second Shigaraki was surprised but the more surprising thing was that the boy was unfazed.

"Were you another friend of Touya-nii?" The gentle monotone voice asked innocently which thawed his heart a tiny bit as he couldn't resist from nodding slightly.

But then snapping out of his hypnosis he then looked away not having the strength to face the boy as a single tear rolled down his face. Why did they have some of the same feature? Was it some sort of sick joke?

He then felt a small hand tug at his clothes and as he turned to look down he saw the boy now hugging his waist. And for some reason in that moment warmth spread through him poking at the cold empty feeling inside of himself.

He ducked down breaking the hug to face him directly. And his heterochromia eyes were the same as him saddened and full of despair; almost lifeless.

It reminded him of the time before he met Touya. After one of the most traumatic experiences he had he was left all alone with no one to pay attention to him well until he met the white haired boy.

The kid's hand cupped his face wiping off his tears breaking him out of his thoughts, not realizing that he was crying I. The first place.

"Were you close to him as well? Someone else came here earlier telling me him and Nii-san were close and that he was here for me but... I don't get it."

The boy looked down for a second before wrapping his arms around the other's neck. Shigaraki just felt the shaking arms and tears forming in the heterochromia eyes.

He slowly wrapped the boy in his arms too making sure to not touch him with all five of his fingers.

Tears steamed down the boy's face and he sobbed into him as he began to sob as well. Just staying in each other's embrace for what seemed like an eternity.

How they both wish that is was for eternity the warmth they gave each other made up for the lack of the missing person in their lives.

The little boy pulled him to the bed where they laid down in his brother's scent that comforted both as they talked about their memories with him.

Shigaraki learned that night the truth behind the paper thin walls and the struggles the boy had with his father and how his brother was always there to protect him. It seemed just like him... a reckless hero one would call it.

And to the little boy he could tell that his brother was important to the other just as much as he was important to him as they both fell asleep in each other's warmth.

When morning came Shigaraki was gone leaving the boy confused but he soon heard a knock at the door.

A head of blonde hair peaked out from the door with a pleasant smile on his face as he barged in unannounced.

It was the same person form yesterday.

He walked over sitting beside the boy giving him a big hug as the small arms wrapped around him.

The blonde looked at the boy seeing him cling onto him slightly as if not wanting to let go maybe due to the fear that he would disappear.

He moved his hand to caress the dual colored hair gently. The warmth he was giving to the boy made the other confused.

Why is it just now that he is finding out new things about his brother and why didn't he tell him about them?

He knew he had friends and sometime mention them but never went into full detail about them. Maybe he wanted to keep them a secret so he would always have a place to run to when things got difficult.

The golden eyes became attentive as he felt someone watching. The boy could also feel it, to the crimson eyes staring from a far meaning that probably after his brother death him and the blonde were no longer friends.

He broke the hug staring at the bird as he tugged on his shirt catching his attention.

"I'm hungry." The blonde smiled brightly as he lifted the other onto his back.

"Ya I bet you are. To the kitchen!" He head straight to the destination with playful energy a that reminded him of his brother as he held on tight.

As they reached the kitchen they see the other two siblings eating on the dining table beside them. The blonde sat the boy on the table as he prepared him some food bringing it to him with a glass of milk.

He sat down on the table talking with Fuyumi and Natsuo as Shoto ate his food. It was a warm atmosphere that he never thought he would feel again.

It also gave him a glimpse of another aspect of his friendso life. He always knew that the other would go to him and Tenko when things got rough but it turns out there were some good parts about it too.

As the dual haired boy finished eating he cleaned up and brought the group of siblings together to play. He played the hero with Shoto as his sidekick as they save Fuyumi from the villain Natsuo.

The two playfully captured the white haired boy as he started to give in. Once he was captured they tried rearranging their roles while laughing and smiling.

The dual haired boy looked at every one having fun and remembered when they would play with Touya.

It was strange because the two were nothing alike but he had Touya's strong will maybe he was influenced to be as strong as he could. And the little boy didn't know why but he hoped that the blonde didn't go overboard.

The house was lively until a giant figure opened the door staring down upon the four of them. Tension filled the air and the chilling blue eyes took a glance at the blonde but paid him no attention as he went to get ahold of the dual haired boy.

The blonde tried to intervene but was held back by the other two siblings as the boy reassured him that it was fine as he was dragged to the training room.

The room was filled with heavy silence and the fun atmosphere was decimated by a single person, a horrible person. The same person who his friend once looked up to.

He could see why Touya slowly grew to hate his father and as he looked at the other two siblings he saw their faces with guilt and regrets.

He grabbed their attention making a silly face lifting the tension as the other two nervously laughed before heading back to their rooms. The blonde waited there alone dropping his facade.

A cold feeling slowly crept inside him as he held back his negative emotions. Suddenly crying and screaming could be heard and his blood pressure rose.

Anxiousness filled his heart as he clenched his fist. The way the boy cried out broke his heart reminding him of himself before Touya met him.

After hours the adult finally walked out of the room peering at him in a condescending way as he towered over him like some ravage beast. The shadow he created scared him nothing had changed from before.

No matter how hard he tried he could never match his friends courage and persistence. He felt lost, who was he trying to be?

Was he trying to be strong? To be a hero? Or was he trying to be Touya himself?

He always admired him but just how much did he want to be like him. The times they played hero with each other and Tenko were some of his best memories when they were all laughing and having good times.

As much as he contemplated the answer there was no clear conclusion but his thoughts finally snapped back to reality when remembering the little boy.

He rushed inside seeing him crouched down to the floor in pain with burns and bruises painting his pale face. The boy was continuously coughing throwing uphill food every now and then.

He caressed the boy's glass like body carefully as if the slightest touch could break him. And as he did the heterochromia eyes looked up hull of hatred toward the doorway.

The way he looked seem frightened as if battling with a giant beast. He started to coo soft lullaby like words soothing the boy's pain as he looked into his golden eyes with more warmth.

As the boy calmed down he lifted him on top his back carefully as they walked to friend's old bedroom setting him on the bed as he looked for a first aid kit.

He managed to find it and walked back to the bed cleaning and bandaging the wounds.

"You know I would also do this for your brother when he pushed himself to hard."


"Yup, often when I sneaked in here because he never really liked talking about home."

The boy looked always slightly feeling his head ache a tear began to fill his left eye.

"Touya-nii he... he must have had a hard time... because of me right?"

The golden eyes grew as he saw more tears escaped the boy's face. He moved closer to hug him patting his head softly ruffling the dual colored mixed.

"Of course not, Touya never thought that any of this was your fault."

"Who was he too you exactly?"

"He was my friend and..."


"He was my hero."

The two just stayed like this for a while as the boy managed to calmed down and the blonde tucked them both to sleep.

The next day was the same as yesterday except the boy with cornflour came back to visit the dual haired boy. They talked for a while before the blonde came looking for him.

For some reason he felt strange as he got to know his brothers two friends. Each one shared a different side to his brother that he never knew before.

Over the years the blonde would stay beside him helping through the tough times. They both did their best to become great hero's and the dual haired boy tried his best to endure his father's abuse.

And where as the blonde never left him the cornflour haired boy would meet him every once in a while when the blond was distracted. Those sudden confrontations always cheered him up as well.

Every conversation was memorable as they both felt they understood each other. Either way he was never alone being surrounded by such people and they always have him comfort.

He wondered if this was how his brother felt?
It was warm.

As they were all grown up something unexpected happened. The city of Yokohama was thrown into chaos from a attack of wild nomus. Hawks and Shoto were in charge of finding the army's mastermind through the sky.

A dark figure observed from the roof it seemed to be the person they were looking for. The two landed confronting the figure directly only to be surprised when they turned around.

The dark crimson eyes and the distinct blueish hair started to shake them.

The dual haired boy didn't understand how they all got to this situation was the other toying with him all this time. Did all the conversation were staged.

The blonde began to fight with the other as he kept thinking to himself. The two clouded his thoughts with the arguments and the name of his brother coming from both their mouths began to make him sick.

What should he do? He felt sick or...?

'Make it stop...'

The dual haired boy looked at the two desperately as if looking for an answer.




(So this is the part where it gets to the shipping stuff so you can stop here or continue at your own risk for those who have a problem with it, no hating here allowed)

Checkpoint Set...

Who do you choose... Shoto Todoroki?



Shigaraki <—



Hawks <—


'Is this the right choice?'

Chose Ending One: Hawks Route

His head ached from trying to process the new development.

What would Touya do in a situation like this?

If it was anyone else then he would stop them immediately but the person in front of him is someone special to him.

He was also very special to him as well it hurt seeing who he really was. Then was all the time they spent together real or fake. It looked like it was unavoidable that he would have to lose another special person.

Todoroki took a good look at the two in front of him again as golden eyes caught his. Those eyes of gold shined in the light yet having no real value.

But there was value to him and only him. The blonde mainly stoke with him the entire time after his brother past. A pillar of support he did realize he appreciated so much until now.

He looked up to Hawks with a smile as his body remember the warmth he always shared with him. But at the same time he had those moment with 'Shigaraki' as well. But we're those moments enough to defeat the ones with the blonde.

His body moved forward trembling slightly before sending a blast of ice around Shigaraki. The other dodge it, just to be ambushed by the blonde as his feathers pinned his clothing to the floor.

He walked over to the two as Hawks apprehended the other. The other laughed methodically scaring him but the laughter calmed down and he started to sound defeated.

It hurt Todoroki to see him like this again with stone cold empty eyes that were so lifeless. It's scary to think that he was like him at a point.

He felt guilt as the other stop putting up a fight and the police came to claim him for "justice." But honestly this didn't feel like a win to him.

He watched the other be taken away and went straight to the blonde. They both stood silent before the head of dual hair leaned against the blonde's chest.

Crying slightly the other embraced him in warmth reassuring that this was the best decision. This warmth he didn't want to let go of. This comfort place he had.


"What is it Sho?"

"I'm hungry..."

The blonde smiled chuckling silently to himself as he patted the head of hair.

"Of course you are. Want to get some cold soba on our way back?"

"Mmh..." His nod was so cute to him and they both went to eat their full. They walked home looking at the stars having a small conversation as Todoroki cling to him.

"Did I make the right decision?"

"That's up for you to decide. Was I worth it?"

The dual clang to him tighter feeling the gentle comfort that always made him feel better as they reach his house. This safe place wouldn't leave right?

He asked the blonde to stay and the other complied. They walked to his room and fell asleep in each other's arms.

'This warmth...'

'Is nice...'



Who do you choose... Shoto Todoroki?

Shigaraki <—



'Is this the right choice?"

Chose Ending Two: Shigaraki Route

His head ached from trying to process the new development.

What would Touya do in a situation like this?

If it was anyone else then he would stop them immediately but the person in front of him is someone special to him.

He was also very special to him as well it hurt seeing who he really was. Then was all the time they spent together real or fake. It looked like it was unavoidable that he would have to lose another special person.

Todoroki took a good look at the two in front of him again while the crimson eyes caught his.

The same ones he could never forget since that night and there on. The empty eyes that were full of pain, a feeling he understood very well.

The eyes that were just like his on the inside. The blonde did help the pain, he never left his side and it helped for moments at a time. But when he wasn't there he was vulnerable.

He wasn't as strong as he was nor was he as strong as his brother. In his memories his brother never once failed to get up after falling down.

Why didn't his brother blame him for his pain again?

What was the reason, no one could quite tell him although Hawks tried. However the  conversations he had with Shigaraki ran on loop in his head for some strange reason as the other two disputed in the background.

Remembering the shared pain, understanding each other. Their similar point of views on the world. The way the other let him sob into his chest. The warmth of that hug still lingers in those happy memories.

But couldn't the same be said about Hawks. Plus what would his brother really want for him.

Was it to continue to be a hero?

Would he be disappointed if he became a villain?

'Or maybe...'



He smiles softly to himself staring at the two again as he began to walk slowly toward the arguing pair.


He drew both of their attentions stopping the fight as his footsteps crunched at the ground beneath him getting closer to his answer beginning to run to it like the world was ending.

"...I'm sorry." His arms flung around the male with cornflour hair catching the two by surprise.

'His brother...'


'...Would just want him to pick his own path that would make him happy.'

And he was happy in the moments in time where he was with Shigaraki. That night they met  he'll never forget and he felt that just as much as he needed the other the other needed him to.

He loved the blonde two but he couldn't completely step into his world. The world of heroes was too scary, too bright for someone like him.

"Tenko take me."

The empty eyes glistened for a bit as if being brought back to life. His cold heart began to thaw with the the boy's warmth. The dried lips formed a gentle smile as he agreed looking over to the blonde with a apologetic look.

He wanted to be selfish this once he still cared for the blonde too. How could he not at one point in time he was his most trusted friend along with a boy with white hair.

The blonde sighed understanding both of their decisions. It hurt but what could he do? The dual haired boy made his decision and he should except that. Hopefully the two could still change one another for the better.

He covered them as Shigaraki picked up Todoroki bridal style as a portal opened up. (Don't worry Shiggy has special glove on so he won't accidentally pull a thanos on Todoroki)

Hawks smiled wishing for both their happiness as a single tear escaped him. He missed Sho already... it was pathetic.

The other entered the portal and before he completely left Shoto glanced once more at the blonde smiling and waiving at him.

"Thank you for everything Keigo."

The portal closed and the two stayed still for a moment in silence. The crimson eyes looked over hesitantly a bit frightenof getting to attached with the boy in his arms.

"You won't regret choosing me right?"

The other buried his head in his chest grabbing onto his shirt tightly.

"I'm not sure are you going to do something to make me regret my decision."

"Of course not."

"Then I hope we can both look after one another in the future." Shigaraki nodded and took the other to his room letting him down gently on the bed.

As the hugged the warmth spread to throughout each other's bodies. The warmth felt euphoric as it filled the emptiness inside themselves. The two continued to just embraced each other with slight tears of joy escaping their eyes.

Comfort fill their hearts and maybe it will continue to do so. Todoroki wasn't sure if he made the right choice but he knew that...

'This warmth...'

'Is nice...'

So I hope you enjoyed this oneshot I had a lot of fun writing this mostly because of the ✨ angst elements ✨ but the fluff was cute too I think... I'm interested to see which route you chose or prefer 👀. Anyways I hope you all have a good rest of your day and I'll see you next time.
                                               - The KuudereSimp

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