I Could Be Your Hero (GirlxGi...

By Riz3greym0n

489K 15.9K 1.3K

Luna and Sapphire are what you'd call complete opposites. Not to mention one of them isn't exactly human. The... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight

Chapter Eight

14.5K 462 70
By Riz3greym0n

Jen's POV

It was my day off from work today, and with my siblings off at school and all, I took the opportunity to sit down and relax until they came home. Ever since yesterday, I've been stressing myself out. I needed a break from the outside world right now. Luna and Griffin usually arrive home at 2:30, that is if they're not staying after for any sports or activities. It was 2:45 right now, and I was starting to get a little worried. What if something had happened to them? I know I may be a bit overprotective, but after that incident 4 years ago, I have every right to be.

"Jen, we're home." I heard my sister call out from the kitche. She and Griffin entered the living room, where I was relaxing. "Sorry we're kind of late. We got held back a little."

"Don't worry about it. So, how was school?"

"Same old, same old." Griffin plopped himself down and the couch.

"It was not 'same old, same old.' He just doesn't want you to know that he met somebody." Luna chimed in.

"Oh? Who is this somebody, may I ask?"

"Her name's Carmen, and no. She's not my girlfriend."

"She's not his girlfriend.. Yet." My sister teased.

"Oh, shut up, Luna. You met someone too, so stop picking on me." My brother complained, defensively.

"And, who did you meet, Luna?"

"I just met Carmen's sister, that's all. She was just picking her up, it's not like she was flirting with me, or anything."

"Someone's a horrible liar. She was so flirting with you, and you were drooling just thinking about her the whole ride home."

"Griffin, she was not flirting. Besides, I doubt she's into girls."

"Yeah, sure. Believe what you want. I'm going upstairs to start my homework." My brother walked off.

"So, am I going to have to worry about our brother having any children soon?" I joked.

"Ha, I doubt it. With me around to monitor him at school, we won't have to worry about that."

I nodded. "True, true. And, what about you?"

"What about me?" Luna was trying to play dumb.

"You know... Are you finally going to stop rejecting every girl that asks you out, and give this one a chance?"

"Jen, come on now. I really don't think this girl is into other girls like that. Besides if she was, I only met her once, and there's a slim chance that I'd ever see her again."

"Okay, Luna, if you insist. But, did she even give you her name?"

"Yeah, uh, I think she said her name was Sapphire, or something."

And that's when I felt my body freeze. "Sapphire?"

"Uh huh." My sister confirmed.

The only Sapphire I knew of was the one that belonged to the Daze Wolf Pack. Last time I heard of her was that she was stripped of her future Alpha position, and the elders of that pack were on the hunt for the new Alpha. I knew Sapphire and my sister had a special connection, but I wouldn't allow them to bond anymore more than how they did the night their pack attacked. Luna doesn't remember everything about that night, and I've been making sure that it stays that way for the longest while now, but now, could it be that Sapphire is trying to make her way back into my sister's life? If so, I'm not going to allow such a thing to happen.

"Um, Jen? Are you okay?"

"What? Yes, of course." I was obviously lying. "I'm going to go out." I quickly got up from the couch, grabbed my car keys and made my way to the front door. "Lock the door behind me. I'll be back later tonight."

Aretmis' POV:

"Come on Zev, get it together. You're a little rusty today, aren't you?"

"Shut up, Artemis. It's been a while since we've scrapped."

It was late in the afternoon, and there was nothing to do. So, my brother and I decided to hang out. We were causing some trouble in the house, like bugging our other siblings to death. We couldn't help it. When it's just the two of us hanging around, we're bound to act like we're toddlers again.

We were bothering Topaz as she was focusing on some assignment the elders gave her. She procrastinated of course, and was worried that she wouldn't finish it on time. My brother and I kept invading her privacy, and we almost got our heads ripped off for doing so.

When Sapphire came home with Carmen, we asked her what happened when she saw Luna again, because she wouldn't shut up about how she was going to approach her through the mind link. When she wouldn't spill the beans, we kept teasing her just for the fun of it. She almost ripped us to pieces when she figured that we were just trying to butt in on her relationship again.

So, Zev and I just decided to go out in the forest and test out our skills a little.

"You know, you and I both know how this is going to turn out, right?" My brother asked while we circled around each other.

"You mean, I'm actually going to end up kicking your ass this time?"

"Um, no. But nice try." He said before pouncing on me. Zev was larger than me, but luckily he doesn't use his full strength when were just practicing.

I managed to get him off, and swung at him immediately after. With the way we were going at each other you'd think that we really hated each other with a burning passion, and we were trying to kill each other.

After a while, Zev managed to prove me wrong and pinned me to the ground. "See, you're going to have to train a tad bit more if you wanna beat me, Artemis."

"Shut up, I wasn't giving it my all."

"Yeah, neither was I dumb ass."

"Okay, okay, just get off of me." I pushed him off once again. Fact is, I never get upset whenever my brother beats me when we go at each other. I probably got used to it.

We started walking back to our house, but we weren't in any rush to get home. It was a nice day after all. The sun was shining, and the scenery around us was impressive. We actually stopped at a nearby river just to sit and relax.

"So, do you think Sapphire even talked to Luna once she saw her?" I asked my brother. I was curious than ever to find out if Sapphire had made any progress earlier today, but she wouldn't tell us anything, and it was starting to bug me.

"I don't know. Maybe.. I just hope she doesn't get hurt while trying to make her way back into Luna's life."

"With Sapphire, anything is possible." We both laughed at my comment. Then another thought came into mind. "What about her sister, Jen?"

"I don't know. You tell me. You know more about Jen then the rest of us do, Artemis." My brother pointed out.

I sighed, thinking about what he said. He's right, I do know more about Jen than anyone else in our pack itself. She's so overprotective of her brother and sister. I don't know how she'd react to all of this.

"Artemis? Artemis, are you okay?"

"What? Yeah. I-I'm fine." I was lying straight through my own canine teeth.

My brother seemed to notice that I wasn't in my element at the moment. He stood up from where he was relaxing and walked towards me. "Come on." He rubbed his furry head against mine. "It's getting late. Let's go home before Topaz sends a search party after us."

I got up, and started walking with my brother side by side. We weren't that far from our house, and we had left a pile of clothes by a couple of nearby trees. So, we spilt for a while to change back to humans and put some clothes on.

As I was putting one of my shoes on, I sensed that somebody was close by. It wasn't Zev's or any of my sisters. This presence filled the air around me with negative energy. I didn't see anybody though. Something about this felt familiar, but at the same time it was foreign to me. I shook it off, thinking that it was probably just a rogue passing by, and put my shoe on.

I walked out from behind the tree and called out for my brother, but he didn't reply.

"Okay, Zev, I doubt it takes you this long to put on some clothes. When we went to high school a couple years back, you'd take literally 3 minutes to get ready without a struggle. And, don't even try to jump out and scare me like how you'd do when we were young."

"I believe your brother has his own problems to deal with at the moment, Artemis." A cold, familiar voice relied.

I knew that voice from anywhere, and just thinking about who it came from sent shivers down my spine. I ran over to where Zev was supposed to be changing, but instead, he was still a wolf and caught in some kind of rope that was tied around his hind legs. He was struggling to get free, but it was no use, that thing had him good.

"Jen, let my brother go."

"And what if I don't?"

My wolf growled, letting her know that if she didn't cooperate I would attack without a warning.

"Oh calm down, I'll let him go. I didn't even want him to get caught in it." And, to my surprise, she cut the rope, letting my brother go without a fight. Zev took a couple steps back away from her, but he kept his eyes on her, as did I. My brother bared his canines at her and let out a deadly growl.

"I know you're threatening me Zev, but in case you forgot, I can't read your mind. You better be thanking me for sparing your life."

"He's wondering why you're here." I was translating, in order for Jen to understand. "And, you better not be up to any funny business."

"Well, it shouldn't be much of a surprise as to why I decided to step into your territory." She focused her attention towards me. "I'm here for your sister, Sapphire."

As soon as that sentence left Jen's mouth, Zev crept his way towards her. I knew he was going to attack her at any second, and just when he launched himself into the air, I shifted midair and intersected him. I was able to shove myself into him so that he fell to the ground without hurting Jen in anyway.

"Artemis, what the hell is wrong with you?"

"Just shut up and go home. I'll take care of her myself."

"But, what if she-"

"Just go, Zev." I put more force into that growl than I should have, and m brother seemed to notice. He stared at me with deep concern in his eyes before running back towards the house.

"Don't tell me you told him to gather a hunting party for me. I mean, a dozen wolves against one of me? I don't think that's really fair."

"I didn't tell him that, Jen. I just told him to go home." I turned around to face her. "Now, what do you want with Sapphire?"

"Don't play dumb, Artemis. It's not cute. You know she's attempting to bond with my sister again. I'm not going to stand by and let that happen."

"Get over it will you? Ever since Sapphire saw Luna the other day with James and Alisha, she's been all lovey dovey and what not. Do you know how long it's been since I've seen her act like this? For once she may have something good in her life going for her, and I'm not going to let you interfere with her plans."

"She has other girls that would kill to be with her, let Sapphire be with them, not my little sister."

"Don't you think she's tried that already? Before all this happened, Sapphire would be at some girl's house every weeknight fucking her until the sun comes up. She's turned into such a player."

"Which is another reason why I don't want her communicating with Luna, but that's not the main reason. They're natural enemies. We're natural enemies. I'm not going to let my sister be with somebody who will end up killing her in cold blood."

"I didn't kill you, or hurt you in anyway. What makes you think that Sapphire won't do the same for Luna."

I knew I had got her then. Jen's eyes widened. She stared into my grey eyes, then looked away at her side. "Same old Artemis. Stubborn as always. You know what, fine, I'll let Sapphire live for now. But, if I ever see her near Luna... Well, I won't be as considerate as I am now." Jen turned around to walk away.

I smiled a little, knowing that I just prevented a huge brawl from occurring. I also turned around to go home, but Jen's voice stopped me from progressing.

"Artemis.." She started. "You're going to have to get it through your head that we're never going to get back together. That fact that I can still communicate with you when you're a wolf shows me that you're still sulking in the past. Like I said a thousand times, it's over." And, with that she disappeared into the forest.

I felt my heart drop at those words. Curse a wolf's imprinting ability. I sighed, and finally made it home before it got dark. Luckily I was able to sneak into my room without having anyone see me stroll around naked. Too bad I had ripped a good outfit while shifting. I went through my closet to find some comfortable clothes to put on. As soon as I got dressed, I dropped myself onto my bed, and turned on my TV. Only, I didn't exactly watch it. Instead I buried my head into one of my pillows, because I felt like utmost crap.

"Hey, Artemis." Topaz knocked on the other side of my door. "Are you in there?"

"Come in..." I responded with a muffled voice.

I heard the door open, and footsteps creeping closer towards me. Then my sister climbed onto the bed, and sat next to me. I could sense her concern for me, as she could probably sense that I was upset.

"Is everything okay? Zev told me you ran into some trouble on the way home."

"I'm fine." I said, but didn't bother to move my head to look at her.

I felt her hand run through my long hair. She was trying to comfort me. Topaz and Zev are the only ones who know about my past with Jen. I haven't told Sapphire, because I knew she could care less, and Carmen.. Well I've only known her for two days, so of course I haven't told her.

"Look, I can tell you're upset. If Jen did anything to you, you know I'll be more than happy than to track her down and kick her ass."

"That's okay, sis." I sighed and finally looked up. "I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?"


"Alright, I'll leave you alone for a while. Dinner should be ready in about an hour or so. I'll call you and everyone else when it's time." She said, and left the room, closing the door behind her.

I turned my head back onto my pillow. I really didn't feel so great at the moment. Jen's words kept echoing through my head, and it was starting to give me a headache. I just couldn't believe that after all that we've gone through together, she'd let her hatred come in between us. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, and my eyes started to burn not long after. So, I closed them, but I didn't open them back up for the rest of that night.

Zev's wolf on the side. One of his ears was damaged during a battle in the past. I would've explained it in one of the chapters, but, again.. I'm too lazy. ;p

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