Lost (TommyInnit Fanfiction...

Oleh GalaxyCat_88

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It's an ordinary day for Tommy until he is kidnapped on the way home from school. After the news is broken t... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1: Cold Floor
Quick Update: New Chapters Soon
Chapter 2: Missing
Chapter 3: Rage
Chapter 4: Stay Strong
Chapter 5: Silence
Chapter 6: Escape
Chapter 7: Warm Hugs (Part 1)
Chapter 8: Warm Hugs (Part 2)

Chapter 9: A Message To You

421 16 19
Oleh GalaxyCat_88

Authors Note: Hey guys, thanks for following this story :) I'm thinking this may be the last chapter as I'd prefer to move on to oneshots since I have a few other ideas I want to start on that are shorter. But this being my first fanfic has helped a lot in figuring out what I need to improve on with my writing and getting used to stuff or switching styles, so I'm excited to start new ones with the ideas I have. I'm not cutting this story short, this is originally where I planned to end it anyway but maybe in the future I'll add a few extra short chapters with more sbi content (This story has focused largely on Tubbo and Will, so I could do more on Phil, and other's perspectives if you guys would like that.) Anyways, I hope you enjoy this final chapter and leave any suggestions in the comments :)

Two more days had passed with Tommy in the hospital. After making many phone calls and texts to other friends and family to fill them in, and also informing the fans, he felt quite exhausted with the overwhelming attention, but also very relieved. He had kept his announcement brief on twitter, not going into to much detail about what happened. The last thing he wanted was his fans to freak even more than they already were or to start speculating things. He wanted them to feel reassured he was okay and to not worry them with the extent of his injuries, it just hurt him more to see his friends and fans sad like that. Then with the help of Wilbur, he attached a picture to the message too, of him sat up in the hospital bed holding up a peace sign, and a anxious but genuine smile adorning his bandaged face. He was bombarded with supportive and loving messages from fans and other content creators, all wishing him a speedy recovery and expressing their excitement to see him back to making videos. He was thankful they had received the news fairly well. Tommy read through the messages with beaming eyes, feeling even more fired up now himself to get home. Things were going to be normal again!

Nikki, Jack, Wilbur, Phil and Tubbo all made regular visits to the hospital to keep him company, and occasionally others like Quackity, Dream and Techno would make appearances through face time to join in on the fun. He loved these visits where he could be surrounded by his friends, joining in their random conversations or laughing as he watched them up to their usual bickering and chaotic antics. Phil would always demand updates on his condition and recovery,  constantly double checking if Tommy was okay, only to be inevitability teased at being Dadza because he couldn't stop pampering Tommy. Sometimes, Will would even bring his guitar along, and treat them to a live performance of some of his songs, to which every time would end with at least half of them bellowing out the lyrics with him. It was always a blast, and Tommy appreciated this more than ever, he could never be more thankful for his friends.

Eventually as a few more days passed, Tommy was about ready to be finally discharged, but with close supervision and several medications to take. Despite protests, Wilbur had insisted that he would stay with Tommy at his house to serve as that supervision to help with his parents who were also busy working, whilst the rest had headed back to their own homes. Phil had to be basically dragged back into Jack's car who was dropping him off at the station, as he was determined to stay longer with Wilbur and help. After many warm farewells and wishes of good luck (and an extensive lecture from Phil about not doing anything crazy and taking care of himself) they all went their separate ways, leaving Will and Tommy outside his house. 

"Well, guess it's my time to take on the Dadza role" Will declared, as Jack beeped his car as a final goodbye before disappearing around the corner. 

"Aww Will no please, I can take care of myself I'll be fine" Tommy whined. Will side eyed him doubtfully and raised an eyebrow. 

"You are seriously clueless at how much trouble you can get yourself into when we aren't here to keep you under control." Wilbur scoffed, as memories of Tommy getting lost at the arcade the second he took eyes off him came back to his mind, along with many other incidents. Tommy snickered, remembering all the times he had made Will chase frantically around after him in a desperate attempt to keep him from getting into a mess. "Don't look so gleeful, you're way to chaotic and mischievous for your own good, I'm surprised I've not gotten grey hair yet from having to deal with you." 

Tommy chuckled "Yeah I know I'm sorry" yet a small pang of guilt crept up inside him as he thought of how much worry he had caused Will in the past few weeks. Wilbur really cared for him so much and up until now he probably hadn't told Wilbur enough how much he appreciated him for always looking out for him. There were so many things he'd taken for granted, or not fully realised how much Will had helped him with things in the past, from advice and support to simply always being there to turn to. With the current circumstances, he suddenly felt a lot worse for all the previous worries he'd caused his friend.

"I will be more careful, I promise" Tommy frowned, looking down at his feet.

"Hey, why the glum look Toms?" Will reached out a hand to place on the younger boy's shoulder, gently turning Tommy towards him where Will scanned his face with concerned dark brown eyes. There it was, one of his friends faces deeply etched in worry, something he didn't want any of his friends to ever have to go through again. Tommy sighed "I just don't want to worry you anymore, you're always doing so much for me and I'm sorry f-" 

"No, no, it's alright you don't have to feel bad about anything, I understand what you're trying to say but it's not your fault." Will ruffled Tommy's hair "Come on cheer up, it wouldn't be the same without your craziness, now lets get inside and get some food I'm starving."

Tommy smiled and looked up at Will who was watching him endearingly, "Thanks, big bro" He giggled. 

"Stop, don't say that. I will cry."


Tommy was stumbling through the forest, his breathing heavy and rapid as he fought back the pain and exhaustion that tried to consume him. Everything was hazy and hard to make out in the darkness, a blend of shapes and shadows that were closing in. One of his eyes was forced shut from the blood flowing down from a cut on his forehead, his other good eye, was open wide in terror, as Tommy desperately surveyed his surroundings. He could hear the cracking of twigs and leaves as his pursuer continued to chase him, they were getting close. He whimpered in panic as the continued to drag himself forward praying he could escape in time. Thin branches whipped him in the face and battered his already aching body relentlessly. He let out a strangled yelp as a tree root catches his foot, too weak to steady himself or react in time to break his decent, he falls heavily to the ground. Gasping in pain he struggles to move again, his limbs shaking violently as though they might collapse at any moment. He lets out a shaky breath as he crumples back onto the muddy ground. He hears footsteps getting closer and his heart thunders in his chest even faster as he attempts to hide or get up or just move. He lets out a frustrated yell, his throat horse and strained. The man is almost standing over him now, and Tommy stares up at him with his one good eye in sheer terror. The man just grins and leans down to roughly grasp his fingers into Tommy's hair and pull him up. Tommy continues to glare at him in defiance but he knows it is futile. He's completely defenseless and lost all his energy to fight back no matter how much he want to keep trying. 

"Go away!" He cries, his voice was meant to sound angry but just came out pitiful and desperate.

"Leave me alone!" The man ignores him and begins to drag him along the cold ground painfully. Tommy's vision pulses in and out of focus and he feels like he's sinking. He tries to kick or grab things around him to slow them down, but is quickly yanked forward. 

"I'm going to escape, I won't let you take me!" He continues to try and twist in the man's grasp, only for his kidnapper to suddenly whirl around, kicking him harshly in the stomach and stunning him. He gasps and feels panic continue to rise as the world fades around him. He can only feel warm blood running thickly down from his wounds and the sensation of being dragged over the bumpy ground, but everything is slowly becoming more numb. Was this it? Was he really going to die here? 

"No I don't want this" He cries, "Help! Someone help! Wilbur...Wilbur, Wilbur help me!" 


Tommy screamed, bolting upwards in a state of shock. "Tommy! Tommy look at me!" His eyes were hazy and his breathing was very rushed and shallow, visions of him being dragged and the feeling of pain still fresh in his mind. "Tommy you need to breathe okay?" Tommy frowned at the distant voice, what was going on? He needed to run. He then felt a hand on his shoulder and recoiled in fear, holding up his hands defensively. "Tommy it's me, Wilbur, It's just me alright? It's Wilbur" The voice sounded shaky and scared but also familiar. They continued to talk to him soothingly, "You're safe, no one is going to hurt you. You can relax now, I'm here" 

"Wi-Will...bur" Tommy said slowly

"Yes that's right! It's me, you're okay now" Wilbur replied softly. Tommy slowly regained his senses and began to look around wearily. "I'm..home?" 

"Yes, I need you to take deep breaths for me, can you do that for me?" 

Tommy nodded, still feeling dazed but managed to focus on Wilbur's voice who guided him until his breathing calmed down and he regained his senses; but his body was still trembling slightly and tears pricked the corners of his eyes. Wilbur gently hugged him, which at first made Tommy flinch but eventually he relaxed into the familiar embrace and he tightened his grip around Will. 

"I-I thought I was back there, it felt so real..." Tommy said shakily

"It was just a nightmare, I heard you yelling and then calling for me, you gave me quite the scare." Wilbur said, eyes still watering from how distraught he had been to see and hear Tommy acting so terrified like that when he had come rushing in. Anger swelled inside him, furious for what those people had made him go through and how it now haunts him like this. Tommy buried his face into Wilbur's chest and Wilbur held him protectively. 

"What happened...In the dream?" Wilbur asked cautiously. 

Tommy began talking hurriedly and shakily, "I...I was being chased down by those guys. I was back in the forest, but I wasn't fast enough, I couldn't get away and I was completely powerless." The images of the man looming over him and sneering flashed in his mind, the hand outstretched towards him, the feeling of complete hopelessness swallowing him up as all he could do was watch in terror. "It felt awful...I really thought I was back there for a moment and that I was never rescued. I was cold and alone, and so scared- I- I thought I..." 

"I won't let anything else happen to you, it's all over now, they can't get to you anymore" Will said, words laced with sadness as he continued to comfort Tommy and pulled him closer. "You're home and we are all here for you, I'll always be here" 

Tommy nodded and took another deep breath to compose himself, "Thanks" he managed a weak smile, and looked up at Wilbur with tear stained cheeks. 

"I'm just glad you're okay" Wilbur ruffled his hair affectionately. There was a pause of content silence. Tommy felt safe with Wilbur beside him, and the visions from his nightmare that tried crawling back slowly melted away.

 "Want me to sleep in here tonight?" He offered gently, and Tommy nodded. "I can get some cheeky midnight snacks too, then it will be a proper sleep over" Will continued, trying to find something to bring his friends spirits up. Tommy chuckled softly, "My mum will kill you if she finds you've stolen our precious biscuits"

"Ah it's fine, she won't even notice" 

Five minutes later and they were both giggling and fighting over their stash of treats. 

"Oi! The custard creams are my favourite, don't hog them all" Tommy complained, as they sat on the floor. 

"Nope, they are all mine" Wilbur declared, gathering them into a pile and trying to defend them from the thieving child, only to fail within seconds when Tommy managed to slip around and grab some when he was distracted. Tommy proceeded to shove them into his mouth in front of Wilbur, who dramatically collapsed onto the floor, reaching out a desperate hand to the biscuits Tommy had happily gobbled up. Tommy then took the deliberate effort to exaggerate his enjoyment of the tasty snacks as Wilbur watched on in despair. 

"You're too cruel" Wilbur wailed as he fake cried, and Tommy burst into hysterical laughter, doubling over. Wilbur's eyes sparkled, overjoyed to see his friend laughing and looking cheerful, as he should be. They continued chatting and messing around for a while, enjoying each others company and Tommy finally felt at ease. Eventually, tiredness crept up on them and they both fell into a long, undisturbed and peaceful sleep.


A few days later ~

Tommy was well on track to full recovery, and since that night he hadn't had one of the nightmares again. He knew he wasn't fully mentally recovered from the ordeal just yet, but with many people around to support him he never felt alone. Wilbur had gone back to Brighton now, but like the others still regularly checked in on him. Even Techno of all people texted or face timed him a few times.

Now Tommy had been feeling a lot better, his usual energy was gradually returning. He felt a large urge in his chest to play some greatly missed games, then things would truly feel like they were on track to being normal again. Tommy sat himself in his chair, absentmindedly swiveling back and forth slightly as he looked around at his set up and smiled to himself. He never thought he'd be so happy to see such a simple thing. Booting up the system he opened Minecraft and reached for his headphones. The memories of streaming and how much fun it was came flooding back, he wished more than anything to go live right now, but that would have to wait a little longer.

He took a shaky sigh, tapping his mouse with one finger. He couldn't tell if he was scared or excited or both. His smile widened as he saw The Dream SMP titled on his screen. Loading in the world he took a moment to figure out where he was, before heading closer inwards to the heart of the SMP. There he slowly walked down the paths, taking his time to absorb all the surroundings that filled him with fond memories. He happily hopped around, doing parkour on the structures as he explored. Eventually he made a turn up the prime path, and could see his house rendering into view. There it was, where it had all started. It felt strangely surreal. 

As he approached the house he frowned upon noticing a chest in the center of the room. Maybe that was there from before? He couldn't remember. He quickly sprinted closer to go inside and get a better look, and his character abruptly stopped as he reached the entrance. The chest had a single sign on it that read 'For Tommy.'

Cautiously he moved towards it, and opened the chest to pick out the contents which was a single book and opened it to the first page. 

Hey, Tommy. This is stupid but I wanted to write to you...for you know, when you come back.

Tommy felt something catch in his throat, and he let out a sharp gasp.

I know you're not here right now, and I don't know where you are. It's really scary, and we are all worried sick. Wilbur has helped so much, he's still encouraging me and the others despite how much he's hurting too. It's all really hard for us...you've been gone for a while now, but we are staying strong for you. I know you will come back, you just have to. You're my best friend. You and me, we are the ultimate chaotic duo...Neither would be the same without the other, cause we have been through a lot together from the very start. 

I'll always remember that day when you first ever raided me. I only had a few dozen viewers back then, and from that meeting we became closer and did so much together, from smp earth and now look where we are!  So thank you, Tommy, for always being there for me. It's crazy how far we have come, back when I saw you in Brighton you talked about moving in together, when you get back you know we gotta do that now. It will be so much fun! Then I can teach you some proper paddle boarding skills so you aren't falling in every second with that awful balance of yours. 

I know it's silly saying all this, but I really miss you. I have to be honest, as much as I keep hoping I feel so lost, I keep trying to hold on but I'm just so scared of losing you. What if I'm writing this message to no one, to read it back and know you didn't...come back. I'm scared of writing this because what if it means I'm come closer believing you wont. So please, please come home. Please get this message. I don't want to give up, because I know you won't. You mean so much to me and everyone else, so just hang in there okay. We can keep our promise, and we can do so many more things together. Although many might find you annoying at first, you're a special person and we all love you. Thank you, Tommy for everything. I'll give you a big hug when you get back. We are all waiting for you.


Tommy swallowed, his throat felt tight. Dammit, dammit. What was this feeling...sadness, relief, happiness? It suddenly dawned on him again how lucky he had been, how this all could have turned out for the worst, how he may have never seen this server again or read this message, it was heartbreaking. He re read the message over again, his heart aching at each word. He leaned back on his seat, looking up to the ceiling at the light above which was distorting and refracting through the hot tears that had begun welling up. Dammit, he thought he'd gotten over all the crying now. But it felt good to let it run freely, he had been holding back a lot until now. The stress, the fears, the overwhelming thoughts, he'd not let it out all at once. They were flowing fast now, heavy drops seeping into the desk, he was a mess. Sniffling and lip quivering, he tried to wipe some away but they didn't show any sign of slowing, he let out a shaky laugh, closing his eyes as he smiled brightly.  

"I got your message, Toby."


Three Days Later ~

Tommy was basically bouncing in his chair from excitement. Today he was going to stream, and was feeling better than ever. His injuries were looking a lot better and gave him very little issue now, so he was pretty much feeling back to normal. He'd spent tons of time with friends over the past few days hanging out and doing fun things together, and now had come the day where he could finally return. Glancing at one of his monitors he saw the 'go live' button and smiled gleefully. He had missed this. 

For a moment he hesitated, feeling a little a pang of apprehension from the pressure of coming back, he still couldn't believe it. But he quickly shook any doubt from his mind, as he tapped the button with a satisfying and decisive click. 

The stream loaded and the fans were met with Tommy's beaming face, blue eyes glowing with energy. He looked directly into the camera, smile seemingly growing even wider. Here we go. He thought, as he uttered the very familiar words that gave him another rush of exhilaration.

 "Welcome. Back to the stream."

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