One with the Pogues [jj x rea...

By zowama

18.7K 294 330

After Y/n got into a fight and gets expelled from the rich school, she joins the school where she meets JJ an... More

1. Newbie
2. Beach Party
3. Homework
4. Drugged
5. I Can't Believe Dad
6. Hurricane Agatha
8. Gun
9. Plan
10. Escaping Death
11. Drone
12. Letter
13. Differences Aside
14. Barry
15. Phantom
16. Gavin
17. Ferry to Charleston
18. Sarah and John B
19. Jail Break (Gone Wrong)
20. Free Man
21. Luke
22. Gator
23. Containers
24. Poguelandia
25. Portis
26. Negotiating
27. Back home
28. Trains
29. Neville
30. Anniversary Party
31. Shoupe Always Gets in the Way
32. Fire
33. Rip Marley

7. Camerons

864 13 5
By zowama

We get to the motel. Pope doesn't want to go in.
"I'll stay with him." Kie says.
"John B and I'll go." JJ says. He looks at me. "Stay here." I nod.

"Don't let him do anything stupid." I say looking at John B. I notice JJ smirk.
"Oh, I will." JJ says.
"No promises." John B says sighing softly.

"Be careful." I say hugging JJ. His hands seem to fall around my waist so perfectly.
"I always am." He smirking.

"Be careful." Kie says looking at John B.

They leave.

We sit down as they walk in.

"So you and JJ?" Pope asks me.
"Yeah." I say smiling.
"You two are adorable." Kie says. I smile at her.

I look out as we talk. I notice cops.
"Shit, guys." I say.
"Shit." Kie says.

They get near us.
"Act normal." Kie says.

"Hello officers." I say smiling at them.
"Hello Ms. Y/l/n." Shoupe says.
"What are you guys doing out here?" She asks us.
"Fishing." Kie lies.
"Yeah you know after the storm."
"And we were pretty bored since there's no service." I add. They nod.

They start to walk away as they start to go up.

We run to the window to warn JJ and John B. My heart is pounding.

Pope picks up a rock and starts throwing it. He's missing. My heart feels like it's going to burst out of my chest.

"Didn't you ever play baseball?" Kie asks.
"No, I was on the math team." Pope says.
"Math team?" Kie says in shock.
"Give me that." I snatch it out of his hands. I throw it and hit the window. I sigh slightly more relieved.

JJ and John B stick their heads out.
"Cops." We say.
"Shit." They say.

We run back to the boat. We watch in fear as JJ and John B climb out and hold onto the sides.

We just watch. It looks like JJ dropped something.

Eventually they get down and come to the boat. I smile at JJ. He sits down next to me.

"Did you find anything?" Pope asks.
"Uh did we find anything? Umm let me see- yes." JJ shows us money and a gun. I don't know how to feel about it.
"You did not get a gun." Kie says mad.
"You can't have that!" Pope says.
"Told you." John B says.
"It's for protection." He says.

"We never know, we might need it." I say. JJ smiles at me.
"See." He says.

"Did you figure out what happened at least? Who's it is?" Kie says.

"Not really." John B says. Kie sighs.
"What are we going to do?" Pope asks.
"Keep it secret, don't let anyone know." JJ says.
"For once I actually agree with you."
"We can't keep the money!" Kie says.
"Well some of us can't afford unlimited data!" He yells back.

Kie looks down. So does JJ.

I grab his hand and lay my head on his shoulder.

We start making our way back to John B's.

"I should probably get home." I say.
"Oh why?"
"My dad doesn't know where I am or if I made it somewhere safely."
"Okay, should we drop you off?"
"No, I'll be fine. I'll meet up with you guys as soon as I can."

"I'll be there later." JJ says.
"Okay." I smile.

I get onto land and start walking. It doesn't take long since they dropped me off pretty close.

I walk by the Cameron's.

"Y/n is that you?" Ward asks me. I stop.
"Yeah." I say laughing awkwardly.
"Come over here. It's been forever." Ward says.

Sarah and I used to be close friends and I was close to both Ward and Rose.

"How are you dear?" Rose asks me.

I look over at Rafe who's giving me a look. I'm pissed at him. He drugged me.

"I'm doing just fine." I say.

I look over and notice Sarah walking over to us. Great. Me and her haven't been friends since she sided with Miya.

"Y/n?" She asks.

"We saw her and asked her to stop and talk." Ward says. She nods slowly looking at me.

"How's it at home with the hurricane?"
"Uh- I'm not sure. I was in my way there right now."
"Where did you stay last night?" Rose asks me.
"I stayed-."
"With those pogues." Rafe says.

I throw him a look.
"What?" Ward asks.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure her and JJ have something going on." He says.
"Really?" Topper says with a disgusted tone.

"You really shouldn't hang around with them." Rose says.
"I'm sure I can manage." I say.
"Yeah." Rafe laughs. I want to yell at him.

"John B works for your dad." I remind him. Rafe quiets up.

Sarah gives me a sad smile.

"Oh we have to check something out, we'll be right back." Ward says. He and Rose leave.

"So you and JJ?" Topper asks me.
"I'm not having this conversation." I say. "Why don't you tell Ward that this was nice but I had to go." I say trying to go.

Rafe grabs my arm.
"Come on. You scared to be around your own kind now?"
"You literally drugged me!" I yell shaking his arm off. "So don't fucking touch me."

Sarah and Topper look at him confused.
"What did you do?" Sarah says staring at Rafe.

"Come on. You scared?" I ask taunting Rafe.
"You're going to regret that." He says.
"Yeah, are you going to drug me again?"

He clenches his jaw.
"Please tell me you're joking." Sarah says.
"I'm not. And if it wasn't for JJ I don't even want to know what would've happened." I say. "Now goodbye."

I walk off.

I don't know what to do or say anymore.

I get home and greet dad. He asks me about where I went, and if I was okay.

The house seems to be perfectly fine. It's actually sad how down by the cut the houses got the most damage but the ones who could pay for repairs are the ones with little to no damage.

I go to my room. I just lay there and wait until it gets dark and JJ comes.

He lays down next to me.
"What happened?" He asks playing with my hair. I tell him.
"I'm going to kill him." He says.
"No, I wanna do it." I say laying on his chest. He chuckles.

"He'll pay." He says. I don't know what he means but I don't think about it too much.

I just close my eyes and sync my breathing with his I quickly fall asleep feeling safe.

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