My Superhero (Ziall Horlik) AU

Por BriannaLynnC98

243K 10.7K 6.5K

Niall Horan isn't like other boys his age. Some people say he's just immature, but they only say that because... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 15

7.9K 355 188
Por BriannaLynnC98

Zayn's POV

I made it through the rest of the day avoiding Louis, even though it was hard. He would try to stop me in the halls, but when he saw my hand was laced with Niall's he would leave us alone. I'm just hoping I can get through practice without having to talk to him. He says we need to talk, I think we need to ignore each other for the rest of our years of high school. That's only two more years of this, not so bad right?

"Niall, I have to go change for practice. If anyone is mean to you, just come get me or run away. I'll go as fast as I can." I told him as I made him sit on the bleachers with his toys and a coloring book, then I put a kiss on his cheek. He grabbed both my hands and tangled our fingers together.

"You can protect me like Superman." Hearing Niall tell me that, made me feel proud that he knew that I would protect him. I gave him another kiss on the cheek, then went into the locker room. I was almost the last one in here. Almost...

"Fuck!" A high pitched voice moaned out. I had heard that sound more times than I even want to remember. The sounds were coming from the shower, but the water wasn't on so I knew it was just Louis getting fucked by some poor person that fell for his slut type games. I quickly changed while listening to the grunts and moans, making this by far the most uncomfortable thing I've ever had to go through in my life.

I ran out of the locker room feeling a little flushed and really weird about hearing that, but it just ment that Louis was probably over me and I could have a normal relationship with Niall now. I was actually looking forward to that.

The whole team ran drills for the beginning of practice which involved partners. Liam was late to practice and he seemed really off as we ran the passing drills together. He would trip over his own feet, or he would just completely miss the ball. When we were waiting in line to run the drill, I took that as my chance to ask him what's up.

"Li, are you alright?" I asked my best friend, making him look me in the eyes for the first time this practice. His pupils were blown with a glassy look over them and he looked so exhausted.

"I'm fine, just tired. I'm so happy you finally found out about your feelings for Niall. I saw it the day you started talking to him, and I couldn't wait till you saw it too." Liam told me, but he really sounded off. It almost seemed like he was between two worlds, the real one and his own. It wasn't as bad as last night, but this still worried me.

"Well, you could have told me. Remember that deal you made me last night? If I got Niall to be my boyfriend then you would tell me where you were until three in the morning." I told him, then passed him the ball to start our shooting drill because it was our turn.

Harry was in the net and Louis was defending the goal. Liam was so out of it that when Louis started running at him to get the ball, he passed too late and Louis ended up colliding into him to the ground. I got the ball from wherever Liam's bad pass went and ran to go score. I got it in, then ran back to where Louis was trying to get Liam to focus.

"Liam, come on mate. Are you alright?" Louis asked him while patting Liam's cheek. I kneeled beside my best friend and saw he was just staring straight at Louis with a blank look.

"Li, look at me." I said forcefully. That seemed to get Liam back to our world because his head snapped over to me and his hand reached for the one I rested on his chest. Coach came running over to us as Liam just held my hand and took deep breaths.

"Alright boys, give him some air. Zyan and Louis help me get him off the field, everyone else keep running drills." Coach ordered the boys that were standing around us, looking at the boy on the ground that was completely out of it. Liam just grasped my hand as I helped him sit up. When Louis went to get his other hand, Liam swat it away and clung to me as I helped him stand up. I helped him to the benches as Louis went to get him a Gatorade from his bag. None of us asked Liam any questions until he had half if the drink in him.

"Did you hit your head, Payne?" Coach asked as he kneeled down in front of him. Liam looked at Louis with his eyes full of something I couldn't place a word on, then shook his head.

"No, just got the wind knocked out of me. I'm fine." Liam mumbled out, then reached up for my hand. I knew there was something more going on with him. He's been acting weird all day, but I knew when he held my hand tight like he was afraid I'd go somewhere, this something was serious.
"Malik, take him up to his room. Both of you are done for the day." Coach said and told Louis to continue practice. I helped Liam stand and let him lean on me till we got to the bleachers where Niall was.

"Niall, Liam is hurt so we're going to the locker room then we'll be out in a few minutes to go back to our room. Wait here." I told the blue eyed boy that looked really worried.

"Zayn will make you feel better." He told Liam and pat his leg. We both smiled at him, then I took Liam to get his football stuff off.

"Liam, tell me what the hell is up with you. I'm not letting this go or pretending it's nothing. You've been acting so weird." I confronted Liam when we got to the locker room. I took off his gear and threw it in his locker, not even caring about anything other than if my best friend is okay.

"People do things to make other people happy. People sacrifice their own happiness for other people." He told me, then got up shakily to pull me into a hug.

"Just want you happy, Zayn. When you lost her, you were so sad. You help everyone so much all the time, you deserve to be happy. I want you to be happy. Niall makes you happy, I want that for you." He whispered in my ear. I'm actually getting frustrated with him, but he's sincere about this so I'm giving up for now.

"Let's get you to bed. You're getting loopy on me." We both made out way back to the field, but Niall wasn't on the bleachers anymore. My day just gets better and better.

"You're about faggot too, retard?" One of the guys on my team, Joel, asked Niall as he stayed on the ground which is where I'm guessing he was pushed down. I made sure Liam was fine, then ran as fast as I could when I saw the guy raise his hand to hit my baby.

I gripped the back of Joel's neck and threw him to the ground. He made a sound like he was trying to yell for help, but my fist to his mouth shut him up. I felt so fucking angry and so fucking done with the way everyone thinks they can treat Niall like shit because he has special needs. Each punch I sent him was for Niall.

"Zayn, stop it!" My coach yelled while blowing his whistle. I stood up from where I was hovering over the stupid boy that thinks he can mess with my boyfriend. He had blood dripping down his face and my knuckles were stinging, but I didn't care. Coach was looking at me like he was trying to look disappointed, but I saw pride in his eyes.

"Malik, your benched for the rest of the week. Joel, you have kitchen duty this week and after spring break. Go clean up and run laps for the rest of practice." I looked at Niall where he was still on the ground. His tears had stopped falling, being replaced by a smile. I was going to go to him, but my coach grabbed my shirt and pulled me back.

"I don't want to even give you punishment, but I have to for the rules to be fair. I know you're protecting your boyfriend, but you need to handle it without anger and violence. Go take Liam back, sorry for benching you for doing the right thing." I pat his back and went to Niall. He stood up and laced our fingers together as we quietly walked to where Liam was sitting.

"Zayn is strong." Niall whispered to me and put a clumsily kiss on my arm as we walked to Liam. I looked down at the shorter boy and gave him a small smile, even though I felt so much anger going through my body.

Once we all got back up to me and Liam's room, Liam fell asleep and I cleaned my busted knuckles while Niall went through all the movies Liam and I had. I had calmed down enough to where I wouldn't accidentally crush Niall to death when we cuddle. I was just so angry that people continue to take advantage of Niall because he doesn't know better and he doesn't fight back. I feel like everyone had a breaking point, mine was today and I hope everyone fucking knows that.

I walked back out to the room after a few more minutes to myself to see Liam rolling over in bed to pick up his phone. I wanted to tell him to go back to sleep, but he jumped out of bed and started putting some shoes on after looking at his phone. He went into the bathroom and came out after a minute. I just watched him from where I was putting the movie Cars in for Niall.

"Liam, you should be sleeping, not running out to who knows where. You look exhausted." I told him after pressing play on the movie. He ignored me and left the room without any words being spoken to me.

"Liam is mad at Niall..." I heard Niall mumble under his breath from where he was sitting on my bed. I turned to him and made my way to hold him on my bed.

"No, he's not mad at you. He's just busy not telling me what's wrong." I told him and pulled him closer to me to hold him as the movie started. I know Liam isn't mad at Niall. No one could be mad at him.

The movie ended with Niall sound asleep and Liam still not back. I figured Niall was just going to stay in here for the night, so I turned off the TV and started getting comfortable to spend the night with my boyfriend. I don't think I'll ever get used to saying that. He's my boyfriend. I don't know what I ever did to deserve such a sweet boy in my life, but I have him now. I don't think I'll ever deserve him, I can only try to treat him the way he should be.

I was only asleep for a few hours before the door opened and I heard some sniffles come in. I rolled over from where I was holding Niall and saw Liam's dark figure making his way to the bathroom. He again, turned the shower on and was in there for a long time, but I heard sobs this time. I jumped out of bed, tucked Niall in and made my way to the bathroom.

Liam was standing under the shower head crying into his hands with his clothes on. I turned off the shower, then pulled him into my arms. He held me tight and shook his head.

"I can't do this anymore!" He cried while holding me. I could feel he was in pain, but I'm not sure how much of it I could actually fix for him.

"What are you doing, Liam? Tell me, please. I'm you're best friend, we tell each other everything." I begged him as he shivered onto my body.

"I'm keeping you happy, Zayn." None of his words are making any sense to me. He just says things with so much mystery behind it. he's never been so closed off to me.

After he pulled away from me, he took off his wet clothes and that's when I saw a prominent love bite on his collarbone.

A/N: hmmmm.... Comment / Vote!
                                 - Bri;)

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