Mr. Dominant (18+ Mature)

By Smile_B_Happy

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Chapter 1: Stranger Danger
Chapter 3: The Struggle
Chapter 4: Mistakes and Misfortunes
Chapter 5: In Which She Cannot Reciprocate
Chapter 6: In Which She Gives In
Chapter 7: In Which He Plays Doctor
Chapter 8: Complications
Chapter 9: In Which They Find Comfort
Chapter 10: Broken Glass. Broken Hearts

Chapter 2: Meeting the Neighbors

952 32 0
By Smile_B_Happy

Maelyne's P.O.V

"I don't think I'm going to make it Mae. I am on the brink of collapse here" Kamil whined behind me as we three climbed yet another fifty stairs up to the managers humble abode.

"We're almost there." The new guy chimed in, stopping for a second on his next step to turn his head and flash an apologetic smile over his shoulder at Kamil.

"That's what you said 100 steps ago." Kamil hissed, letting out a hoarse cough and grabbing onto the railing beside her as she swayed on her feet in exhaustion.

"Kam calm down. It's just a little exercise. " I hushed her, chuckling when Kamil started to break down into fake sobs.

It was my roommates usual tactic. When she was tired she would fake tears and somehow, someone, somewhere in the room would immediately give her what she wanted. It worked most of the time, but never on me. Not for one second. 

"Kam you are pathetic." I said, shaking my head and continuing to follow the guy in front of me who seemed a bit uncomfortable at this point. 

"Mae my gut hurts, my clothes are soaked in sweat, and my feet are numb. I think I'm dying." Kamil coughed, slumping against the railing for support as her legs finally gave out. Her chest heaving like she had just ran the world's longest marathon. 

"Mistress is lazy" Reddic chuckled, the muscles under his shirt flexing as he turned and scooped up Kamil in his arms as we walked up the remaining steps with ease. 

Reaching the apartment, he carefully set her down, the two sharing some sort of unspoken conversation while they stood before the unopened creme colored door.

After a minute they broke eye contact, Kamil crossing her arms and glaring at the entrance before them as the man bent down and pulled a gold key from under the black mat.

"What are you doing?!" I asked with a gasp, eyes widening in shock when he put the key in the doorknob and unlocked it. With that he pushed open the door, a long creak echoing through the mid morning air as it moved towards the wall behind it and hit it.

"Letting us in." He replied, stepping in the doorway in a carefree way.

"Excuse me but shouldn't we knock first before just stealing someone's key from under their mat and busting into their house?! Especially the bosses house" I huffed, and he flashed me a cocky smile in reply.

"I have my own ways of doing things and you have yours. And so far...I haven't had any complaints" he said huskily, sending Kamil a sexy wink.

"Pig." Kamil spat, turning and walking into the room, making sure to bump her shoulder against his as she passed him in the dark hallway.

"Kamil! This is illegal!" I shouted, pulling at my hair with a frustrated scream when she ignored me and continued to walk into the bright living room. The man waited in the doorway, a wide grin plastered on his face while I shifted in my spot, at a crossroad on what to do.

When it was evident i wasn't going anywhere, he stepped out and pulled me in, my body smacking into his rock hard abs as I lost balance and fell into him.

"Off. Now" i gagged on his cologne while shifting in his arms, a gasp leaving my lips when he let out a grunt then moaned in my ear.

"What was that?" I asked as I froze in his arms, feeling concerned as he continued to spasm against my frame.

"Orgasms precious. Your scent unravels me like water of the goddess's. Just. Too. Hard. To resist." he panted in my ear, hot breath caressing my exposed neck as he teasingly skimmed the tip of his nose along my throat.

I shivered in response, my eyelids fluttering in momentary pleasure when he licked the shell of my ear then sucked on it. 

"Stop that"I whimpered softly, placing my hands on his shoulders and weakly pushing on them only to have my fingers curl and pull him flushed against me in need again. 

"Stop what? This?" he smirked, giving one long hard suck on the spot that he knew was my sweet spot by the devilish expression on his face.  With that I fell apart, my panties becoming instantly soaked as I rode the euphoric feeling that he had forcefully drawn me into. Seduced me into to be precise.

"That was uncalled for. I said no" I groaned, pressing my forehead to his chest and breathing deeply his minty lime scent when he started to gently drag his fingertips up and down my spine.

"Relax beautiful, I don't bite." He chuckled lowly, "hard that is" he finished with a growl, biting the tip of my ear for good measure and causing me to jump a bit in surprise.

"You are incorrigible. Stay away from my friend you disgusting pervert" I spat, managing to wiggle out of his grip. Leaving him alone in the hallway as I pivoted on my heels and walked into the room to see Kamil chomping on a chocolate chip cookie in the dinning room. As always, she was the clueless one on what was going on around her. Although I don't expect her to understand since she hated men and was quite against me seeing anyone. Especially someone who was most likely living in the same apartment complex. Unfortunately I could agree with her on that one. 

"Kamil don't eat that; that could be drugged or poisoned." I admonished Kamil, stomping over to her  and snatching the dessert from her grip a little too harshly. Not too harsh though for someone who was as sexually frustrated as I was at this moment. All thanks to the handsome devil standing not far behind me.

I could practically feel him. Feel the heat of his lusty stare as it burned into the spot in my neck where he bit me and no doubt left a small mark. Yes, his teeth was that sharp, and no. I don't think he was a vampire or werewolf or any of those mythical creatures. Just an ass and a sexually determined one at that considering he couldn't take no for an answer.

"I'm sorry Mae. I just haven't eaten since last night and it just looked so delicious I couldn't resist-" Kamil started to explain, her words getting caught in her throat when a deep voice cleared their throat. 

Feeling self conscious I covered my neck with my black curls and snapped my gaze towards the familiar sound, my mouth opening in awe when they landed on a black haired man wearing nothing but a white towel around his waist. Just the type of attire Jaxton would wear when I had my friends over to tick me off so that when they left we'd fight while having hot, steamy, passionate sex. Jaxton was like that and I doubt that this guy was any different then my ex by this odd encounter so far.

"Oh my god he's naked!" I blurted out, the cookie slipping from my fingers and falling to the crimson carpet as we just stood in our spot. Ogling the man's toned chest that was dripping with water. Suddenly I was feeling parched and those droplets were looking pretty damn tantalizing at this moment.

"Actually he's technically half naked since he's wearing a towel" Kamil stated with a lick of her lips, seeming in agreement by the thirsty look she was giving him. 

"If you two are prostitutes, you can see yourself out. I'm not interested." The black haired Adonis replied, pulling off the towel without shame and starting to dry his drenched hair with the cloth. I kept my eyes to his chest, the fight to travel my gaze down further almost lost when he dropped one hand to his right hip.

"They're not prostitutes. They are our new neighbors" the blonde one quipped, my spine tingling when he stepped up behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders. 

Seeming displeased by the response the man in the towel narrowed his eyes, sending his "friend" a murderous expression.

"No. Absolutely not." he hissed, taking the towel and wrapping it once more around his waist when he had finished drying the finger length locks.

"I don't think you have a choice in this decision." The blonde said sternly, stepping  around me and crossing his arms in rebellion of what the other man had to say.

"I am the damn manager of this complex, which means I have the final say in who makes the cut as a resident. And these two" he began, pointing to Kamil and I "don't meet the requirements, so of you please...escort them off my property immediately before I shove them out myself personally." black haired guy demanded, finalizing his decision as he turned to walk back into his bathroom.

"You're an ass!" I shouted out of the blue, causing him to freeze in his steps as the room went deadly silent.

"Excuse me?" he asked, his jaw muscles tightening in rage as he turned and sent me a deadly look. I stepped around the blonde, standing my ground with hands on my hips.

"You heard what I said. You are an ass. A selfish arrogant bastard!" I hissed, lifting my chin up when he stalked over to me and hovered. Permeating the area around us with cinnamon apple. The dreaded scent of my ex that lingered somewhere on his body. I just wasn't sure if it was coming from his shampoo, his body wash or aftershave. For that I would have to peruse his bathroom, or god forbid...his bathroom.

"Care to explain why you find me an ass?" He challenged, reaching down. Causing my eyes to follow his movement of running his fingers along his towel for a moment before I snapped out of it and glared back up at him.

"I don't have to explain anything to you." I huffed, poking a finger against his finely chiseled chest. 

"Don't speak to me with such disrespect" he warned, his hand lifting up and grabbing onto my fingers that were unconsciously tracing circles on his collar bone. He squeezed it for good measure, the tips turning white as he held it in place against his chest. God he was strong.

"I don't take orders. I give them" I spat, gritting my teeth in pain when he landed a slap on my right ass cheek in punishment. Just like Jaxton.

"Watch your tone ." he sneered, his body heaving up and down as he breathed hard with a burning glare on me.

"Is that a threat? Because if that's an attempt to intimidate me, I will have you know it's not working" I countered, a mischievous smirk crossing his face while he pulled me close and patted the cheek he had assaulted earlier.

"No. It's a promise that I'll bend you over my table and have my wicked way with you if you don't stop trying to be so damn dominant." He growled lowly in my ear, leaning back and squeezing my cheek when my jaw opened in astonishment of his words.

"Of all the sexist things-" I began, stepping back only to be whipped back against his body with his firm arms. He was hard alright. Rock hard.

"You better watch your tongue or I will have to tame it." He warned, reveling in my resistance as I struggled in his arms with loud grunts and whimpers. This time in fear instead of sexual frustration. Something far more familiar to me considering my terrifying past with men.

"Dominic stop. You are upsetting her. Upsetting me." The blonde pleaded, finally finding the courage to speak up.

"You are too soft Reddic, but since you asked nicely...I'll permit your wishes this one time" Dominic, or so his friend calls him responded, his arms releasing me before swinging around and stalking away into the bathroom without another word.

He slammed the door closed in his anger.

"Goddess? Are you okay?" Reddic asked when the air had grown awkward between the three of us. 

"Yes. I'm okay. I'm not a goddess though. A goddess is flawless which I am not." I finally said, turning around and lifting my eyes to meet his twinkling green ones.

"Well I find you absolutely breathtaking, which makes you a goddess to me. Unfortunately I can't say the same for your friend over there" he said with a nod in Kamil's direction, causing me to laugh in return. A blush creeping on my cheeks when he leaned forward and kissed the tip of my nose affectionately.

"I heard that! And god guys I'm still here!" Kamil gagged, throwing a small tantrum as Reddic pulled me into a warm embrace and dragged his fingers through my hair tenderly.

"You are impossible" I sighed when he descended his head and nipped at the lobe, his voice sounding muffled as he whispered things into my ear that Kamil could not hear. Dirty things that if I repeated would just about make anyone listening wet. This guy was smooth. Smoother than most women could resist, however I wasn't one of those women. 

"If you don't mind. I would like to leave here before Mr. I'm Going To Tame You comes back from the bathroom and gives us round two of flipping his shit" Kamil growled, causing Reddic to look up at her.

"As you wish Kamil" He emphasized with a wink, wrapping a protective arm around my waist and helping escort us towards the exit door. I followed silently, enjoying the show before me. 

"What's up with all this Kamil business? What happened to mistress?" Kamil asked, looking pissed as she followed closely behind us out of the apartment.

"I don't recall calling you that Kamil. My mistress is here." he said, faking innocence as he pulled me closer to his body and started to smother my face with kisses. Wet kisses nonetheless. I fought back, wiping my skin before he finally pulled back roughly ushered us out with a harsh shove.

"Hey watch it buddy. Hands off the merchandise. This stuff is fragile" Kamil snapped, stumbling out and motioning to her body. I fell into her, shooting him a harsh glare by his sudden cold reaction to me. Must have really set him off by ignoring him was my best guess.

"Yeah sure" He rolled his eyes, a frown forming on his mouth when something vibrated in his jean pant pocket. Thinking better than to ignore the text he flipped it out, his mouth curving on his handsome face as he looked up at us shocked women.

"Must be your lucky day ladies, the manager has issued apartment number 250." he announced, closing the phone and shoving it back in his pocket.

"Please tell me that that's close by. I don't think I can manage the torture of another 50 stairs" Kamil asked, putting her hands on her hips. 

"Why don't you look around and see for yourself just how close it is" He chuckled, pointing to the door a few feet behind Kamil.

"Damn" Kamil mumbled.

"Wait that means we are actual-" I began.

"Actual neighbors" Reddic finished.

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