Chapter 9: In Which They Find Comfort

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Unable to sleep, he stands outside his back patio watching the stars, the glimmer of the moon kissing his flawless bare chest as he leaned against the railing and sipped his cup of jinn resting lazily in his grip.

Most nights he wouldn't drink anything but tea, something he had done since his college days. But tonight was a bit different. Tonight was one of celebration considering he was going to be a very wealthy man very soon. All he had to do was lure the little damsel out of hiding and into the hands of the stranger who promised half a million dollars for delivering her. What the man would do with her after that wasn't really his business. He was just in it to get the money and disappear to somewhere exotic and free of noise. This place was nothing but a painful memory and had been for a long time. All he wanted was to escape from it permanently with no strings attached. However the woman in his bed right now was making that rather difficult for him.

With all her beauty and innocence she was certainly causing stress in his heart, making him lose focus twice in the past 2 hours with her. That alone made her lethal in more ways then one. Hell she brought out the submissive and the dominant parts out of him with a simple look, how could he manage to finish the night without compromising his plan?

He sighed in frustration, taking a generous gulp of his drink in an attempt to soothe his shaky nerves.

"Calm yourself Carter. It's just one night" He whispered, fingers beginning to twitch nervously around the drink and he tried to force more of the brown liquid that would hopefully give him respite. Maybe even take a bit of the edge off where he could finally sleep without any second thoughts swarming around in his head. Unfortunately, this evening has been nothing but second thoughts that leave a sour taste in his mouth. Or that could just be the alcohol talking.

At that his cell phone vibrated, his fingers by habit quickly fishing out the small item to see the number he dreaded on the screen. It lit up before him, literately begging attention as he tapped the end call only to have it vibrate again in another call.

He stared for a good moment, the fight in his head raging war of the good and bad as he forced himself to take the call despite the possible consequences he'd trigger by doing so.

"Hello." Carter answered hoarsely.

"Do you have her?" the smooth monotone voice asked from the other side.

"Yes. I intercepted her when she left her apartment as you suggested. Apparently she was having some complications with two guys on the floor who were trying to kill each other for her attent-" Carter sputtered, his words getting lost as the voice on the other side growled angrily. Cutting him off.

"Why didn't you let them?!" the man hissed.

"I don't like the sight of blood...or dead bodies for that matter" Carter defended, staring off at the moon in deep thought.

As a child he had seen his father murder his mother right before him with a kitchen knife, his father leaving the house with nothing but the keys to theircar as he laid crying on his mothers bloody unmoving chest.  At that time he was just 5 years old, not quite old enough to grasp what had happened before his eyes. But he had been forever traumatized by it for sure, having lived the rest of his life in and out of foster homes with nothing but nightmares in his mind and fear in his chest of his fathers possible reappearance. 

"Will they be a problem?" the man asked, his breathing coming out ragged on the other side of the phone.

"No. I will see to it that they aren't. You need worry about them standing in our way." Carter responded, lifting his drink and sipping it once more as the muscles in his arms started to relax from the effects of the alcohol. 

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