Chapter 10: Broken Glass. Broken Hearts

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"It's 1am Gavin. Can this not wait until noon?" Dominic hissed through gritted teeth as stood in the open doorway.

"I'm afraid not Mr. Frey. Broken glass doors are a safety hazard." The man responded calmly, fixing his navy blue ball cap that matched his jumpsuit.

"I don't give a damn about my safety." Dominic sneered, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"I know you don't. But Mr. Pain called and requested it be fixed now before there is an intrusion on the premises." The man stated, holding out a clipboard with the papers for Dominic to see.

"The only intrusion on the premises is you Gavin." Dominic growled lowly, slapping the hand away and placing his own on the doorway to prevent the man from squeezing his way in.

"I am only following orders Mr. Frey." Gavin said, crossing his arms and sending a challenging glare back at Dominic.

It was then Dominic pounced, his fingers reaching out and grabbing the collar of the man's suit in a death grip before swinging him around and slamming him against the outside wall.

"Here me boy. You come in, you fix the door, you leave. There will be no breaks, no time for sipping coffee, you simply fix the god damn door and never come back. Got it?" Dominic snarled, the man nodding frantically in agreement before Dominic slowly released him and stepped back, waving a hand towards the doorway.

"After you." Dominic grumbled, rubbing the back of his neck in pain of his returning headache as he followed inside behind the man.

"Oh god. What happened here?" Gavin asked, mouth dropping open in shock as he moved about the room; just taking in the mess of books and glass scattered among the floor.

"Is...that blood?" Gavin squeaked, eyes widening in horror while his boots crunched under some red shards.

"No questions." Dominic grumbled, slowly easing himself onto the couch and taking the bottle of pain reliever sitting on the side table.

"I give you two hours. If you don't finish in that time there will be consequences. Unpleasant consequences Gavin" He warned with a pop of the cap, his other hand reaching for the half empty glass of vodka on the coffee table as he tossed back 4 pills and chased it with a mouthful of the yellow liquid.

"You really love to control people don't you?" Gavin sneered, yanking out his gloves from his back pocket and crouching down before the broken glass door for further inspection.

"The only way to gain respect is through controlling those around you. If you do not, then they use you as their foot stool that is pushed around like furniture that is going out of style." he stated, his arm sloppily wiping the drop that was dripping down his chin with a satisfied sigh.

Gavin remained silent, shaking his head in disbelief as he pulled out a flat bottom tool from his front pocket and started to knock out the last glass shards that were poking out of the door dangerously. He did this for a few minutes, a sigh of annoyance leaving the mans scrawny chest while he stood and surveyed the work ahead of him. 

"I have some good news and some bad news Mr. Frey. The good news is that I can take out this door. Bad news is that these doors are no longer made by the manufacturer because they are nearly 10 years old. That being said, I am going to have to make a few calls to see what alternatives we have for such a wide doorway." Gavin said, wiping beads of sweat from his forehead before turning to look at Dominic.

"Then take the damn door out and put in a new one" Dominic grumbled, downing the rest of his drink and sending a murderous expression towards the man that he was just seconds away from strangling for inconveniencing him at this god awful hour.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2015 ⏰

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