Beauty and the Sheriff | SHER...

By thehouseofdevil

21.4K 2.2K 2K

Caroline of Locksley was always simple child with huge heart. As an orphan, she was grateful for her guardian... More

1 | Once Upon a Time
2 | Sheriff of Nottingham
3 | Marriage or Death
4 | Nottingham Castle
5 | Dinner or Disaster
6 | Robin Hood
7 | Friendship
8 | Surprise for Caroline
9 | Season of the Witch
11 | Beauty and the Sheriff
12 | Sherwood Forest
13 | Mortianna's Revenge
14 | Sanderson Sisters
15 | Final Battle

10 | Something There

875 128 94
By thehouseofdevil

George's POV

"For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo."

I stayed silent with smile, as I listened to the story. I didn't mind spending time with Caroline in the library, as it always felt calm and peaceful there. I didn't say a word during the whole thing, I just quietly enjoyed Caroline being there. Caroline's voice could calm anyone, it was sweet, yet soothing. Her reading to me was small but very kind gesture, I really appreacited it. When I was younger I never experienced a single bedtime story, if I don't count all the Mortianna's spellbooks I used to steal as little boy.

"I loved that. Thank you." I chuckled as she finished the story. Even though it was an ending for a fictional story, it made me smile. "Could you read it again?" Caroline smiled, handing me the book. "Well, why don't you read it to me?" My heart almost jumped out of my chest. She wanted me to read!? I wasn't even sure if I could read. It was an embarrassing truth that I never wanted to come to light. But since Caroline had asked and I didn't want to be rude, I had to try at least.

"Fine..." I quietly mumbled, my voice sounding surprisingly soft. I cleared my throat, and tried to read something. I slowly opened the book, looking at the text. Then I began to read it and it was quite obvious that I struggled. "I can't." I groaned, embarrassed. "You mean, you never learned?" Caroline asked, kind of concerned. "I learned. A little. It's just been so long. I have my servants, advisors and especially Scribe to read, write and do all these things around it." I explained, aware it's not best excuse. "Just don't judge me." I muttered, almost sounding like a little kid.

"It's alright. Well, here, I'll help you." Caroline gave me a supportive smile, making me surprised. "Are you really willing help me to read?" I asked nervously, trying to clear my throat to speak again. "It's's always been a bit embarrassing to me." I felt ashamed as I was the infamous Sheriff of Nottingham and couldn't even read properly. Yet, Caroline's kindness in her eyes told me I can be calm around her. I slowly came to realization how comfortable I feel in her presence. "I am." Caroline smiled in approval that she doesn't mind.

"Thank you." I tried to return the smile. In that moment I realized that the more time I was around her, the more I was dropping my whole "cruel" role of the tyrannical sheriff Mortianna raised me as. It was confusing but I felt much better the way I was now by Caroline's side. "No problem. Let's start here." Caroline smiled and opened the book on first page. I looked at the page, as I read the text that was on it. It took me a few seconds, as I sounded nervous but I wanted to read it flawlessly like Caroline did, although that was too much to ask for right now.

"You're doing well." Caroline gave me supportive smile through the reading and kept on helping me whenever I shuddered. I little smiled at her in return for few seconds before I continued reading. I was putting effort into it, as I tried my best to look serious about learning how to read for her. Somehow, in that moment, I felt closer to Caroline than ever before. She was so caring, someone could say she acted even motherly as she was showing compassion and kindness wherever she went. Something that I had never known before.

"I guess that was success." I grinned, proud of myself as I finished the book. "I agree, it was much better than I excepted." Caroline smiled, giving me little applause. "Thank you for this, Caroline." I smiled, I might sounded tired but I tried to process everything that just happened. I was now reading perfectly, and it was all thanks to Caroline. "Enough of reading for today, I guess you'd use a break." Caroline giggled as she noticed my tired voice. As she headed to return the books where they belong, I noticed that she was struggling to place the book in a high shelf, so I quickly got up from my seat.

"Allow me." I said, trying sound as gentleman, although it might been a fail, approaching Caroline to place these book in the shelf. This was the perfect moment to show her my "charming" side again. I never been this vulnerable, yet I really tried make her see me in the positive light. She deserved it after all. Caroline been nothing but kind to me in these past days, still I had no idea why I felt so different whenever she was around. Just making eye contact with her warm brown eyes was enough for me to shudder and act like a lost kid. What the hell was going on with me?!

We standed in front of each others in silence, I was worried I'll turn awkward or ruin something, so I tried put myself back. "Uhm..I...would you like see me training with my swords?" I asked, wanting to slap myself, this was so random and it sure taken Caroline by surprise. What would young girl like Caroline like about my training and fight in general? "Oh, training...well, why not." Caroline smiled, making me widen eyes as I didn't except her to agree. As soon as she gave me this friendly smile of hers, I grabbed her arm and lead her away from the library.

I was excited deep down, yet I tried keep it cool and not overreact which was hard for someone like me. I walked outside and lead Caroline to the training yard. It was a nice bright evening and it was quiet. It felt really perfect to train now. "I haven't trained for a few days." I grinned nervously as I was picking one of the swords. "So, I'm a bit rusty." I gave Caroline a little look, unsure if this is even appropriate thing to offer. "Do you...want to join me?" I gritted my teeth in nervousness, trying to turn it in a chuckle. I really was bad with females.

"Well, I sure can give it a try." Caroline smiled, propably same nervous tone as mine. It was understandable though. She was a girl, girls aren't suppose to fight although I was aware of her history with that scoundrel Robin Hood. I wanted ask her so much who he was for her as I remembered the church meeting but I dedicated to focus on the training now. Maybe she had some experience. "Let's just try for now." I said, as I went into a fighting position and waited for Caroline to do the same. Caroline tried to do the same and I found her was a bit adorable.

During her height she looked like a small kid trying to use the sword. I found that cute, but I slowly figured out what is she doing. "Try to strike at me." I grinned, as I kept my own sword up as if I was protecting myself. Caroline tried strike and although I didn't want to admit it, she was great. The swords made some loud noises when they clashed, and it even shook a bit for me. I remained silent for a moment, as I was still in a defensive position. "Nice strike, Caroline." I chuckled, my voice sounded proud.

"Thank you." Caroline smiled, warmed up by me showing off I'm proud. We stayed silent for a while until we started to fight again, and this time, I was the one who wanted to train. I was planning on showing off a bit now. I knew that I was better than her, but I didn't want make her that much worthless in my presence. I swung my sword towards Caroline, as the sword made a loud noise, and it was aimed at her chest. "T-that was cool!" Caroline gasped, smiling. "Thanks for the compliment." I grinned and we continued.

Caroline seemed to be getting better and better as time went on, which was impressive. I was proud of her, but I kept it to myself. Then I got a bit more serious, as I was attacking Caroline a little bit. With all of my knowledge in fighting, I was quite the enemy. Caroline tried keep up but I was focused on the training more, so I didn't think too much about the fact that she was a young girl. As one clash appeared, Caroline panically stepped back and felt on the pile of hay behind her. I quickly dropped my sword, approaching her. The last thing that I wanted was to hurt her.

"Are...are you alright?" I asked, worried as I offered her my hand. As Caroline was about to accept my hand, she grabbed it pulled me towards her, landing on the hay. It was hard for me to resist this, and I  didn't really feel like resisting anyway. I wasn't sure what was going through her head but as I was pinned on the hay, meanwhile she was on top of me, I happened to grin about it. "I'm winning now." Caroline giggled warmly while she continued to pin me down. "Yes, I think you're winning." I smirked.

As she kept giggling about the situation, I used it as distraction and quickly flipped things around to put myself on top of Caroline. The moment I managed to pin her down, I laughed. "I guess I'm winning now." Caroline happened to be surprised how this turned out for sure since my grip was way tighter than hers. "How dare you?!" She giggled in teasing voice. "Oh, I dared alright." I chuckled, as I continued looking at her. I wanted to enjoy this moment fully, as we were just playing and having fun now. Did we actually flirt with each other?

We stared eye contact for a minute. And for the first time, I saw in her eyes genuine emotion. Care Could it be? After all that happened between us? Could she ever fall for me without force? The more I was with Caroline, I somehow started to care more for her well-being than mine own. It was so confusing and weird in my position, yet I could promise her anything just to see that sweet smile of hers. I didn't want to admit, I was head over heels in love. True, before it was lust but now I knew it was true genuine love I knew nothing about.

Love can be a beautiful thing but it also can lead to a lot of pain and danger. My love for Caroline could easily become the death of me. If only I wasn't right.

• • •

Hello everyone! Finally a newest chapter. As a little compensation for my slow updates I dedicated to do a whole chapter in George's POV as surprise. I know it might be little tragic but I couldn't come up with anything better for now. Let's pray it will be acceptable along with the GIF which was a whole improvisation. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I apologize for all my mistakes. Thank you so much for reading and see you in comments! Sending love

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