Obey Me: UnExpected

By CandleQueenEleven88

583 0 0

I DO NOT OWN OBEY ME! I am a just a fan, that's it. During selection time and they are looking for a excha... More

Selection Day(flashback)
Decisions, decisions
The Leap
Tokyo! Tokyo! Tokyo!
Hotel Corvo...
Tokyo! Tokyo! Part 1
Tokyo! Tokyo! Part 2
Tokyo! Tokyo! Part 3
Tokyo! Oh. No!
Toky...What did you just say?
Welcome to Devildom
Welcome to Devildom Part 2
Inside the castle
And so it happened...
Storms approaching
RAD Part 1
Welcome Home
First Day Back
Back To Normal
The Waiting...
Together Again
Rebuilding the Shattered Hearts
Final notes
The One who Ran Away Part 1
The One who Ran Away Part 2
One sided love

RAD Part 2

6 0 0
By CandleQueenEleven88

   "Wow, look at the thrones!"  Brianna said as they walked into a large room waiting on everyone else.  "You can have a seat here and when everyone arrive we will be all set to start."  One by one Lucifer and his brothers walk in the room, and so did the exchange student, Mahogany.  They all sat around the table discussing upcoming events, grades and testing.  Brianna watches how Diavolo conducted business, until someone asks a question.  "Lord Diavolo, I'm sorry to interrupt but who is this second human?"  They said.  Diavolo looked over at Brianna.  "Oh, my apologies some of you haven't met my girlfriend.  Mammon, Satan, and Leviathan this is Brianna."  Brianna stood up and curtsy to them and sat back in her chair.  "Hello, nice to meet you too."  They were shocked.  "Girlfriend?  A normie?  Really?"  Said Leviathan as he pulled out the game console from his pocket.  The meeting continued for about another 30 minutes.  "We will have a play performance hosted by our drama department, and we will need see what the budget for this will be, Satan, would you be able to get that information for me?"  Diavolo asks Satan, who gave him the thumbs up.  "Excellent, it looks like the meeting is adjourned for today.  Have a good night everyone."  As everyone was leaving, Brianna got a little nervous about starting the next day.  "Lucifer, what classes are open for Brianna to start tomorrow?  I need for you to look into that for me, please?"  Lucifer nods his head.  "I think we have room for her to join in with Mahogany.  Maybe they can study together, and Satan can tutor them as well."  He responds.  "Why am I getting stuck with some more humans, we already have two."  Brianna got defensive.  "It's completely okay.  I can do this and if I need help I can ask the teachers.  It's okay, I can manage fine."

Now that the day has ended they made it back to the castle, Diavolo needed to go to his study. "I will be in my study tonight, I will see you at dinner." And gives Brianna a kiss. "Okay, I'll head to the library." And they walk in two different directions. Once she got into the library she went into the Devildom section to see if she could learn about the history, and also information about other things as well. Brianna walked through and looked over all the books provided. They were in a different language that she didn't know and that ability that made her understand didn't happen. Brianna walked down and aisle towards 7 books placed in a row. "That's weird, why are these away from everyone. I wonder what they say." She walked closer and noticed how each had some type of name on them. She walked closer to them and a strange ora pushed her away from them. "Is that some type of barrier?" She thought to herself. "That's strange, why would their be 7 books placed like this. Wait, they are different colors too." One by one she looked at the books and nothing. She couldn't touch them or read the titles. "That's odd, I will just leave it alone. I'll grab a different book instead." And left the Devildom section and walked into the human section. She picked up a book on parenting instead, and read it. "Things you will need when your baby arrives: crib, car seat, stroller, changing table, bottles, diapers, wipes, toys, books, clothes, teething rings, bouncer, high chair, burp clothes, night gowns, bassinet, shoes, socks, laundry basket. And if you are having multiples, take all that and multiply that by the number is babies having." Brianna was shocked. "Oh gosh, this is too much. How will I get all this stuff for two babies. I can't afford all of this." And she decided to take the book with her and went to the bedroom.

"Brianna, dinner is served. Brianna?" #3 said as he knocked on the bedroom door. Inside Brianna was asleep. Once little d walked into the room, he immediately turned around and left. Diavolo was waiting for her in the dining hall. "#3, have you seen Brianna?" #3 nodded. "Yes, she's asleep. I checked on her in the bedroom." Diavolo got up from the table to get her. Once he entered the room he saw that she was indeed asleep, but also holding on to a parenting book too. "Brianna? Are you coming to eat?" He rubbed on her back, and she woke up, wiping her face. "Hey, sweetheart sorry to wake you, you coming to eat? You seem a little down. What's wrong?" Brianna hugged him and told him. "I was reading this book about all the things the babies will need and it's so much stuff. And I just laid down because it said when you have multiples babies it's even more. I never guessed on what having children included. That's all." Diavolo just watched her and moved he hair from her face and kissed her lips. "It will be fine we can get this stuff together. I am here with you. Come one let's eat." And took Brianna hand a dragged her along with him.

They got into the dining hall to eat dinner and talk about what will happen tomorrow. "I know you want to start with a few classes. But I think you should take one, and it's on Devildom history. How does that sound?" Brianna smiled at him. "That's a start, I don't have any magic, but I would like to see those classes too. But baby steps. In a few days I need to head back to the human world to go to my first doctor appointment. Will you be sending me back to Tokyo? Because my return home is in two day, and I think Leslie will be going back to Japan too. I want to see her before I leave." Diavolo thought for a moment. "Sure, I can take you back to Japan, or I can take you home?" Brianna thought about it. "I still want to visit some places too. Like the Shinuya crossings and also the Tokyo Skytree."  Brianna named off, getting excited. "Those sound like fun.  But I can't really go back seeing how Michael's coming."  Brianna gasped and her eyes widened.  "Oh, yeah I kinda forgot about that.  Wait, I leave the day after. Hey, when is your birthday by the way?"  She asked before eating. "October 31st."  Brianna's eyes widened again. "Really, that's like my favorite holiday!  Throwing Halloween parties is my favorite. Especially with my students. Do you go big for your birthday?"  Diavolo laughed.  "Every year!  Hopefully you can attend this years.  How far along do you think you will be?"  Brianna thought about it, did a few calculations.  "About 20 weeks along, from the calculations given 8-9 weeks.  Halloween's 3 months away, yeah, just around my 5th month of pregnancy.  Why are we doing something crazy!!"  Brianna laughed.  "No, nothing that crazy.  Maybe a few light show, dancing, eating, drinking.  We will have tons of guests.  You should definitely come, but if it gets too crazy stay close to me.  When is your birthday?"  He asked while taking a sip of tea. "It's April the 20th."  They continued on with the conversation until they finished with dinner and Brianna decided to go stand on the balcony.  "Care if I join you?"  Diavolo asks.  "No, please, I would love some company."  They stood there looking over Devildom.  "This is wonderful.  Looking over everything, really appreciating the landscape.  Looking up at the stars.  Absolute bliss."  Diavolo moved closer to Brianna and put his arms around her.  "I haven't hugged you almost all day.  This is bliss."  And they shared a kiss.

The next day everything goes well until ~puke~, but this time it wasn't Brianna. "You okay? Want me to get you something? Here drink some water." She hands him a glass and he drinks it. "I don't know why this is happening. I felt fine last night but now I feel...~gag~." Brianna rubs his back. "Aww poor baby! I will get my crackers so you can eat something." And she walks over to her nightstand and get some crackers for him to eat. "You know, I read about something called sympathy pains especially during pregnancy. Usually the fathers would throw up sometimes, or have back pains, even their chest get tender, and also gets headaches too. Are you just throwing up, or is anything else going on?" Brianna looks at him as he tried to eat and drink. "No, just my stomach feels off, also I feel tired but I have so much to do, I'm smelling something and I can't find where it is, I feel stinky too, like I need to shower again." As she listened she went and grabbed the book. "It also says here mood swings too. But that means you're experiencing my pregnancy symptoms. Why?" He looked at Brianna. "Maybe because we are a couple now and I'm sick when you are sick." He put his arms on her shoulders and hugged her head. "You are so cute."

   They both got ready for the day, in their uniforms heading to the dining hall and ready to eat breakfast.  "Barbatos, what's that smell?  It's like an onion or something, don't get that again."  Brianna chimed in.  "I love onions, the more the better, please?"  Diavolo sipped his tea.  "That tea is off, or cold, or just...please get something else.  Please Barbatos."  Everyone looks at Diavolo.  "You sure you will be alright, your a bit moody to see Michael today.  Want me to join in the meeting too?"  Diavolo looks at her.  "Of course you will be there.  It's your fault, you looking all sexy and having me just all over you.  What's the big idea?" Brianna just laughed. "Aww, you are such a cutie!" And kissed his nose. "He's experiencing sympathy pains, men gets them when their partners are pregnant. He'll be fine. It goes away, but also it comes back closer to the due date." Barbatos looked at them sitting at the table together and just rolled his eyes. "Are we ready to go? I think I should change my outfit?"

Once they finally arrived at RAD, they welcomed the students and Brianna made her way to her first class. "History of Devildom I". Brianna saw the exchange student in there and one of the demon brothers as her chaperone too. Once Brianna received her text book and also the translation book as well, she was ready to learn.  (Funny thing is the translation book was thicker than the actual text book.) She put on her glasses and started to read. While listening to the teacher and trying to catch up with the reading material, Brianna was struggling. "Okay we will pair up into groups and we will work on these questions here." She looked around at see if any of the students wanted to partner up, and as expected the demons mostly banded together. Brianna approached Mahogany who was excited to partner up, and her chaperone has to join as well. "Hey Brianna, would you like to partner up, come right here." She sat down next to them and started on question one. "Before Devildom was created, it was covered in what?" After flipping though pages to look for the answer she stumbled upon side bar chapters like Demon and Human Pacts, What's a Grimoire?, and The Royal Academy of Diavolo Colosseum. Such fascinating history she couldn't wait to read about. Then she get a message to come to the office. "Brianna, you are needed in the office, please bring your things with you."

As she walk to the office, she didn't know what to expect. (Who is this Michael, a mean person? I hope not, looks like we have a uphill battle to fight.)


"Alright I will see you after your class, I will send someone to get you when Michael gets here." Diavolo said as Brianna starts to walk away. "What, no kiss before you leave?" She smiles and turn around. "My apologies sweetheart." And they shared a long passionate kiss, that almost made Brianna late on her first day. "Good luck, if you need anything, please call me okay?" Brianna nodded her head and placed her hand on his cheek. "You are so sweet! What am I doing to do with you! I'll see you later okay." As she started to walk away, he began to worry. "Should I have placed a protection spell on her?" Barbatos stepped out of the shadows. "No, she should be fine. I believe Michael should arrive in about an hour, I say we prepare for that, sir." And they turned and walked to the office.

While getting some of his paperwork completed, they received a knock on the door. Standing outside the door were Simeon, Luke, Raphael, and Michael. "Please enter, I will gather Brianna from her class, please have a seat."  Diavolo directed. "Long time no see Lucifer." Lucifer nods. "Yes, it has been haven't it, Michael and to you too Raphael." Lucifer took his leave, and Barbatos offered tea and treats to the guest. "Luke, I believe you made this treat especially for Michael's arrival, correct." Luke jumped for joy. "Absolutely, I know he likes everything, and I wanted to show him what I've been practicing while I've been away." Barbatos included. "Yes, he has been a fine student to teach, such a perfectionist too. I believe these will be to your liking." And everyone ate, drank and waited. Just then the door opened and in walked Lucifer with Brianna behind him.

"Brianna, I'm glad you made it." Said Diavolo. "Michael, Raphael, this is Brianna, my girlfriend." Brianna gave them a curtsy as she stood next to Diavolo. "It is a pleasure to meet you both." They both looked at her for a moment, and they introduced themselves. "I'm sorry where are our manners. I am Michael and this is Raphael and we are Archangels. We've come here because we wanted to meet with you, seeing how you have entered a relationship with the future Demon King. How have you been?" Brianna stayed close to Diavolo. "It has been wonderful. I love it down here, and also him. May I ask why you've come?" Michael nodded his head. "Brianna please can we sit?" And they walk over to the conference table in the office and took a seat. "We believe some disturbance has occurred, and we were told that it may have been because of you. We weren't sure of what to do about it, so we decided to come, visit with you and see for ourselves." As they spoke, the more Brianna felt uneasy. He hands started clamming up, she felt hot and sweaty, and started getting really nervous. "I know it's sudden, but have you experienced anything strange since being here?"

Brianna took a deep breath and told them what she's experienced. "I was in the library and I walked past the sign outside of the Devildom section, and the lettering became visible to read. I also felt some other person inside me. Someone who looks like me, but knows Lord Diavolo personally. I believe he saw her too." As she looked over at him. "Yeah, the visual of my ex, took over her. And also she warned her too." Michael eyes widened. "Warned you?  What did she say?" He and Raphael leaned closer. "She gave a warning to protect myself and Lord Diavolo and that something is about to happen. She didn't say when or where, just something." Brianna looked up at Michael who looked at her stunned. "Seneca?" Everyone looked at him. "Are you Seneca?" Brianna raised an eyebrow. "I don't know what you are talking about." He stood up and moved closer. He placed his hand on her head, and felt nothing. "Why would someone warn you, if they've never met you?" Brianna shook her head, and couldn't answer. "Okay, we will keep and eye out here. If you've received a warning like that, you need to be protected. Also not just you, the babies too." Brianna was shocked. "How did you know?" Michael laughed. "We know everything. I even know the sex of them too. Want to know?" Brianna looked to Diavolo. "No, we will like that a secret." Raphael laughed. "We? Are you willing to raise human children, here in Devildom? You know she has to go back right?" Diavolo chimed in. "Why can't I raise human children here? I love her, and I want to be with her." Michael stepped forward. "Lord Diavolo, it's one thing to fall in love with someone, but do you think they would love to be here forever? They can't live the life that demons can, or even angels can. She can stay here until this is over, then she must leave." Brianna looked to Diavolo and held his hand. Tears started to fall from her eyes as she stared at her lover. "Then we will have an amazing time here. I-I don't want to lose him. He makes me happy." And the way Brianna smiled at Diavolo, Michael smiled. ("You are Seneca. I notice that smile anywhere. Was that the look you had for him, all those years ago. Was that why you couldn't love me?")

"I think we should take our leave. Thank you for meeting with us Brianna. Please take care of yourself and the babies too." Said Raphael as they headed towards the door. "Oh and one more thing, stay close to his good side, you do not want to see his bad side." Michael laughed. "Yes, you think his fathers bad, Diavolo here could destroy the world." Brianna waved at them, slightly confused as to why they would say that.. Simeon and Luke followed. "That was interesting?" Barbatos said. "Perhaps Michael hasn't gotten over a lost love. Besides that Seneca person was in love with the Young Master?" Brianna turned to Diavolo. "I can see that, he's incredibly handsome, thoughtful, caring, sweet and did I forget incredibly handsome." Diavolo laughed. "That's enough. How was your first class?" Brianna smiled back.  "Great, I have this book and also its translation. Where is the RAD Colosseum? I was flipping through the book and stumbled upon it." Diavolo smiled. "It's under the school, want to go visit?" Brianna got excited.  "Yes, please!"

Once we left the office they made their way down to the colosseum. "It's a little ways before we get there. Do you have any questions?" Brianna nodded. "Yes, why was it created?" Diavolo thought. "For entertainment purposes.  It been here back when my father was around, and before my fathers father. It was rebuilt after the war against the Celestial World. I come down here to think sometimes, on if I'm making the right decisions in life, and this is where Lucifer pleaded his loyalty to me." They walk into the colosseum, it is huge. "So you built the school kinda over it? Why?" Brianna asked.  "Because that's who we were, I plan to move forward but to never forget our past. So much history was created here, and stays here. I can't get rid of that." Diavolo turns to her. "I want you to be here with me forever. But I also know that it could risk the babies and your future. As much as I want to keep you, I believe Raphael was right. I have to think about you and the children." And he took a long deep sighed. "Once this is over, you have to return to the human world, and not come back." Like a sharp blade cutting through flesh, you don't feel it until the air hits it. "I refuse. Why is it that everyone gets to make my decisions for me? I'm not going anywhere, because I want to be here. Why is that so hard?" Diavolo steps closer. "I know you do, but you can't. I'm sorry!" He walks away and stops. "Come on, our day has ended." Diavolo reached his hand to Brianna, ready to head back to the castle.

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