To see his smile (Loki x male...

By AK47-23

29.7K 1.3K 263

Ellen Taylor Stevenson is a troubled young man. Loki is a troubled young god. It totally evens out, right? Ki... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Part 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12

Chapter 13

675 37 17
By AK47-23

The two of them made their way up slowly, it was almost laughable how showy this man was. ''You really are quite small, even by a humans standards." Fake Loki taunted as he placed Ellen on the floor next to him, a bruising grip on his arm to keep him from running as the two stared at each other. "If you tell me of why this is, I may be inclined to give you a more merciful death.'' Loki explained tauntingly. No, not Loki. The man controlling him. Ellen gave the man his best frightened look.

He stepped forward once more. ''This is what happens when your starved and kept underground when young.'' Ellen explained his voice shaking. The man hummed in thought and stared him down once more before smirking. "So this is why you claim to know what this man is feeling, how cute. I promise you what's happening to him is much, much worse." He growled out, whipping Ellen around to face the window as Tony's silhouette grew larger.

''Why are you still pretending to be Loki. We know your not him.'' Ellen said through the tears, as the cold metal of his spear bit into the soft skin of his neck.

''You would be right. But is it not more fun to pretend?'' The man asked with a cruel smile. ellen shook his head. Then watched as tony, his father, landed. He only paused slightly when he saw the two but otherwise continued on, letting the machine take his armor off. Remaining indifferent even as he meandered toward the bar area. Then, finally, he stopped and really looked at the two of them.

They where at a stand still. Loki smiled maliciously. ''Anything you'd like to say to him before departing?'' He whispered into Ellen's ear. Ellen could barely manage to whisper something. ''What was that little one?'' Fake loki asked tauntingly, leaning forward slightly as if to listen better. Ellen looked to his dad. "I said, get the hell out of Loki's head." Ellen said. Then in a motion quick as a lighting flash he turned to Loki, and pushed forward chest to chest. The two of them started to tumble to the floor and without missing a beat Ellen smashed their heads together, and pushed the headband onto Loki's head. The gold battle crown he once wore tumbling to the ground in the process with a loud clatter. before loki had a chance to react ellen pushed the device on and winced at the powerful shock that zapped his hand as he and Loki fell to the floor in a crumpled heap.

He stared at the man for a moment more, only snapping into reality when, a warm hand settled on his shoulder. "Ellen, hey, are you ok? Your bleeding." Tony asked, holding a clean washcloth he must have gotten behind the counter to Ellen's neck. The boy hadn't even realized the spear had cut him when he turned. Crazy what adrenaline does. He looked into Tony's worried eyes and nodded slowly as exhaustion keeps around his vision. "I'm ok dad, it's just a little cut." Ellen responded quietly. the tower was quiet for a second. then a loud boom shook them all to the core. tony glance between Ellen and the forming portal in the sky.

"Dad, go. I can handle loki now. New York needs you'."Ellen said quietly. Tony gave his son one last look and finally nodded. The front of his helmet closed and he flew off into the distance. Then it was quiet again, so, so quite. Even despite the battle in the background. Ellen heard a groan and turned around shaarply quickly grabbing the staff and pointing it at the man. ya' know. just incase.

loki sat up slowly and held his head in his hands. then he looked up and around at what was happening, his eyes unfocused and confused as they took in their surroundings before meeting Ellen's own. The two stared at eachother for a second, both almost afraid. There was a kind of relief in those eyes, it was an expression Ellen felt in his soul. ''are you actually you this time?'' ellen asked him gently. The older man nodded slightly and stared, almost fearfully at the staff. ''ok, uhh, tell me something only the real loki would know.'' ellen ordered. loki held up his hands, taking a second to think. ''back when I was in the hulks cell, we came up with a code. you explained to me how you knew I was under anothers control. we're both adopted, and from my understanding we've both been a prisoner one way or another.'' he said to the shorter boy. Ellen relaxed a little and sighed slightly, then they felt the earth shake. the two of them looked out the window and ellen felt his jaw drop at the sight.

The army was here, and there where alot of them. loki seemed to deflate at the sight. but ellen wouldnt have it. ''I'm never going to escape him.'' loki muttered to himself, his shoulder slumping, he looked so far away and the younger boy knew he had to pull him back. Ellen knelt before him and grabbed his shoulders. "Hey, you are Loki of Asgard, and your here right now, with me. I know your scared, I really do. But right now we have a million lives to save and your the key to savoring them." Ellen explained, those frantic green eyes zeroed into grey and he leaned forward, resting his forehead on Ellen's as if begging for any kind of support the other would offer. AMD support Ellen did. He placed his hands on either side of lokis neck trailing them up and down periodically to cup the others cheek and wipe his stray unwanted tears.

''loki please, I need you to think about this. does the portal or the army have any weakness?'' ellen asked him. loki opened his eyes amd nodded. hope, once again returning to his pretty greens. ''Yes, it does, they all share one conciousness. if we can get to the mothership and dismantle it then the rest of the army should fall fast.'' loki explained. ellen nodded. then Loki added on. ''the only problem is I'm only strong enough to close the portal, and I have to do it at the right moment after the mothersip is destroyed.'' loki kept explaining. ellen bit his lip in thought and looked up into the sky. there where so many coming through the portal. it was overwelming. he felt loki grab his shoulder and the two looked at eachother. Still kneeling beside each other on the ground.

''I think I might still have a little control over them. but only enough to make it to the portal. after that I'll need help defending myself.'' He stated. He looked to the sky again and glared. Ellen knew the struggle he was having. ''Let me grab some tech. You think you can steal one of those drones they're flying on?'' Ellen asked him. Loki nodded his head and soon the two went their separate ways. ellen held his phone up and quickly called tonys helmet. ''Are you ok?!'' Tony asked immeadietly. Ellen laughed out a sigh. ''I'm fine. Loki and I found a way to close the portal but we need someone or something to blast the mothership before we can.'' Ellen stated as he sprinted down the halls. he quickly found himself in Tony's room and shoved his way to the closet. He grabbed two of the wrist blasters he knew Tony had in his bottom drawer and latched them on while running out of the room, and back to the balcony.

''I dont think that'll be a problem.'' tony responded gravely. Ellen paused. ''Why do you say that?'' he asked hesitantly. ''The government already sent a nuke.'' He replied. Ellen went cold as Loki gave him an expectant look. ''Tony, your not actually thinking of-?'' Ellen was cut off. ''Yeah kid, its gotta be me.'' Tony replied. ''you better come back. You understand?'' he replied shakily. he heard the man chuckle through the phone. ''You know I cant promise that ellen.'' He said. Then ellen heard the line disconnect. He pocketed his phone with a shaking hand and quickly stepped onto the drone behind loki. The older man gave him a questioning look, to which Ellen scooped the staff up off the ground.

''Step on it. You said we had a limited amount of time.'' Ellen said. Loki rolled his eyes. ''Hang on tight, if you fall Im not catching you.'' He replied. Ellen managed a shaky smile as he wrapped his arms around Loki's waist. The two where flying in seconds. Ellen had the staff clutched tightly.

the alien army was still falling through the portal as the two of them scaled up the length of the tower slowly. Ellen watched as tony flew through the portal with the nuke following close behind him and his stomach dropped.

He forced himself to look away. ''we'll be there in a mere moment. I'll take the staff and I'll need to count on you to defend me.'' loki explained. ellen gulped nervously. ''you think we'll have time for me to make a phone call?'' he asked. loki glanced back at him and opened his mouth to try to speak. ellen inturrupted him. ''Watch out!!'' he screamed.

Thor came barreling toward them. Just as the two made it the roof. Loki grabbed ellen around the waist and held him tightly as he fell to the side to avoid the attack. The staff was momentarily knocked out of Ellen's grasp and the two rolled their eyes. ''Has ellen freed you brother? or must I destroy the tesseract and bring you to justice for your crimes?'' Thor questioned harshly. ''You cant destroy it, the only way to stop it is through me.'' Loki replied ominosly. Ellen rolled his eyes. ''For fucks sake you two, family fued later. Save the day now. Thor get your ass ready to defend us. Loki grab the staff and get to work. You said we have one shot at this and I'm not about to let sibling rivalry ruin that.'' ellen yelled over the chaotic sound around them.

The two grumbled slightly and the young man sighed as they did as they where told. The three of them finally moving their way across the roof to the portal. Loki took to the front with the scepter and Thor defended the back. There where hundreds of those nasty things to fight through. Ellen held his blasters up and fired at the drones flying a little to close to the small group. They where making progress but not fast enough. That was until they heard the roar of a jet on their left. Nat as in the front talking through her earpeice while she cleared a path with her blasters. Ellen and Loki made a run for it and ignored the sound of the jet falling out of the sky.

They made it to the base of the beam and watched as a giant prehistoric yet futuristic whale monsters flew out of the portal. Ellen gulped, and the two watched in horror as it started crashing into buildings, one of them now chasing tony along with the nukes.


Ellen knew Tony had a plan for that nuke. He just didnt know when it was gonna happen. ''When's this father of yours going to implement his plan?'' Loki asked nervously. Ellen chewed on his lip and took a deep breath. ''Soon, theres something coming thats going to help him out.'' Ellen explained. Loki put up a field to help protect them while they waited for this plan to come through. The two looked at eachother nervously within the green force field. Ellen's heart beating out of his chest. ''How are you going to close it?'' Ellen questioned the god. ''I need to stab through the protective dome around it right as the power surge from the mothership hits it.'' Loki stated. Ellen nodded.

''Why do you ask. You arent getting nervous are you?'' Loki jabbed. Ellen laughed breathlessly. ''You could say this isnt really an everyday occurance.'' He replied. Loki nodded. The two glanced around once more at the carnage trapping them. Just then a roar was heard. Ellen only had a split second of realization before he tackled a confused god out of the way of a raging hulk. The green guy broke through the barrier and landed across from them. Ellen groaned. This day couldn't get worse. Loki stood infront of him and tried to reason with the hulk. Only to be grabbed and swung around like a rag doll. Ellen winced and made a very stupid decision. He got the undivided attention of an angry hulk.

''Hey big guy. Its ok. He's not the bad guy, He's a good guy now.'' Ellen tried to reason. hulk snarled at him. ''I know you might be a little stressed right now. Maybe even kinda confused. But you know what you could do that would help cear things up?'' Ellen asked the beast. hulk grunted. Ellen looked up at the sky and pointed to the rest of the goliaths. ''hulk smash.'' Ellen offerd him. the green man smirked cruely and in seconds he jumped into the air and was out of sight. the frazzled boy ran to Loki's and carefully peeled him up out of the rubble. The god looking up in shock and wheezing in pain.

''Oh please, please dont be dead.'' Ellen begged him. ''Not dead.'' Loki wheezed. Ellen sighed. ''Good, lets get back to the portal.'' Ellen stated. Loki nodded slowly and allowed himself to be moved. They stood at the base with Nat. and Ellens miraculously unbroken phone vibrated. He looked to nat and Loki as he pulled it out of his pocket.

''Get in position its time.'' He said softly. Loki nodded and held the spear up to the cube. Nat stood a little ways away gaurding the sight, and Ellen answered his phone.

''Hey kid.'' Tony said at the end of the line.

''hi.'' Ellen replied, his throat felt tight and he could hardly get the one word out.

''Got a nuke on my tail. Gonna blow in a minute.'' He said.

''I know, I can see you flying.'' Ellen gulped.

''Love you kid... close it.'' Tony ordered. Then the line went dead. Ellen swallowed the fear he felt and nodded to Loki. The man pushed the spear into the flowing energy right as a loud explosion sounded out through the air above them. the aliens fell, one by one onto the broken pavement and portals constant blue light wavered before slowly thinning out. Then he heard natasha yell, and watched as Loki threw the spear by something next to his leg. Which was now burning like a raging wild fire.

A blade slowly fell away from his ash like skin as the poison on the blade was slowly started eating away at his skin and bone. He felt himself being lowered to the ground by natasha. Loki quickly kneeling next to him. he didnt know what the god was doing, but it felt cold, and the burning slowed down. He was fading in and out of conciousness.

for loki it was a bit different. his mind was scattered and torn as he used what little was left of his energy to freeze the acidic poison in its place. ellens leg was missing several patches of skin and bleeding profusly even with Loki's help. nat had taken off her belt and used it as a tournacite. It wasn't enough. the pair could only wait for some sort of help. Ellen wasnt going to be keeping his leg. The two of them watched as hulk dragged Tony up the tower. The other avengers followed after shortly.

The older man took one look at ellens pale face and fell to his knees at the boys head. At this point loki was shaking with the effort it took to contain the toxin. They all knew what had to be done. Natasha took the lead. ''Captain. Your the only one strong enough to amputate this cleanly.'' Natasha stated. steve sighed as he looked to Tony who was nearly in tears at the sight of his child. The group stepped back slighty to give steve a little space. Clint patched in for emergency care on the roof. Ellen was still in and out of consciousness, you could see the pain in his eyes

The captain pulled the shield back and kneeled. Then with a sickening crunch Ellen's leg was gone. The poor boy let out a broken scream and went limp right as the medics pulled in. Tony stayed next to his son. Gently running a hand though his hair and whispering to him gently. The last thing Ellen sees his his fathers tearful face, then everything goes black.

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