By fateeyma_

227K 26.1K 4.5K

The path of two heartbroken persons cross by a marriage arranged by their parents. They both heal their broke... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62

Chapter 58

3K 356 117
By fateeyma_

Zeenah got ready to go meet a gynecologist after using pregnancy kits and it's all negative. She's impatient and badly wants to get pregnant, after all there's high chances of her getting pregnant since she followed all the things google presented when she looked it up.

She didn't want amir to go with her tho he offered to drop her off at the hospital himself before going to work and ayush suggested that even tho it's her turn. She said she's sick but didn't tell them she's going to meet a gynecologist. She wanted the news of her being  pregnant to be Amir's birthday gift from her.

"Are you sure you're in the right state to drive"amir asked for the nth time when he saw zeenah in the parking lot.

"Yes baby don't worry I'm fine" he always feels like removing his ears when she calls him baby but what can he do she's his wife.

"Alright take care" he got into his car and drove away before her.

She got into her car which was a gift to her by her mother in law when she got married and turned on the ignition. She arrived at the hospital with her heart in her hand, she's never been that nervous in her entire life.

Upon reaching the hospital she got a call from safina and she answered on the first ring.

"Hello" said zeenah.

"Hello zeenah, when you reach the hospital bah ask of Dr Zubaidah, she's my friend and if there's a complication she'll help us out I've already talked to her" safina said.

"Toh shikenan" she ended the call and alighted the car.

She asked of the doctor safina told her to when she arrived at the gynecology/obstetrics ward and she was directed to her. She knocked on the door and was asked to come in which she did with a weak smile on her face. She let her eyes wonder around the office which has lots of pregnancy posters and many files arranged perfectly on some shelves.

"Good morning" she greeted the lady who seemed to be around her mid thirties.

"Morning have a seat" the lady said with a smile "You're zeenah right" she asked and zeenah nodded.

She asked her a few questions and took her blood then asked her to pee in some cup and also gave her pregnancy kit to pee on.

A nurse took the sample to the laboratory so they can test it. Forty minutes into talking about the do's and don'ts of pregnancy the nurse came back with the test reports and silently left giving them privacy.

The doctor removed a paper from a manila envelope and read it out to zeenah who looked devastated after hearing the bad news.

"I'm so sorry but you're infertile" the doctor said to zeenah who has tears at the brim of her eyes but quickly blinked it back.

It's not the end of it, she might be infertile but she won't let the opportunity of having amir all over her while pregnant slip from her hands.

"It is common and you are not alone; let's talk about the struggles so it's a normal conversation" the doctor said looking at zeenah with pity which zeenah hates.

"No we're not going to talk about anything" she took the manilla envelope from the table and kept it in her bag. She's going to hide the real result and make another one.

She walked out of the office and quickly dialed safina's number and she picked up immediately.

"Safina" she said.

"Na'am tell me the good news already" safina said enthusiastically.

"There's no good news safina I'm infertile" she said calmly as if she's not hurt by the news.

"Subhanallahi what are we going to do now"

"I want you to talk to the doctor so we can keep this a secret between us and also fake a result that I'll show amir, I can't let this plan slip I'll have to get ayush out of Amir's life the soonest and also I'll start using the things we got from that mallam soon then I'll have him all under control" she said but what she didn't know was umar heard her. He works at the hospital and specializes in dermatology.

"What?" Umar said with eyes wide like saucer.

"I'll call you" zeenah mumbled and ended the call.

"You can't tell anyone umar"

"No I'll have to tell amir there's no way I'll let you ruin their lives" umar furrowed his brows.

Zeenah might be his friend but he didn't want to be a part of their plan. After what he did to amir in the past he needs his forgiveness and maybe this will be the right thing to do.

"Umar no, don't do it" she said when umar pulled out his phone from his pocket. He knew amir isn't going to pick his call no matter the situation but he was trying his luck. And just like he expected he didn't pick up, he groaned and turned to leave, he might not pick his call but he won't be able to stop him from talking to him at the office.

"How are you going to tell him now huh, you know amir hates you more than anything in this world then how are you going to tell him about my plan" she crossed her hand on her chest.

"He doesn't have to pick up my call zeenah, don't forget that I know the way to his office and his house also" he said with more determination to expose her.

"Umar don't get yourself into something you won't be able to get out of"

"I won't rest till I expose you zeenah even it's going to be the last thing I do" he walked away leaving her there. She quickly followed him so she can see his car and plate number, there's no way she'll let him ruin her plan.

She quickly sent the details of his car to her men and told them to stop him at any cost then she felt relived and called up safina again.

"Keh umar heard everything" zeenah said walking back to the obstetrics/gynecology ward.

"Umar kuma"

"Yes your umar"

"What are we going to now"

"Nothing, I have it all under control, he won't reach amir talk less of expose us, all you have to do is talk to this doctor now"

"Toh shikenan give her the phone"

Umar tried Amir's number multiple times but he kept declining the call. He hit his hand on the steering and tried once more and luckily amir picked up but that's not much luck.

"What do you want" amir said when he got tired of declining the call and knowing he might want to tell him something important.

"Amir..." and the line went dead.

"That's strange" amir furrowed his brows and wiped off his face with his palm.

A smile stretched across his lips when he saw his first wife coming through the double door elegantly dressed in a red lace sewn in bubu which compliments her fair complexion.

"What's the occasion" he stood up and walked to her.

"I wanted to surprise you" she kept a food basket on his table.

"You really did surprise me, how was your first paper" ayush started her finals that day and she wondered why zeenah didn't go write her paper but shrugged it off.

It's none of her business.

"It was good that's why I came to celebrate with you" she smiled.

"I'm glad, something strange happened regalo" he took a seat watching her unload the warmers in the basket.

"What happened"

"Umar called me and when he said amir the call went dead, I feel like he wanted to tell me something important but I kept declining his call, I've been feel anxious since then" he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Don't stress yourself please all is good inshallah, can you please call ahmad, I brought food for him also"

"Oh sure" he called his office number on the telephone and ahmad showed up in less than 5 minutes.

"Ashe amarsu neh ta zo" Ahmad said with a wide grin and amir rolled his eyes.

"You'll forever be an idiot kai koh"

"Wannan kai ya dama" he settled beside amir in the balcony. They'll ate their food in silence with Ayush and ahmad talking when necessary, amir watched the busy streets of asokoro lost in his thoughts, he feels something bad is about to happen.

He dialed umar's number cause he won't feel at ease till he hears why umar called him and it was picked immediately.

"Hello umar"

"Alhamdullilah I've been trying to reach the last person he had a call with but it wasn't going through" the person said trying to block the noises in the background so he can hear amir well.

"What happened where's the owner of the phone"

"The owner of the phone just got into a car accident, two trucks collided with the car subhanallahi, we got him out of the car with great difficulty and an ambulance just took him to the hospital"

"Innah lillahi wa innah wa inna illahi raji'un" amir continuously said and let his hand slip down from his hand. He didn't even ask of the hospital name due to shock.

"Amir what happened" ayush asked worried.

"Innah lillahi wa innah wa inna illahi raji'un" Ahmad repeated continuously when he saw the news.

"Ahmad what happened, one of you should please tell me"

"Umar got in an accident" Ahmad was the one that talked as amir was still in shock. She took Ahmad's phone and saw the video posted on Instagram, instead of the person to help bring him out of the car he was taking videos, she always wonders people's problem, help is needed at the moment but no they won't help they'll be taking videos to post on social media.

She closed her eyes tightly muttering some supplications when she saw the part he was pulled out of the car. He was badly injured.

She turned of the phone and fixed her gaze on her husband who was still in shock.

This shouldn't be the end of it, he didn't get to meet umar and yell at him for what he did, it shouldn't end like this.

"The place the accident occurred isn't far from here it looks like he was coming here" Ahmad zoomed in the video.

"He called me multiple of times but my ego didn't let me answer, maybe he wanted to come meet me and tell me what he wanted to because I didn't pick up"

"This is not the right time to say all this it's says he's been taken to national hospital get up let's go" said Ahmad.

"Who did this to you umar" hajiya halima; umar's mom asked knowing fully well he's in coma.

Umar has been in coma for 4 days with no sign of improvement in his health, he just got moved from the icu and all his family members are there before him trying to fish out the reason behind his sudden accident.

The police said it's not a mere accident and from statement of the motorist who had seen the crash they came to a conclusion that the accident was planned.

Zeenah clutched to her bag tightly in hope umar won't mention her name. She was sweating which got ayush suspicious of her, she's been nervous since they got there and she noticed it but doesn't have a say.

"Umar tell us who did this to you please" hajiya halima cried placing her head beside his hand on the hospital bed.

"Ayush" he mumbled making them all widen their eyes. He answered their question but not literally, there was a sign of improvement which wasn't a good one as he said ayush's name at the wrong time without knowing which is in zeenah's favor.

Zeenah furrowed her brows in confusion as to why he didn't mention her name but ayush's, and all the tension she was feeling eased when all eyes turned to ayush who was as confused as the other occupants of the room expect for her mother in law.

"I'm not even surprised" ayush's mother in law huffed.

"Hadiza" alhaji Ibrahim silently nudged his wife but she shifted away from him.

"When I told amir to divorce this nulliparous lady y'all didn't want that to happen and had her back toh gashinan she planned on killing umar but alhamdullilah she didn't succeed, she's a misfortune but y'all didn't listen, blinded by the love you have for her thinking she's an ideal daughter in law while she's nothing but a misfortune to this family, she bought nothing but bad luck, now see umar is lying their lifeless fighting for his life because of her, maybe he found out her true colors that's why she wanted to kill him so it won't be out" she said trying to turn them against ayush but they all paid no heed to what she said they know ayush will never do that, she can't even kill an insect talk less of a person.

"Haba anty" amira shook her head, her brother is fighting for his life but there's no way she'll believe ayush did that to him.

"Ayush will never do that we all know for a fact" hajiya halima said.

"Ayush is a sweet girl Anty, she'll never think of hurting someone talk less of trying to murder" Arifa said.

"Exactly ayush can't even kill an insect then how will she plan on killing someone" said aasim.

"She'll never, the ayush I know will never think of hurting her enemy talk less of umar" said Ahmad.

"Wallahi she won't" said asif.

"Hajiya hadiza just because umar mentioned her name doesn't mean she's behind it, it might just be a wrong timing, I'm sure there's a good reason behind why he said her name" said alhaji bashir; umar's father.

Zeenah hated how they were supporting ayush,  this wasn't part of her plan but it was supposed to work in her favor.

"That's the problem ai y'all are blinded by the love you have for the unfortunate being, you don't see the truth, she wanted to kill your son Halima but you're still supporting her" amir took his wife out of the room to get some fresh air, he knew she'll cry at any moment and he doesn't want his mother to see her breaking point, not now not ever.

"Amir what did I do to deserve such hatred from mama" she facepalmed her self letting the tears she's been holding cascade down.

Amir pulled her to him placing his hand on her head and the other on her back rubbing her back soothingly whispering sweet nothings to her ear to calm her down.

"Allah is testing our tawakkul regalo and inshallah we'll pass with flying colors, didn't you see how they were supporting you in there, just because mama doesn't like you anymore doesn't mean you don't have other people that like you, don't focus on the hurtful words mama says but the good words others say in support, now stop crying kinji" he kissed her head.

"All my plans have been ruined, I wanted to throw amir a grand birthday party and give him my pregnancy result as a birthday gift but umar just had to listen to my plan and now I can't carry it out with umar being at the hospital" zeenah threw a vase across her living room which shattered on the floor.

She fumed in anger, this was supposed to break the internet and get her more followers, a competition between her and ayush to see who the best wife is but umar just has to ruin her plan.

Zeenah pulled her short hair in frustration just when Amir came into the living room but she was too angry to notice that.

"Zeenah lafiyan ki" amir furrowed his brows pulling her to him, so she can calm down, she's his wife after all and he feels he's not being just between his wives, he's always holding up with ayush even if it's zeenah's turn.

"I've planned for your birthday and now we can't celebrate it with Umar being at the hospital" she told him the honest truth.

"When is my birthday again I seriously don't know, people usually remind me of it" he chuckled.

"It's tomorrow" she pouted looking up to meet his eyes.

"Oh I didn't even know, you know I don't need a grand party, we can just celebrate it here at home, the 4 of us, me, you, ayush and nadia" he placed his hand on her head and his chin.

"But what about the orders, the food, what are we going to do with all that"

"We can just take it to the less fortunate and be rewarded for that, now go get some rest okay, you have a paper tomorrow" he kissed her forehead. "I'll go meet ayush"

"But it's my turn why go to her" he took a deep breath to calm himself down.

"I won't stay for long don't worry" he pulled away and cupped her cheeks, she always makes it hard for him to meet ayush when it's her turn.

"I have a surprise for you be quick, I wanted to leave it till tomorrow but I can't anymore" she needed to take quick action, he isn't making anything easy for her.

"Toh shikenan" he pecked her forehead and made his way to ayush's room.

He met her sitting on her bed with her legs crossed Indian style dressed in a pink unicorn onesie.

"You look cute" he said startling her.

She dragged her duvet to cover herself up, she never let him see her in those cause she knows she won't hear the end of it, he'll tease her and not get tired.

"What are you doing here"

"Why are you hiding, you look cute wallahi"

"You'll tease me" she pouted.

"Oh that's why you're hiding?" He pulled the duvet laughing, his laughter echoing in the room.

"You're mean" she rolled her eye taking her books to leave.

"Sorry sorry I promise to not tease you, you look cute wallahi" he pulled out his phone so he can snap a picture of her unnoticed.

"Toh why are you here knowing fully well it's zeenah's turn" she sat down beside him.

"I came to help you read" he pulled her to his laps.

"You should be helping zeenah read and not me" she tried getting up from his laps but his grip on her was strong.

"Does that one even take the exams serious"

"Yes but still-"

"Shh" he placed his index finger on her lips.

"What do you have tomorrow"

"I have physics amir and you're distracting me wallahi" she stood up and got back to the position he met her in.

"Toh sorry, you may continue reading I won't disturb again" he watched her trying to solve a physics question with a nose scrunched but couldn't and instead of helping her with it he snapped a picture.

"You look so cute while stuck on a question" he looked at the picture he took in awe.

"Amir I'll call zeenah on you fah" she used his weakness against him.

"Dan Allah kiyi hakuri, I'm so sorry, lemme help you with this see how it's done" he said making her chuckle.

"You're so cute" she pulled his cheeks and he shook his head at her.

His phone rang from beside them and it's a call from zeenah, she always ruins their moment. He groaned and swiped to answer.


"Amir I'm sleepy and I want to show you the surprise before I go to bed"

"Toh ina zuwa" he ended the call and grumbled.

"Duty call" ayush chuckled.

"I'll send you some books that'll help okay, I'll give nadia" he stood up to leave and she nodded.

"Good night" he placed a kiss on her forehead and left.

He went to his room first and brought out some books and gave it to nadia before going to zeenah's to meet her on the bed with a manilla envelope in hand, a huge smile stretched across her lips.

"I'm here" he sat down beside her.

"Here read this" she gave him the manilla envelope and watched him closely for his reaction. His eyes went wide when he read the part it says she's two weeks pregnant.

"You're pregnant" he hugged her unable to control his emotions.

He's finally going to be a dad, his dream is finally coming through but not exactly, he's always pictured ayush being the mother of his children not zeenah.

"Yes baby" she hugged him back.

First part of her plan done.

"Oh my Allah, I don't think I'll be able to sleep today, I'm finally going to be a dad" he pulled away and kissed every bit of her face.

Zeenah has never been so happy, it's just the beginning and he's already showering her with lots of kisses.

"I'll call up mama and tell her about it"

"Oh sure I'll go share the news with ayush"

"Oh okay" he got carried away with the happiness instead of stopping her from going to ayush, she'll make her feel bad about her not being able to give birth.

"Mama" Amir said immediately his mom answered the call.

"Na'am amir lafiya"

"Zeenah is pregnant" he said unable to control his happiness.

"Alhamdullilah I knew marrying zeenah will be the way out, finally some good news from your side"

"Mama mana you can finally stop saying hurtful things to ayush since your dream is coming true"

"Zeenah being pregnant doesn't make ayush pregnant what are you saying" he wiped his face with his palm. He can't with his mom, she's not ready to change anytime soon.

"Toh mama shikenan sai da safe" He ended the call when he replied to that.

He went to ayush's room to see what's going on, he should've stopped zeenah from going and she proved him right. He met ayush in tears while zeenah was rubbing it on her face that she's pregnant and ayush isn't able to.

"Zeenah what are you doing" he went to ayush and pulled her for a side hug.

"I was just saying the truth ai" she shrugged.

He shook his head, the two will make him run mad someday.

"Ayush stop crying please, what did I tell you about letting such things get to you" he gentle caressed her shoulder.

"But amir she-"

"Don't say anything I'll talk to her, now get some rest okay" he kissed her head and dragged zeenah out.

"Was that really necessary" he furrowed his brows.

"No but-" he cut her off.

"Lemme make something clear zeenah, never say such things about her again, it's not her fault that she can't get pregnant" he said and she silently nodded.

"Happy birthday baby" zeenah pecked amir on the lips. Zeenah and ayush came back from school a little earlier than amir to get things done for his birthday. They're not doing much tho.

"Thank you, where's ayush?" Amir said letting his eyes wonder around the backyard in search for his first wife.

"I don't know" Zeenah shrugged.

"She's in..." nadia started but was cut off by ayush.

"I'm here" she cat walked to where they were seating dressed in an ankara sewn in a straight skirt with overlapping slit and a peplum blouse "amir see amina sew this" she slowly twirled for him to see the perfect view of her cloth.

"Damn baby" he stood up from beside zeenah and walked to his first wife "she's really good" she wrapped his hand around her waist.

"Mhm she'll be the one to sew our clothes for Fatima's wedding, we struggled before she agreed to do it seff because she has a lot on her plate" she ended with a grin.

"You see she's better than that other tailor of yours, I can't even remember his name" he said making her chuckle.

"Yeah you're right, can i please go to mami's please I'll be back before you know it" she pouted.

"You're leaving me on my birthday" he looked down feigning sadness.

"Yes bye" she pecked his cheeks and walked away. Zeenah rolled her eyes at their little moment and continued scrolling on her Instagram feed.

Ayush walked to the parking lot and hopped into her car. She turned on the ignition and started driving to which she arrived at her parents house shortly.

She parked her car and alighted the car, she looked around to see two different cars apart from her parents and hafiz. She shook her head and walked to the front door and pressed on the door bell.

The door wall pulled open by her sister; khadija. She gave her a bone crushing hug almost making her fall.

"Ayush yakike" her sister said with a smile after pulling away.

"I'm good"

"You don't seem good to me" she said letting her in.

"Gaskiya you don't seem good" haidar side making her lips stretch wider for a bigger smile.

"Ya haidar I missed you so much" she collapsed on him not acknowledging her brother in law; na'im and sister in law; shahida's presence.

"I missed you too but please don't break my bones" he said pushing her.

"Oh my god ya na'im, ya shahida ina yini" ayush said finally noticing her siblings in law.

"Lafiya qalau" they chorused.

"Ango" ayush yelled when she saw her brother;hafiz coming down the stairs.

"Ayush you want us to go deaf koh" na'im said shaking his head.

"Shine ai first she wanted to break my husband's bones now she wants to make us go deaf" shahida playfully rolled her eyes.

"Oh ya shahida I also have a husband it's high time you stop saying this to me, I also have a husband to flex with" she said down between shahida and haidar giving her sister in law a side hug.

"Toh naji"

"Ya hafiz, ango in a month" she grinned, adjusting her head tie, her bag was long lost, she doesn't know where she left it, maybe at the entrance.

"Na'am ayush ya exams"

"Lafiya qalau" she smiled and pulled away from shahida to hug haidar.

"I missed you sooooo much wallahi, you can't even imagine" she said with a huge grin.

"I know and I missed you too" he smiled back at her.

"Why does my daughter look like this" baba said stepping into the living room with his wife's arm around his.

"Baba" she stood up and went to her dad for a hug. She hugged her mom also and sat back down at her position.

"Shine ai let's talk serious, you look different wallahi" said na'im.

"What are you guys saying"

"You look slimmer than usual, eye bags have marred your eyes and you have dark circles around your eyes, you look weak all in all, what's happening to you" mami pulled her up from between her first son and daughter-in-law and sat her down beside her.

"What's wrong with you, you don't seem okay, I hope you're not facing any troubles with your co wife" khadija said.

"I'm fine wallahi there's no need to worry"

"Wallahi if I find out they're doing something to you I won't think twice before taking action" haidar said like the protective brother he is.

"Ya haidar please there's nothing to find out" she shook her head lightly.

"Allah ya sa dai" said hafiz.

"This one that y'all have gathered here without invitation lafiya" baba said with furrowed brows to change the topic.

"Ai shine dukkun wani bi kun cika mana gida" mami playfully rolled her eyes.

"Habaaa" ayush pouted.

"They're just trying to form for us they badly missed us" said haidar.

"But did you guys plan to all come at the same day" hafiz asked keeping his phone aside, he's been chatting with fatima like he didn't just meet her half an hour ago.

"Wallahi it's just a coincidence" na'im said with a shrug.

"Shine ai we just happened to come on the same day" said shahida.

"Toh why are you guys here, you're taken away all the oxygen in the house" mami said furrowing her brows.

"So you're trying to send us away now, huh mother" khadija said with a teasing smirk


"Wallahi she's just forming, she always says she miss y'all like she's chanting supplications" hafiz said.

Meanwhile Baba was watching the news not listening to any of the things they were saying.

"Kai hafiz you'll never keep quiet koh, anyways where did you all leave my grandkids" mama said facing them completely.

"There's this summer lesson that opened up so we all decided to take them there instead is staying home all day" said shahida.

"Oh that's good"

"Ayush isn't today your husband's birthday and you're here instead of being with him" hafiz said giving her a puzzled look.

"Eh toh I missed my mami"

"Which you missed your mami, you let him alone with your co wife on his special day will you get up and leave" mami said pushing ayush's head from her shoulder.

"Haba mami" haidar said looking at his mother in disappointment.

"Which one is haba mami, co wives are not something to joke with, what if she does something while you're away"

"Mami Is right go kinji" shahida said.

"Toh shikenan" she stood up to leave and that's when she noticed she dropped her bag at the entrance.

"What's happening in the house" baba finally shifted his gaze from the tv when they went on break.

"Nothing serious" said mami

With love✨💜

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