Murder To Excellence

By Itskndllk

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‘Black excellence.’ Rose. Black. Twenty-two. Recent college graduate. Raphael. Greek. Twenty-nine. Extremel... More

Epilogue 1.


16.1K 585 171
By Itskndllk

I’m so sorry for not updating in over two weeks, but I was/am really busy and it might take a while before I update again. Anyhow, I spoke to my future husband the other day and he has my name and number, which seemed like an excellent idea then, but I don’t have his and it’s driving me insane. Also, ten days ago exactly it was a year ago I saw Drake and The Weeknd and I wanted to take the day off. So I asked my mom and she laughed in my face. I tried my dad, and usually when one parent says no the other says yes because they’re divorced and that’s their way of messing with each other, but my dad stared at me for a solid minute and then walked away. So, no, I did not have the day off on March fifth even though that day holds a lot of emotional value. But my week got a little brighter because I’m going to see J. Cole and Jhené Aiko.

ALSO bless H&M for this David Beckham campaign, because these posters are all over the city and have been blessing my mornings. What they need to do though, is sponsor the costs of my soaked panties ahahahah.


They were at the biggest, most luxurious casino in the city and had a room for themselves. Vodka and intoxicated women in skimpy outfits covered the entire place.

Rose did not only feel uncomfortable because of that, but also because Donat and Tobiasz kept looking at her from across the room and it was obvious they were talking about her. When they noticed she too was looking, they walked up to her.

Kochana, you look…” Tobiasz kept her at arm’s length for a while and looked her up and down several times. She wore a simple body-con and, even though she owned a lot of body-con dresses and those were probably her most favorite clothing items, she felt extremely uncomfortable.

“I bet you’d look better in this.” She then noticed Donat was holding black lingerie and she felt disgusted. “Just lose the ring,” he referred to her wedding ring as if it was nothing of value, “And then change into this. I’ll take you to the changing room.”

“You’re not taking her anywhere.” Raphael now stood right behind Rose and snatched the lingerie out of Donat’s hand. He was getting sick and tired of being passive and not voicing his opinion anymore so, although the risks would magnify, he wasn’t going to shut up anymore; it was just nothing like him to do and he was not going to let these guys make him shut up.

“Let’s poker!” Tobiasz exclaimed excitedly. It wasn’t very loud, but it seemed that everyone there heard as all the girls made their way to the table.

Natalia too walked towards the table, but made sure she bumped shoulders with Rose first. “Kurwa,” she scoffed.

Rose didn’t pay it any mind at first, but when she sat on Raphael’s lap, and Natalia kept shooting daggers and Donat and Tobiasz kept eyeing her, she had enough. “I think I’m going home.”

Kochana, why?”

She looked at the two across the table and it was quite obvious to them she wasn’t very happy. It annoyed her that they always felt the need to talk to her when she wasn’t even talking to them. She couldn’t say it out loud, since pissing them off wasn’t very ideal, but if this was how the entire night was going to be she didn’t want to stay.

“Stay,” Donat demanded and Raphael felt his blood boil. He was not going to let anyone order Rose around, especially these two. “We’ll give you some vodka, you’ll feel better immediately.”

“No thanks, I really want to go home.”

“I’m coming with you,” Raphael said and stood up already, not waiting for her response.

“No,” she protested softly, only for him to hear. “You stay. I don’t think they’ll like it very much if you leave.” She did have a point; he just didn’t want to leave her alone.

By now everyone was looking at them, waiting for either Rose or Raphael and she to leave together. “I’ll take you home then.”

“Our driver can take her home.”

“I’ll take a cab,” Rose quickly replied. She was not going home with their driver; because it was most likely she wouldn’t even get home.

“I’ll call Jean-Pierre for you, let’s go.” Raphael placed his hand on Rose’s waist, to the discontent of Natalia, and walked outside with her. “Don’t worry, okay? I’ll come home as soon as we’re done.”

“What is it I have that they want?” It wasn’t very hard to figure out they were after her, it was just weird to actually say it out loud.

“Look at you.” He caressed her cheek with his thumb and, even though it was dark out, they could see each other perfectly.

Every time his phrase started with ‘Look at you’, she knew something would come that would leave her speechless.

“You’re fucking perfect, what’s there not to want? But as long as I’m around, they won’t get you. No one will, for that matter, and I promise you I’ll be here for a pretty long time.”

“Can you be more specific? What’s a pretty long time?” she teased.

“A pretty long time is forever, if that’s what you want to hear.” He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closely, making her stand on her toes a little. “We’re married, so you’re not going to get rid of me.”

“That’s good to know,” she whispered. It then went quiet and she could’ve sworn she heard her heartbeat in her ears. He always made her feel this intense with such minimal things and she wanted to tell him, but simply didn’t know how and if he would understand. Or care even.

A few minutes later Jean-Pierre pulled up and they walked to the car. Raphael was about to open the door when he remembered he had to warn her, “I need you to know that you might see a side of me you don’t know. You might get scared of me, but I’ll try my best to hide it from you and to keep you out of this as much as possible. I promise this will all be over soon and things will go back to normal again.”

She pecked his lips and without saying anything entered the car. She was still extremely confused about what was happening and knew she was supposed to be scared, but didn’t know for what exactly. At first it seemed like keeping her in the dark was a good idea, but now she desperately wanted to know what was going on and what it was she had that they wanted.

“When we win,” Donat began, checking not only his cards, but Tobiasz’s too. The two of them always played individually, but together at the same time, meaning they both had their own set of cards, but helped each other out the entire time. They thought it meant that would gratify their chances of winning, but that rarely happened.

“We get Rose,” Tobiasz added.

To Raphael it wasn’t a surprise since he knew from the point they took her to the hookah lounge, but it infuriated him to actually hear them say it. His grip on the cards tightened as his eyes basically told them he wanted to kill them.

“And if we lose,” Donat began again.

“We get Rose too!” they both broke out laughing and the girls around them giggled along. “See, when we win we not only get the money, we get Rose too and we expect you to hand her to us. But, if we lose, we’ll take her too, but with more… force. Force will be included if you don’t hand her to us when we win, because we have some dirt on you, pryzjaciel.

“And what is it you have?” Raphael wasn’t afraid to fight and use force either to keep Rose and the way his cards were looking meant that exactly was about to happen.

“There are cameras everywhere here.” Donat and Tobiasz looked around the entire room slowly, emphasizing what they said. “Natalia sat right next to you, because we told her too. You probably didn’t even notice, but she has been moving her hands to places and doing things that make it seem as if… as if you to were extremely busy during this poker match. And you know we have some very excellent editing skills. We will send the footage to Rose and I don’t think she’ll be very happy when she sees what exactly you were doing while she was on her way back home, don’t you think?”

“And if that doesn’t work…remember how we had some cameras installed in her apartment too? We have some very nice things caught on camera and, again, I don’t think she’ll be very happy when she sees it, mainly because she’ll blame you. So either way kochana is coming with us, but it is all on you if you want to make it a tough process.”

Raphael placed his cards on the table, displaying a four of a kind, and stood up. “Bring it the fuck on,” he smiled before walking away, leaving the millions he had won behind.



“I’m back!” sang Taylor, dropping her bag to the floor before heading to the living room. “Your grandmother is such a bitch. Speaking of bitches, Beverly is moving, have you heard?”

“Moving? Where to? Why?”

“Ha!” Taylor went to the kitchen first before plopping down next to Rose on the sofa. “They broke off her engagement, no one knows why. She’s leaving next week, no one knows where to either.”

“Wow…” Rose gasped. She was not at all sad about Beverly leaving, but it came as such a surprise especially because she broke of her engagement too. Everyone always thought their relationship was kind of weird, since you could definitely tell Beverly was the one wearing the pants, but still.

“And your parents and brothers are in a serious depression, ‘cause you’re not picking up.”

“Ugh,” she groaned. Day in, day out they’ve been calling her and she still didn’t want to speak to anyone of them, even if they were sorry. “Oh, before I forget, I need to have a talk with you about school.”

“Oh, shit…” Taylor mumbled. She knew the principal wasn’t going to tell Rose how Taylor was such a wonderful student, because she knew she wasn’t. She just hoped he had kept his mouth shut about some things.

“You know I love you, but the things you say at school are a little… overboard. It needs to stop, because your principal is really not happy. At all. He’s thinking about expelling you.”

Taylor shrugged her shoulders; she had heard this a million times before already.

“You don’t care?”

“Hm, not really,” waved Taylor off. “I hear this shit all the time and guess what? I’m not going to change!”

“I’m not asking you to change, Taylor,” Rose tried to reason. “I just want you to show some respect at school. I mean, school is really important if you want to get somewhere in life.”

“Oh, please, like you know anything about that. It’s not like school helped you to come where you are now.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“it’s not like school brought you here. If it wasn’t for Mr. Gazillionaire, you wouldn’t be living where you are now as you probably would be living with your parents. Uh… you wouldn’t have your store open yet…  you wouldn’t own all these designer clothes, you get driven around in a fucking Mercedes S-Class. Do you want me to continue?”

Rose felt extremely offended. If it would come from anybody else, she wouldn’t mind as much as she did now. She had defended Taylor so many times in front of almost everyone, that only making matters worse. “Yeah, you can leave.”

“Look, Rose, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean—”

“It’s fine by me if you want to act like a bitch, just go be a bitch to someone else. I’m just trying to help, I’ve given you a place to stay, I don’t ask you for anything apart from having a little more respect for others and you want to say things like that to me? Goodbye.”

“Rose, please!” Taylor cried and almost went down on her knees.

“I got to go, but you better call Kerney or something to come pick you up again, because I want you gone when I’m back,” Rose dismissed before getting her coat and leaving.

“Good morning, Mrs. Ambrosios.”

“Let me help you with that, Mrs. Ambrosios.”

“You look lovely, Mrs. Ambrosios.”

“How are you today, Mrs. Ambrosios?”

It had barely been a day since they were now openly a married couple and people already treated her differently. From the start she had always been treated special, because she was Raphael’s girlfriend, but now that they got married it only got more extraordinary. Wedding gifts from designers and people she didn’t even know, people opening doors for her, pressing on the button of the floor she needed to go to in elevators, etcetera. It didn’t stop and now that she was at his office, it seemed to have reached its peak.

Normally people greeted her and very politely too, but now it got more intense. People that used to rush to get to work on time or file things for their boss now actually stopped to greet or talk to the boss’s wife.

“Top floor, Mrs. Ambrosios?” Rose was about to press the button, but the man that stood with her in the elevator beat her to it.

“Yes, thank you.”

Today would probably be the biggest day out of their lives, apart from their wedding day. They were going to the doctor’s to find out if Rose was indeed pregnant. Raphael wouldn’t allow her to go to her regular doctor, so he would take her to a private one.

When she reached his floor and his office, she noticed he wasn’t there.  She sauntered a bit through his office, but quickly got bored and tired so she decided to sit down in his super comfortable desk chair. She always liked sitting on it and every time when she was around, he let her sit on it while he sat on the chairs across the desk.

And as she sat down, she saw something on his computer screen. Normally she didn’t snoop through his things, but this really caught her attention since she recognized a lot of things.

She pressed play and damn near had a heart attack. She felt disgusted, betrayed and what not. Being way too shocked, she quickly paused the video and left his office. She was that distraught and upset, she didn’t even notice he was about to walk in when she walked out.

“Rose!” he called after her.

“No!” she yelled back and some employees had stopped what they were doing to watch.

He stood by his door for a little while, trying to figure out what got her that upset. But he soon knew why she was acting this way. When he turned around again she was nowhere, not even standing with all those people who were waiting for the elevator, so it wasn’t hard for him to figure she had taken the stairs.

After the first few steps she knew it was a stupid decision since she was on the top floor, but going back wasn’t an option.

He couldn’t quite see her, but he did hear her. None of his employees would ever take the stairs, even if they and the elevator were running late.


“You disgust me!” she shouted, her voice booming all the way throughout the stairway.

“Stop fucking running,” he ordered calmly, but she could hear him clearly. He loosened his tie a little and took several steps at the same time so he could get closer to her.


“There’s no need to yell either, baby. I’m not that far away anymore.”

She looked behind her just to make sure he wasn’t lying and he definitely wasn’t, but that didn’t mean she was going to stop running even though it was all to no avail. A few seconds later he caught up with her and grabbed her arm, making them both come to a halt.

“Why would you even do that? What is wrong with you?” she tried to get out of his grasp, but he held her even more tightly.

He was debating very quickly whether to tell her the truth or just go with what she thought. He knew that if she knew the truth, she’d feel extremely miserable.

She had not seen the entire thing—it was about an hour long—but she did know how the video would end. It started with her being half naked already and them just kissing and touching, but she reminded that night as if it was yesterday and judging by the length of the video, it was clear what was caught on tape.

“Why didn’t you even tell me you wanted to film us?”

“I’ll tell you next time.” He decided on not telling her. Right before she came he had received that email with the video. Now that Donat and Tobiasz knew that Raphael wasn’t going to give up on Rose this easily and he had won during poker, they had to put pressure.

Now the king of compromises, compromises that mainly benefited on his behalf, was getting messed with.

The Blackmailer was getting blackmailed.

“You’re disgusting, I do not understand how you can act like… like this! Like it’s okay you did it without my consent!” she shrieked. She was mad, steamed up as he just stood there looking at her as if she was stressing over nothing.

“Why are you here this early?”

“Why are you trying to avoid the subject?” she shot back.

He always knew exactly what to say to her to make her calm down and he knew she never stayed angry for long, so he wasn’t worried that he took the blame on himself.

“Why are you this early?” he asked again.

“Why are you tryi—”

“Answer my question, Rose,” he demanded and led her down the last few steps before resting on the actual floor. They were just two floors down, but it still felt as if she had run way longer than that.

“You can’t obligate me, I’m mad at you!” she tried her best to make him let go, but he still wouldn’t. When he pushed her against the wall it was even more obvious he wasn’t going to let her go. Before she was about to blow up, her phone started buzzing in her pocket and she saw she had a text from Bobby.

No stress xxx

It almost scared her how Bobby knew she was stressed, but then again she was a psychic so she was supposed to know. And as usual, Rose listened.

“Who was that?”

“It doesn’t matter,” she sighed, putting her phone back into her pocket. She felt his eyes boring through her and knew he wasn’t very content with her answer. “Bobby, it was Bobby. You were asking why I’m this early? Taylor and I had a fight and I told her to leave. Oh no…” reality then set in and that’s when she realized she had actually put a sixteen year old out on the street. “I’m such a bitch.”

He felt bad for her, because he knew Rose and Taylor got along really well and were like sisters to each other. But this also gave him the opportunity to get her out of that apartment now that it wasn’t very safe for her to stay.

Donat and Tobiasz knowing her name already went too far, but now they knew where she lived, what she was to Raphael and had all types of monitors installed in her apartment. It was definitely not safe for her to stay there and, since he still wasn’t going to tell her what exactly was going on, he could use the Taylor issue to get her to leave.

“Now you can come stay with me,” he instructed, rather than proposing.

“What is it with you bossing me around today? And I’ve told you a million times, Raphael, I don’t want to live where you live, because you live in the middle of nowhere!”

“Because it’s usual for married people to live together,” he explained calmly while she was the complete opposite of calm, even though Bobby had texted her just a few moments ago.

“It’s not like our relationship is very usual in the first place,” she mumbled and he acted as if he didn’t hear.

He let go of her shortly to do something on his phone. They stood there in the stairway in complete silence and she took the time he was busy to just stare at him.

The longer she stared, the less mad she became.

He noticed her looking and he winked at her, making her knees almost give in, before he turned back to his phone.

“It’s final now. Your things are being moved within an hour.” He locked his phone and put it back into his pocket.

“And I have nothing to say about this?” she insinuated. He did not reply and she knew enough. “Raphael, you can’t force me!”

“Don’t,” he squished her cheeks with one hand, “Argue with me on this, understand?”

“Or what?” she challenged, cocking her eyebrow in the process.

He closed his eyes for a moment or two and took deep breaths. “You need to behave, Rose. Obedience, I’ve told you this before,” he spoke, tranquil almost, but it was clear he was very serious.

“I’m not a dog,” she uttered and before she could say anymore, he had captured her lips with his while he still held her head steady with one hand.

When she tried to wrap her arms around his neck, he held onto both her wrists with his free hand and drew back.

“Be a good girl, Rose,” he whispered in her ear and turned her around so her back was now facing his front. “You need to start listening.”

“And you need to stop.”

“Stop what?” he whispered, his breath on her neck causing goose bumps to form all over her skin. “Answer me,” he demanded and nibbled on her ear afterwards.

“Stop,” she moaned.

“Stop what?”





“That… this! You just… ugh! You annoy me so much sometimes, I can’t stand you at the moment!” she yelled, which was even surprising to her. Usually when he was in that proximity it was hard for her to even think straight. “It’s just sick how you can expect me to be okay with you filming us and then you want to talk about obedience? Obedience, my ass!”

“Say that again?” he hinted.

“I think you hea—” She stopped talking when her jeans got unbuttoned and unzipped within the matter of a second and pulled down to her knees. “Raphael, what are yo—” yet again she stopped, but this time because of a sting.

“We’ve had this talk many, many times, Rose,” he spoke softly, rubbing the ass cheek he had just spanked. “You need to fucking listen. When I tell you you’re moving in with me, you fucking listen. Stop fucking complaining when you know what I’m doing is what I know is best for you.”

As much as she didn’t want to accept it, she was very turned on. And even though she was, she was still a bit upset about the video and that feeling surpassed her arousal.

She bent forward after removing his hand from her ass and pulled her jeans back up. “So,” she turned around to look at him, “I’m going back home, to the apartment, and tell your people to leave my things there, because I’m not going anywhere with you. Whether you want me to obey, behave, listen, be your pet, I do not care. You can’t force me to do so, especially after what you did. It’s sickening.”

He had the urge to come clean by the way she was looking at him. She looked very infuriated and knowing that he, indirectly, and the video were the cause of it didn’t really help to make him feel better about him not telling the truth. But he was a million percent sure she’d trip if she knew he wasn’t the one who had taped them.

“Rose, baby…” he begged and tried to caress her cheek. She quickly got a hold of his wrist to make him stop.

“Don’t baby me, please. Why did you even do it? Without telling me?”

This was, by far, the worst and most difficult cross-examination he’d ever had. Maybe even the only one, as far as he could remember, since no one ever had the balls to interrogate him like that.

He wasn’t prepared for this at all since he didn’t even expect her to ever see that video or know a little more about what was going on.

“Because,” he looked her directly in the eyes and realized he couldn’t come up with something to say. He just couldn’t lie to her. “Shit, Rose…”


When her hold on his wrist relaxed, he placed his hands on his cheek. He didn’t know what to say, so he might as well not.

She was caught off guard when he started kissing her, but she quickly did react to it too since it rarely happened that she didn’t.

As soon as the kiss deepened, her arms wrapped around his neck and he had pressed his body completely onto hers so there was no way out for her. It soon got way more passionate and rough, just the way they were used to.

“You drive me crazy,” she breathed when his kisses went from her lips to her neck. But she pushed him away when the sound of a door opening was heard.

She moved a little to look past Raphael and he looked over his shoulder to see who it was.

It was a cleaner, a very disoriented one at that. He just stood there, being absolutely perplexed.

“What the fuck are you staring for?” Raphael just about yelled. “Leave!”

The man all but squealed before leaving.

“Come with me.” He left no time for her to protest and he had grabbed her hand again before leaving the staircase to get to the elevator.

Once upstairs a line of employees stood in front of Raphael’s door, patiently waiting for him to come back.

One man took the responsibility and risk on him to speak to Raphael. “Sir, we all have some questions about the business trips.”

Raphael closed his eyes for a while. He always planned his business trips around the same time each year, because he knew that was when Donat and Tobiasz usually would’ve left and that was his way of relaxing. And now they were still here, but if things would go his way, not for long.

“Who was supposed to come with me to…”





“Oh, fuck this.” His language didn’t surprise any of them as they were used to it, especially when he was mad. “Just go without me, make sure you write everything down. If I find out you missed out on or messed up something, you’re fired.” And without saying any more, he walked into his office with Rose, leaving his employees stunned and stressed.

He sat down on his desk chair and had expected Rose to follow him to it. She just leaned against the closed door, demanding answers from him with her eyes.

He motioned for her to come over, but she shook her head. “Delete the video first, then I’ll come.”

“How do you know for sure I’m going to delete it if you can’t see from there?” he retorted smugly, knowing that was the way to lure her.

She came closer, but kept her distance. It was enough for her to still see the screen, but he lowered the brightness of it so she still couldn’t see.

She huffed before getting closer and, when she was close enough, he pulled her onto his lap.

“You annoy me so much,” she whispered and his chest vibrated from him laughing, unexpectedly turning her on at the same time.

“You sure you don’t want to watch it before I delete it?” she elbowed his firm stomach; it hurting her way more than it did him.

“Behave, Rose,” he warned as he moved her hair to the side to expose her neck. “You delete it.”

“Alright,” she agreed, however she froze for a moment. Every time he exhaled, his breath fanned her neck and every time he inhaled, his front met her back.

“What are you waiting for, Rose? Delete it.” What she couldn’t tell was that he was smiling. Today it took a while for him to make her mood switch, but after trying the entire time it was obvious it had now.

 She dragged the file to the bin-icon and then officially deleted it from there too. “Can we go now?”

“Stand up, then.”

When she did, she dropped her phone to the floor. “Move,” she demanded and he rolled his chair back a little so she could crawl under his desk. She got her phone and as she wanted to get up, she placed her hand on his knee.

“What are you waiting for, Rose?” A smile appeared on his face again and he watched down on her. Slowly he moved her hand further up his leg up until it rested on the bulge in his slacks.



“What are you doing?” their eyes were connected, but she could tell he was unzipping his pants.

It was soft to say he was sexually frustrated. It had been less than two weeks she told them they weren’t going to have sex for two months tops, but it felt way longer than that. “Just help me out, Rose.”

She watched him clench his teeth and close his eyes; it was like an ocean full of shudders washed over her as she did.

As soon as her hand was on top of his, he pulled his back and let her stroke his erection. “Good girl,” he groaned and rested his head against the chair.

Her pace altered several times. Her strokes on his thick length were either very gentle and unhurried or firm and fast.

“Fuck,” he hissed when her mouth replaced her hand. His eyes opened slightly so he could watch her as her head bobbed up and down. He grabbed a fistful of her hair and held onto it securely, that only triggering her to go faster.

When she felt him shiver, she paused. He cursed, thinking she was just going to leave him like that, but before he could say anything she kissed and licked all the way up to the tip. Her tongue swirled around the tip before she took him back in her mouth.

It didn’t take long for him to quiver again and then came in her mouth. It took all her strength not to take off her clothes and let him take her on his desk, so she too closed her eyes while she still sat on her knees.

“You’re such a good girl,” he breathed harshly, letting go of her hair and wiping the remainders of his cum from her lips.

“You told me I needed to behave, like ten seconds ago,” she laughed as she stood up.

“And you did behave really well, Rose. You behaved excellently. Your disobedience is forgiven now.”

She scoffed and rolled her eyes in response. “Hurry up, I’m hungry and I don’t want to eat hurriedly before our…” she was scared, really scared. There was a huge chance of her being pregnant, but since she had a miscarriage the first time that sometimes still haunted her, she was just scared. “Doctor’s appointment.”

                                                         The entire clinic was white. White walls, white floors, white desks, white chairs, and so on. It was scary to Rose and looked like it belonged in a move rather than in real life. Every single person that worked there was dressed in white from head to toe too.

The doctor came up to them and introduced herself to Rose since she already knew Raphael. He had deliberately chosen this woman since the people that worked at the clinic were mainly young men and he did not feel like seeing them touch her whatsoever.

A very good thing about this private clinic was that they didn’t have to wait for days or weeks to get the result of the blood test to know for sure she was pregnant.

The doctor walked back in and Rose whispered, “I’m so nervous.” Raphael soothingly held her hand in his, trying to calm her nerves

“I understand you’ve been pregnant before, but had a miscarriage?”  

He knew Rose had a hard time talking about it and he had no idea why the woman even bothered asking when she obviously knew the answer.

Raphael glared at her, letting her know no one was about to verbally answer, and she continued, “As long as you come to the check-ups and follow my advice, I will assure you this will be a marvelous pregnancy.”

“Oh my God…” Rose gasped.

Raphael lifted her off the examine table and simply stared at her with a smile on his face. She didn’t even know what to feel at the moment since she was scared for two reasons.

One, because of the way he looked at her. The look wasn’t threatening or anything; it was just that she had her suspicions as to why he was looking at her the way he did.

And second, she was afraid of losing this one too. The doctor was right about how if she just listened to the advice she’d give her, her pregnancy would go smooth, but she still feared for the pregnancy going wrong again.

“Aren’t you happy?” he questioned, sensing something was wrong with her. “You don’t want to have my child?”

The doctor saw that as her indication to leave the room.

“No!” she exclaimed repeatedly and he scrunched his eyebrows together. She noticed he was looking at her, all types of emotions flashing through his eyes at once, before she actually understood what it sounded like. “No, I don’t mean it like that! I am happy and I do want to have your child. I was just thinking.”

“About what?” he replied unconvinced.

“It doesn’t matter,” she said, her voice soft. “I’m happy.” Looking at each other intently, she realized he still wasn’t satisfied with her answer, so she had to show him. She grabbed his face with both her hands and kissed him.

The kiss was enough for him, but he purposefully didn’t react to it for a little while to make her try harder.

When she was aware of what he was doing, she pulled away and squashed his cheeks with one hand, just the way she liked to. “Stop looking at me like that, I know you like it when I do that,” she glowered, squeezing his cheeks even harder. “I think it’s going to be a boy.”

“No,” he disagreed, removing her hand from his cheeks. “It’s a girl, trust me.”

“Let’s bet.”

“It’s a girl,” he stated. A hundred percent sure he was. “When she’s born… what do I want?” he wondered out loud while pursing his lips briefly. “More children.”

“And when it’s a boy? What do I get?”

“Rose, it’s a girl. A girl,” he emphasized. “But just to keep you a little satisfied, you get my sperm.”

“Your what?” she shrieked, looking at him wide-eyed. “What do I need that for?”

“To make me more children,” he declared as if it was self-explanatory. “Isn’t that thoughtful of me, Rose? That’s how you make children.”

“I know that’s how you make children, it’s just… what? You’re so… so… I don’t even know.”

She gazed at him, trying to figure out if he was that serious about it. He was.

“But what if I don’t want to have anymore children after this one?” she enquired and all he did was laugh. “I’m not joking. What if I don’t want another child?”

“Then that’s not my problem.”

A groan left her mouth when he phone started buzzing again.


Bobby had texted with a lot of happy emojis.

Almost immediately all that Bobby had said fell into place. “How could I be so slow…” Rose mumbled to herself. “We’re having twins.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

“I swear we’re having twins. Trust me, Bobby said so.”

“Her again,” he huffed. He did not believe in any psychic type of things and sure as hell did not believe Bobby just because she was Rose’s friend’s mother. “Whether we’re having triplets, quintuplets, they’re all girls. Just watch.”

Now his phone interrupted him too, his message was just less cheery.

Time’s ticking, we want to leave with kochana, so come to the warehouse tomorrow.

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