Children of Night and Snow

By manon707

77.5K 3.7K 723

What if all your life you were told your future was bright? That you were perfect luna-to-be, that the boy yo... More

1. Once Upon A Time
2. Summer Solstice
3. A Price To Pay
4. Last Goodbyes
5. When Day Turns To Night
6. A Stranger's Kindness
7. The Nameless Woman
8. The Little Thief
9. Big Bad Wolf
10. Run For Your Life
11. A Life For A Blanket
12. Freya
13. When Summer Turns Into Fall
14. Scars And Tattoos
15. Stories Of The North
16. The Girl Who Came From Summerlands
17. Find Your Wolf
18. Inside Your Soul
19. Hear Me Howl
20. Duskfall
21. Photos From The Past
22. All Souls
23. Twins
24. A Place Called Home
25. Unexpected?
26. The Outcasts
27. Daily Routines
28. Into The Mountains
29. First Hunt
30. Hardest of Lessons
31. They Didn't Deserve You
32. Returns And Beautiful Dresses
33. Winter Solstice
34. Truth Hurts
35. Dragon's Eye
36. Lost Children Of Dead Alpha
37. Unexpected Change Of Plans
39. A Corpse
40. The Dead Queen
41. A Boy Who Belonged Nowhere
42. A Trip To Hot Springs
43. Lost And Found
44. Redhead With A Dragon Tattoo
45. Bad Omen
46. When All You Know Burns To Ashes
47. What Is The Price For A Life?
48. Nameless
49. The Girl Who Chose To Stay
50. No Goodbyes
51. The Beginning Of A Journey
52. Run For Your Life
53. Not The Same
54. The Lost Queen
55. Lava Fields
56. The General
57. The Military Outpost
58. Refugees
59. Swimming Pool Adventure
60. The Merciless Teacher
61. Holding On And Letting Go
62. No More Flower Crowns
63. The Power And Struggle of a Mating Bond
64. Now Fight!
65. Live Or Die
66. "So do I."
67. The Last Night
68. Into The Maze
69. The Twentieth Flare
70. Welcome Home
71. Mate
72. Time
Epilogue - The Girl Who Survived
Vocabulary + Book 2 Update

38. The Woman Who Stole The Necklace

837 42 6
By manon707

Two hours went by and thankfully, James, the merchant whom we were supposed to steal from and also my companion for the night, was becoming drunker and drunker. This made it much easier to communicate with Connor, but also Nolan and Lucia. And it also made it easier to fake my drinking so I stayed sober enough to pull this off.

"Okay, I think you've had one too many, mister! Come on, let's get you to bed," I said when he began stumbling over his words and feet alike.

"Only if you come with me," was his response and I swallowed the urge to roll my eyes as I smelled his alcohol breath. This was the tedious part of the job. But it also meant I was nearly done.

"Of course silly, how else would you get to your room? You can barely walk," I said sweetly. "Now you have to show me where to go though," I added as we stood awkwardly in the middle of the dance floor.

"Let's go then!" he replied all too enthusiastically before he nearly threw up on me. I really needed to get this over with before his alcohol breath knocked me out. Or made me sick as well.

"Careful," I whispered to his ear as I navigated the dance floor full of now drunk people, trying to pass by Connor before heading towards the stairs. When I did manage to find him, he looked like he was about to ask a lot of questions or at least really wanted to but was well aware that we could very easily be overheard and while the vast majority of people were drunk, the guards were still way too sober to miss this. I had a plan though. And I needed him to understand what I expected him to do, which is why I used James' lack of balance to forcefully bump into my partner in crime and use the momentum to hand him a folded napkin I scribbled my instructions onto mere minutes ago.

"Sorry," I mumbled apologetically, exchanging a brief look with Connor but also Nolan and Lucia who were dancing nearby, likely hoping to learn a bit about what the hell I was doing. It was safe to say tonight wasn't going according to plan at all and I was likely going to get scolded once it was over, but if I pulled it off, hopefully they won't be as mad.

"I'm just taking James here to his room. Seems like that last champagne was three glasses too many," I flashed an innocent smile to a guard standing by the staircase. If he wanted to question me before, he forgot about it now and simply moved the barrier aside so we could pass. I gave him a thankful look and carried on dragging the large man up the stairs. This damn necklace better be worth it.

"Where is your room?" I asked a question I already knew the answer to, but couldn't really risk he was drunk enough to not notice.

"Down the hall... to the left," he said, already half asleep. Great. If he passed out as we got in, I'd have plenty of time to work out the safe before it would get suspicious.

"Key?" I asked and he wordlessly handed me one. So far, I was doing alright. I dragged him inside and sat him on the bed. As I did so, he seemed to suddenly come back to life as he pulled me down on the bed with him. I nearly yelped and beat him up right then and there but thankfully I remembered why I was there to begin with.

"Now, now, you should rest or the hangover won't be pretty tomorrow my dear friend," I teased him, giving him more of my fake smiles, hoping, praying that he takes my advice and won't actually try something. Usually when I seduced boys, I did it with a clear goal and I didn't mind if their advances came with it. But this wasn't a high school boy, he was a man. Built like one of the mountains we were surrounded by, just like about everyone here. And while I was by no means helpless anymore, it still was not something I was interested in.

"But I don't wanna..." he whined like a little kid. Damnit. I really hoped he would just fall asleep.

"Come on now, you get some rest and I promise to leave a note for you to find me tomorrow," I gave him a mischievous wink.

"You're so beautiful," he told me and I chuckled inside. If he could only see those ugly burns from silver chains and the still raw scar from a massive gash in my thigh, he'd likely change his mind. But all those things were hidden under a tight black lace dress I chose to wear tonight. It was simple, elegant, but beautiful all the same. At least to me. I gave him a shy smile.

"But I have something that would make you look even prettier! Hold on," he said, his words slurred. I was about to get offended when he rolled over the bed and revealed the safe. I watched him unlock it in silent shock. Then he pulled out the very necklace I was about to steal from him. I almost laughed at how bizarre this situation was.

"Here, let me," he said and I just let him put the necklace around my neck, shocked at what just happened. It was cold and heavy. Even through the dress, I could feel the cold penetrating my skin. Just like the lands it belonged to. But I had no time to marvel on it's beauty. It was now firmly clasped around my neck and that meant all I had to do was to leave. James was still too drunk and currently trying to kiss me. That was my chance. And so, as if someone flipped a switch on me, I pushed him off and began screaming like someone was about to kill me. I did it all. Screams, cries, tears, covering myself in the corner in fear. And I just prayed that Connor read my note.

He did and next thing I knew, he barged into the room, two guards in tow. They tried to restrain him, but he was way faster and before anyone knew it, he was standing in the corner with me, shielding me away from James the merchant with his body and a perfect look of an angry concerned boyfriend. James, too drunk to comprehend the situation, began to profusely apologize for an assault he didn't even commit while trying to explain himself with his slurred speech. Necklace around my neck long forgotten in the heat of the situation I just created.

"What's going on?!" The guards asked as they began to drag me and Connor out of the room.

"What's going on?! This asshole just tried to assault my girl, that's what's going on!" Connor yelled back as we were pushed out of the door.

"That's not..." James tried to say something, but nobody really understood what exactly it was and I made sure of that by loudly sobbing whenever he tried to speak.

"Well, maybe she shouldn't have gone to his room then," the guard hissed.

"How dare-" Connor was about to attack when we heard commotion from downstairs. Even I hesitated for a second before returning to my role of a shaken innocent girl. This meant only one thing. Nolan and Lucia began to work. And while they were busy taking everyone's attention, Connor and I had to find a window to escape from. Figuratively speaking.

"Escort these two out of the premises. Mister Anderson, please remain in your room tonight for your own safety. I'll go check out what the hell is happening down there," one of the guards said to the other before turning to James with an order to stay inside. Poor drunk didn't even have the strength to respond before the door closed behind him. I wondered when he would remember that necklace which was still heavy around my neck as we were silently escorted out of the building. So much for my first packhouse visit. 

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