For You- A Dance Moms Fan-Fic...

By jackie_writes_dm

1.2K 60 17

10 Year Old Mackenzie is deeply depressed when her 12 year old sister Maddie gets run over by her own mother... More

Never Again
The Truth
Authors Note
Final Goodbyes Are The Worst
Final Goodbyes Are The Worst
Writers Block
Stupid Mothers
Unusual Injuries?!?
One Day To Soon
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ ɴᴏᴛᴇ
The Moment Of Truth

Things Change

124 6 2
By jackie_writes_dm

10 year old Mackenzie Ziegler loved her life. She had a wonderful family by blood and by ALDC. Mackenzie and her older sister Maddie were active dancers and only had one day off a week. Since there was nothing else to do on a Monday at 5:30 they played hide and seek.
"Ready or not here I come," shouted Mackenzie. Her and Maddie were playing hide and seek outside of their house. Mackenzie was taking forever to find Maddie.
"Maddie, where on Earth are you?" asked Mackenzie. She was very desperate to find Maddie. After another 20 minutes of trying to find Maddie, Mackenzie and Maddie had to go inside.
Maddie, Greg made dinner because mom is running a few minutes late. Come inside and eat," Mackenzie stated.
"Ok let me just call Kendall first," Maddie shouted back.
"We'll come inside once your done because for all we know there can be a crazy fan girl getting ready to attack you!" Kenzie said.
"Okkkkk" said Maddie. Mackenzie always made Maddie laugh. Mackenzie was The best according to Maddie. Maddie finally can out of her spot and just sat in her driveway because it was a perfect view of the stars.
"C'mon KK, answer," mumbled Maddie. Kendall didn't answer so Maddie decided to text her. Kendall still wasn't answering so Maddie just stared at the stars. Kendall was probably eating dinner.
As Maddie was staring at the stars, she started talking to them. "Shine bright forever stars," said Maddie. "You're beautiful and wild and free do enjoy it. Maddie wasn't hungry and she was getting more and more tired but the minute. It was also getting darker and darker by the minute so Maddie layed her body down in the driveway. She was clearly tired.
As Maddie was laying down, she heard a car but didn't realize it was coming into her driveway. All of a sudden, Maddie heard the sound of a car horn and the beaming headlights of a car. Maddie tried to get up but it didn't work.

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