Leaves // nomin

By peungin1510

598 42 3

Jeno and Jaemin are working for two different teams. Jeno helps the organization that brings homeless kids an... More



46 3 1
By peungin1510

Jeno listened attentively to everything that Renjun was saying. He was the one who got Jaemin in that situation and he'll be the one to help him this time.

Renjun pointed at Chenle who opened his laptop and projected something on the wall. That was definitely not a regular laptop. "What we know from the documents the main building is made into three parts. One which is open for everybody, The second one which is upstairs and everyone knows about it but only selected ones can get there and the third one which is a secret to almost everybody. You can get there through a main hall, there's a secret passage right here." Chenle pointed at the screen and the selected place zoomed in. Jeno knew about this building but had no idea about a secret door.

"And this is where you, Jeno are important.-" Renjun said turning to look at him. "You're the only one who can get to that building with no problem. We'll put a locator and a special earphone on you so we'll navigate you when you get inside. The plan is to just find Jaem and get the hell out of there. Do you understand?"

Jeno nodded even thought the prospect of trying to break into that place was frightening.

There was a call coming from Chenle's laptop and he quickly put it on. A boy, who must have been Jisung, showed up. It was like a phone call but instead of being on the screen he was projected on the wall.

"I think that you should start now. I saw Jaem hyung stats and they are stable. He's either sleeping or just laying down." Jisung said.

"Okay Ji we'll be in contact." Chenle said and hang up.

"Listen up Jen-" It was Mark this time who turned to him and put his hands on the younger shoulders. "-we'll have contact during the whole time so don't be afraid to ask about anything. As soon as you guys will be out there will be a car at the alley right next to the building, you know where right?" Jeno nodded. "Great, Chenle and Jisung will probably be in that car and they will drive you guys to the place where the airplane is. I will take Hyuck and we'll be waiting there for you together with Renjun. Do you get it?"

Jeno stared at him and looked at the other two boys. Even if both of them weren't big fans of him they still had faith in him. That was enough for him to know that he'll do no matter what to get Jaemin out of that place.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it."

Chenle clapped his hands and took two boxes out of his backpack. "Amazing, so now I'll just make you a 30 seconds tutorial on how it works. That's all you get so better remember it."

Jeno doesn't remember much from the rescue mission. He got into the main building but the receptionist wasn't there. To be fair it was 4 a.m. so probably no one was there. Renjun was giving him instructions where to go, it seemed like Jaemin's team knew this building better than Jeno.

The secret door was really there. It was hidden behind bookcases, not something original Jeno thought. As soon as he got there he felt the difference of the temperature. It was a lot of colder here than in in the main hall. There was only a corridor so Jeno doubted that whatever Renjun was telling him earlier was true.

He trusted Mark and he knew that his best friend wouldn't lie to him but he couldn't just throw away organization that was like family to him. Still the feeling of betrayal was there.

Jeno walked for a good 5 minutes before he saw first door but unfortunately for him, Renjun said to not go there. The more he walked in this weird feeling was lingering in his chest. People with superpowers not only could feel others who had superpowers but also were more sensitive to specific moods that every place had. This place was telling Jeno to not go anymore, to run away. It was a really awful feeling.

Renjun stopped him at the third door. Jeno could definitely feel someone there. Someone who had power. He carefully opened the door and slid into the room. Everything inside was white- walls, floor, 2 armchairs and a big table. The place was freshly cleaned and the floor was still wet. It meant that someone was there not so long ago.

The room seemed to be a dead end but Renjun told him that there must be a secret passage. Jeno walked around quietly and tried moving the chairs, but there was nothing. No way to go out from here, except for the door that he walked in.

Jeno was about to go out from this room when he heard something. There were voices coming from one of the walls. He couldn't tell who it was but from what he heard they were talking about bringing the president of the organization in. Jeno never saw him and actually had no idea how he looked like. Why would they bring him here?

After the voices were gone Jeno walked to that wall and tried using his power on it. No matter what nothing happened.

Now instead of Renjun, Mark was talking to him. He reminded Jeno of the motto that they had to learn by heart and that was written on the floor in the main building. Mark told him to try saying that and see if anything happens. Jeno was really sceptic about it but he tried nevertheless.

The effect was something that he didn't expect. Not only the wall disappeared but another room showed up. This one looked awful compared to the first one. Everything was dirty, there was no place to sit down and no light. Jeno could only see about half of the room.

He lighted fire on his right hand and slowly walked forward. This is the moment that Jeno hopes to get out his mind the most. The picture of what he had seen will forever stay engraved in his memories. 

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