Remedy (ShinKami Story)

By Lost-And-Never-Found

7.3K 263 237

Book 2 to Diseased. Takes place a few more years into the future from Chapter 40 (or was it 41?) of Diseased... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 6

435 13 1
By Lost-And-Never-Found

Denki was laying on the covers of his bed, in his hero uniform, as he was on call just in case, he stared at the ceiling. The words that his father had told him, hit hard. Harder than anything ever did. He feels tears prick at his eyes and he throws his arm over his face, trying to supress the tears that wanted to fall. He was hurting and he couldn't stop thinking about his mother. The memories were resurfacing and it hurt. Wiping his eyes, he decided to go for a walk. Hikori was at preschool and Hitoshi was helping Aizawa with somethings.


As Denki walked the streets, he tried to stop thinking about his mother and the horrid things that his father had spat. He stopped in his tracks and looked up to the sky. Closing his eyes, he breathed in the warm summer air. He heard people behind him. He turned to see a few people were behind him and, by a few he means a hundred or more, smiled and walked over. They were holding pictures of him, while some little kids were dressed up as him.

He took a pen from one person and signed the picture for him. He continued like this for a few other people before he crouched down in front of a small boy with blue eyes and black hair.

"What's your name, buddy?" Denki asked.

"Nakamaru Jasper." The little boy replied.

"And what's your quirk?"


"That sounds like a very cool quirk."

Denki smiles and takes off his sunglasses. He places them on the little boy's head.

"You are to take very good care of these, alright?"

The little boy nodded. The mum smiled and crouched down by her child. She took out her phone and took a photo of the boy and his hero. After a few more photos, Denki waved good bye and continued on his walk. As he went, he heard a scream. He turned to find someone harassing a trio of girls. Running over, Denki went in intervene.

"Leave them alone." Denki said sternly, walking over.

"What are you gonna do about it, blondie?" the male spat.

"I'm a Pro Hero so I have the authority to take matters into my own hands."

"Oh really?"

The guy shoved Denki, causing him to stumble back a bit. Denki didn't want to use his quirk or escalate the problem any further. But the guy wasn't easing off. He gave the man a slight shock to his arm, causing him to curse and stalk off. Once he was gone, Denki turned to the girls.

"Are you girls alright?" Denki asked as he turned to them.

"We're fine." The brunette smiled.

"Yeah, thanks, Chargebolt." The girl with the red hair agreed, while the silver haired girl just analysed him, causing Denki to become uncomfortable, but at the same time, do the same.

"What are your names?" Denki asked.

"I'm Tanaka Aiko." The brunette replied.

"Watanabe Akako." The red head waved.

"Who's your other friend? She looks oddly familiar."

"Oh! We're not with her. She came to help while we waited for some heroes. She doesn't speak Japanese." Watanabe and Tanaka walked off, leaving the silver haired girl behind.

The girl smiled at Denki. A smile that's all too familiar for him to comprehend. The big blue cobalt eyes shone with light. Her silver hair was half shaved. A single piercing was on the top of her right ear. She was wearing a crop top and denim shorts.

"Shira?!" Denki gasped, switching to his English.

"Nice to see ya, Denki. You haven't changed a bit." Shira beamed.

The two embraced. It's been years since they last saw each other. Before Denki moved back to Japan.

"How is everyone?!" Denki asked as he pulled away.

"They're doing good. The gang really misses you." Shira replied.

"Wait. The gang is still together?!"

"Yeah! We never separated!"

The duo continued to walk. Denki was leading her to the preschool, as it was time to pick up Hikori. As they walked, they caught up on all of the years that they've been separated. Turns out, Corey and Dante are getting married in a couple of months.

"So? What brought you to Japan, Shira?"

"I was so interested in the culture back in the day, and the group and I wanted to come to Japan, so I volunteered to come and scope out the place and find somewhere for us to stay and learn about some more of the culture."

"That's so cool."

"And for me to run into you, in this part of the city, then I know I'm making a good idea to find somewhere to stay in this part. Any ideas?"

"Well. There's a good hotel further in. I could show you tomorrow, if you want?"

"I'd love that. Thanks!"

They reach the preschool just as the bell signals the students to leave. The teachers stand at the doors and allow the students out once they see their parents. Once Hikori sees Denki, He throws his little arms wide and runs into his dad's arms.


"Hey, Buddy!"

Denki picks up his son and holds him on his hip. Once Hikori makes eyes contact with Shira, he grips tighter to Denki's shirt and tries to hide his head behind the collar of his jacket. Shira smiles at the boy.

"Shira? This is my son, Hikori."

"Hey, Kid!" Shira waved, knowing that Hikori couldn't understand English.

"Hikori? This is Daddy's old friend. Her name is Otterman Shira." Denki switched to Japanese so that his son could understand.

Hikori lets a small smile creep onto his lips, but continues to hide his face.


Denki, Shira and Hikori make it back to their house. Placing Hikori on his feet, he immediately runs off and jumps onto the couch turning the TV on to Pokémon. Their cat, Ash, padded over, her kitten, Bandit, bounding over and pouncing onto Hikori.

"Nice place you've got here, Denki." Shira said as she drank the water that Denki got for her.

"Thanks, Shira."

"Your son is so beautiful. He looks so much like you."

"Thanks. What about you? What are you doing now-a-days?"

"Oh you know. Travelling. Nice hero name and suit you've got there, Denki."

"Thanks! Being a hero is tuff but being a hero and a parent is way harder...! How about you? Are you a hero in Australia?"

"Yep. Somewhat. My Hero name is Shuri. The Shuriken Hero."

"I like it. It suits you. What about your hero outfit?"

"Oh. I basically look like a white ninja as my uniform colour scheme is white and silver."

The front door opened and Shinso walked through. He smiled at Denki but was confused with the person with him as the two turned to see him.

"Hey, Hitoshi!" Denki beamed.

"Hey, Denks. Who's your friend?" Shinso smiled.

"You remember Shira Ottermen, right? She was in my squad back in the day when I was living in Australia."

"She's the one that can make Shurikens, right?"

"Yep! She and the group want to come here for a vacation. I ran into her when I went for a walk and to pick up Hikori. I needed to clear my head after seeing my father. I ran into a trio of girls in trouble and Shira was there. I promised to show her around tomorrow. You know, inform her about Japan's culture and such?"

"Good for you, Denks. I'll probably be home so I can feed the cats, drop Hikori off at preschool, do the shopping and everything else."

"You sure? I don't want to leave everything to you!"

"It's fine, Denks. You've got a friend over and plus; I've been out for a few days helping Dad and some of the other heroes, so it's about time you got out for a while."

"Oh thank you, Toshi!"

Denki jumped up and wrapped his arms around his husband's waist, almost knocking the insomniac's coffee out of his hands.

"I've got to get going. I'll see you tomorrow, 'kay, Denki?" Shira asked.

"Sure. I'll pick you up at 8:00. If you give me your current address of the hotel you're staying at, I'll pick you up from there." Denki replied in English, earning a very confused glance from Shinso, whom has no clue at what they're saying.

Shira writes her hotel's address on a slip of paper and hands it to Denki before waving and saying good bye.

1416 words.

Sorry for the long wait for the update, I've been busy and have also been working on We're All Defective at the same time. Sorry again!

Hope you enjoyed.

Comment on which Aussie friend Denki should have an interaction/ run into next! (I just love reader input!)

Just a heads up, I'm not gonna be updating for a while as I've almost run out of internet and wont be able to update. When I eventually do, I'll probably update with a few chapters.

ShinKamiShipster OUT!

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