Lovely Scars {A Heath/Joker S...

By Kaylakuy

249K 8.2K 2K

Bella Wayne, better known as Bruce Wayne's daughter, has seen her share of crime in Gotham, working at the lo... More

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💎Bella Wayne (Character Profile)💎
🔥Gotham City🔥
🔥Masked Vigilante 🔥
🔥Serious Joker🔥
🔥Agent of Chaos🔥
🔥Everything Burns🔥
🔥Let's Put A Smile On That Face🔥
🔥Boating Fun🔥
🔥Madness As We Know It🔥
🔥Arkham Asylum🔥
🔥The Clowns View (Extras) 🔥
🔥The Beautiful Miss Wayne🔥
🔥Narrow Way (Memories)🔥
🔥Leaving Gotham (Extras)🔥
🔥Little Monsters (Memories)🔥
🔥Mask (Extras)🔥
🔥First Time In A Long Time (Extras)🔥
🔥Familiar Feeling (Extras)🔥
🔥Unexpected Call (Extras)🔥
🔥Mr. Pennyworth (Memories)🔥
🔥Mr. Wayne (Memories)🔥
🔥Scars (Extras)🔥
🔥Coming Back Home🔥
🔥Finding Jack🔥
Explaining Bella

🔥Crazed City🔥

12.2K 390 102
By Kaylakuy

I went with Ramirez and Stephens to give Barbara the news. And I hated these feelings that wouldn't go away. Sadness, confusion, anger. It's too much. We got to the house and Barbara saw us coming, opening the door before we reached it. From the look on her face, she knew something was wrong.

"No...." And my heart broke in two all over again. I never wanted this day to come.

"I'm sorry Barbara" I looked down to see Jimmy walk up, looking at us all. I started to well up. He looked so confused. And it killed me. I gently grabbed Barbara's arm, pulling her in for a hug, patting her back as she cried.

"If there's anything we can do, we're here for you" I felt utterly terrible for Jim's family. He loved them so much. And they loved him. It makes me sad to see all this happening. It never should have.

"Are you happy? Are you? You brought this craziness on us!! You did!! You brought this on us..."I moved to look behind me, seeing dad up above, looking at the ground. If only they just realized that he is doing more than they think. He's trying to protect everyone. But he's just one man. He can't do this all alone.

And it's just breaking him. That's why he thinks Harvey could do justice for Gotham. More than he could. But he doesn't realize either, that when the cards are down, everyone will realize just how much Batman has tried to do for everyone.

And they will feel sorry for ever doubting him. But for now, he's just a vigilante to them. Their afraid of what they don't know.

I looked back to Jimmy, seeing him staring up at me. The Gordon's are such a good family. They don't need this kind of pain. Or any for that matter. I gently let Barbara go, giving her a little smile, then bent down to Jimmy's level.

"You okay bud?" He looked up behind me at my dad, then back. Then hugged me, the tightest hug imaginable. And all I wanted to do was break down. But I wanted to be strong for this kiddo.

"You call me if you need me okay? And I will come right over." He gave a little smile, still looking slightly confused about what was going on.

"In a flash?" I grinned. Always for this little squirt.

"In a flash."


I watched as dad put his boomerangs up, staring at the Batman outfit. He was going to turn himself in. To try and protect people. He also told me that Rachel was the next target. And Alfred burned anything that could lead back to Lucius or Rachel.

"People are dying Alfred, what would you have me do?" Alfred got a thoughtful look on his face. Even in times like this, Alfred knows how to handle things. He knows when to stay strong and not back down. That's why he's one of the best men I've ever know. That's where I get it from.

"Endure, Master Wayne. Take it. They'll hate you for it, but that's the point of Batman. He can be the outcast. He can make the choice, that no one else can make. The right choice." That's right. Batman is supposed to be a symbol of hope. And he is to a lot of people. The events happening all around him or not his fault. Dad never meant for any of this to happen. He didn't tell Joker to cause destruction over him.

"Alfred is right dad. Batman to them is a strange figure that they're not used to. They honestly don't know what to think of him. When it comes to people that they just don't understand, they look at them like they are the enemy. But you have to show them that you're not." He looked at me, then back to Alfred. He knows we're right. But dad is so stubborn. But he does it for a reason. He doesn't want anyone getting hurt. That's not what he's about. He's not the villain here.

"Well today I found out what Batman can't do. He can't endure this. Today you get to say I told you so." No. Not happening. There's not reason to. Batman can't do everything. He's human, like us. He bleeds. Like us. And that's a fact I remind him oh so often about because I can't risk losing my father. Ever.

"Today, I don't want to..." I looked at dad, giving him a side hug, then we started to walk towards the platform. I couldn't help but smile from the look on Alfred's face. He's trying to make dad feel better. And usually, it always works.

"Well I did bloody tell you" Dad gave a little laugh. I grinned. Here we go.

"I suppose you're going to lock me up as well. As you're accomplice." I chuckled slightly. Dad would be so lost without Alfred. He's been there for him through thick and thin. And would never leave.

"Accomplice? I'm gonna tell them the whole thing was you're idea." I playfully smacked dads arm with a laugh.

"Dad!" He grinned down at me.

Harvey was doing the press conference today, so I was put on that to cover it also. Camera flashes kept going off, people chattering away. It is crazy. I stood by dad, listening.

"Ladies and Gentlemen thank you for coming. I've called this press conference for two reasons. Firstly to ensure the citizens of Gotham that everything that can be done over the Joker killings is being done." Everyone started talking at once, shaking their heads. I couldn't even think straight. So many things have happened. So many lives lost. When will it end? When Jack gets what he wants?

"Secondly, because the Batman is offered to turn himself in. But first, let's consider the situation. Should we give into this terrorist demands? Do we really think that he's gonna..." I don't think so. But Joker is going to blow up this city if we don't do something.

"You'd rather protect an outlaw vigilantly, than the lives of citizens?" I looked behind me to see this woman, a angry look on her face. Everyone was. But that's no reason to turn Batman in.

"Batman is an outlaw. But that's not why we are demanding he turn himself in, we're doing it because we're scared. We've been happy to let the Batman clean up our streets for us until now." Until now? He's done a lot for this city! He's saved a lot of people. But he can't do everything at once. He's one man.

"Things are worse than ever!" This is just insane. And Harvey made a valid point. Everyone was fine before, until all this chaos started. This shows you how fast people will turn on you.

"Yes they are. But the night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise you, the dawn is coming. One day, the Batman will have to answer for the laws he's broken. But to us, not to this mad man." I looked up at dad, seeing the intense look on his face. Then back to the crowd. These people are afraid of the unknown. And so they're willing to give up on Batman just because of that reason. What has this world come to?

"No more dead cops!!" Everyone yelled in agreement and clapped. I simply shook my head. This can't be happening.

"He should turn himself in." This isn't going as I hoped. But nothing does in Gotham. What can I do?

"So be it. Take the Batman into custody." The whole crowd started to mummer. I didn't know what to do. My eyes went wide and all I could do was stand there in shock.

"I'm the Batman." I whipped my head around upon hearing Harvey. What is he doing?!? I looked up at dad to see a shocked look on his face. He had no idea what to say. A couple of cops came up to the podium, handcuffing Harvey. I just stood there in shock.

A few minutes later, my phone started to ring. It was Rachel. Luckily I heard it in all this mess. I gave my dad a quick hug, then stepped outside.

"Hey." I already had myself braces for the wrath of Rachel. I knew she was going to be upset just from her huffing in the background.

"What is Bruce thinking?! Letting Harvey do this?" I shook my head, sighing. I wish I knew! But I can't read his mind. But if I know my dad, I know he'll make it right. I know he will.

"I don't know Rach. I'm just as much in the dark as you are." I heard her sigh on the other line. I know she's upset. And so am I. But we can't sit around being angry right now. We have too much to do and so little time to do it in.

"Can you come down to the jail with me, maybe help talk some sense into Harvey?" I sighed a tad. I don't know what I could do. But for Rachel, I would try.

"Of course. I'll meet you there shortly." After hanging up, I looked up at the sky. Gotham has never been an easy place to live in. But it's never been this bad. And I have a feeling it will only get worse.

Rachel and I reached the jail at the same time. She smiled upon seeing me.

"Bella!" She waved at me once she got out, walking to me with a stressed out look on her face.

"Hey Rachel. I swear this week has been nothing but trouble." She sighed. Why can't we have it easy?

"Tell me about it." We walked into the jail, to be greeted by Ramirez and saw Harvey sitting in a cell. That is one odd sight.

"I'm sorry I didn't have time to talk this through with you." Rachel was beyond pissed at this point. And I don't blame her. He clearly thought this through for a bit. But never once thought to tell Rachel. Who this would also affect greatly.

"What are you doing??" He shook his head, lost in his own thoughts clearly.

"They're transferring me to central holding. This is the Jokers chance and when he attacks then we'll take him down." Oh no. This was the plan all along? Are you kidding me? They're mad. It won't work the way they think.

"Listen to me. This is too dangerous." Rachel looked to me with a thankful look that I agreed with her on this. And I do because this won't end the way they think it will. They don't know him well enough.

"Harvey she's right. You shouldn't do this. It's way too dangerous." We walked out to see the SWAT team assembled in the back of the building, flashing lights everywhere. Madness.

"We get this guy to county he's their problem. Streets will be cleared along your route. So let's go!" I looked back to Harvey and gave him a look. He nodded his head at me, clearly seeing I wasn't happy.

"Don't worry Bella. We're going to catch him." I just sighed. That's not really what I want. But it's not like I can say that out loud without being sent to Arkham right then and there.

A tap on my shoulder brought me back from my thoughts. I jumped a little, then collected myself and turned around, my eyes widening a tad. A man in a police uniform was standing behind me.

He worked for Jack. He gave a little knowing smile. I remembered him. He was actually not a bad guy. He was pretty nice to me everytime I've seen him anyway.

"Miss Wayne, we could use your assistance." I looked back at Rachel and Harvey, seeing they were talking. So I went with him. Once we were a good distance away, I decided to ask him questions.

"What's going on?" He turned to look at me, never slowing his fast paced walk, and smiled.

"The boss thought it'd be better to have you with us. Safety reasons." I sighed. Again? Well I've got bigger problems at hand than to worry myself about Jack at the moment.

"Yeah, I've heard this a lot." He laughed. He could tell I was annoyed. And that's only one word for it.

"He really likes you. Never seen him like this before." Sounds like he's been with Jack for a while. But why me of all people? Because I'm related to Bruce Wayne? That seems to be the reason for everything on my life.

"How long have you been with Joker?" He smiled a tad. He seemed to genuinely care about Jack. Maybe he needs people like that.

"About a couple years. He recruited me when he lost a few men. More like killed them. But I guess I'm a lucky fella." I grinned. Good. Because I actually like this one. Hopefully he won't end up dead also.

"What's your name?" He smiled, a warm smile that I was actually interested. And I am. I like to get to know people. No matter their situation.

"Roco" I smiled. A pretty cool name for a pretty cool guy.

"And you already know my name" He laughed. About a minute later, we reached a semi parked on the street. I looked at him in confusion.

"Why the semi?" He just grinned. Clearly Jack does stuff like this all the time huh?

"You'll see." I just shook my head. I walked up to the car, hoping in to the passengers seat, not noticing that Jack was sitting there already. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me to his lap, making me jump.

"Surprise!!!" I thought my heart was going to explode at this moment. I don't know how much more I can possibly handle.

"Jack! What the hell??" He just laughed with humor showing on his face. And I looked over to see a guy staring at me.

"Jack..." He got a grin on his face.

"Just uh... borrowing his car." I looked out the window, to see a cop coming. Then the horn blew. I swear I'm surprised I'm not dead from a heartache yet. Jack set me down next to him, pulling a gun out. I froze.

"Hey you wait like everybody else pal." Jack jumped up, shooting the cop. I ducked down into the seat. He grinned at me, then jumped down out of the car, getting into the back. What the hell??

"Get the car moving!!" The guy in the drivers seat sped down the road, flinging me back into my seat. My heart was racing. Adrenaline.

He kept on driving super fast, taking us under a bridge. Up ahead I saw a SWAT car. He drove head on into the car, driving them into the water. I gasped. This just keeps getting worse.

He swerved all over the place, making me dizzy. He lined up with another SWAT car, when I heard the side door of the trailer open. I peeked out the window to see Joker, with a gun pointed to them. Yup, about getting worse? You see?

He open fired on them, multiple bullets flying at them. I put my head back into the car. No way in hell am I getting shot. But I couldn't help it. I wanted to see what was going on, so I peeked again. But this time, he had a damn bazooka!

He fired at them, the police car taking a bit of damage. I held my breath. He fired again, causing the police car to flip all over the place. Nope. Not what i signed up for.

Jack spotted me looking out the window, grinning. Then the grin faded. He was looking at something. I turned my head only to really freak out.

Dad was coming down the road in the Batmobile. He drove passed the car, then went right under the garbage truck. I swear he wasn't lying when he said the Batmobile can endure about anything. I looked back at Jack, to see him shrug.

He then got the bazooka again, aiming at the SWAT car, then fired. But dad took the hit. I gasped, really freaking out now. I tried to look for him, but couldn't see him. I'm just thankful the car was still for the moment. I looked out the window, just when Jack opened the door, climbing over me.

"Harvey Harvey Harvey Dent. Oh, excuse me I want to drive." He pushed the guy out onto the road. Then turned to me, grinning.

"Having a good time doll?" I smiled a little. I mean except for my dad getting fired at, it hasn't been all that bad. It's actually pretty entertaining.

"Maybe...." He grinned. He could see something in me that I didn't know about myself. A whole other side.

"That's my girl." He drove off again, taking out cars as we went, still following the SWAT car.

"I like this job I like it." At least he's having fun. Me on the other hand... Jack pulled a walkie talkie out, talking to some of his guys.

"Okay rack em up. Rack em up, rack up, rack em up" I looked up in the sky, to see the helicopter over head start spinning out of control, then crash landed on the road, hitting the SWAT car on the way.

Jack broke out in laughter. We continued flying down the road, when dad came crashing into the road, halting the bike.

"Now there's a Batman." Dad came flying down the road towards us. My eyes widened.

"Oh, you wanna play? Come on." I kept looking from Jack to dad, freaking out. I have to stop Jack. I don't care if he flips out on me. That's my dad.

"Come on." The bike flung out a rope, attaching to the semi. Dad drove under the semi with it. Oh no....

"Jack stop!!!" The next thing I know, we're flipped into the air, the semi turning over. I felt numb. Everything was blurry. How the hell did I survive that?? I slowly rose my head, hearing Jack huffing. Thank goodness.

"Bell???" He grabbed my arm, pulling me out of the window.

"Jack? Are you... okay?" He grinned down at me.

"Never better." He gently kissed my check, propping me up on the side of the semi. And the feel of paint was left were he kissed me, making me smile a little.

He starting wobbling once he got up, accidentally shooting the ground on the way back to the ground. Then rose, walking down the road. He shot at the cars coming towards him. Then I saw dad coming back. I slowly rose from the ground, getting my footing back.

"Come on hit me. Hit me!!" Dad came full speed ahead at him. I can't even look.

"Hit me!!" Dad swerved around him, sliding the bike into the semi. One of the men flipped him over. He tried to touch him, but the electricity from the mask shocked him. I grinned. I always knew that was a awesome adjustment.

Jack came running up, laughing manically, kicking the fallen guy. He crouched down over dad, when a SWAT guy put a gun to him. I froze.

"Uaaagh! Can you please just give me a minute..." The man pushed him to the ground, holding his arm down with his foot.

"We got you ya son of a bitch." I looked closer at him when I heard his voice, and almost lost it.

"Jim???" He turned his head to me, a look of shock rolling over his face. Yeah tell me about it!!

"Bella! Are you okay? You're not harmed are you?!" I covered my mouth with my hands, tears welling in my eyes. He's alive after all.

"I'm fine. But you..." I could barley speak at this point. Jim's alive. He's okay.

"I know." He gave a little smile. Very clever Gordon. I looked back over to dad, to find him gone. Where did he go? I followed Jim to the SWAT car, wanting to make sure Harvey was okay myself. He pulled open the door, to show Harvey with a shocked face.

"Gordon..You do like to play things pretty close to the chest." Yeah tell me about it. This is too much for one day man. But Jim simply smiled a proud smile.

"We got him Harvey." They grinned at each other, shaking hands. Then Harvey noticed me, smiling.

"Bella. What are you doing here?" I sighed. I can't even explain it at this point. Even if I wanted to I couldn't.

"That's a very long story my friend." He laughed. Today has been one hell of a rollercoaster. I have had hardly any time to breathe.

"Mr Dent! How does it feel to be the biggest hero in Gotham?" Of course all the reporters were lined up just waiting for their five minutes with Harvey Dent. I'm so glad Ed doesn't have me doing stuff like this. He knows I wouldn't anyway. I like formal interviews. Not go all up in their face interviews. Not classy at all man.

"No, I'm no hero. Gotham's finest, they're the heroes." Jim is a damn hero. He lived. And came back out here for the greater good when he could have taken advantage of what happened and hid.

"But you and your office have been working with the Batman all along." No they haven't. Believe me. Dad probably wouldn't do that anyway. He just likes doing his own thing. His way. But it all is good for the city.

"No... But I trusted him to do the right thing." And I think he did. He showed up and fought for us.

"Which was?" Harvey simply laughed, a good natured laugh at the people, seeming a little less tense.

"Saving my ass." And that he did Harvey. That he did. Now the next thing. Jack's in jail. Which is where I'm heading next. I swear the things he's gotten me into lately is just insane. Only him......

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