(Canceled) Hiraeth - Couthyhu...

By YonderBlue

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Hiraeth: A long for a home you never had... The world has fallen. It was called, The Day. Most people are a... More



194 4 10
By YonderBlue

" France? " Britain asked shifting slightly. France shook her head, looking down at Britain, half in her lap.

" Oh, Britain are you alright?! " France gently helped him sit up. Britain pushed his hair back, rubbing his head. " Yeah, I have a bit of a headache but I'm alright. What happened? " he asked tiredly.

France bit her lip. She hated telling him about his hybrid or feral side. It always triggered terrible memories. France opened her mouth to speak but was quickly cut off by a loud noise. France sighed and looked over at Britain who chuckled at her reaction.

" Andorra must have found the piano again " Britain smiled, placing a hand on top of France's. She smiled at the warm feeling he gave her, and his happy cheerful smile. Even after everything he was still able to be happy.

France smiled back slightly, before tilting her head back in exhaustion. " I suppose I should go and grab her before the piano keys go flying, " she chuckled trying to lighten the mood.

No reply. She didnt blame him though, it must be hard to be a hybrid. A cleared one at that. Normal life wasnt easy, France couldnt even imagine. Opening her eyes, she looked up to Britian who had already extended a hand to her. France greatly took his kind gesture, standing up and brushing her hair back.

" Thank you " she closed her eyes. Britian just shook his head in response still listening to the racket that Andorra continued to make. France took a large breath of air before wandering out of the room towards hers, where the piano was kept.

The halls seemed extremely dark and somewhat threatening to a point.

Andorra found pianos interesting. She was told they make noise, she saw France and Britain hit the black and white keys before, but nothing magical happened.

So it was time to see how it worked. She hit one key, nothing met her deaf ears.

She hit another, and she could only see it bounce up. She hit a lot with both her hands and they just bounced back up and she could feel a vibration go off.

She kept banging it until she felt an all too familiar aurora. She turns excitedly and saw France with Britain behind her. She gets off the stool and hugs France's legs.

France chuckles, she goes to Andorra's height then hugs her.

Andorra lets go and signs all about the vibrations the piano makes.

France chuckles more. 'Vibrations?'

'Yes!' Andorra takes France's hand and leads her to the piano. 'Play it! You'll feel it!' She excitedly signed.

France sighed and beckoned Britain to come over. He picks up Andorra and sets her on his lap.

"What shall we play?"

"Maybe the one we've been practicing."

Andorra beams when she feels the vibrations, but they're much more connected and go as a beat. She relaxes and enjoys the music, even though she can't hear it.

France glances over at Britain, he was smiling while Andorra was on his lap. Andorra was so relaxed, and Britain was so happy.

Her smile fades. Britain had surely moved on now. Their relationship was left in memory, and replaced with them just being friends. France hated to admit it but she still loved Britain. But she couldn't show it. She was the one that ended it all.

The song ended.

Britain looks at France. "You're still as good as always."

France smiles.

Andorra bables to get their attention. 'Did you hear the vibrations, the ones to the right were faster while the ones on the left were slower! What does that mean?!'

France looks at her. 'The one's on the right are higher pitched, and the ones on the left are lower.'

Andorra asked question after question about the noises.


"Listen. You need to be more careful with fire, Japan." Belarus said while wrapping Japan's burn on her hand.

"It's not my fault Syria keeps bringing his walking stick everywhere. AND his 'way of seeing' is wacking everything he feels."

"Threatening him with a flamethrower, then burning your hand, wasn't the best idea." Bel finishes. "Now I'll make sure Syria is careful with his stick or I'll have Martial take it away."

Japan looks at her hand then up at Bel. "Thanks Bel."

She takes her flamethrower and heads to her part of the abandoned train. It had metal sealing that she added because fire and old wood does not mix.

Japan was a regular country (she's not a neko) with a handy personality. Her hair was up in a bun and she wears a worn out light blue shirt with a jean jacket and protective gray pants. She always has her goggles on that were used to protect herself from fire. Lastly she wore large gotlets that are fireproof.

She sat at her desk and there was a part she was fixing. She took a wrench and started tightening a screw. She looked around on the cluttered desk for a place to put the tool but failed to find one. She had been so caught up with tinkering things that the desk had run into a state of disarray.

Japan hums as she can't find the right piece.

"J.A.P.E." Japan yells.

A little robot turns on and squeaking noises. JAPE was one of her most proud works, or Japan's Assistant Plus Entertainment for technical terms. Although Japan put countless hours into J.A.P.E it somehow seemed to inherit a distasteful attitude. JAPE had a box kind of body with a screen for a face, which had countless reactions. He had two tentacle arms on each side of his box-body. He also had little caterpillar tacks for legs and mobility.

The bits and pieces of J.A.P.E were some of the only remaining things she had from before the war. When she first started with its creation, China was more then happy to help, being one of Japan's best friends and a wiz at coding and anything design.

J.A.P.E was her last living rement of her best friend who was still alive, but did not seem to have much time left. Japan couldn't even bring herself to visit under the pressure and failure of her past. "Where's my screwdriver?"

JAPE beeps and tells Japan to look for it herself.

"Don't make me get the water bottle." Japan looks at JAPE.

JAPE beeps complainingly. Japan just rolls her eyes. JAPE gets the right screwdriver with his arm that could extent and recoil, and puts it in front of her. "Thanks, now go charge, we're heading out here soon " she shoo's the robot away frustrated. J.A.P.E hovers above Japan for a brief second before beeping once more and floating away.

" Stupid robot " she huffs, not really meaning it. Things were so overwhelming lately. Being the smallest of the Mafia's wasn't easy. Europe and the few stray rebels liked to pick on the group, occasionally stripping it of needed resources especially for the injured of the party.

Mashal was usually able to scare them off but not easily.

Japan goes back to her work. She was fixing a small box, an old friend had given it to her for her to fix. She opens it and sees a could of loose wires and a couple of other parts she didn't recognize at first. She puts a bobbin-like thing straight on and uses the screwdriver to make it stay.

Next, she saw a winder, she tightened it and it started clanking, she didn't expect it and let it go.

Suddenly music started playing. She realizes the box was a music box. It played slowly and she knew.

A small folded slip of paper fell out, bouncing off the table and onto the floor. She raises an eyebrow. Japan picks it up and opens the paper. It was withered, its corners yellow and crinkled small cracks surrounding the folded square. She quietly gasps.

One the paper, or it wasn't paper, it was a photo. The photo had 54 people in it. All of America's states, plus himself, DC and his two older brothers American Union and Confederate States of America. All of them were smiling and happy. Had to have been before the War.

Union died due to heart cancer not too long after the State purge happened. Then Confederate died due to his broken heart. Those two could never stay far apart for that long either way.

But all the states looked so excited. Japan wasn't the smartest, but she could make out a few of the flags. Utah, Colorado, Nevada, Rhode Island, Hawaii, California, The Dakotas, Georgia, and little Alaska, all bundled up in America's arms.

Each State seemed to be in an adventure all on their own in the pic. One was pickering another, one was freaking out with how someone was going to fall on them, and she saw how Rhode Island was being held by Texas who was a lot bigger than him, and by their faces, they knew it.

Japan closes the picture as the music box's music has ended. She puts the picture back in the box and closes it. That picture meant so much more than what it looked like.

The thought of her own states, including her capital. Tokyo...

She takes the box and goes over to JAPE's charging station. She knocks on the top.

" Come on J.A.P.E were leaving " she starts for the door. J.A.P.E quickly boots up and he starts beeping annoyingly. "Come on, I'll carry you, but open your holder."

J.A.P.E opens a small slot and Japan places the box in. The Robot closes the slot and beeps for her to pick him up now. Japan sighs and picks up the Robot and puts the staps on his back to her back and he looks like a robot back. Sometimes he seemed more like a child then a robot.

Japan makes her way out until she sees Philippines sharpening a sword.

"Hey, Phil." He looks at her. "I'm heading out, if you could tell Singa." Phil does not respond but rather nods returning to his task. Japan shook her head. No one paid attention to her. Other than J.A.P.E who constantly bombarded her with things. Japan didn't mind though. It wasn nice to be left alone.

Stepping outside Japan looked at the sky, its blue glaze shining back down. She could practically smell the cherry blossoms in the wind. Smiling weakly she set out, her boots crunching loudly on the dead leaves and vegetation of the forest. She was in the middle of a thick forest with trees with thick branches and trunks. J.A.P.E beeded needingly, interrupting the moment.

" What do you need now? " The bot beeped back quickly to her. "Oh..." She huffed deeply. "Him. You know what to do." she whispered as quietly as she could.

J.A.P.E uses his arm that can extent far, to go up into the trees, grab something- or someone.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait!" The person was grabbed by JAPE and thrown into a bush in front of Japan with a long pained groan.

"Nice try." Japan launted.

"You got lucky..." The person replied from the bushes.

"That's what you said last time, round eye." Japan chuckles at the nickname.

The bushes shook as the person inside got and revealed themselves. "Really? The racist nickname again?" America asked. "At least I don't call you, Squinty." He huffed.

Japan rolls her eyes and puts a hand out to help. America takes her hand and she pulls her American friend out of the bush.

"Well, next time, you'll be the one thrown into the bush!" America said determinedly.

"We'll see about that... And hey, I got your box fixed." Japan put J.A.P.E. on the ground and opened his container where the music box was. She took it and saw America's gray eyes light up. Here you go.

"You fixed it!" America took it and practically hugged it. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! Japan-san!" America's energy rises.

Japan smiled. " I found a photo inside it.. I hope you don't mind me looking at it. " America's bright smile fades slightly, hugging the box closer.

" Oh, no, its alright... " America calmed down and tensed. "That picture contained all 51 of my states, plus myself, Union, and Confederate... It was taken February 20th, 1990... The year before the State purge..."

Japan looks at his shaky hands. She feels a tinge of guilt. She was the one who brought up the picture. " Would you like to tell me about your states. I know a few but... " she looks at him hopefully.

Ame chuckles ever so slightly. " I-... " he stutters unsure. " Yeah.. Yeah that would be nice " he looks to Japan. " Besides, it looks like it's going to rain. " The red, white, and blue flag pointed up towards the sky.

Japan had been so busy she didn't even notice. The once blue sky had now turned a dark black, rain threatens to fall at any second. " Come on, I know a small cave not far from here. He can camp out there until the rain passes. " he guides her forward.

America was always the person to ask for any questions surrounding the geography of the islands. He had been hunting and surveying each one since the day, and made special maps privy to each island. Although he was a rebel, America would help, but tried not to steer to one group.

The two tracked along through the forest, not long after finding a small dark cave. Japan looked at it for a quick second, praying that there were not wild animals or other rebels at that. " Don't worry this cave is empty. I store some of my important items in this cave. Australia and New Zealand wouldn't even try to come near here. To many scouts. " he smiled in the dark.

Japan shrugged walking in as America grabbed a small lantern and flicked it on. Japan looked closer. There were a few trunks of carved wood, most likely holding his things. Two large stones, shaped like chairs, sat in the middle, a small fire starting in the middle.

" Welcome to my home. It's not much but it's home " He smiled. Japan chuckled. He could always make the best of things. She walked over, placing JAPE down, before sitting on one of the stones.

" Now my states " America took a seat, the sound of pouring rain and a cracking fire binding together.

"You don't have to talk about it, if you don't want to..." Japan reaches a hand halfway out.

Ame shakes his head. " It's alright. Been a long time since I've shared a story like this." He stares at the fire while thinking of the warm story. " This one all started a long time ago..."


Utah and Colorado were in Colorado's car, heading up to the Rocky Mountains.

"This is so exciting, Colo!" Utah said, her eagle wing slightly flapped while she was seated. "We haven't been up skiing in a loooong time."

"I know, and Arizona and New Mex. are so lame, they would rather wait for the snow to melt! How would we go skiing if we did?" Colo kept his eyes on the road.

"I don't know..." Utah shrugs. "But anyway, we're up here now!"

"Yeah." Colo smiles.

He pulls into the parking lot and both of the states get out of the car. They get all their skiing gear on then walk to the lift.

They get on the lift and head up to the mountain. "Wow! Look at all that snow!"

"Yeah!" Utah replied.

" It's been a record year, we should have plenty to do. Just watch out for trees. We don't need to go home and tell dad someone has a concussion from a tree. " Colorado punched Utah in the shoulder. "Not again..."

Utah shook his head. " If anyone is to run into a tree it's you. Remember that time I had to save you from the side of a mountain? " He mentioned. Colorado let out an awkward laugh.

" That wasn't my fault "

Utah didn't need to stay around any longer. She started down the hill saluting slightly at Colorado. " I'll race you down! " he belted, gaining speed on the icy fluff.

It had been a while since the two had been out on the snow. Their dad was overprotective to a point and always thought of the worst. It took some convincing but finally he let them free. Although some of the younger states wanted to track along too.

Turning back to the icy landscape Utah smiled. It was nice to be out, especially in her brother's state. Coming to a halt at the end of the mountain, Utah waited patiently for Colorado to finish his round before they could head home. It wasn't a lot but the temperatures were dipping and Utah had already lost the feeling in her fingers.

Still waiting for his brother, Utah turned his head hearing a small squeak from the snow. He dismissed it as a stray chipmunk, or even a fox but the squeak persisted and caught Utah's attention. Colorado was taking longer than usual, so he had an excuse to investigate.

Wandering over further to the left, Utah noticed the snow seemed to move. " What... the...? " she whispered to herself cautiously towards the noise.

A little white, fluffy head poked it head up when Utah stepped on a stick. The state gasps.

It was a tiny white fox with a slight brown muzzle. It squeaks and stumbles through the snow while trying to get to Utah.

Utah takes a step closer and the baby white fox squeaks-chirps. It sounded like it was asking for help.

Utah took a glove off and raised it out towards the small fox. It looked at her for a brief second, before stepping closer and sniffing it. " Poor thing... Just wait here for a second. Colorado should be here any time now "

Colorado had finally made his way down. "Sorry about the wait, I got a little lost." He chuckles, he then sees the little white fox. "Ute? Where'd you get an Arctic fox?" he asked, coming closer.

" I found the poor thing. It looks hurt. " Utah said, staying close to the kit.

Colo came up and looked at it. It had a sprained paw, and a bite mark on it's side. " Looks like it either got in a fight or was abandoned by its mother. "

"But either way, humans must have had her, because an Arctic Fox lives in... Well, the Arctic."

Centennial hums as he thinks. He looks around. "We can't leave her here."

"Duh! Of course we're not going to leave her here." Utah said, giving him a light hit on the head.

" I might have a med pack in the car but we're gonna have to keep her warm 'til we can get back home. "

Utah nods and picks up the small kit. The two states make their way down the rest of the hill until they get to the car.

Colo opens the passenger seat and Utah sets the kit on the seat. Colo goes in the back to get a med kit when he makes a fuss.

He looks down at his hand and groans. " Dang it. I have some frostbite. Dads gonna flip! "

Utah laughs. " I have some too. " she holds up her ungloved hand.

Colo sighs. "Next time, let's not Ski for 12 hours."

"Yeah, good point..." Utah looks at the baby Arctic Fox. The baby was shivering a little. " Don't worry we got you. Colorado deals with this kinda stuff all the time "

The Baby Fox squeaks, quietly. Colo then comes around and has a med kit.


Colo and Utah were driving back and only had a couple of minutes left until they reached the giant mansion they lived in.

"So what are we going to name her?" Colo asks.

"I don't know..." Utah looks in the back where the Arctic Fox Kit was nested in a blanket, and the jackets of Colo and Utah, because they were getting the protective parent hormone. Utah shivered slightly, the cool autumn air surrounding her. "What about Utah Jr?"

"No." Colo replied.

"Colorado Jr?"

"I like that one."

"I was joking..."

" That's just not fair. "

"Let's just come up with a normal name." Utah rolled her eyes. "How about Tiny? "

" We already call Alaska, tiny "

Utah looks at him. "We are going to have to change that name, Alaska won't stay tiny for long..." Colo gave her a look, " Fine, how about... Milken?" Utah looks outside.

" That... Has a nice ring to it. Let's do it " He smiles, pulling into the driveway.

" Alright, let's take care of Milken before we tell dad about the frostbite. I don't want the lecture again. Also try to be carefull with her too. I'm afraid she will freak out with all of the younger states being as loud as they are " Colorado said looking at her. Utah faces him.

"So then... You get a head start and tell me when to come in and out, because if dad won't take Milken away, Delaware, Virginia, New York or Vermont or... etc, will. You know, the oldies."

"Eh, the oldies but the goodies." Colorado shrugs walking inside the house.

" Dad, I'm home! " he calls, looking around the mostly empty house. Randomly out of nowhere, states started to pour out from rooms, running downstairs. The loud yells once again returned.

" Colorado! Where were you two?! " America yells, peeking his head around from the corner, Alaska in his arms. "And speaking of two, where's Utah?"

"She hit a tree and died on the way down, so she ain't coming back. " Colo smiles nervously, shaking the snow off of his boots.

America did not look amused.

While Colo was distracted, Utah sneaks up to the Four Corners room and goes into the bathroom, trying not to gain New Mexico's attention. She locks the door and puts Milken in the sink.

"Alright, let's give you a nice warm bath." The kit squeaks. "Don't worry about Colo, he's fine."

Suddenly someone bangs on the door. Utah gulps. " Utah what are you doinggg " NM asks.

"Crap- Nothing!"

" Mhmm, what did dad say about locking yourself in the bathroom?"

Utah was quiet.

" Don't lock the door. If you don't come out I'm going to go and get him "

Utah rolls her eyes. " NEW MEX! PLEASE! Just leave me alone for this one time " she pleads.

" Sorry can't do that " Utah listened to his footsteps walk away.

" Great, just great " she looks at Milken. "We are in so much trouble." Milken squeaks.

" Dad, dad, uhhh " Utah hears Colorado trying to make an excuse. "Utah's playing with a hive! Don't let a bee come out! Please!"

America looks at Colo who was gripping onto him and dragging. "Really? If she was, she'd be watching the Bee Movie with them."

Utah tensed, it was true... She picks up Milken and puts her in the tub and closes the shower curtain so she wouldn't be seen.

At the same time America knocked on the door, "Ute, open the door."

"...Yes, Papa." Utah opens it slowly. She smiles weirdly trying not to look suspicious.

America looks at her sternly. "Ute, you know the rules about locking a door."

"Yes. I do. Papa." She looks down.

America then turns to Colorado. "And you should know better than to distract me. I have 49 other states to keep track of." Technically most of them were adults, but America was just being over protective.

Colo slumped. "I do, father."

" Alright, is that it? Or is there something you want to tell me? " America asks, looking at the two.

Utah waves her hands in the air. " Nope, that's it, nothing else. Nothing at all. "

America notices something funny. He looks back at Colorado and notices the same thing. "Centennial, Ute." America's stern look softens to worry. "You two have frostbite!" He takes Utah's hand looking at it closer.

"Oh... We forgot about that..." Colo replies smiling, waiting for the lecture or punishment for staying out too long...

America grabs both of their arms and pulls them to the living room and sets them against the fireplace. "You two stay here and get warmer, until I get medicine." Colo and Utah look at each other. Utah scooches closer to Colorado.

America leaves. "Where is Milken?" Colo whispers.

"She's in the tub, hidden."

"Well, not for long..." Colo says, seeing Arizona and New Mex head up to their room.

New Mexico and Arizona were chatting until New Mex says that she hears something. Ari follows her.

The two warmer states head in the bathroom, and hear a squeak." What was that? " New Mexico asks.

" It sounds like a mouse " Arizona hides behind NM.

NM turns to the closed shower curtain and slowly opens it. She and Ari don't see anything but a white tub, until Milken pokes her head up and her brown eyes are seen.

The two states scream, and for different reasons. New Mexico was screaming out of surprise, while Ari was screaming because the Arctic Fox was a fox version of the Arctic and Ari wasn't good with cold.

Utah hears the scream from above them. " Great, here we go. "

She quickly scrambles up, grabbing Colorado's sleeve dragging him upstairs with her.

They see Ari and New Mex come running out. "AAAHH! The cuteness is going to kill me!" Ari said while climbing into the taller Colorado. "The fluff is going to kill me!"

New Mex hides behind Utah, "What is that?!"

Utah does a face palm. " We don't have time for this! " she yells, pulling Colorado into the bathroom before locking the door. "Milken?" She looked in the tub and Milken was in the corner just fine, but her face was saying, 'What the fluff?'

" What are we going to do?! Dad is going to KILL us " Utah runs a hand through her hair.

Milken goes up to them and squeaks. "Great." Colo said, looking at the Kit. "She's hungry now."

"Maybe we should just tell dad... We can't hide her forever."

Colo looks at her. "I think you're right..."

America bangs on the door. " Utah... Colorado open this door... Now. " He says, clearly angry.

Utah and Colorado jump. " We're so dead... " Colorado shakes his head.

"Well, at least we die together." (Poor choice of words). She takes his hand. "Let's just tell him."

Colo nods and picks up Milken. He and Utah look at the door. "Dad, if we tell you what we're doing... will you get mad?" Colo asks.

America was taken by surprise, he could tell that those two were scared. "No. I won't get mad... But you have to tell me what's up."

Colo looks at Utah before opening the door with Milken in his arms.

America looks at them, then looks at the Arctic Fox. "Where'd you find that fox?"

"Um..." Utah started. "We found her abandoned on our skiing trip. We think that humans took her from the Arctic then abandoned her..." Utah explained. "And she's why we keep going in here... We're scared you're going to take Milken away."

America looks at them and internally screams. Ugh, that is an adorable naaaaaaame. "Look... You two can't keep... Milken-"

"PLEEEEEEEEAAAAASSEE! Father!" Colo pleads.


Milken seemed to somehwhat understand and squeaked, looking up at America.

America thinks, but the two kept pleading. "PLEEEEASE DAD! I'LL GIVE YOU ALL MY HONEY! ALL MY BEES! AND ALL MY BEE MOVIE DISCS!"


Milken barked

"Children, children." Utah and Colo calmed down. "Listen, you two are in big trouble." Colo and Utah wanted to speak, but America put a hand up. "But once you get your punishment, you can have Milken."

Colo and Utah cheered.

"BUT you have to take care of her and do your punishment."

"Of course, Father." Colo said. "What's the punishment?"

"You get to clean the entire house."

Utah and Colo were quiet for a second. Utah hit Colo on the shoulder. "You had to ask..." Milken squeaks at them.


"Did that really happen?" Japan asks. The rain had become slightly louder but the cave still gave them plenty of shelter, and the fire in front of them gave them warmth.

"Yep. All 100%" he vaguely nods.

JAPE beeps.

"What'd he say?"

"He says that fox urine takes 5 days to clean out."

"Oooooooooh... It did..." America rubs his face. "I swear I wanted to chuck the thing across the room, but it was too cute..." America does a baby voice at the end. " Utah became almost obsessed with it too. I could barely go within 3 feet of it some days. "

"What do you mean?" Japan asks.

" I think the fox had something on me. It got easily freaked out when I was around. Utah was always sure that I was what was freaking her out and that I could give her a ' heart attack ' " he laughed.

Japan laughs with him. "Anyother state stories you got?"

"Well... I got one more." America stated.


Russian Empire stood there with toddler Alaska in her arms. He had no idea what was happening. He held onto his mother, and saw a figure in the distance. It was hard to see since the blizzard was making everything white. The blinding cold snow stung at his face as he held onto his mother.

He looks up at his mother who didn't react to anything he did while in her arms. Little Alaska whimpers to get her attention, but she doesn't even glance at him. He looks back out, knowing she wouldn't do anything about his fussing.

America was in the biggest coat he had while gripping onto the suitcase full of money. He expected to see Russian Empire, which he did, but he was also expecting a tall russian to be next to her. He had already prepared his states for a tall and cold state, but there in her arms was a small child.

He was tiny, no older than four by the looks of it. The wind blew in front of the state, flinging his scarf back and forth. Russian Empire stared at him, her grip tighten slightly on the child.

Finally the two countries were close enough to hear each other. "So, here's your state. Where's my money?" The Russian starts, staring at the American with cold eyes.

America puts the suitcase in front of her. She leans down and looks in it while the child in her arms looks at it as well. She sees the money and nods at America.

"Here's your new state." Russian Empire hands Alaska over.

Alaska is confused and fusses to go back to his mother, but Russian Empire doesn't take him back. He started to believe that maybe America was just a babysitter. Mama would come back. "Мама...?" He says.

She looks at her child, her eyes unsure if this was the right decision; She doesn't say anything. Alaska watches as she takes the case and walks back into the snowy blizzard., until she disappears. Never to return.

America is surprised, the child didn't seem to have enough clothing to still be alive in this weather. America opens his jacket and puts Alaska in and zips it up so he's warm. Alaska is still confused and scared, but likes the warmth. He's been cold all his life so this was a real change.

He holds onto America and watches as they head to a truck, clearly built for the snow.

America opens the door and keeps Alaska in his jacket because he didn't bring a car seat.


The two still had a while, so America thought that he should see if Alaska knew how to speak.

"Hi, little guy, my name's America."

Alaska just looks at him with icy blue eyes.

"Do you know English?" He didn't get a response. "Can you say America?"


"No, America."

"Pa pa?"




"Papa?" Alaska asks.

America thinks, then it clicks. "Oh- I guess I'm your Papa."

"Papa!" Alaska smiles and reaches a hand up to America.

"Aww..." As you can see, America can be persuaded by cuteness.


America pulled up to the house that his states were in, this was the house placed in Alaska. He couldn't drive and fly all the way to Alaska to go all the way back.

He turns off the car and takes Alaska out of his jacket since it should be warmer now. The toddler makes grabby hands at America, and the Russian Flag on his wrists catches his eyes.

"Oh, I almost forgot- I need to bond with you." America puts his head gently on Alaska's.

They both glow and then Alaska's wrist changes to America's flag.

" Welcome home. Alaska, *50th state of the United States of America. "

Randomly a firework shoots off from behind the house. Alaska flinches and buries his head into America from the loud sound, while whimpering.

" Tennessee must have gotten his hands on the fireworks again. " America shakes his head. Alaska whimpers. He rubs the child's back to calm him down. "It's okay..."

Alaska watches as he takes him inside.

The states were doing whatever, until America came in with the cutest child in his arms. They all had been expecting a tall state, but no, they got cuteness. They all erupted with awes and coos. Everyone wants to hold him.

America was grateful that they were excited to meet Alaska but knew that they were already too loud for him. Alaska was already starting to cry and yell for them to go away.

"Alright everyone..." America started, but no one heard him. "Hey!" He yells, scaring Alaska more, but everyone is quiet. "Alaska doesn't like this loud noise, so everyone go outside my room and y'all will meet him one by one.


America: "Okay everyone keep it simple... There are 49 of you, please keep that in mind..."

Alabama: "♪Sweet Home Alabama♪"

Arizona: "I try and tell everyone. Hey! 1000 degree weather is not that hot. Also Colorado is crazy, be careful with him..."

Arkansas: "I am confusion. Why does Kansas sound like Kansas, but ArKansas is not ArKANSAS? DAD EXPLAIN-"

California: "♪I'm on FIIIIIIIIIIIIYYAAAAA!♪" He sings, while there was a small flame burning on his head.

Colorado: "The snow is the only place I want to be. Also don't listen to Arizona. The heat there will kill you "

Connecticut: "Marty got eaten..." Cries in Madagascar. America shakes his head.

Delaware: "I'm the one in charge."

Virginia: "Del might say he's in charge, but I'm the ACTUAL oldest."

Florida: " You like Oranges kid? "

Georgia: "Yes, like the country."

Hawaii: "When there's too much drama in school. All you gotta do is, walk aw-aw-awa-ay."

Idaho: "Potatoes are all that I have. "

Illinois: "I will never be *sneezes* ...Ill..."


Iowa: "I have more pigs than you can imagine."

Kansas: "Mykansas."

Kentucky: "I'm known around here as Kenucky. Or KFC for short."

Louisiana: "Try and beat me in a sports game. I dare you-"

Maine: "The main state. Hahahahahahahahahaha... JK I'm lonely "

Maryland: "Mary is in my land."

Massachusetts: "Try and tell me my name isn't too long..."

Michigan: "I'm better than Ohio."

Minnesota: "Want a mini Soda?"

Mississippi: "M- i s s i s s s s- I cant even spell my own name. "

Missouri: "If you need beer, call me-" America looks at him, unhappy.

Montana: "I'm cheap."

Nebraska: "I'm in the middle... Help..."

Nevada: "I have LA... That's it... The rest of me is a dessert of nothingness..."

New Hampshire: "New means better."

New Jersey: "But if Jerseys weren't invented... then are jerseys named after me?"

New Mexico: "And now we go into Tree Pose..." New Mexico stood on one foot while reaching her arms out. "Next we do the Burrito-"

New York: "I'm the real Apple, AppleUWU is not me." ( AppleUWU: You wanna fight? )

Caralonas: "SWEET CAROLINE " Everyone in the room all started to sing 'BUM BUM BUM'

North Dakota: "Ho ho!" He says while on South D."s shoulders.

South Dakota: "Please get off me..."

Ohio: "On all levels except physical, I am a-" *Turns into werewolf* "Oh, nevermind, I'm full on wolf."

Oklahoma: "I have the same number of national parks as siblings... now thats something."

Oregon: "Bill will return." He says in Gravity Falls.

Pennsylvania: "Trees."

Rhode Island: "I'm one of the oldest states... Yet I'm a 8-year-old... Also I'm a fish." He says referring to his mer tail.

Tennessee: "Yes, I got into the fireworks... again... again..."

Texas: "Hippity hoppity, get off my property."

Utah: "Ya like Jazz?"

Vermont: "I am American. Yet I'm known for my Maple Syrup."

Washington: "I don't have time for this, but I need a right hand man.. The paperwork haunts my dreams"

West Virginia: "If I hear Country Roads... one more time..."

Wisconsin: "Dairyland. Cheeseland."

Wyoming: "Yes, I stabbed Utah." (Just look at the geography). "But can I please get into four corners? I'm lonely and windy..."

DC: "Did Del and Ginny say they were in charge? Yes? Well, I'm the actual CAPITAL here."

Alaska cooed at all of them. It was way better meeting everyone one by one so they weren't so noisy. He glances back up at America.

"See we're not so bad."

Alaska doesn't respond. He tiredly rubs his eyes, and lets out a small yawn. " Мама.. " he murmurs tiredly, laying his head down on America.

" It's been a long day for you. Get some sleep little buddy "

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