Ejen Ali Oneshots featuring A...


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Collection of Oneshots made by truly yours with touch of fanarts made by fellow shippers and music that may g... More



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Sometimes things are just unexplainable and he knew that. Not everything should need an explanation and he knew that. There are things that you just can't explain though you tried so hard as it looks easy to do so, he knew.

He engages in things that are like that and he's aware of that.  Sometimes it fascinates him but this time he just can't think rationally as if those forgotten and stopped curiosity build up on one subject and it messes up his mind and emotions.

Ali was woken up by a hissing cat.

Ah he so love his personal alarm clock.

He took a bath, prepared to go to school, gave Comot her meal, have a breakfast with his father, go to school, catch up to Viktor to ask him to bring his bag in their room and finally met Alicia for the first time in the day.

He gently smiled and walked up to her landing a light smooch in her left cheek as they both head to their classroom.

The room is quiet, awfully. Their teacher is not yet there and it is still early so it was really weird for Ali to notice that there are only minimal sounds that can be heard in the room. He sighed it's been going on since the school started and he's still not used to it.

The truth is the news spread real fast in the campus that Ali and Alicia are dating though there is no proof of legitimacy. Wait.. there is! would you believe that there's nothing going on between the both of them even if there's a kiss on cheeks!? They even act intimately! ( the distance between them just grew a little bit closer ) .

Though everyone heard of it, no one really tried to ask for confirmation though it's bothering them. Probably scared to ask Alicia... Ali on the other hand, just rub off the topic everytime. Of course Mia and Viktor wouldn't stop but still... they can't find answers.


It was one of their major subject where Ali and Alicia is in the same class when the teacher asked them to partner themselves up. Everyone sneakily investigated the two but to no avail they seem to be normal classmates that only happened to share the same secret, some sighed as nothing special happened.

Later on the class was cutted off with the undying excuse of earthquake drill. Those prying eyes did not leave their subject and Alicia knew that, as she sighed and followed to that so called ' drill '. Luckily, Bakar took action and steal sometime for them.


No words were spoken between them. Nothing. Even until night. They knew it's taking a toll on them, this is really giving them a hard time. But no. Something precious that is balancing in the middle through a thin line is better than the risk they could met by taking a step.

That cold night is very unusual or maybe the whole day but they knew what sums it up.

Lying on his bed, Ali frustratingly messed up his hair and fiddles with his phone for a while--interrupted by a phone call, Viktor seems to have everyday check to Ali at night--an act to annoy Ali of course until he spill the beans. Poor Viktor not knowing that there's no beans to be spilled.

" So? " Viktor hoped for an answer and the thought of him getting used to Ali's secretive ass makes him wince

" Come on Aliiii... Just say it! I won't tell a soul if that's what you want. Just tell me already " He whined.

" Viktor I told you everytime, everyday there's nothing " he replied.

" How can a kiss be nothing Ali? How can it? Or you're that type of guy which does things that supposedly serious yet it is nothing to you? "

" Dude what? How can I be like that? "

" Yeah I know, so if its not it tell me already. How hard is it to say "I'm dating Alicia" ? You're being suspicious since 12 "

" I'm not and we aren--"

" yeah yeah you aren't dating but already kissing and stuff what do you take Alicia for Ali? My mom taught me how to treat a lady maybe you should come to my house often "

" Don't make me sound like that! Oh and you're one to say! What's your relationship with Mia anyway? "

" We're friends "

" Sure friends "

" Now you're starting to sound like me "

" Yes, now you know what I mean?...If you would tell your relationship with Mia I would too "

" I told you we are friends and I already know yours I just need confirmations "

" Friends huh? like going out and stuffs out of kindness? Viktor we are both aware that Mia have feelings for you "

" Well yeah... we are still friends though. I'm taking it slow you know because I'm not sure if I like her or what "

Ali just nodded knowingly and ended the call.

Maybe same goes with his relationship with Alicia...

He sighed again...

' I'm contented with my closer relationship with her at least. '

His phone started to ring again. Assuming it's Viktor again he just swiped and answer it.

" I told you it's ---"

" What? "


His forehead creased.

" Oh Alicia, you do know how to call when you missed me huh? " lacing his voice with fake amusement, it still comes off with happy and suprised tone.

" Meet me in the Academy " she said

" What a place for a date, how about I'll arrange it? " this. this side of his. this is how it started and Alicia thinks about how that got her all the time. How can he be so flirty yet innocently conflicted in the end.

" Sure "

" What? " he blurted too fast as he heard her response. This is too much to handle. His heart thumps loudly in his chest, he can almost hear it clearly as his mind seems to malfunction for a split second.

Is this another step? A phase? What?

" A-Alicia... " he called out but the call already ended

Is everything gonna end? Between them? But nothing really exist between them...

Just as he was going to tap the phone screen another caller appeared.

" Not now Viktor " he said as soon as he answered the call but then he remembered that he has a date

" Uhh... on second thought could you help me with something? "


They say the change is barely noticeable when the change happens on things or people that are close to you. We are used to the changes and slowly we adapted it and it's nature on the spot so sometimes it's hard to notice. We are so used to it that we don't bother to notice if something has changed.

It's everything that is taken for granted, like the sun that always shine that you miss on a cloudy day, decisions and choices you regret, something that is yours slipping from your grasp but somehow that phenomenon drew them closer.

They were sixteen when life gets so busy.
Being a student and an agent, sometimes doesn't mix well. Alicia only notices that something really did change after insomia hit her in the middle of the night and so she have time to sort her thoughts and entertain things to ponder.

They got more and more missions not because there are more and more crimes or illegal activities. Somehow they managed to make a name and gain trust in MATA so more private missions are assigned to them. Afterall when Ali and Alicia are assigned, the mission has a high chance to be a success. Powerful aren't they?

Yet their relationship status is always been in a turmoil. Everyone knew that they started a pretty rough relationship to the point that they might call themselves enemies, they became "friends" under the label of "partners" yet here they are riding two different boats that goes to different routes. A little more time, and the day they dreaded would immediately come.

Their fellow agents developed a habit, every time--every single damn time, everytime they saw Ali and Alicia there is an urge to shook their heads or face palm. It was irritating really or even infuriating but what can they say? even the general developed a habit of pinching his nose bridge whenever he sees them.

They knew why, it is also the same reason on why their classroom has been quiet, it is the same reason why they are on a rumor but what can they do? they are more conflicted  than the confused bystanders.

Okay, maybe they aren't confused. They are afraid. They both lack courage or maybe it doesn't matter to Alicia so she didn't consider? his heart ached a bit. It hurts. He can't let it be just like that. They should be dating now so he'll take a step forward.

" Alright thank you Viktor! You're the best " he replied as he continued to search for any decent clothes to wear that at least make Alicia impressed.


The night went along just... fine. Yeah, fine.

Two people have a candle lit dinner under the stars at an open and quiet field that Ali personally picked. Alicia prefered that kind of places but she won't say that other places is not her taste. It's just that after everything going on it is pretty nice to just relax and enjoy the peaceful night with someone. But the thing is... the night goes awkward or maybe tense as the time pass by.

They were sitting on a blanket that Ali prepared earlier as they gazed at the stars and moon. Ali is nervously drumming his fingers on his kneecaps as he hummed a song mostly to calm himself down. Alicia, on the other hand let him be as she ponder her decision once more. After a while she sighed as she rubbed her arms with her palms so she could create friction that somehow can warm her up, Ali seems to notice the gesture as he grabbed his bag on his side and pulled out a yellow scarf that might be his mother's.

He anticipated everything huh?  He seems to be ready for everything. The thought actually warmed her heart causing her to hum in approval.

After a while, she heard him clicked his tongue and turned his head to her direction.

He cleared his throat to gain her attention as he asked.

" What are we Alicia? "

She bit her tongue and stayed silent, she just continue to gaze at the stars before asking him instead.

" What do you think? " she whispered

" We're friends... or maybe more than that... I don't know, what do you want us to be? " he trailed off.

" It's all fun and game until you wanted assurance huh? what do you want us to be? " she asked him again finally looking at him.

He blinked and cleared his throat and replied timidly.

" I want us to be more than friends. " he stated with finality then he cleared his throat and asked

" C-can w-we... Can we try..." He stuttered and trailed off but his tone is determined. The tone actually caught Alicia off-guard but she subtly cleared her throat and averted her gaze from him.

Her silence caused Ali's erratic heartbeat.

'there's no turning back'

He made up his mind and he knew Alicia too, so no matter how nervous he is, no matter how little the chance is, as long as there's a little he would grasp it and even if there's none maybe he would change that and attain a success he won't regret taking a risk for.

" Yeah... " she whispered after some time.

The foreign feeling she was experiencing is making her feel different kinds of emotions, she doesn't feel powerful as of the moment, it feels as though she stoop from the pedestal to experience something worth yielding for.

The relationship they wanted does not deserve the lack of assurance they have before, they admitted that they have been cowards who are afraid to step forward. Perhaps... perhaps right now or after this, they can take steps together and live in the moment without sharing the anxiety for tomorrow.

Perhaps a single step would eventually lead them to something wonderful and not of regret afterall almost is not enough but now that they knew, they could fill each others gap.




He teared up and once more, she was taken aback. Ali can be full of surprises sometimes and it's quite endearing.  Somehow... she wanted to know if she'll knew him enough in the future, where he can't suprise her anymore.

" Oh come on, I don't think tearing up could woo a girl. Not me at least " she stated in attempt of lighting up the mood.

" Don't act as if you didn't like it! you're pretty smug about this " he said while wiping his tears.

" You're right, I'll never let you hear the end of it " she teased as she engage into a little bit of affection--wiping his tears for him and recieving a tight hug from the said young man.

" As if you wouldn't initiate it if I let you be, for all I know you're going to propose to me or atleast confess your love to me today if I didn't interfere " he retorted proudly in which she just rolled her eyes.

Well, somehow he isn't wrong but she will keep that information for herself, gotta keep his ego in check if she wanted to have the upper hand in their new relationship. Would she though?

Labels of relationships don't come with only commitment but so much more, they learned a thing or two about it and now in a journey of knowledge to be learned.

No matter what they will be, they will walk on it on what they are, with a goal on mind: even as friends or lovers they'll learn from there together.


Sequel as promised ♡

Credits to yeunayaa for the fanart

After this I might update slower? Or you could just feed me Alilicia pills so I'll be motivated and inspired while making one shots.

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