The Executioners Mate

By DarkestDesired

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Felix Volturi x Reader Millicent swan was a kindhearted and caring woman,always setting out to make sure the... More



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By DarkestDesired

An:hey guys! It's been a while,I'm sorry this took so long to come out. I started my first year of college and it's been kicking my butt,I'm gonna try and keep up now that things have calmed down a bit but please be patient. Thank you!


That familiar booming laughter was all i needed to hear to alert me as to who was approaching the house,Esme and Carlisle shared a fond laugh as I leaped out of my chair and ran towards the front door.

I barely had the chance to step off of the porch steps before strong arms lifted me off the ground and into a tight hug.

"Milly!" Emmett joyously laughed as he twirled me around,carrying me down the steps where the others all stood.

"Emmett..I can't believe you guys are really here." I said hugging him back just as tight,with my feet dangling in the air.

I could feel the heat from Felix's glare on Emmetts head,but Rosalie stepped forward and slapped Emmetts arm before my mate could do anything.

"Put Milly down before you squish her Emmett,you're not the only one who missed her." She hissed at her mate,he chuckled and carefully set me down.

Rubbing the back of his neck he smiled sheepishly,"Ah sorry Mills I just really missed you." Smiling up at him I waved him off,"It's okay Em,I missed you too. Mario kart hasn't been the same without you." His golden eyes lit up adorably.

"Dude we have got to play a few rounds later! No one would play with me while we were gone!" Rolling her eyes at his antics Rosalie crossed her arms,"You know she's just going to beat you like she always does." She ignored the offended look he gave her as she turned her attention to me.

"Anyways,I've missed you as well Milly,I felt like I was going insane without you around." I smiled at her and opened my arms,allowing for her to pull me into a comforting hug.

"Next time I'm kidnapping you and bringing you with us,between Emmett and Edward I wanted to rip my hair out." Giggling at her admittance I tucked my head under her chin,"Absolutely,but let's hope there is no next time....I felt lost without you guys."

Pulling away she cupped my cheeks,"You don't ever have to worry about that,okay? No one is ever splitting us up again." Tears filled in my eyes as I nodded.

A wave of calm washed over me making me smile,"Jasper."

He smirked from his spot beside Alice when I looked up at him,Rosalie allowed for me to step out of her arms as I approached the stiff soldier. "Hello Millicent..It is good to see you again." I could tell he was holding back from the way he kept glancing at the volturi who were watching us all closely.

"Jasper Hale,please hug me before I start crying again." He huffed out a laugh but relented when I approached him,allowing for me to wrap my arms around my waist as he did the same to my shoulders.

His body's tension soon melted away as my emotions flooded him,filling the empath with warmth and happiness.

God he missed this feeling,he had been surrounded by sadness and guilt ever since they first decided to leave forks. But it was even worse when he thought he'd never see his best friend again..and if he did...It would be to see my tombstone.

Edward,who was standing off to the side,looked away with a clenched jaw,guilt and self hatred swirled in his mind for causing his family so much stress.

His eyes widened and his body grew rigid when he saw Heidi approaching with Bella,the human girl tucked safely into her side.

Bella looked...happy.

He should be ecstatic that she wasn't trying to get his why did he feel so...jealous?

He caught Heidi's eye as she looked over and narrowed hers,protectively bringing Bella in closer.

Gritting his jaw he leaned a bit and whispered to Alice,"I'll be back later.." Before she could stop him he ran off into the forest and disappeared.

Heidi watched him leave with dread building in her gut,she knew she'd have to speak with Milly about didn't look good.


Sitting on one of Esmes handmade porch chairs I sipped at a cup of hot chocolate while everyone was inside chatting,the sound of the door opening caught my attention and I looked over to see Heidi approaching with a soft smile.

"Mind if I join you?" Shaking my head I watched as she lifted my legs and sat close before setting them on her lap. "Of course not,What's on your mind Heidi?" I asked seeing the wheels spinning in her head.

She was visibly tense and hesitant but she immediately relaxed when she glanced over and saw the warmth and understanding in my eyes.

"We're...friends,right?" The question caught me off guard a bit,raising a brow I wondered why she would ask something like that. "Oh Uh..yes I'd like to think we are."

She nodded to herself and looked off into the trees,"Then please be honest with me...Do you think Bella would go back to Edward if he told her he still wanted her?"

My eyes blew wide open with shock,out of all the things she could have asked me that was the last think I expected.

"What? What brought this on? Did she say something to you that made you believe that?!" She quickly shook her head,"No,not her..earlier Edward seemed extremely Jealous when he saw me and Bella together. And...I heard about how crazy they were about each other before the whole fiasco in Italy." it made sense.

Setting my mug on the side table I took her hand causing her to look back at me,she visibly softened when I gave her a sad but warm smile."Heidi,Honey. You have nothing to worry about with Bella,Edward is someone I will always consider a close friend but anyone with eyes could see that they weren't healthy for each other. Now when I look at the two of you I see the opposite,I see two people who genuinely care about each other, I know you'll love and cherish her like she deserves because I trust you Heidi."

Venom filled her eyes as she quickly pulled me into a tight hug,I giggled with tears building in my eyes as well as I hugged her just as tight.

Over her shoulder I saw Felix watching through the window,mouthing to me,'Are you okay?'. Smiling I sent him a thumbs up before I sat back when Heidi pulled away,"Thank you Milly,I don't know what I'd do without your support."

I shook my head and squeezed her hand,"Don't thank me for something like that,I'm always going to be here for you.We're family now." She stared at me in awe before smiling beautifully. "Felix is a lucky bastard." She said making me blush.

"That he is." Looking up i snorted when I saw Demetri and Felix standing a few feet away,Demetri wearing a teasing smirk. "Oh shut up." Felix growled but even he couldn't deny it,he knew it was true.

"Hey Demi." I greeted earning his attention as he sped over and smiled down at me,"Hello Princess,I don't believe anyone's mentioned it yet but you look stunning." He flirted with a wink making me giggle shyly.

"Hey don't flirt with my mate!" Felix growled making the two other vampires roll their eyes,"Don't hog her all to yourself FeFe,She has more than enough love to share." Heidi teased hugging me closer,my face was heating up more and more by the second as they continued to fight over me.

"Oh gosh." I squeaked when I was suddenly stolen from heidis lap,Demetri smirking as Felix glared at him. "Put her down Demetrius." Demetri merely raised a brow,"Or else what? You can't hurt me while I'm holding her." Snorting out a laugh I watched my mate growl with clear frustration.

"You are such an ass,when I get my hands on you you're dead!" I yelped with laughter as Demetri ran off with me in his arms while Felix followed close behind.

(Heidi POV)

Laughing as I watched my moronic friends run around the yard,Millicent's joyous laughter echoed.

"I haven't heard her laugh like that in months." I looked up and smiled when I saw Bella walking over as she watched her sisters bright smile. Opening my arms I allowed for Bella to sit across my lap,wrapping my arms around her waist and purring with delight as I soaked in her warmth and scent.

Bella hummed out a soft laugh as she kissed my cheek,making all the worries I had shared with Millicent wash away. "You seemed upset earlier,are you okay?"

Hesitating for a moment I looked deep into her eyes,"Just some small insecurities...but I'm okay now." Her brows furrowed with visible worry making me sigh softly,if we were to have a healthy relationship I should be able to share my thoughts and feelings with her.

"Vampires are jealous creatures when it comes to their mates darling,the way Edward looks at you makes me..uncomfortable."

Bella looked away and ran a hand through her hair,"I..I won't lie and say it doesn't hurt to be around him...but it's not because I still love him. It's more....he gaslighted me throughout our entire relationship,Made me feel weak and stupid for falling for him. Before I got on the plane he pulled me aside to tell me that I should be grateful he's even tolerating me. That the only reason he's giving me the light of day is because of Millicent.."

My grip on her waist got a bit tighter as anger and protectiveness surged through my body.

"But I could care less what he thinks."

I looked at her in surprise only to see her look at me with a sad smile.

"I don't need him,because I have you. And you make me make me feel wanted and important. That's more than he's ever done even when he 'loved' me. You're mine just as I'm yours,we're equals." She said reaching up and cupping my cheek,her eyes were soft and loving as she looked down at me.

Gods I was in love..

Melting in her touch the only thing I could think to do was bury my face in her hair as I hugged her close,"Mine." I growled making her giggle.

"Mine." She repeated pressing a kiss to my head before resting her cheek on it.

(Millicent POV)

Demetri finally set me down once we had managed to lose Felix,"Oh my that was too funny!" I nodded in agreement,"Poor Felix, he looked so frustrated."

The blonde smirked as he looked around the field we had stopped was the same one the Cullens had held their baseball game..

The same one I had caught the eyes of a murderous couple in..

"Milly are you alright?" I hadn't even realized I had stopped until I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder.

Snapping my eyes up I saw him watching me with clear concern,"I-I'm okay it's just..this is the field I first know.." he seemed confused for a moment before realization struck him.

"You mean Victoria and James." I nodded not trusting my voice as I looked around,as if expecting Victoria to pop out at any second.

"Shit,we can head back if you want?" Taking a deep breath I shook my head,"No no it's okay,I need to get over my fears. I can't keep living wondering when she'll finally take her revenge for the rest of my life." He followed as I slowly walked across the field,looking at all of the beautiful flowers that were beginning to bloom.

"That's very brave of you Millicent,most people would hide themselves away if in your situation." I hummed and glanced at him with a small smirk,"Well most people don't have an army of vampires and shifters to protect them do they?"

He chuckled at my quip,shaking his head fondly. "No I suppose not."

He stared at me for a moment before needlessly clearing his throat,"You know..You're not at all what I expected." He straightened a bit when I turned to him with a questioning look.

"I mean no insult,it's just..Felix has been waiting to meet his mate for so long. We all watched as he lost hope over the decades..and then you appear,with your kind heart and loving nature. Not to mention how beautiful you are.." I blushed at the compliment but gave him a thankful smile.

"To know it's you who is fated to my best friend,well I couldn't be happier Millicent. I look forward to our many years of torturing the giant together." Letting out a laugh I covered my mouth,"As do I Demetri.As do I."

He smiled and chuckled along with me,feeling as if he had gained a close friend.

Then the moment was ruined as thundering footsteps soon approached us,"Demetri!" I heard a familiar voice yell,I wasn't even phased anymore as I was swept up into strong arms.

"You found me Fe." I said with a warm smile as I wrapped my arms around his neck,Felix smiled back at me with adoration before turning to an amused Demetri with a glare.

"I should tear you apart." The giant hissed as he held me protectively against his chest.

"Oh my,I'm so scared." Demetri sarcastically replied,sending me a wink when he heard me snort.

"Boys boys,don't fight! It will make me sad." I playfully pouted and Felix easily fell for it,"My beautiful mate please don't cry,I won't fight I promise." He cooed before his face fell with realization.

"You both are enjoying this too much." He deadpanned making me giggle.

"I'm sorry Felix,I'm done I swear." I mused leaning up to peck his lips,he melted against me with a dopey smile as I pulled away.

Looking at Demetri I rolled my eyes when he pretended to gag,"Oh hush!" Felix shot Demetri one last glare,"What she said.",Before he took off with me safely in his embrace.

He set me down only once we were on the Cullens front porch,towering close behind as I walked inside.

Looking around I stood with him in the doorway,Watching as everyone sat around the living room I felt a fond smile spread across my face,despite the impending doom looming over our heads everyone was getting along surprisingly well.

Heidi seemed much happier now as she hovered beside my baby sister who was chatting away with Alice in the corner.

Alice and Heidi had easily gotten close over their mutual love for fashion,it made me happy to see that Alice had someone around who loved clothes as much as her.

Poor Bella,I thought when I saw her send me a look. She huffed when I merely shrugged with an amused smiled.

Looking across the room I caught Jane and Alec standing away from everyone,looking quite uncomfortable despite the peaceful situation they were in.

"I'll be right back." I whispered to Felix,he followed my eyes before smiling fondly down at me,nodding in understanding.

Furrowing my brows in worry I walked over to them,"Are you two alright?" My voice was a soft as I spoke to them,earning their attention.

"We're alright Millicent,just..waiting for the kings to need us." Alec said glancing at the three masters who were speaking with Carlisle and Esme across the room.

"Oh? Well why don't you sit with me while you wait,Emmett and I are going to play a few rounds of Mario kart if you guys would like to join?" They were visibly surprised by my offer,"We wouldn't want to intrude.." Jane said looking quite shy compared to her usual stoic expression.

Shaking my head and waving them off I offered my hands,"Nonsense,It will be fun I promise. But if you really don't want to play then you don't have to." They both stared at my hands before sharing a look with Felix who was still watching over me,he gave them both a reassuring nod.

A small smile pulled at Alecs mouth,"We..Would love to,thank you." Jane reluctantly agreed,allowing for me to guide them both over to the couch.

Emmett was a bit surprised but quickly schooled his expression with a large cocky grin,"Great two more competitors to defeat with my awesome skills!"

Smirking I whispered to Jane,which while unnecessary because of their super hearing was still hilarious nonetheless,"He says that like I haven't beaten him every time we play." Jane shared my smirk and Alec snickered as Emmett mocked offense.


"You cheater! How did you get two blue shells in a row!!" Alec exclaimed as Emmett laughed maniacally,his character zoomed past the teens.

Alec had chosen yoshi,Jane was Bowser,Emmett of course chose DonkeyKong,and I was my favorite character:Toad.

"As they say nowadays'Sucks to suck'!" Emmett teased only to get hit by a red shell just before he crossed the finish line.. Bowser sped past claiming first place,followed closely by Yoshi then Toad.

"What?!" Emmett roared as Jane and Alec both turned to me and gave me high fives as they cheered,"Milly That isn't fair! You're helping them!" I shrugged and shared a smirk with the young twins. "What was it they say nowadays Jane?"

She giggled as she looked at her brother,"I'm not sure? What do you think Alec?"

The boy had a feral smirk as he faced Emmett,"I believe it was 'sucks to suck'?" Emmett pouted,"Whatever,I'll win next time!" He huffed before speeding to sulk with Rosalie who was biting back her laughter in the next room.

Letting out a yawn a warm jacket was suddenly placed over my shoulders,looking up I saw Felix standing over me with an admiring gleam in his beautiful red eyes.

"Alright my love,I believe it's past your bedtime." Jane and Alec both immediately began whining,surrounding me in a tight hug as they hissed at my mate.

"Noo! It's still early!" Alec pouted,"Yea! Just one more game please!" Jane followed.

My heart swelled by their sudden affection,finding myself melting at their adorableness. Wrapping my arms around them I smiled warmly,"It is getting late for me,but I promise we can play again tomorrow okay?" It was clear that they didn't want to agree but begrudgingly nodded,allowing Felix to pull me away.

Giving out my Goodnight hugs i followed Felix out to the car and slipped inside.

"I think you may have bruised Emmetts ego." Felix said with a deep chuckle as he pulled down the driveway and onto the main road.

"I feel bad,I was really trying to let him win.At least the twins had fun." I said resting back in my seat with a smile.

"I don't think I've ever seen them that happy before,their usually not that open with people. They really like you,darling." He said reaching over and taking my hand,brushing his thumb over my knuckles when I linked our fingers together.

"The feeling is mutual,they are amazing. If I can be someone that they feel comfortable with,then i'm happy." He hummed glancing at me with loving eyes. "You're an extraordinary woman Millicent,I love you."

My eyes widened as I quickly looked at him,feeling my heart skip a beat,I could see the insecurity and worry in his eyes as he awaited my reaction.

A soft smile formed on my lips,squeezing his hand as tears formed in my eyes. "I love you too Fe." He breathed out with relief making me laugh.

"Whoo! I feel like i'm going to pass out!" I covered my mouth as I held back a snort of laughter,"Felix you don't even sleep!" He cackled,"I know! I love you!" Blushing uncontrollably I giggled. "I love you more!!"

"I wish it could stay like this forever,with everyone safe and together.." he hummed in agreement as he squeezed my hand. "Everything is going to be okay my darling,do you want to know why?"

Looking up at him I saw him looking down at me with an expression of love and adoration,"Because so long as we have each other nothing can hurt us.I won't let anything tear us apart."

Tears filled my eyes as I tenderly smiled,"I love you Felix." He smiled so happily,"I love you more."He watched as I looked back out my window and couldn't help but share my sentiment,he wanted nothing more than to stay in this moment.

Where i was safe..happy.

That's all he could ask for, as this memory was set in stone inside his mind.

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