Phantom Child

By Nice_Cream

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Maya (OC) is an orphan living on the streets of Paris. One day she hides underneath the opera house and meets... More

Before you start reading
1. The Phantom Of The Opera
2. Angel of the dungeons
3. In The Phantom's Lair
4. Monster or not?
5. Hannibal rehearsal
6. Not. The. Mask!
7. Friend of the Phantom
8. Fire, Water and Gasoline
9. Stranger than you dreamt it
10. He's not mephistopheles, you know
11. Do you trust me?
12. Six months of relief
13. Paper faces on parade
14. Anything... Anything...
15. At the cementary
16. Angel and Father, Friend and Phantom
18. The great finale
19. De Changy family and saying goodbye
A word or two from the author of this fic

17. Seal my fate tonight

292 11 7
By Nice_Cream

Trigger warning for this chapter: literally almost everything you can find labeled as TW, blood, murder, abuse, going "Past the point of no return". In one word: Erik. Also references to "Jekyll and Hyde" in this chapter, thus the video above LOL. Let's get to the story...

I walked up to Erik and watched him get ready for the show. He put on his coat and the cape. Then he turned his face away from me. I saw his hand reaching up to his face and a second later he set his white mask down on the desk. He replaced it with a black one, that covered both of his cheeks, nose and forehead. He would never normally hide his face from me. It was another sign of his lack of trust towards me and it pained to feel on my own skin.

I was standing there, waiting for him to say anything, but he remained silent. I was holding my arms behind my back and swinging back and forth on my feet. Erik walked away from his desk and around me.

In a second I felt a rope being tied around my wrists. I turned my head around to see Erik with his weapon.

"Erik!" I called out, both scared and angry.

No matter what I did, I couldn't free myself from the Phantom's shackles. I tried to pull. I tried to turn my hands around. Nothing worked.

"Erik, please!" I shouted, but he ignored it.

The Phantom aggresively pulled the cord and I collapsed onto the ground. Then he tied the other end of the rope to the wall, making it impossible for me to walk away. I was kneeling next to the wall as he was towering above me, looking down in satisfaction.

"Erik..." I cried and felt tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Do you really think that I would ever let you go?
Do you think I'd ever set you free?

He recited slowly, every word felt like a cut though my heart.

"If you do, I'm sad to say, it simply isn't so.
You will never get away from here!

I trembled at his growling voice. It wasn't Erik speaking, it was the Phantom.

"All that you are is a face in the mirror
You walk away and I'll get out!
" I shouted with pain in my voice.

"I'm what you face when you're facing the mirror
I'm already there, inside your mind!
" He grinned awfully.

"All that you do is bring people nightmare!
All that you'll get is a panicked scream!
After tonight they will end your demon dream!

I tried to stop him for everyone's sake, but the Phantom was not going to back out whatsoever. He only sang out in response:

"This is not a dream, my friend, and it will never end!
This will be the nightmare for them all!
I will get what's mine, no matter what they may pretend
And my triumph will be their final fall!

Erik shouted and let the echo repeat the notes, as if it worked alongside with him, trying to get this truth to my head.

"Erik, please, free me." I demanded but he only smirked with the fire in his eyes. He got down to the level of my face and held my chin in his hand. He responded:

"You will not ruin my plan tonight, I'm sorry." He stood up, turned around and walked back to his desk.

"Promise me that you won't hurt anyone." I pleaded as my last resort.

At these words he strightened up. His eyes were locked on me, which made my heart skip a beat. The sight of his evil smile made me freeze as he said:

"I can't."

Then he slowly walked to the mirror and, checking once again if the mask is properly attached, sang:

"Seal my fate tonight.
I hate to have to cut the fun short.

He walked to his desk and grabbed one of the candles, that were burning on the candlestick next to it.

"But the jokes wearing thin,
Let the audience in,
Let my opera begin!

With these words he dropped the candle on the minature model of Populaire's stage. The wooden elements quickly caught on fire and the entire maquette began to go down in flames.
I watched as the fire devours the little stage, curtains and minatures of people standing on it. I knew nothing good was about to happen this evening. The flames' reflection lit up Erik's eyes as he stood next to the little burning pile of what was left of the maquette.

Then he turned around on his heel and disappeared in the tunnel. I was left alone, helpless and hopeless. The rope was keeping my hands tied behind me, so there wasn't much I could do in this position.

If only I had something sharp. I looked around, examinig my surroundings. Erik was one step ahead, as always, and took his sword with him. He also put mine away from me. He had removed all the sharp objects from my reach.

I sat on the floor for a while, unable to move. I needed to get myself out. I had promised Christine, that I'd keep her safe from Erik's danger. I was overthinking now. I had to clear my thoughts.

Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out.

Suddenly a risky idea crossed my mind. If I couldn't reach any sharp object, then maybe I could make one. I looked around and realized I had all I needed to put my plan to action.

I took off my shoes, by actually peeling them off with my other heel. I did the same with the socks. With my bare feet I was able to grab the nearest candle stick and pull it closer to me.
I set it right between me and the closest mirror. Then I pulled one of my legs closer to me, to avoid as many injuries as possible. The other one I set on the candlestick. With extreme care I took aim at the glass. I sighed, praying to Heaven for it to work.

I kicked the candlestick. After a second I heard the mirror break into a thousand smithereens. Pieces of glass were scattered all over the floor.

Unfortunately, just like I had forseen, the falling glass made several cuts in my bare left foot. I squeled from pain as the sharp pieces of glass lacerated my skin. I had to quickly get mentaly over it and continue the realization of my plan. I chose one particular piece of glass and pulled it closer with my foot. It only gained me more cuts, but I had to get through it. I pulled it close enough that I could grab it with my hand, that was still tied to the wall. I snatched the sharp, bloodstained object and began to cut the rope.

It took me quite a while, but the little blade finally started cutting through the annoying chain. I kept scraping the rope and the filaments were giving up one by one. I finally freed myself and could move at last. When I cut the cord that tied me to the wall, the shackles around my wrists fell off immediately.

As soon as I was able to use my hands again I began removing the pieces of glass from my injured foot. I tended to the wounds, washing off the blood and wrapped my foot with one of Erik's shirts. I knew it wasn't enough to keep the cuts from infection, but I had no knowledge on this and definitely even less time to care. I put on my other shoe and limped out of the lair as fast as I was able to limp.

As I was getting closer to the surface I began hearing the voices of the singers. The opera had already started a while ago. I only hoped I wasn't too late.

"Passarino, faithful friend
Once again recite the plan

It was Piangi's voice. He was playing the role of Don Juan. Soon the other actor answered him:

"Your young guest believes I'm you
I, the master, you, the man.

Something came to my mind. The plot so far was hinting on something. I decided to keep listening.

"When you met you wore my cloak
She could not have seen your face
She believes she dines with me
In her master's borrowed place!

Then it hit me. The lyrics got the clocks moving in my head. "When you met...she could not have seen your face... Your young guest believes I'm you..." That was his plan! The plot of the opera was a perfect explanation of what was the Phantom about to do. He would switch with Piangi and sing with unaware Christine. Oh God, I needed to stop him.

3rd POV

Erik quickly got to the stage and stood waiting behind the curtain. Tonight was the night when Christine would sing for him and only for him in front of the world. He knew she wouldn't refuse, she wouldn't just walk away. She couldn't.

As the two actors out on the stage were finishing their parts, the Phantom got up to the scaffoldings above to have a better point of view.

"Poor thing hasn't got a chance
Here's my hat, my cloak and sword
Conquest is assured
If I do not forget myself and laugh

Erik smirked to himself. Tonight he was about to switch places and trick everyone, including Christine. And he wouldn't destroy it, everything was about to go according to his plan.

Piangi sang his part and walked behind the curtain. He was now supposed to have a quick break before walking back to the stage. Instead he saw a black figure jumping down at him, making his vision go black for a moment.

In a second Erik was standing with the lasso on Piangi's throat. He was holding it tightly, ready to pull the rope and choke the man. But suddenly he felt two little hands grab his own and trying to pull the cord away from him.

Maya's POV

I jumped and catched the lasso. Erik looked at me furiously. But then an evil smirk appeared on his face again.

"Ah, the Phantom Child." He hissed sarcastically "So you've decided to show up after all."

I tried not to show how much scared I was. Every single sound made me shiver, but nevertheless I was standing my ground, an unchanged expression on my face.

"You won't kill him." I stated as confidently as I could, taking up all the courage left inside me.

The Phantom only laughed in response. The blood in my veins froze and yet I felt a strange heatwave coming over me. All the stress that I had experienced since I met Erik could not compare to what I felt now.

"No, I won't." He answered, visibly content with my presence "You will."

He glared at me, baring his teeth. He let go off the rope and the deadly tool was now resting in my hands. I looked at it in fear and took a step back, but I felt Erik's hand on my shouder.

"No." He kept me from backing out "You'll do it, or you will be the one dead." He hissed into my ear.

I looked into Piangi's eyes, as frightened as mine... or even more. I hesitantly put one hand on the rope, closer to him and the other one on the other end.

"You're wasting time! Make your choice, Little Phantom!" Erik whispered angrily.

I took an apologetic look at the actor. His eyes were pleading for mercy that I could not grant him. Not with the Phantom hanging over my shoulder, watching my every move. As a last resort I gave Piangi a hinting look, hopeful that he'll understand.

I sighed and pulled the rope. After a quick second the numb body fell to the floor. He was shivering for a while, but then went completely still.

And just like this you get rid of the soul from this world. It was quicker than I had expected. It was easier than I had expected. Death. So small and yet such a big thing.

Erik patted my back like a father proud of his child. But there was nothing to be proud of, he had forced me to murder a man. I glared at him in anger, but he ignored me. He only strightened out his shirt and walked out on the stage.

When the Phantom disappeared behind the curtain I quickly kneeled down beside Piangi. I took a rope off his neck and whispered:

"Signor, are you alright?"

The singer opened his eyes and looked at me surprised. I felt great relief.

"Signor, that was great acting!" I said as he sat up and threw his hands around me as a sign of gratitude.

Oh, I couldn't believe that Erik had fallen for Piangi's fake death. I couldn't just murder the man like that. I was not like Erik.

I seemed as though the singer couldn't speak, either because of the shock or because of the pain that he had just experienced. He quickly got up from the floor and ran out. I followed him with my eyes and then peeked out through the curtain to see the stage.

The main theme of the opera seemed to be fire (no good sign, considering what had happened to the miniature model). Except for literal torches, on the stage there were also flames cut out from cardboard and flowing red ribbons.

Christine was wearing some kind of a spanish, sleeveless dress and had a flower in her hair. She was holding basket full of red roses. She was facing the audience, but as soon as Erik began to sing, she turned around.

"You have come here
In pursuit o your deepest urge,
In pursuit of that wish, which till now has been silent...

He put a finger to his mouth.


I looked over at Christine. She realized what had happened. She didn't look scared, only a bit confused. I started wondering whether it was because she didn't fear Erik or she was just trying not to break the character.

"I have brought you
That our passions may fuse and merge

Erik sang again and flipped his cape. Why does he have to do this?

"In your mind you've already succumbed to me
Dropped all defences completely succumbed to me
Now you are here with me, no second thoughts

Erik smirked seductively at Christine, who was looking away from him.

"You've decided, decided..."

He was getting closer and closer to Christine and finally they were almost face to face. She eventually turned around and saw him flip his cape again. She was gazing into his eyes as he began the refrain:

"Past the point of no return
No backward glances
Our games of make-believe are at an end

He continued to approach Christine and then walked around her, never losing eye contact with her.

"Past all thought of "if" or "when"
No use resisting
Abandon thought and let the dream descend

My heart almost stopped when he just jumped in Christine's direction, but he stood behind her back, placing his hand on her neckline and continued to sing into her ear.

"What raging fire shall flood the soul?
What rich desire unlocks its door?

Christine leaned back on his shoulder and closed her eyes. I was still confused about what she was feeling, but if she was actually enjoying that, I wouldn't be surprised.

"What sweet seduction lies before us?"

Erik sang, walking away a few steps, still holding her hand and keeping his eyes locked on her.

"Past the point of no return
The final threshold
What warm unspoken secrets will we learn?
Beyond the point of no return

She followed the Phantom, but soon he let go off her hand and she turned her head from him again. Erik was looking at it in silence as it was now the time for her verse.

"You have brought me
To that moment when words run dry,

Christine raised her eyes and when I found where she was looking, I saw Raoul in Box 5. I noticed that Erik also glanced at him suggestively. The theatre was filled to the brim and yet it felt like only the three were there.

"To that moment when speech disappears
Into silence...

"...Silence" she repeated.

"I have come here
Hardly knowing the reason why
In my mind, I've already imagined
Our bodies entwining
Defenseless and silent

She looked over at Erik and smiled. In that moment I knew she's acting. She wouldn't ever say that herself.

"Now I am here with you
No second thoughts
I've decided

Christine sang again taking a few steps towards the Phantom. He was focused only on her.

"Past the point of no return
No going back now
Our passion-play has now, at last, begun

The two parted ways and each of them came up to the spiral staircases on the oposite sides of the stage. Christine was still singing:

"Past all thought of right or wrong
One final question
How long should we two wait, before we're one?
When will the blood begin to race?
The sleeping bud burst into bloom?
When will the flames, at last, consume us?

They both reached the top of the stairs and were standing on the bridge above the stage. The Phantom flipped his cape again, taking it off and throwing at the railing. Lost in each other's eyes, him and Christine walked towards the center of the bridge, where they were about to inevitably meet.

"Past the point of no return"

They sang together in a shifted key.

"The final threshold
The bridge is crossed
So stand and watch it burn

When they met, Erik caught Christine and pressed his forehead against her's. Then he quickly turned her around and she was leaning back against his chest.

"We've passed the point of no return..."

The lasted like this for a while. Erik held Christine's hands in his and was slowly running them up and down her waist. The whole audience was completely silent, watching the spectacle, but Erik and Christine, lost in the embrace, seemed not to notice the 500 pairs of eyes looking directly at them. Then he gently brushed her hair away and softly whispered into her ear these words:

"Say you'll share with me
One love, one lifetime
Lead me, save me from my solitude

She slowly pulled away from him, only to have a look at his face, in his eyes.

"Say you want me with you here, beside you
Anywhere you go, let me go too

Erik sang powerfully as ever. He wanted to sing his heart out to Christine. To show his love. To declare it.

"Christine, that's all I ask of —"

Christine snached his mask. I watched in horror what would follow. The audience screamed at the hideousness they had experienced. 

Christine looked apologetically into his eyes. Erik didn't look angry. He didn't look sad. He was disappointed.

Suddenly I noticed police officers surrounding the stage, each of them armed with a loaded gun. They were all aimed at Erik. The Phantom looked around himself, he also saw the danger awaiting him.

In the light I saw a silver blade. Erik swung his knife and cut a rope next to him. Then he pulled shocked Christine to him and kicked a lever on the bridge. In a blink of an eye a trapdoor under them opened and they fell down into a pit in the middle of the stage. I wanted to run after them, but as soon as I took a step my injuried leg refused to take me any further.

Raoul ran onto the stage to chase after the monster as well, but then we both saw a greater disaster to come. A chandelier above the audience was shaking and was about to fall. That's what the rope had been for!

The enormous mass of diamonds and lights plummeted down to the audience. With a loud crash it hit the seats and the orchestra pit. Some managed to escape, some didn't. As if it wasn't enough, the curtains caught on fire. The people were running in amok. The opera house was in uproar and beyond that, the worst thing was that Erik had been right; it was their fall, and he was triumphant...

Word count: 3375

Your allegiant servant,


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