The Black Sheep | George Weas...

By Sydney3027

1.2M 36K 13.6K

Lyra Malfoy has always felt like a stranger in her family, she felt misplaced. As she feels torn between hers... More

Twenty-Eight (Explicit)
Sixty-Three: Wedding


11.8K 356 238
By Sydney3027

Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour opened back up for the summer. It was now run by his daughter after his abduction by Death Eaters.

Lyra sat outside the storefront at an umbrella covered table. She had an ice cream Sundae with Alicia and Katie. It was a very warm day and Lyra could feel sweat running down her spine.

Katie seemed to have a giddy smile, like she couldn't wait to share something. Before Lyra could ask, she blurted it out.

"Do you know that boy I was dancing with? At the party?"

Alicia and Lyra exchanged a glance but Alicia seemed to know more as her smile grew large.

"Yes, do go on Miss Bell." Alicia replied.

"Well... I've seen him around but I've never really gotten to know him. He graduated with you two, his name's Graham Romsey. He was really sweet. We are going on a date tomorrow- here actually. I cannot wait!"

"That's great!" Lyra exclaimed. "If he makes you uncomfortable at all, just apparate away. I'll kick his arse too."

Katie blushed deeply. "I don't think he will. He's a proper gentleman."

"Are you guys going to shag?" Alicia teased.

"No!" Katie growled with embarrassment. "Shut up! It's my first real date. I'm really nervous."

"Just be yourself. If he doesn't like it, it's his loss. You are a great catch." Lyra grinned.

"Thanks..." She clearly wanted to now talk about something else and take her mind off her date. "Have you heard from St Mungo's?"

Lyra shook her head with a frown. "No, unfortunately." She sighed grimly.

"I'm sure you'll hear back soon." Katie replied. "Summer has just started after all."

"Yeah," she poked around her sundae.

"George has been looking for a flat, I heard." Alicia blurted out. "Angel said Fred and him had a massive fight, the biggest she had ever seen. I heard things are still rocky."

"George sent me a letter. It sounded like Fred was just trying to hurt him. You know how arguments can be. You don't mean it, you just want to hurt them back." Lyra replied.

"Do you think they'll have a massive falling out and not speak again?" Katie questioned nervously.

Lyra shook her head. "No way, they'll work through this. I'm sure of it."

When she arrived home, she had two letters: one from St Mungo's and another from Mrs. Weasley (how peculiar).

She scrambled to open the first letter, her hands shaking vigorously.

Dear Lyra Druella Malfoy,

You have been accepted as an intern for St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries! Congratulations!

Your internship will start August 4th, 1997

You will be working under Healer Sallow, arrive at 8 AM sharp

You'll be required to wear a white robe and your pay is 3 Galleons, 4 Sickles, and 3 Knuts/hour.

If you have any questions, please write a letter back addresses to Madame Smithfield.


Genevieve Moe

Lyra was so happy! She screamed and ran down the stairs to the kitchen, startling Andromeda in the process.

"I've been accepted!" She screamed, flailing the letter. "I'm going to be working under Healer Sallow!"

Andromeda took the letter and read it through quickly. "This is marvelous news!" She brought Lyra into a bone crushing hug. "I'll cook a very special dinner! What would you like?"

"Uh... Cottage pie." Lyra grinned.

"I'll start preparing! Go tell everyone! Goodness! I'll floo Molly!" Andromeda rushed to the living room.

Lyra let out a squeal and ran up the stairs to her bedroom. She pulled out clean pieces of parchment and began writing her friends and George. It was rushed and sloppy but she couldn't help it. Her hands were still shaking.

She realized she never answered Mrs. Weasley's letter and began opening it with care.

Dear Lyra,

You are coming to Bill and Fleur's wedding, are you dear? Will you be staying over or will you come over with Andromeda and Ted?

Have they told you we are transferring Harry to the Burrows. They will be arriving to Andy's the evening of the 27th. I know you are studying to be a healer, if you could make sure Harry is not injured, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Thank you, dear.


Mrs. Weasley

Lyra was aware of the wedding, she had just been so busy and hadn't had time to think about it. She also remembered George telling her the plan to sneak Harry to the Burrows. They planned on using polyjuice potion. Professor Moody was concocting it.

She wondered how Fred and George would behave with their recent fighting.

Lyra quickly wrote back, stating she will be attending but will be leaving with her aunt. She also agreed to giving Harry a checkup when he arrived.

When she finally arrived downstairs for dinner, Andromeda was telling Ted the great news and that she had invited George over to celebrate.

"George?" Lyra questioned.

They looked over into the corridor. Andromeda wringed her hands nervously. "Yes, it was supposed to be a surprise." She pouted.

"I'll act surprised." Lyra suggested.

"You're sweet." Andromeda pinched her rosy cheeks.

When George arrived, Tonks and Remus did as well. Ted pulled out the aged wine for the celebration. They all took a glass but Tonk's.

"You love this wine." Andromeda pointed out to her daughter. "What's gotten into you?"

"I just don't feel like drinking, mum." Tonk's shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh my goodness!" Andromeda screeched. "You're pregnant!"

"Mum! Don't be ridiculous!" Tonks seemed to grow nervous. She looked at Lupin who seemed to be talking with her eyes. Tonks finally deflated. "Alright, yes, I'm bloody pregnant."

"Oh!" Andromeda burst into tears and Ted couldn't stop grinning like a fool.

"Seriously? We are going to be grandparents?" Ted questioned.

"It's only been a month, we wanted to wait until we knew there wouldn't be any complications." Remus spoke up.

"This is great news. Congratulations to you both." Lyra cheered with her glass.

"Yeah, have you guys thought of baby names?" George grinned.

"Oh Merlin no!" Tonks answered. "It's too early for that."

"You are keeping it, aren't you?" Andromeda breathed.

Tonks scoffed. "Yes, mum. We are bloody keeping it!"

"Good! I can't wait to be a grandma! I need to start knitting!"

"Mum, relax. You have time to make them itchy socks."

"Shush it!"

"B-but this is about Lyra." Remus reminded everyone.

"I don't mind. I'm very excited for you both." Lyra shrugged.

She felt George's hand on her knee. "I wish you luck, Lupin. If the baby is anything like it's mother... You'll have your hands full." George laughed.

"Oi!" Tonks hit his arm. "I am a piece of cake!"

"You never have been easy, my dear." Andromeda muttered over her glass.

Everyone started chuckling, all except Tonks. She crossed her arms and leaned her back against the chair.

After dinner, Andromeda pulled out blueberry pie. Everyone cut a piece and ate happily. It was a wonder meal.

After, everyone reclined in the living room. Lyra leaned back on the sofa next to George, resting her head on his shoulder while Tonks bothered her mother.

"How are you and Fred?" Lyra whispered.

George shrugged. "We haven't spoke in three days. He's pissed off at me. I found a flat, a bit expensive but near Diagon Alley. Three bedrooms too! It's nice. When I tried to show him, he lost it. He accused me of not being serious enough about the joke shop. He claimed I wasn't being a good partner, only because I wanted to move out. I would be in walking distance, but he didn't care about that. He was being a wanker."

"Don't take it to heart. You know he loves you. He just isn't ready for you to be independent."

"He's just scared to be alone." He grumbled. "It's not about me. It's about being completely alone. He is being so selfish and is calling me selfish for leaving. It's maddening."

"You two will come around. I know you will make up." She pat his chest.

"I know too. It's just annoying to see him act like a child in the shop, asking Verity to repeat what I just fucking said when I'm standing right there. It's so immature- and that's coming from me."

"When do you move in?"

"Two weeks, I've ordered furniture and I'm filling out paperwork. I have to hide all the paperwork from Fred or he might burn it... Or piss on it."

"Two more weeks and you have your own flat. I'll help you move in."

"Thanks, babe. I'm excited actually. I can't wait to have my own home." He grinned proudly.

When they all left, George gave her a kiss on the cheek with everyone watching closely. It felt awkward. Andromeda gasped as if she was watching a romance play out.

Lyra went to bed early and read her medical books instead of watching television with Ted like she usually did.

The next day, she went to Diagon Alley and bought three white robes for work. She saw the boarded up buildings grow. She felt sad to see a place that used to be filled with so much joy be filled with melancholy.

Lyra went to a convenient shop and sent to the feminine product section. She grabbed a box of tampons, she was supposed to get her period soon and wanted to be prepared.

When she arrived back to Andromeda's, she was knitting baby socks and a cap. She was overjoyed to have a grandchild on the way. She was humming away, not noticing Lyra was back from town.

Lyra went upstairs and put her things away. She laid on her back and read a medical book for a distraction. She wanted to be well prepared for her first day.

She didn't know how but she fell asleep and woke up with the book against her chest and the sun starting to set along the horizon. She rubbed sleep from her eyes as she heard Andromeda on the stairs.

Her door opened wide. "Dinner time." She grinned.

Days started to go by and no sign of her period. She started to panic and think about how they didn't have protection. She didn't want to tell George until she knew for sure. It could just be late for no reason. It doesn't mean she pregnant.

But when a week went by without her period, she started to worry more. She decided she should talk to George, just in case.

She waited the next day when George and her went out on a date. They went to a cute teashop. Andromeda was a little upset that she wouldn't be home for dinner.

Lyra was nervous and barely touched her meal. George was talking about work and complaining about Fred, he didn't seem to notice how she was growing more and more anxious.

He finally finished off his wine and decided to change the subject off from him complaining. "Are you alright? You barely touched your plate."

"I-I have to tell you something." Lyra forced out.

"Okay," he let out an awkward laugh. "You're not breaking up with me are you?" He was only half-joking.

"What? No!" She shook her head, noticing him relaxing his shoulders. "My period is late." She bit her lip.

"What?" He froze.

"It doesn't necessarily mean I'm pregnant, don't worry. It's just a week late and I'm a little worried."

"Okay..." Color drained from his face. "Okay... Okay..."

She grabbed his hand. "Are you okay, George?"

"Yes, I'm fine." His voice cracked. "Like you said, it doesn't mean you're pregnant." He started pouring himself more wine. "If you're pregnant mum is going to fucking kill me."

"George, calm down, Love." She tried to soothe him. "Everything will be okay."

"Right, right. Right..." He started to break out into a sweat. "How are you feeling?"

"Normal. Just a little worried."

"A little?" He croaked.

"George, it could be because of stress. It doesn't mean I'm pregnant."

"Lyra, if you are pregnant, what will we do? We are so young?"

She shrugged her shoulders. She didn't know. She had no idea. "I don't know."

"We are so bloody young."

"I know. George, you're spirally."

"And you're not?"

"No, because we don't even know if I'm pregnant. Deep breaths. Very deep breaths. We still have time before we have to panic."

"Right, because we don't know. We have no idea." He took another large gulp.

When they got to Andromeda's front door, George gave her a chaste kiss.

"You still love me, right?" Lyra croaked.

"Of course I still love you. With all my heart." He kissed her knuckles. "If you are pregnant, we'll figure this out. If you're not, we'll celebrate."


Lyra went to bed that night, but it was fitful. She couldn't stop imagining herself pregnant. She eventually got up to go to the bathroom.

When she went to wipe, she was relieved to find blood on the toilet paper.

Oh, thank Merlin. She wouldn't be a teenage mum.

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