Heartless Devil | WWE Fanfict...

Par AmazingChanges

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In which the Heartless Devil is trying to figure out her way around her career, friendship and love. ________... Plus

Kira's Move Set & Accolades
Kira's Intro Music, Gear & Bio
Act I
01 | Return Preparation
02 | She's Back for War
03 | Girl Time
04 | Raw Debut Plans!
05 | Team Scottish Devil
06 | Main Roster Time
07 | Travel Partners
08 | Nightmares
09 | Are You Okay?
10 | Late Night Stroll
11 | Hell in a Cell
12 | Girlfriend
13 | The Ex's Grand Entrance
14 | Undisputed Protection
Act II
02 | Plus and Minus
03 | The Party
04 | Teddy Bear
05 | Recovered and Bruised
06 | Sparring With My Emotions
07 | I'll Go Through The Havoc With You
08 | Love
09 | Daily Life
10 | Takeover: In Your House

01 | She's Home

137 4 0
Par AmazingChanges

Its been about 6 months since Kira had relinquished her RAW Women's Championship. In that time frame she had cut her long hair into a shoulder length design with her hair being a wine red color. She ended up getting a few more piercings on her ear, oh and she became the 5th member of the Undisputed Era on NXT. 

Or at least she was about to.

It took a lot of convincing from the boys but eventually, Kira decided to join their group on NXT just for the heck of it. Throughout her 6 months of not being on the main roster, she had only talked to Kofi, Woods and Charlotte since she had missed them the most. She did cut ties however, with Asuka, Kairi and Braun since they had ended up becoming friends with her toxic ex, Cameron. Apparently Cam had became a superstar on the main roster, skipping NXT in its entirety.

Drew attempted to reach out to the now red-head Kira but she only ignored each of his attempts because she didn't want to talk to him since she was still a bit hung up on their breakup. Unknown to Kira however, Io would give Drew updates on what she would be doing since Io wanted to see the two get back together.

It was early Wednesday morning and Kira was currently in her apartment in Orlando, as she was drinking coffee and feeding her dogs. "You know Pommy, I'm a nice person right?" She asked her Pomeranian, Pomegranate and the cute tan and fluffy dog only barked in response. "See, I was thinking that too but Kyle says I'm not for 'stealing his thunder.'" She said, "I mean, why would I steal his thunder right? If anything he steals mine." 

Just as she was about to continue she heard her cell phone ring so she walked over to pick it up. "Yello? This is the one and only amazing dog owner, Kira." She answered to only be met with a sigh. "Don't you like ever get tired of saying that?" Adam asked. "Nope." Kira replied as she popped the letter 'P' at the end.

"Right, well I have a very very quick question."

"Shoot." She said. "So.. uh there may or may not be some people in the audience more specifically the front row today for NXT. And it may have something to do with Io and apparently Bobby and Roderick as well." He said since he was nervous about her reaction. "Why do you even tell me? It's probably my parents or whatever." She said not really caring about what the 3 of them did since it was normal to her.

"Well- you know what nevermind, its not that important. Make sure you get to the CWC early today, yeah?"  He said.  "You got it captain champ." She said while doing a salute with her hand, even though Adam couldn't see it. "Yeah. See you then!"

"Pommy, it's probably gonna be my parents.. right?" She asked her dog but Pomegranate only looked at her owner before walking off to find their other sister, Cookie. "Welp." was all Kira said as she went to watch a movie before she had to get ready and head to the Capitol Wrestling Center.

"Promise me a place, in your house of memories!" Kira sang as she was walking into the CWC with her duffle bag that had her gear and extra clothes for after the show. She had her headphones in and was listening to Panic! At The Disco, as she looked for her friends. She spotted Adam and Kyle talking in a hallway with a not-so-thrilled look on their faces.

"Hey my non real brothers! Where's everyone else?" She asked the boys, which turned their attention onto her since they didn't see her till now. 

"Uh they are kinda doing some-" 

"They are just doing some photoshoots." Adam said cutting Kyle off. The Truth was that Io, Bobby and Roderick were actually talking to Kofi, Woods, E, Charlotte and Drew about where they should be sitting in the front row, along with when Kira would be in a match. "Oh. Hope it doesn't go well! If you need me, I'll be in your locker room changing and relaxing till we gotta head out!" She said as she turned and started her walk to the Undisputed Era's locker room.

"Who says, 'hope it doesn't go well'?" Kyle asked Adam. "Why are you asking me? I don't understand half of the positive or negative things she says anymore." He said. Kyle hummed in agreement before the two decided to go search for their missing 3 friends. In all honesty, they both had seen the weird comments from Kira but never addressed them towards their friend because they knew it had to be her breakup taking a toll on her.

"Guys, there you are! Your so hard to find." Adam said as he and Kyle approached the 8 people in front of them. "We aren't hard to find and you would of seen us quicker, if you didn't take your sweet time here." Bobby said as the two men approached them inside of the training area.

"Well sorry, if we had to distract our one friend who may get very pissed off by the end of today." Adam retorted back sarcastically. "How's she doin' by the way?" Drew spoke up. The entire time he had been in the CWC which was a total of 2 hours, all he could think about was seeing Kira and talking to her. "Negative? Positive? I really don't know man, she hides her feelings from all of us." Kyle said which caused him to hum before going back to being silent.

"Well, if I do know one thing then it's that she's home." Io said trying to spread some positivity among the 10 of them. Everyone smiled a bit at her comment since they all knew how much Kira loves NXT. They all took a moment to themselves to think of Kira, before they went back to planning their 'surprise' for Kira.

After a half an hour of their planning, the boys had decided to head back to their locker room to get Kira since they were gonna be opening the show tonight in a match against the current tag team champions, MSK. Io had sent Drew, Kofi, Woods, E and Charlotte to their seats in the front row before running off to get ready since she had a contract signing later that night.

"I need another story, something to get off my chest. My life is kinda boring, need something that I can confess." Kira sang softly as she sat in her best friends locker room. She felt so sad all of a sudden and ended up crying but now she was stuck listening to sad songs. Unknown to her though, her best friends were approaching the room and heard her soft singing. "Kira? Uh we gotta head out for a match now.." Kyle said as he knocked on the door and poked his head into the side. The girl nodded and told him that she'd be out in a minute, after fixing her makeup of course.

She was now standing by the gorilla with her friends until their theme music was played. She went out shortly after seeing as they all turned their heads to the entrance as their music was cut short. Kira's music played shortly after and the fans all cheered when they saw their beloved wrestler walk out. She was dressed in black jeans and a yellow shirt with matching black sneakers. To match her fit with her friends however, she had Jessica design her a black jacket with the Undisputed Era's logo on the back.

Kira walked out, did a spin to show her jacket's logo before turning back around to join her friends. They all lined up with Kira in the middle as they did the UE sign with their hands before making their way to the ring. As Kira was interacting with the fans on her way to the ring however she noticed a familiar face in her friends but more interestingly the one that got her attention the most was from the man she loved. It was Drew McIntyre.

They both locked eyes before Kira turned away as she masked her pain with a smile, she stepped into the ring with her friends doing the UE pose that they all practiced while her friends and Drew's eyes were only on her. 'I'm gonna kill my friends.' she thought as she stepped to the ringside as MSK were making their way to the ring.

The ref rang the bell after they did their entrance however chants of  "Undisputed Devil!" kept on going around while the match occured. Roddy and Adam were outside with her as their other two friends were in the match. Right as Wes Lee went for a cover on Bobby however Roddy and Adam went to beat up his partner, Nash Carter as Kira would be distracting the referee. It was enough to allow Bobby to attempt a successful roll-up pin which caused the UE to win the match. Kira went into the ring and fist bumped her friends as she then raised their hands up in victory. 

She then got an idea that she thought would be good to execute. She had been talking to Regal and Hunter about what feud to put her in and they had wanted to include her into the current feud of Dakota Kai and Io Shirai. She knew that later tonight they would be having a contract signing so she decided to make a teaser for what she planned to do later that night. She grabbed a mic as the Undisputed Era's music quieted down and the NXT Universe cheered before quieting down to let their favorite speak. Her friends had their attention on the red-head.

"This match, this win is a prime example as for why the Undisputed Era is the greatest faction to ever exist. This is only a start to the UE gaining all the gold in NXT once again. Io Shirai? Step aside, because your standing in the spotlight of a D-I-V-A that is top tier in this division." Kira said as she threw the mic down to the ground and winked before heading to leave the ring with her friends. The boys we shocked at this confident speech of hers but none the less were in support of whatever their friend was planning. Her other friends however in the audience were curious as to what Kira was planning. Including Drew.


did i listen to Panic! and One Republic while writing this chapter? yes. yes i did.

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