Obey Me: UnExpected

By CandleQueenEleven88

583 0 0

I DO NOT OWN OBEY ME! I am a just a fan, that's it. During selection time and they are looking for a excha... More

Selection Day(flashback)
Decisions, decisions
The Leap
Tokyo! Tokyo! Tokyo!
Hotel Corvo...
Tokyo! Tokyo! Part 1
Tokyo! Tokyo! Part 2
Tokyo! Tokyo! Part 3
Tokyo! Oh. No!
Toky...What did you just say?
Welcome to Devildom Part 2
Inside the castle
And so it happened...
Storms approaching
RAD Part 1
RAD Part 2
Welcome Home
First Day Back
Back To Normal
The Waiting...
Together Again
Rebuilding the Shattered Hearts
Final notes
The One who Ran Away Part 1
The One who Ran Away Part 2
One sided love

Welcome to Devildom

17 0 0
By CandleQueenEleven88

   Brianna and Diavolo stayed in the bedroom kissing and holding each other.  "So are we going to do this all day?  I want to look around your kingdom!"  Diavolo smiles at her.  "I thought you missed me?" Brianna kissed him on his forehead.  "I did, I missed you, I missed you a lot."  Brianna made a face and felt like she was about to vomit.  "Move, move, move!"  She pushes Diavolo off of her and ran into his bathroom.  ~puke~ "Brianna?"  ~puke~ "Hey, are you okay?"  She yells back to him.  "Yeah, pregnancy sickness.  I'll be oka...~puke~". Diavolo walked into the bathroom to see Brianna hovering over the toilet.  "No!  Don't look at me."  As she tries to push him out of the bathroom.  Diavolo laughs.  "I'm not leaving you, what do you need, sweetie?"  He rubs her back and calls for Barbatos.  "Yes, Young Master, will she be alright sir?" Diavolo ask for something for her.  "It seems she has an upset stomach, is dinner ready?"  Brianna held her stomach, while laying on the floor. "Yes, we have it ready in the dining hall.  But I can bring it here, in the bathroom for you?" Brianna shook her head. "Ugh!  That tastes terrible.  May I have some water, please?"  Diavolo got her a glass of water.  "Here you go?  Drink it slowly."  Brianna started drinking the water, and once she was finished, she threw that up too.  ~puke~

   They finally got out the bathroom, and walked into the dining room.  Dinner was placed on the table and something smelled wonderful.  "What's that smell?" She looked around, searching for it, smelling everything. "Well we have roasted basilisk with rosemary and vegetables?"  #3 explained.  "No, that's not it." #2 pointed at the soup. "Well, we also have Devilfish Stew?"  She shook her head. "No, that's not it either, something sweet?"  Barbatos spoke, coming out of the kitchen holding something.  "Ah, you must mean Triple Chocolate Strawberry Lava Cake, one of Lord Diavolo's favorite."  Brianna's mouth started watering, she stared at it.  Diavolo cut her a slice, and gave it to her.  She grabbed it with her hands and ate it.  "Oooooh, that's goooood!  Did you make this?"  They watched her eat.  Barbatos nodded but was slightly grossed out, while the little D's cheered her on and Diavolo admired his lady.  "Hey, who are these little guys?"  Brianna asked, while eating the cake.  "Oh, these are the little devils we have as our servants.  We have a few of them, and they stay here at the castle." She then switched to a fork. "Aww, their kinda cute." Barbatos placed his hand on his chin. "Yes, but don't tell them that."  Chimed Barbatos and made Brianna laugh.  After she finished that piece of cake, Diavolo cut her another slice.  "Here, want something to drink?"  He handed her some tea.  "I'll have water if that's okay.  I can't have too much tea.  Actually I have to drink a lot of water."  "I'm sorry, I didn't know.  What else do we have to look out for during the pregnancy?" He asked. "Oh no, you are fine.  A lot of things, I have to stay active but also get your rest. Eat healthier, less sweets, No smoking, no drinking alcohol, no baths, no roller coasters, no saunas. A lot of stuff." Diavolo was stunned. "Okay, so what can you do?"

"I can still enjoy everything, those are things to avoid. Those things are harmful to the babies." We continue with dinner.  I tried some of the roasted basilisk with vegetables.  "Wow, that's good.  Kinda taste like beef and pork mixed."  She ate bites of basilisk between bites of cake, which sounded gross, but tasted pretty good. "So will you take me around tomorrow? Are you busy with your regular work?" Brianna asked.  "I do have to go to the RAD tomorrow, then I have a student council meeting to attend. I also have to finish all the paperwork piled up on my desk. Also I have to over see Devildom too." Brianna was surprised on all that he does, but she knew how important his job was and how much it meant to him. "Also I have to talk with the exchange students." Brianna smiled and rubbed his arm.  "I understand, your very busy. I will stay here and wait for you." Once they finished he gave her a quick tour of the castle. 20 bedrooms, two living rooms, 2 ball rooms, library, Billiards room, several rooms to stay away from including Barbatos room, and the underground tomb. Once they came back to the entrance way Diavolo's tour ended. "I will escort you to the bedroom, I have to work in my office. And I will see you later." Brianna looked around the entrance way of the castle.  "Okay, keep up with the wonderful work you are doing!" She gave him a kiss on the cheek, and they walked to the bedroom.

Diavolo took his leave not before assigning a little d for her. "If you need anything, I will have #3, stay to be your guide."  Brianna nodded.  "Now #3, I trust you will keep a eye on Brianna for me?" #3 nodded. "Without a doubt Lord Diavolo, she's not going anywhere I can't see." Diavolo laughed. "Excellent! I will see you later. I'm so glad you are here. I love you, Brianna!" He kisses her on the neck. "I'm glad I came too. I love you Diavolo!" And she kisses him on the lips. Diavolo took his exit, and Brianna wanted to do something. But she remembered that she didn't bring her clothes. "I forgot that I didn't pack any clothes? What if it needed to change?" The little d laughed. "Don't worry, we brought everything from the hotel here already. It's placed in the drawers." And showed her where her stuff was. "Wow, that's some serious magic." The little d just looked at her. "#3, is everything okay?" Brianna reached down to check on him and little d eyes widen and quickly left the room. "I'll be right back, Miss Brianna!"

She didn't know what to make of the awkwardness between her and #3, but she thought it was cute. She went into the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for bed. While undressing she looked at herself in the mirror. "Okay, it's slowly turning into a little bump." She began to rub her bump but notice she wasn't alone. A image of another woman was looking back at her. Brianna started to get startled. This image was doing the exact same movements she was, which made her freak out more. She started to yell but a flashback popped into her head. ("I'm sorry Diavolo, I need to go." And the view of running through the woods. To the town square and teleporting.). "Brianna? Brianna? Brianna?!" Brianna started panting hard. She was disoriented and confused. "Brianna, are you alright?" She looked around and saw #3, looking at her. "What just happened?"

#3 didn't know what to say. "Um, you were just standing here in the bathroom staring out in space. Do you want me to get Lord Diavolo?" She tried to calm down. "No, you don't need to get him." She realized she was naked, quickly grabbed a towel and wrapped herself. "I had a strange daydream that's all. I was looking at myself and then I wasn't. I'm alright #3, thank you for checking on me." Brianna gave him a little hug which made him blush. "Okay, okay, knock it off. If you need anything just ring the bell." And #3 left. (That's was strange, who was that? And why did they leave Diavolo? Wait was that her?)

Brianna went back into the bathroom this time not looking in the mirror. She enjoyed a warm shower on her body. "Mmm, just want I needed." She continued her shower and once she was done she got dressed for bed. While brushing her teeth, she looked in the mirror again to see that she wasn't losing her sanity. As she looked at herself she wasn't worried. "See it's all in my head." And then she notice how some of her features changed. First it was the color of her hair from long sandy brown curls to long straight white hair, her skin lightened from caramal to a tan, and her eyes went from brown to hazel. She looked different but also she looked the same. "No way! You must be her!" ("Yes, I'm D'narah!")

Brianna stared at the mirror again. "What do you want with me?" The person mouthed her question back to her. (This is strange. What do I do?). While looking at the mirror, Brianna didn't notice someone coming into the bathroom. "Brianna?" She slowly turns her head to the voice. And it was Diavolo standing there. "Hey, what are you doing? Headed to bed already?" She looked back at the mirror and saw herself, touching her hair, feeling her face. (Okay, still weird?). "Brianna?" She turned back to him. "Yes, Diavolo. I'm sorry, I'm just a little out of it. I think I might be tired." He cocked a half smile. "Okay, so you want to go to bed then?" He said, while he was walking slowly towards her. He wrapped his arms around her, and began to kiss on her neck. With her eyes slowly closing, they swayed together, before Brianna turned around and began kissing his neck. Diavolo let out a light growl, which made Brianna's eyebrow rise. "Ooo, that was sexy! Let me hear it again?" This time it sounded like a tiger getting ready to pounce.

He picked Brianna up as she wrapped her legs around him. As he was walking towards the bed, Diavolo was caressing Brianna legs up to her butt while enjoying the neck kisses. "Mmm, Diavolo." He began to squeeze her butt once she started licking on his ears lobes. He stood in front of the bed, rubbing, kissing until Brianna started unbuttoning his shirt keeping his tie on him. "Brianna, I still have work to do? Just give me some more time and I'm all yours." Brianna sighed, and buttoned up his shirt. "Okay, thank you for checking on me. I hope I didn't keep you too long." Diavolo smiled. "Absolutely not, I wanted to check on you. You are a great distraction. Maybe you can distract me in my office sometimes." Brianna started blushing at what he said. "Sure, I wouldn't mind distracting you by.." And she whispered in his ear. Diavolo's eyes got wide and he had a big smile on his face. "I look forward to that distraction!"

He put Brianna down on the ground, kissed her lips and took his leave. "I'll see you later." Brianna waved.  "Okay, bye." Now that she was alone, she wanted something to do. "#3?" #3 appeared by walking through the door. "Wait you can walk through walls?" #3 nodded. "Yes, we're ghost demons." Brianna was stunned. "Hmm, good to know. Would you be able to take me to the library, I would like to read some books if that's okay?" #3 huffed. "Alright, come with me. Please stay close so you don't get lost and or eaten." Brianna really hoped he was joking when he said eaten that she did a nervous laugh. "Hehe, right! Wait what? Why would I get eaten?" He turned at looked at her puzzled. "You do know your in Devildom, which is known to humans as hell. Yes, we have animals to eat but we also eat humans too." Brianna was stunned.  "Oh, I didn't know that." #3 just looked at her.  "Yet you couldn't wait to come here?" He moved closer to her face. "Why did you want to come her anyways?" She looked at him, puzzled by the question. "Because I love Diavolo, and I want to be with him." Still in her face.  "Even though he's a demon?" Brianna nodded her head, and #3 rolled his eyes. "You will soon learn that you've made a mistake. Come one let's go to the library."

   ("You will soon learn that you've made a mistake."). Brianna wondered what #3 meant by that.  She thought about it more and more as they made their way to the library, where it was filled from wall to wall, floor to ceiling with books.  Books from every era, every generation, every where.  Books from Celestial realm in a section of the library specifically designed for them.  They had Devildom history books, created to reflect the darkness of Devildom, and they had a human world section, which felt just like home.  Books in all types of languages, those spoken fluently and even those that were lost or forgotten.  "I was told by #3, to mostly stay in the human realm section, because and I quote "human brains aren't quite equipped to understand our language.""  She said sarcastically.

   While looking at the books in the human world section she stumbled upon books she haven't read since she was a child.  "No way!  I haven't read this book in ages."  Brianna turned around and saw the entire collections from authors.  "We're there that many Goose Bumps books?  These books are probably not scary to demons though."  She continued, looking over the books.  "Harrison Porter and in all originals too, unopened!  Why even have them."  Brianna picked up a book and started reading on the couch placed in the human world section.  Things were going well until my stomach started growling.  "I'm getting hungry again.  But I don't want to leave.  I can't eat in her so, alright."  She got up and placed the book back on the shelf.  As she made her way past the other sections of the library, she noticed some words written on the outside of the Devildom section.  It was not only in a language she didn't understand but also it didn't look like letters she never seen either.  "That's strange, I wonder what that means?"  The closer she got the letters started to swirl and morph, becoming legible.  She started to read out loud.  "The prophecy lies under ones wings, in order to be the one true king.  Ruler to all human, demon and angel, I place upon you my son, D..." And a hand was placed over my mouth before she could finish what she read.  "How do you know how to read that?  And who are you really?"

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